A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait everyone. You see, the original chapter had been deleted because my cpu was acting up and I had forgot to save. Won't happen again. Anyways, onto the chapter!



'Kurama and Techniques'

Meanwhile at Kami's lookout, stood three people who are spectating the battle that Trunks, Mirai and Himawari had with the monster, Cell. The first person is a Namekian warrior named, Piccolo. The second person is a man with three eyes named, Tien. Finally, a woman with blue hair who is holding a baby is named, Bulma; the mother of Trunks.

Piccolo and Tien held looks of despair as the two warriors witnessed the defeat of their possible last chance against the bio android.

Bulma, on the other hand isn't aware of the doom that is approaching. She smiled in joy at the distraught warriors and asked.

"What's up? Has Trunks put Cell's lights out, yet?"

"It's over.." Piccolo grunted.

Bulma, still ignorant of the terror, wondered if the Namekian was talking about Trunks beating Cell and saving the world. She was proud of her son.

"He did it? Trunks beat him." She said. The baby she's holding, giggled in response.

Tien, however, didn't held back at giving Bulma the bad news.

"No. He means that Cell has beaten Trunks..and the other two who was with him stood no chance either!"

Bulma felt like her world had shattered into million of pieces. Trunks. Defeated by Cell? Not even the backup that he received from the two mysterious fighters wasn't enough either?! This can't be happening!

"This is bad. Very bad." The namekian commented.

Bulma frantically ran up to the two men, hoping they could ease this situation. They needed to save them.

"What?! That means they're in danger! Do something?!" She begged.

Back with Cell. He has his hand leveled to the son of Vegeta, who is currently looking down in shame. He pondered on what he should do with him. Killing him outright isn't any fun, now is it? The bio android noticed the two girls Mirai and Himawari approaching them. He is very curious about them as well. What was those strange powers they possessed? He wanted answers and wanted them now.

"Ah! Himawari. Mirai. So glad you could join us. Why don't you stand next to Trunks over there." He grinned.

The two girls hesitated and put up a defensive stance. Trunks looked at the daughters of Naruto and Asuma and shook his head. It was bad enough that they were fighting Cell. They could had used this time to escape.

'Dammit. Why do they have to get involved?!' Trunks groaned.

"If you don't stand next to him, now. I'll just kill you and him right now." Cell threaten. This made the two kunoichi pale and frantically stood next to the teenage Saiyan warrior. Trunks took this time to ask the closer one, Mirai; on why she decided to come right back.

"Well I couldn't just let you give up on yourself like that?! Millions of lives at stake and you want to give up?!"

Trunks eyes widen a bit and he looked down. She was right. Just what was he thinking? Putting everyone's lives in even more danger just by giving his life to this monster.

Meanwhile, the daughter of the seventh Hokage is trying to keep a calm face. The man-no-monster in front of her is very intimidating. The bio-android noticed her struggling bravado. He chuckled and pointed to the little hyuga-uzumaki hybrid.

"Himawari, is it? Tell me. What was those techniques you had used against me? That eye technique especially. What are you? And where did you come from?" The perfect being demanded.

Himawari looked at her sensei if it was ok to tell the truth. The Sarutobi nodded; they didn't have much of a choice anyways. The hyuga-uzumaki took a deep breath and began.

"As you already know, I'm Himawari and I'm from another world. The eye technique that you had seen is the Byakugan."

"Byakugan? What is that?" Asked Cell, becoming more intrigued.

"The Byakugan is a clan jutsu. A jutsu from my clan, the Hyuga clan. I'm half Hyuga and quarter Uzumaki. Anyways, The Byakugan gives the user these abilities. The Ability to see through solid objects and even people. 360 degrees of vision except the back of the neck, which is our blindspot. We also can see chakra, and that other strange source of energy you and Trunks-san use."

"You mean, Ki?" Trunks intervene.

This surprised Mirai as she never would had guessed that standing right next to her would be a ki user. She had heard of them before, but only in stories from the elderly. She always thought that ki is a myth. However, the stories are very much true. The evidence is standing right next to her.

"Ki?! It actually exist?!" Mirai exclaimed.

Cell was a bit surprised that the two energies that he had sensed from them wasn't ki. That would explain the elemental attributes in that one attack that Mirai used with the ash. Himawari went from wonder to confusion.

"Hey! What's Ki?!"

Cell rolled his eyes. He mind as well give them a le before he annihilates all three of them. He moved his eyes towards the small Hyuga-Uzumaki and begin.

"Ki. Ki is a latent energy/fighting power that the people of this planet use. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Even you two have ki, not much of it since it's blocked by your chakra. I've also noticed that chakra is a bit more flexible than ki. However, it is inferior and doesn't have the destruction capacity."

Himawari and Mirai were surprised to know that they possess ki this whole time. Could they train and weaponize it to get stronger?

Cell grinned at them and kept his hand beamed to the trio. "I suppose that rotation technique is chakra too? Alright. That's all the questions I have for the two of you. Now, on to the main course. Trunks. Such an interesting predicament." He steered his eyes to the Saiyan hybrid.

Mirai couldn't watch, she prayed that the monster will ask him questions, just like he asked Himawari and her.

'Please don't kill him.' She prayed.

Cell growled in irritation at the son of Vegeta. "Both you and Vegeta had disappoint me. I expected more of a challenge from a pair of Super Saiyans."

The name 'Saiyan' caught the interest of Himawari and Mirai.

'Saiyan? What's a Saiyan?' The two kunoichi pondered. Cell continued his speech to the shamed Saiyan teen.

"However, there is something I am a bit curious about. I see you're very strong. How did you become so powerful?" He demanded.

Mirai would be lying if she said she wasn't as curious as Cell is. She had wondered from the very start. Trunks is easily leagues beyond the Hokage and Sasuke Uchiha, and Cell is easily stronger than him. How did he acquire this much power? She will have to ask him later, if there will be a later.

However, Himawari voiced her thoughts.

"I am a bit curious too, Trunks-san. I'm sorry, but, how are you this powerful?" She kindly asked.

Trunks remained silent. He didn't want to risk spilling the truth to Cell.

'Sorry Himawari. Maybe later, I can tell you.'

Cell realized that Trunks will not respond. He smirked and look at the three.

"Attention you three. Let me ask you this. If you three had more time, could you possibly get stronger?" Cell wondered.

This caught the three warriors interest. Is this monster, the strongest being on the planet giving them a second chance?! But why?

"Maybe." Trunks answered.

"Yeah! What difference does it make now?!" Mirai added in her two cents. Just what is this guy getting at?

"And why do you even want to know?"

Cell chuckled at their curiosity. "Oh just curious that's all. Oh, one more question. Where has Goku been? And where is he hiding?"

'Whose Goku?' The daughter of Asuma questioned herself.

Trunks glared at the monster and clenched his teeth. "For your information, Cell! He's training to defeat you! And make no mistake, Cell, he will be the one who beats you. He'll take you, no contest."

That's when an idea had formed in the bio-android's mind the moment Trunks mentioned 'contest.' He shall create a tournament of fighters.

"No Contest? Then, a tournament." He smirked, happy with his idea. This surprised the trio. A tournament, he's advising a tournament?! Just what will he gained from all this?

'What is his gain? Why a tournament?' The daughter of Naruto pondered.

"Wait? What do you mean?"

Back at the lookout, Piccolo is surprised at what Cell is offering. Piccolo grunted and clenched his fist.

"No. I don't believe it."

Bulma looked at the Namekian warrior and asked if Trunks and the two girls were okay. She had hoped so, she didn't want to lose her only child. Even though, said child is from the future. It's still her child.

"Yeah, They're ok. For now." He replied ominously. "Cell is planning some kind of tournament." This shocked Tien and Bulma, and even Mr. Popo.

Tien could not believe what he's hearing. "A tournament?!"

Cell chuckled darkly, smirking at the faces of the trio of warrior. "The tournament will start in 10 days. Consider yourselves lucky that I'm giving you all a second chance."

'Though the reason why I am truly doing this is because I want to see just how strong Himawari will become in 10 days. She's already stronger than her teacher. If Trunks had gotten stronger in a short amount of time, so can her.'

The Saiyan's blue eyes widen at this. Just why is he doing all this. "Why? Why are you doing this?"

The creation of Dr. Gero smirked. "You really don't know, do you?" He sighed and began his reasoning. "Long before any of us ever existed. There was a competition on this planet called 'The World Martial Arts Tournament.' I'm going to revive it! Prove to the whole world that I have no equal! Each member of your team may challenge me. I will fight them one on one and when I win, I will face the next challenger on your team."

Himawari stared at the bio-android and cleared her throat to gain the Android's attention.

"Mr. Cell? You said you're reviving this tournament, right? Does that mean anyone can enter, even me?" She asked. Boldness clearly evident in her tone. Cell raised a brow and then smirk.

'So, she accepted my invitation after all. Good.'

"Why of course, Himawari. I am curious about your power as well and I hope you don't disappoint me." He replied.

She nodded. "I won't, because we're gonna beat you."

Mirai and Trunks was surprised of the little girl's bravery and how she is standing up to Cell.


Cell chuckled and grinned at Trunks. "Do you understand, now? Bring me all the opponents you can. The more fighters you bring, the more chances you have to survive."

This disgusted both the son of Vegeta and the daughter of Asuma. But, they understood and nodded. This tournament wasn't just going to be a battle of who's stronger. Rather, a battle for the survival of the entire planet. Everything and everyone's lives are now resting in their hands. They can't fail, and if they do. The entire world is history. Cell continued his speech.

"However, I have yet to decide the location of the tournament. So keep an eye on your television for details." He advised.

This raised confusion in the young Sarutobi's mind. "The television?"

Cell nodded and continued. "Yes. It should be very entertaining." He chuckled once again and turned around, ready to leave. However, he had one more piece of information he need to tell the warriors.

"Oh, and one more thing. Be sure to bring plenty of those senzu beans."

'Senzu Beans?' questioned the Uzumaki-Hyuga girl.

Trunks still didn't figure out the sole purpose of this tournament, so he had to know right now. "Hey! Just hold on a minute. What's the sole purpose of the tournament?!"

"Yeah! You just told us what the tournament will be about. What are you truly gaining from all this." Mirai added.

Trunks growled at the grinning android. "Cell! I know what you androids are like! I'm sure this is some sort of a trick. Just to trap us all in one place, right?!"

Cell rolled his eyes and replied. "Oh, must you treat everything like it's the end of the world?"

"There is no secret purpose. I simply just want to get as much out of this planet as I can before I destroy it."

This shocked both kunoichi.

'Why did I had to ask?' Mirai groaned.

The bio-android smirked and turned to the three. "I have proven that I am unstoppable. Either you or your friends are a threat to me, now."

"However, there is one person I do want to test my complete power against. I want you to bring me Goku."

'There is that name again, whoever this Goku person is; He must be insanely strong. Stronger than tou-san.' Himawari guessed.

"This tournament is sure to be a guaranteed hit. Everyone will be watching me. I just can't wait to see that look of panic and fear."

As if on cue, the trio of warriors faces became a mixture of said panic and fear. Cell laughed at their reactions.

"That's it! That's the look! Until then. Train hard." He said. Then the android flew off to get ready for the tournament that will come in 10 days. 10 days they need to prepare and defeat the monster.

Trunks stood there looking down in shame. The wind swept through his long lavender hair and the waves of the ocean crashed against shore of the island. Mirai walked up to him and hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder.

The saiyan flinched from the touch, just a little. Finally, he relaxed and turned to the young Sarutobi with a glare set onto her.

"Why didn't you try to escape when you had the chance?!"

"Like I said, I couldn't just let that monster destroy one of the few chances we have left in this world! Why does it matter?! Why did you even give up?!" She retorted, putting a finger to his chest.

Trunks growled. "I only did that because there was nothing I could do! I couldn't stand up to that monst-" However, his speech was cut off when the daughter of Naruto started speaking.

"You're right, he's strong. Stronger than anyone I ever known. But so what? I don't care how strong anyone is. I came here to protect, and I'll die trying. Tou-san may be weak compared to you guys. However, he doesn't just give up, especially when there are lives at stake. I'm sure this Goku-person wouldn't give up either."

'Himawari…' Trunks whispered in amazement. This little girl held no fear and proved that she will not back down against Cell, even if it meant she will die.

'She's right. They're both right. I stood there, ready to let him kill me and them. Father would had been disappointed if I just gave up and let him win. No! NO! That one happen anymore. Cell will be defeated.' He mentally declared.

The two kunoichi smiled, noticing that Trunks will continuing fighting for earth. However, their expressions went from happiness to surprise when a bald man and a man with gravity-defying jet black hair arrived. The man in the blue tight suit with armor had a scowl presented on his face. The bald man, however, looked friendly enough to talk to.

"I'm sorry...father." Trunks said to the angry-looking man.

'FATHER?!' Himawari and Mirai gasped in surprised.

'That scary looking man, is Trunks' father?!'

He growled and turned to the two girls. He then looked back at his son. "Tell me, what happened with Cell?" He demanded.

Trunks grunted and clenched his fist and teeth. "I tried to beat him. But I couldn't do it."

"Neither of us could, Trunks. Don't beat yourself up." Mirai advised. The bald nodded, agreeing with the young Sarutobi.

"Yeah. It's ok. Take it easy. What happened here?" He asked.

The three warriors, Mirai, Trunks and Himawari all stood silent. Debating weather or not that they should tell them that Cell gave them a second chance, in a form of a tournament. Mirai decided to speak up.

"We lost, for your information. His power, is far beyond than I could possibly imagine."

Trunks' father laughed at this. It was amusing to him.

"Of course he is. Foolish children, what made you think you all could take on Cell. Especially when he's complete."

He then trained his eyes to the smaller one of the two girls. His eyes narrowed at her.

'That girl. She's way too powerful to be average. She's not stronger than me or Kakarot. But with enough training, she could possibly reach or surpass the namek. Just what is she?!'

The bald man growled and had to interject Trunks' father criticism.

"Hey! Trunks and these two girls gave it everything they had! Especially Trunks! He saved your life, Vegeta. And, already, his power level is greater than you-" The bald man's rant was cut off when Trunks intervened.

"No Krillin!" He pleaded.

This surprised Mirai. Trunks is stronger than his father. If that's the case, just how strong is he and that Goku-guy? Just how strong are these guys, really?

The man, now known as Vegeta just growled and continued to look forward.

Back at the lookout, Tien and Piccolo are spectating once again. The Namek looked tensed, and beads a sweat were all over his face. He clenched and tighten his fist and teeth. The tension was so thick, you could slice in a half.

Bulma, held the crying baby in her arms, trying to soothe him.

"There, There. Don't cry, Baby Trunks." She whispered to her son. She looked at the two men who are just standing there. Why were they not helping her futuristic son and his friends that is battling Cell?! They needed to help him, now.

"Hey, what are you waiting for?! Trunks needs your help and so do those kids. They could be hurt or even worse?! What's happening down there anyway?!" She demanded.

Piccolo grunted, a bit annoyed by the barrage of questions. He, however, answered her.

"Don't worry, Trunks and the girls are still alive."

Bulma gasped in relief. "Are you sure?!"

Tien, hastily walked up to Piccolo's side. "And Cell?!"

The Namekian grunted and clenched his fist once again. "I thought Trunks was going to beat Cell for sure. His power had grown to such an incredible level. Yet, Cell's complete power was still too much for him."

"We must find a way to beat, Cell!" He roared as he clenched his fist, which began to cackle with electricity. "Perhaps, it's time I enter the Room of Spirit and Time for some intensive training on my own."

Back with the warriors on the island. The group were discussing about the Cell games and the fact that Himawari and Mirai are from a different world. It surprised the three Z fighters, for a only a minute. Trunks came from the future, so two people coming from a whole new world wasn't as shocking.

Vegeta was growling at the fact that Cell is holding a tournament for them. Especially, so he could humiliate him again.

'Well, he's not going to get that chance. Not this time.' The Saiyan prince declared.

Krillin became confused, just who is entering this tournament. "Okay. So what's the deal? Who's going to be in this? I mean, no one can stand up against Cell."

Himawari spoke up, looking determined as ever. "I already decided that I'm going."

The monk was shocked at her declaration. Vegeta, however; laughed at her bravado. She couldn't be serious. She would only get in the laugh. The daughter of the Seventh Hokage glared at the man.

"And may I asked what is so funny?"

Vegeta chuckled and smirked at the young girl. "You. To think you actually have a chance against Cell? It's down right hilarious."

Himawari took a deep breath. She will not let this man get to her. "After some intensive training from my sensei. I'll be good. I don't care what any of you think. I-no-We, have a world to protect. And were going to need all the help we can get. My tou-san and kaa-chan both fought in a disastrous war that could ended my world. Both helped and saved that world, and soon my Onii-chan, Boruto saved the world as well. Now. It's my turn. I'm going to help and I'm going to fight."

Vegeta just watched her, and then smirked a bit.

'She has some pride. I'll admit that.'

Mirai smiled at her student, proud of her for sticking to her guns and not backing down, even though the odds are heavily against her.

'Lord Seventh. You have an amazing daughter.'

Krillin smiled at her too, but then realized that even though she's joining, it still won't be enough to take down Cell.

"It really wouldn't be much of a tournament."

The son of Vegeta sighed. He began to walk closer to the shore and took a deep breath. He clenched his fist and stared hard into the ocean.

"You're right. I thought I could be him. I was certain I could do it, but I failed. Maybe he is unstoppable."

The daughter of Asuma looked sadly at the future warrior until an idea struck.

"Wait! Trunks? What about that Goku-guy? Cell wants to fight him, right? We still have a chance." She stated.

Trunks eyes widen at this. She was right. They do have a chance. "Mirai! You're a genius!"

The young Sarutobi blushed a bit at the compliment. But she started to feel a bit strange in her stomach and chest.

'What's this feeling? It's like something bubbling up from inside me.'

"Of course! Why haven't I thought of that! When Goku and Gohan get out of the Room of Spirit and Time. I'll go back in again to continue my training." Trunks planned.

'Gohan? Who is that? And what is the room of spirit of time?' Himawari wondered. Her sensei thinking of similar thoughts.

Krillin was a bit confused of Trunks' plan. Before he could voice it, Vegeta interrupted.

"There is no need for that because I will be the one to use that room. Then, I will beat Cell." The prince declared.

Mirai, Krillin, Himawari and Trunks were surprised by his declaration. Before they could say anything, a hulking man with green armor, red mohawk and a damaged head and shoulder spoke up too.

"I will also fight."

'Who..Who the hell is that?'

Himawari used her Byakugan to scanned the man, only to be surprised she didn't find any energy source within him.

"W-What is he? Some kind of robot?"

"Yeah. He's an android, Android 16." Trunks confirmed

"An Android!? Seriously?!" exclaimed the daughter of Asuma.

Krillin, shocked to see the almost forgotten android is still around after the whole ordeal with Cell.

16 looked at the warriors and pleaded for assistance. "Please, I need help. Take me to someone who can repair me."

Himawari's facial expressions soften 'Poor guy.'

Trunks, however, wasn't having any of it. These androids had always been a living nightmare to him.

"No! Why should we help you?!"

"Once my circuits are restored. I will fight alongside you. I will, I promise you." 16 promised.

But the son of Vegeta wasn't buying it. He just won't take that chance. Trunks clenched his fist and teeth and glared at the Android.

"No way! You're a plague to the earth, just like all the other androids. Why would anyone want to help your kind?!"

Mirai and Himawari could see that the Android wanted to help. They smiled and nodded to each other.

"Trunks. We should repair him. Like I had said before, we will need all the help we can get." The daughter of Naruto said with a smile.

This shocked Trunks. Was she serious?! Doesn't she know if they help this android, it could mean the end? The young Saiyan became even more shock when Krillin walked up to the android and smiled.

"Hang tight. I'll get you the repairs you need."

"No Krillin! He's an androi-"

Mirai interrupted him with a smile. "True, but he also has feelings and needs. Just like we all do. Like, Himawari had mentioned. We will need all the help we can get."

The monk decided to add in his two cents. "Yeah, relax. He's going to be one of the good guys from now on. He deserves a second chance. Things don't need to happen the same way in your timeline, Trunks."

16 smiled. "Thank you."

Mirai's eyes widen as she looked at Trunks. "Wait a second, Timeline?!"

"Uh..yeah. I'm from the future." Trunks confessed, looking down with a blush.

Krillin chuckled and flew off with the Android on his back. The prince of all Saiyans was just glaring. He's impatient and needed to start his training, now.

'I won't stand around all day and just wait for Kakarot to come out. I need that room, now. I alone, have the power to finish Cell once and for all.'

Meanwhile, in the Room of Spirit and Time. Gohan, the son of Goku is currently sleeping. The saiyans decided to take a well deserve break and it was almost time for them to step out as well. The son of Goku is dreaming, dreaming of a dark haired beauty.


"Gohan-kun! Thank you for Training me." Said the silhouette of the beauty.

"Heheheh. No problem. Though, I admit. You're insanely strong for the average civilian." He confessed.

The girl chuckled "Yeah. I uh. Get that alot." She smiled and looked into the boys eyes.



"If I ever leave this world, go back home. Promise me, you'll never forget me." She asked, a cute blush appearing her cheeks. Her blush became more evident when the boy wrapped his strong arms around her.

"I promise, Hi-"

End Dreamscape.

The saiyan boy woke up in a jolt, surprise and a blush appearing onto his cheeks. He had been dreaming about this girl at least three times, now. He had always wake up with a strange sensation in his stomach and weird tight feeling his chest.

"Who is she? And What is she doing to me?" He asked himself.

A/N: And that's where I will end the chapter. Gohan and Himawari will meet the next chapter, I promise. ^^

As for the training. I decided that she will be trained by Piccolo, but will also be trained on occasion by Gohan.