Hi everyone! This is my very first story so please tell me what you think. If you don't like it, then don't read or critisize. If you haven't finished the Percy Jackson series, do NOT read! I have to thank MirabethPotter for encouraging me to write this!
Chapt. 1
Percy's POV
My life is anything but normal. Fighting for my life, saving the world, getting kidnapped, having amnesia, falling into tar- tartu- the pit.. oh then saving the world again! But Nooo. The fates just have to choose me to pick on.
I was in the arena showing new campers some disarming moves. As I was blocking a move, Nico came jogging up towards us.
"Hey Perce, Chiron wants you. He said it was urgent." Nico called, as he came closer.
I ran towards the big house, thinking all the horrible things that he could possibly want to tell me.
Another quest? Monsters that needed killing? Oh gods... did something happen to mom and Pual?
I entered the big house and saw Chiron waiting for me.
"You wanted to talk to me Chiron?" I asked
"Yes. Your mother IMed me earlier seeming distressed. Apperently there are 2 agents that want to talk to you at your apartment." He said.
I thought this over, what would agents want with me?