Becoming Parents

When they became foster parents Drew Alister and Rick Lincoln hadn't expected to have a precious toddler to be placed with them within a week. They were prepared for a baby or young child, a nursery, diapers, carseat, high chair and toys. Six-month-old Skylar known as "Sky" was a little girl no one wanted; her biological parent's life was chaotic. Their house a pig sty. She was willingly handed over to CPS at just three months old, a swift termination of parental rights followed. The few family placements failed and other foster-to-adopt placement had fell though. The social worker hoped "this would be her last stop."

Skylar had huge blue eyes and curly dark brown hair. She had a blank expression on her face when the woman passed her to Drew. Even then the couple was ready and willing to adopt her. Same-sex adoption was still a hard process but the judge handling the case had informed CPS even if the family was "non-traditional, extending to same-sax couple" that if Skylar [and the foster-to-adopt family] formed the bond adoption proceedings were to begin. The child deserved permanency and should have had it long ago." Both men realized that any issue, medical or psychological could arise in the future.

And they would deal with it.

Not give her back to a broken system like she were a piece of furniture.

The social worker smiled in shocked delight when as Drew spoke to Skylar softly, telling her he was happy to meet her. The child immediately made eye contact with him.

Skylar had never done this before.

Rick told the woman that their friend Janet Zia was on her way over with boxes of infant clothes and toys her daughters had outgrown. Their foster child was dropped off with two sleepers and two outfits that had clearly had better days, not even a stuffed toy or pacifier, to her name. Drew had immediately found a brand new pacifier for her. Skylar would have everything she required till they went shopping. Skylar would wake up a lot at night according to the social worker. After being in so many placements in her very short life, Rick silently wondered why the hell Skylar wouldn't do that. She was in a new place so often she was likely scared out of her mind.

Hearing Skylar didn't really now how to play with toys because no one had interacted with her long enough to show her, somehow didn't come as a surprise to Rick or Drew either, somehow. Her other placements stated she was "too clingy." That she wanted to held too much.

"What the hell is wrong with people?" Drew asked angrily.

That was going to change. Skylar now had two parents that weren't afraid to hold her all day long and get down on the floor and play with her. They were free to refer to themselves by any title they choose. Both choose "daddy." Tons of sleepless nights and cuddles were in the future but the two knew they could make things better for Skylar and soon she would be their daughter. Normally all foster children, even babies had to sleep in their own room. But because of her sleeping issue they were told if they wanted to have Skylar stay in their room till she settled in it was fine. The department had okayed this at the recommendation of a therapist, the case worker even showed them this on paper for proof.

One thing that wasn't a problem with Skylar was eating. When they got the phone call Rick had gone out and purchased baby food, rice cereal and formula. Because it was June Rick was not working, childcare wouldn't an issue. When the summer was over if it appeared to them that Skylar needed him to, he was ready and willing to resign from his job at the police academy.

Skylar was neither hungry or in need of a diaper change after arriving at her new, for now temporary home. She looked up at Rick from his lap after he placed a kiss on the top of her head he removed her jacket. Rick couldn't help but think eyes that young shouldn't look so sad. Then she did something unexpected, she buried her face in Rick's chest and gripped on to his shirt.

"Do you want a hug? C'mere," he murmured, raising her to his shoulder where she rested her head, her tiny hands holding the fabric of his shirt yet again. "It's all right, little one. You're home, now."