My first Lucaya/GMW fanfic! Hope you all enjoy.

Remember, it takes hours to write, minutes to read, and seconds to review. Please review!


He can't believe this is happening. There was blood, so much blood. How could such a beautiful sunny day turn so dark in an instant? One minute, she laughing calling him "Huckleberry", the breeze lifts her hair and the sun casts a halo on her and he's chasing her with a stupid grin on his face with Riley and Farkle cheering in the background.

The next a car comes speeding by and he only watches in horror, and it's as if the world is going in slow motion as he watches Maya turn, her laugh dying, eyes widening, then everything speeds up and he hears a sickening smack. She's on the floor blood pooling around her head that keeps getting bigger. It's pouring out of her nose and mouth, and he runs to cradle her head, her warm sticky blood coating his arms, but he doesn't care because her eyes are closed and she's not moving.

He hears himself yelling for help as the driver comes out of the car and freaks out, attempting to go back in and drive away and all he can see is red. He tenderly passes Maya off to Riley who's crying and screaming Maya's name as he jumps up and catches the driver who's fumbling with the gears. He rips open the car door, grabs the man by his shirt, and suddenly Lucas is punching him. The man is crying out and he doesn't know how long he's been punching when suddenly he's forced back with lights and sirens blaring in his ears and his hand is stinging like a bitch.

He cries out when he sees Maya being taken away in an ambulance, but strong arms are holding him back. Riley is suddenly hugging him and he holds her tight when a paramedic comes to take him away to fix his hand. "Hurry," he snaps because all he wants is to see Maya and make sure she's okay, and his heart is hammering so hard like it's going to jump out of his chest, his breath is ragged, and his vision is getting a little blurry.

He collapses when he hears the doctors say she probably has an hour to live, her skull is fractured in so many places, they did the best they could he hears the doctors plead, but what good is their best if she's going to die?

They all take turns saying goodbye and it's a miracle that it's already been 2 hours and she can open her eyes and even whisper a word or two. They don't tell her she's dying because Maya already knows and she's made peace with it. All she wants is to see everyone's face one for a final time.

Lucas is the last one to see her, with Katy and Riley having to be dragged away because they didn't want to leave her. But the minute he walks in, her eyes find his and everyone else is leaving. He grabs her hand and suddenly he's crying for her not to leave him, for her to be strong, that he could never love another as he did with her. Maya is silent and squeezes his hand lightly when the air in the room suddenly shifts, with a feeling that they are no longer alone. No, it felt like death had appeared and he saw her looking at him with a knowing gaze that he understood what this meant, he had to say goodbye.

When Maya's breath started coming out in short bursts, Lucas closed his eyes and made a deal with God. If he couldn't be with Maya in this lifetime, he'd be with her in every other, because even in a million different lifetimes, he'd always pick her.

"Me too," he hears her whisper and he snaps his eyes open, but hers are closed and the heart monitor makes a flat sound. He's shouting her name, MAYA! MAYA! and he grips her hand hard because he can feel his heart shattering, but it's only being held together by the fact that he'd always be with her in another life, but eternally alone in this one.
