Hey guys all rights go to Hiro Mashima, I take no credit.

Just wanted to say that this is my first fanfic, so I apologize if it's a bit rough, would really appreciate any reviews or constructive criticism. Anyways hope you enjoy, if you do let me know cause there is more I would like to write for this story but I will wait and see If that's what people want.

'Today is going to be the day. I can feel it' Lucy thought to herself, actually, trying to convince herself seemed a more appropriate definition of her words, as she sat cross legged brushing her long golden hair in front of her full length mirror. Today she was heading out for a job interview, her tenth in the last two and a half weeks might we add, and although she hasn't had much success getting a job since moving to the beautiful Magnolia, she was quietly confident that she would at the very least enjoy today's interview much more than her previous ones.

Now it wasn't that Lucy Heartfilia was incompetent or lacking the drive to work, but given her privileged upbringing she didn't have what you would call outstanding qualifications in the workforce. This inexperience, coupled with her self-proclaimed bad luck, meant that all her previous interviews have had one reason or another for her not acquiring the job. First there was the creepy manager who wouldn't stop licking his lips and asking really personal questions, seriously what did her bust size have to do with the job. She ended up fleeing that interview and heading straight home to 'wash the creepiness off her'.

Next was job that was offering such little wage that she considered ringing some sort of official from the local council, because how is anyone meant to live off of $5 an hour? That interview highlighted another problem she faced while trying to become a functioning member of Magnolia, as much as she wanted to, she couldn't put her father's name down as a reference on her resume. The name Jude Heartfilia carried a lot of weight to it and would get her any job she applied for, and Lucy was determined to get a job on her own prowess and not on the legs of her privileged last name.

'But that is all in the past' the young blond thought with a new found sense of joy, because today was bound to be fun no matter what, because today she was going to audition to be one of the new ring girls at the Fairy Tail Fighting Championship (or FTFC as everyone referred to it as). Lucy wasn't a huge fan of the sport but with its reputation as being one of the toughest fighting competitions in all the land it was a little hard to ignore Fairy Tail. If she was being honest, she had never once watched a fight except in passing at a bar or flicking through the channels on her TV at her apartment, she did however know all about the ring girls who worked for the FTFC.

'Well, everyone probably knew about the girls, how could they not' The Heiress pondered. She imagined that there wasn't a man or women in Fiore who did know the name or face of Mirajane Strauss, she was the former FTFC ring girl that went on to become a supermodel of EPIC proportions, all the men were infatuated with her and every girl envied her. She was absolutely stunning, is said to give the women who fought in the FTFC a run for their money in the ring and to top it all off she was renowned as being one of the sweetest girls to grace the earth. Lucy let out a small sigh in her afterthought. Seriously that girl could create some serious confidence issues if one's thoughts lingered too long.

But just as the young lady Heartfilia began to spiral, she snapped out of it and instead got giddy at the thought of her becoming the next Mirajane Strauss, it may just be wishful thinking but hey a girl can dream right? Lucy finished her brushing and looked into the mirror again.

Lucy has always known herself to be beautiful, and honestly how could she not, what with her big doe brown eyes, her long flowing locks that could put gold fleece to shame, her well-endowed chest that received attention to no end, her slim mid-section with hips that as Shakira once said don't lie and lastly her perfectly pert rear end attached to a set of legs that screamed for attention in whatever she wore. She decided to stop her boastful rant before her ego consumed the whole of Magnolia.

What she was trying to portray was that she believed she was a good looking young lady, and one who would flourish in the world of modelling. Ok so being a ring girl was a little different than being a model, but the fundamentals were there, there was a runway (even if it was in the shape of an octagon), there would be a crowd (albeit a little louder than the ones at fashion shows... not to mention drunker) and instead of sporting the latest couture dress or to-die-for handbag, she would be holding a placard saying what round was next.

No matter, she couldn't wait to go knock the interviewers socks off and be crowned the new Mirajane Strauss. With that final thought she got dressed in one of her sexier/professional outfits, a nice black strapless top with a ruffle around the bust which gave just the right amount of cleavage, a jacket over the top but of course not covering what the top did so well to show off, a pair of black suit pants which were tight enough to give a good image of her tremendous figure and a pair of small heels to give that little boost to her derriere. One last look in the mirror and she was sold on herself with her confidence increasing two fold as she made her way out the door of her apartment.

'Oh god, why am i so nervous now. What happened to all that confidence at home Lucy? Come on get it together you can do this.' the young blond thought as her mind raced a hundred miles an hour, even though she expected this she still couldn't control it, she got like this before every interview and she had no idea why. 'I mean it's not like you are going into battle Lucy, it's just a nice conversation with a few people from the business. Nothing to be scared of...Right?' she honestly couldn't control her train of thought at the moment, she actually began to picture a scenario where they would actually request that she armour up and battle a whole army to test her strength.

OK, things were getting out of hand now she would have to go to her plan B... her happy place... yeah that will make this feeling better. With that she started to think back to when she was just a little girl and she was walking through her gardens with her mother Layla Heartfilia, the memory was feint and the details were scratchy at best, but to Lucy it didn't matter, what did matter was that the thought of her mother's presence next to her began to calm her down considerably. Her mother always had that effect on her, she wished she could call her right now for a little pep talk to get through this. But sometimes the world is a cruel place, and heaven decides it needs another angel. Lucy never liked to talk about what happened with her mother and she didn't really want to start now... what with an impending mental collapse just averted mere moments ago.

Luckily before the young heiress could ponder on the loss of her mother any longer, a very short and old man came out of a conference room and made a B-line straight for where she was sitting.

"Are you miss Lucy Heartfilia?" he asked in a manner that was soft and easing to her racked nerves.

"Y-yes, s-sir that's me" she managed a shaky reply, the nervousness evident in her voice. She mentally hung her head, this was far from a perfect first impression.

"Hahah" the small chuckle that left his lips surprised and somewhat scared Lucy, did this chuckle mean that he could tell right from the get go that this girl was definitely not going to get the job, or that he found it amusing that she would even consider going for the job in the first place. Before she could debate with herself anymore he continued "No need to be nervous dear, I'm sure you will do just fine. When you are ready follow me inside and we will begin" there was that soothing voice again, there something about it that made it so familial, like he was a grandpa she hadn't seen in the longest.

Lucy realised she hadn't given an answer, and before she started to look like she couldn't understand English she gave a hasty "O-ok" she then stood and followed the short man into the room where he had just appeared from.

"Take a seat dear" the old man insisted, Lucy was happy to comply with fear that her legs were moments from becoming jelly. As soon as she sat down she took in her surroundings, it was a simple room, a rather dull grey on the walls and a black carpeted floor, what did catch her attention was the nice Fairy Tail logo on the carpet marked out in red. She then let her eye venture more and when she lifted her chocolate orbs she spotted the tables that seated her interviewers. She started with the left hand side of the table, which the old man who had just fetched her had taken his seat, he must have had a booster seat because you couldn't tell how short he was behind that table, to which Lucy gave a small giggle on the inside. Moving to the old man's left, Lucy's eyes landed on a women with a beautiful shade of red hair, as the youthful Heartfilia took in the young women's appearance, the word stoic and poised came to mind, she was also radiating a 'Don't Fuck with me' vibe. A cold chill suddenly ran up Lucy's spine. Then moving on to the last lady at the table, sat Mirajane Strauss, super model extraordinaire.

'WAIT, WHAT!?' Lucy took a double take, then a third and a fourth take for good measure. She had to stop her hands from actually coming up and rubbing her eyes, was this THE Mirajane in front of her right now.

"Is that Mirajane Strauss?" she managed to ask, the best that a flabbergasted person could... 'Wait, did i just say that out loud...crap' before she could mentally face palm herself for being so unprofessional and star struck she heard a soft voice echo into her ears.

"Yep, the one and the same" came the giggled response from the model, Lucy couldn't believe it right now, for one she couldn't believe how angelic and beautiful even her voice sounded, and two she couldn't believe that she was actually sitting at a table across from her.

"Are you ready to begin Miss Heartfilia" Lucy was snapped out of her daze at the sound of the red headed women's commanding voice.

"O-Oh yeah, ready when you are" replied the young blond, which to her surprise almost sounded like she wasn't having a fangirl moment right now.

"Excellent. My name is Erza Scarlett, I'm the manager here at the FTFC. This is Master Makarov, he is fine with just Master though if you prefer, he is the owner of FTFC. And this, as I'm sure you have come to believe is in fact Mirajane Strauss, former ring girl here at FTFC." the lady she now knew as Erza paused for a few seconds before she began again. "Now Lucy today we just want to ask a few questions about you, which if you answer honestly I'm sure you will be perfectly fine, and then Mira would like to take you to go do a little modelling work to see how you go with that side of the job. Is that ok with you?"

Lucy immediately felt at ease, she couldn't put her finger on it but these people made the air in the room ten times easier to breathe and seemed so genuine she couldn't help but relax.

"Yeah that sounds great" the Heiress answered without so much as a hint of nervousness in her soft voice.

When she got home, she was ecstatic, Erza, Mira and the Master all said she would be perfect for the job and said straight after their interview was finished that she would be the newest ring girl for the FTFC. Little miss Heartfilia was over the moon with joy, she had such a mixture of emotions, all of them good. She was proud that she was able to get a job in a big city without the help of her father and a job that paid quite well no less. She was happy that everyone thought she would do great in this line of work, happy that THE Mirajane said she was beautiful and happy that there was a big new world to explore with this job, as it sometimes required her to travel to a different city for certain fights.

But most of all, Lucy just felt excited, because her first 'performance' would be this coming weekend. The Master said that there was a huge fight night this weekend that would get her a lot of attention and she would be perfect for it, he also said that this would be like 'jumping straight in the deep end' but that he had the utmost of confidence in her. Now all she could do was wait and practice, even though Mira said she was a natural with the walking and her poses, it couldn't hurt to just keep practicing right? Especially if she planned on being as big as Mira one day.

As she finally began to come down from her high, she realised that she should probably ring he father to tell him the good news. Because although they didn't have the perfect father-daughter relationship, he has always been willing to help her financially and somewhat emotionally, and she bet that he would even be proud of her when she tells him that she got a job all on her own. 'Well no time like the present' she trailed off in her mind as she reached for the phone and began to scroll for Father in her phone.

'Alright todays the day... you got this Lucy' this is the mantra that the young Lucy Heartfilia has been chanting to herself all day, she can't decide whether she is still riding the high of actually landing the job or if something else is at play but for some reason she really isn't that nervous about her first day on the job. Really with such good support from Erza, Mira and Master Makarov how could she be nervous, they are the best at what they do and if they have confidence in her why shouldn't she right? 'Yeah you know what...'"You have got this Lucy" that last part she actually said out loud and she found that there was trust in her voice she knew she would be fine and that things would go off without a hitch. 'Alright then time to go' with her latest thought running through her head she grabbed her bag with her ring girl outfit and headed out the door.

The blonde exited her apartment and made a right towards the stadium that was housing the fight tonight, she still doesn't know how she got such a nice little apartment along the river for such a cheap price. She came to the conclusion that it was probably from the lack of insane people in Magnolia, if you met her landlady you would see what she meant, no one in their right mind would stay there under their own will. But even so it was a great place and she was grateful for it.

The great location also meant that she was within walking distance to almost anywhere in Magnolia, which she did so with a smile on her face, she always liked getting out in the fresh air for a brisk walk. The stadium was about ten minutes' walk from her apartment, so she decided to think ahead to tonight.

Makarov had told her that the main event at this fight night was going to be one of the biggest of the year, he mentioned something about it being between two of the very best up and coming youngsters in the competition and that they were both destined for great things in the sport. Honestly other than that she couldn't really remember too much because she was just so excited that they gave the job to her and all the nice things they were saying about her. Whatever the case she was just excited to flaunt her stuff and do the best job she could.

She arrived at the stadium and proceeded to the ticket sales desk where she was greeted by Erza Scarlett.

"Good evening Lucy, how are you?" Said Lucy's new manager with her ever present professional tone.

"I'm good miss Scarlett, and how are you" Lucy replied trying her best to make a good second impression.

"Please Lucy, just call me Erza, you will learn we treat each other like one big family around here, there is no need for such formalities" Erza said with a smile, Lucy couldn't help but smile back herself, underneath all of her professionalism and overall strong demeanor, Lucy could tell that Erza Scarlett was a kind and gentle person however she still had the sneaking suspicion that it would be best not to get on her bad side. "If you are ready we can head out to the back area and I'll show you the ring girls change rooms and you can meet your fellow ring girl for this evening. Sound good?" Erza continued while she began to lead the way to the back of house area of the stadium.

"Here is your change room, i hope that you find it to be suitable." Lucy couldn't believe her ears when she heard what the red head just said 'find it to be suitable' was she kidding this change room was nice enough to be a 5-star hotel room. Lucy gave the room a glance and was surprised the room didn't come with its own maid to wait on her every need, seriously the 'change room' had a fully stocked mini fridge, snacks, tea, a coffee machine, a three-person couch with a coffee table in front of it, and a full bathroom with a huge movie star mirror inside (you know the ones with the lights all around the outside).

"This is seriously the change room just for the ring girls?" Lucy somehow managed to ask with her jaw still on the floor.

"Yes it is, is there something wrong with it Lucy?" miss Scarlett asked with a growing look of worry on her face

"W-what N-No, of course not, it's just so much more than what i was expecting... I mean it's so... well, perfect." Lucy started waving her hands as she spotted the look on her red headed bosses face, then dropped them as she gave another look around the room, almost swooning at how nice it all was. 'I could get use to this' she quietly thought to herself.

Erza gave a smile as she realised that Lucy was in fact head over heels for her new area of work. Just as Erza was taking in her new employee's joy a familiar Blue haired women walked in.

"Ah Juvia. Perfect timing, there is someone i would like you to meet. Juvia this is Lucy Heartfilia. Our new ring girl" the manager of both the girls felt she had done her job perfectly at introducing the two girls for the first time and so she continued "Well I'll leave you two ladies to get acquainted and I'll be back later to grab both you for the first fight of the evening" and with that Erza Scarlett turned to leave the blond and bluenette alone.

"Ok thanks Erza" the two young ladies chimed out in unison.

"It's great to meet you, my names Lucy Heartfilia." the heiress said in her friendliest voice, hoping to make a good first impression for the first time in she can't remember how long...

"No the pleasure is all Juvias, my name is Juvia Lockser" she replied with in what Lucy could only describe as a timid voice, and did she just refer to herself in the third person?

"So how long have you been doing this kind of work for Juvia?" the girl standing in front of her with blue hair curled up at the bottom didn't look much older than Lucy, if at all, she thought to herself.

"Oh Juvia has been a ring girl now for six months, Juvia started a few weeks after her 18th birthday." Juvia smiled as she spoke, so it turned out that she was the same age as Lucy was, she couldn't believe her luck she could tell right away that her and Juvia were going to be friends in no time. "What about you, Lucy? What made you decide to become a ring girl?" she continued bringing the young Heartfilia's attention back to her.

"Only since i seen it in the paper, that the FTFC was looking for a new ring girl. I mean i have always loved Mirajane and what you girls do so when i seen the ad i thought i would be good at it, you know?" The blond couldn't hide her happiness as she spoke breaking into a smile after she finished speaking.

"Well Juvia thinks you a very beautiful and you will fit in perfectly and do very well here with Fairy Tail" Lucy could feel the sincerity in her voice and couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach, as someone as good looking as Juvia complimented her on her own looks. "And as long as you stay away from my incredible and beloved boyfriend Gray, we will be best of friends. OK?" Juvias sudden change of tone scared Lucy out of her happy mood as she could almost fell the murderous intent coming from Juvia, and as she looked over the blue haired women she could see that although Juvia was smiling she held no intent of being nice if she tried anything with this 'Gray' whoever he was.

"Um sure no problem i had no intention of stealing anyone's boyfriend, ok i promise" Lucy couldn't get the words out fast enough, as she spilled her words out and shook her head and hands to try and convince Juvia she had no intent of poaching her boyfriend.

There was a slight awkward silence as Juvia nodded slowly indicating that she accepted Lucy's apology, but Lucy still had a feeling that she would be watched like a hawk around this Gray fellow. Lucy decided to break the silence to try get their friendship back on track. "if you don't mind me asking, who is this Gray guy? you know, so i know what he looks like and to steer clear of him so i don't face the wrath of Juvia Lockser?" Lucy couldn't help but let out a nervous giggle as she spoke, what was with this place and having ladies that were so nice but also seemed like they could kill you if they wanted too...

"My beloved Gray is a fighter; he is actually in the main event tonight. He is the most handsome man that has ever lived, his dark hair is beautifully styled no matter the time of day, his arms are so strong and lean that it makes Juvia lose her mind when they are around her..." as Juvia went on Lucy teetered out, so Gray was one of those two young men that Master Makarov spoke about when she went in for her interview, Lucy began to wonder who the other young fighter might be.

"...And my beloveds voice is so husky and cool that he can get Juvia to do almost anything" as Lucy came back to paying attention to what Juvia was saying she could see that that last comment made Juvia blush quite a bit, which made Lucy giggle, as jealous as this girl was it was cute to see her talk about a boy like this. Lucy decided that the best way to become friends with Juvia, was to talk about her favourite subject which was obviously her 'Beloved Gray' as she so eloquently put it.

"So how long have you and Gray been dating, Juvia? Lucy asked in her most I'm-trying-to-steal-your-boyfriend voice... whatever that sounded like.

"Juvia and her Beloved have been together for two years, we started dating back in high school. Actually that's how Juvia got this job, after Gray decided to be a fighter and joined the FTFC after high school, he asked if i would like to come and be a ring girl, after he asked Erza of course. My Beloved would never want to get on Miss Scarlett's bad side..." Juvia trailed off into what seemed like a war time flashback, 'Honestly what was that girl capable of that she had a top contender in the men's division scared of her?' Lucy wasn't brave enough to venture any further on the thought instead she decided to snap Juvia out of her inner turmoil and continue their conversation although preferably onto a less scary subject.

After a little more chatting and helping each other get ready the girls seemed to be hitting off quite well and were both ready for the first of the three fights that would take place tonight, just as they had finished putting their final touches on for the work that would ensue there was a knock on the door. Juvia being the more experienced of the two knew what that meant and grabbed Lucy's hand as they both stood, she looked Lucy in the eyes and smiled "Are you ready for your first night as a ring girl Lucy?" she spoke calmly and with reassurance.

Lucy couldn't help the grin that crept onto her face as she looked at her new friend "Yeah definitely, I'm all fired up!" she half shouted to the bluenette, but just as soon as she smiled she frowned as Juvia broke out into hysterics.

"What? What's so funny, why are you laughing at me?" she couldn't help as her frown turned into a pout as she realised that Juvia meant no real disrespect by her excessive laughter.

"J-Juvia is sorry... I-It's Just that you reminded me so much of someone just then" Juvia could hardly form a sentence in between her loud laughter and huge breaths to keep her from going as blue as her hair. "Sorry, Juvia didn't intend to be mean... Are you ready to go Lucy?" the blue haired girl continued as she started to regain her composure and smiled again at Lucy. "Alright here we go" she stated with one last big smile at her new friend, and although Lucy didn't quite understand what just happened she couldn't help but smile as well as they headed out the door to Lucy's first fight.