Okay, I got a really weird idea about two days ago, thought it over and realized it was pure genius. Well, not really, but I did decide to write it. *takes deep breath* I really don't know whether to continue or not.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the plot.

The Founder's Diary

By Silver Wolf

Chapter One

Dumbledore, Sirius and Remus left the Headmaster's office and headed for the Great Hall, wanting to get to the feast.

They stopped as they saw a boy of around sixteen wandering up the corridor, a glazed look in his eyes.

Remus smiled, knowing whom it was and why he was so preoccupied. Hogwarts was welcoming him home.

The werewolf reached out and placed a hand on the wall, thankful not for the first time that Hogwarts was rather fond of him. -May I have his attention for a while?- he asked silently.

There wasn't an answer, but the teenager in front of them seemed to notice their presence. He looked at each of them in turn, recognizing them.

"Hello Professor Dumbledore, Sirius. Hey Remus," he added, pretending he'd only just noticed the werewolf.

Sirius's jaw dropped. "Harry???"

He smiled. "The one and only."

Sirius leapt over and hugged his godson. "It's great to see you again, kid. Where have you been?"

"That is a very good question," Dumbledore said.

Harry looked at him. "I'll tell you the story later, but I have one request."

Remus held back a laugh, knowing what he wanted.

"What is that, Harry?"

"I'd like to be Re-Sorted, Professor."

Sirius looked stunned, Dumbledore looked shocked, and Remus nearly choked trying not to laugh.

"Of course Harry," the Headmaster said, recovering from the shock.

The dark haired boy smiled and the four continued towards the Great Hall.

Remus leaned over to Sirius. The two of them were slightly behind Harry and Dumbledore. "I bet you five Galleons he's in Slytherin."

Sirius snorted. "You're on."


Harry stood beside the first years, listening as they were sorted. He guessed, correctly, which House each student would be in.

As the last first year was sorted, Dumbledore stood up. "This year I have the pleasure of welcoming Harry Potter back into our midst. Due to his yearlong absence, however, he is to be Re-Sorted. I expect whichever House he joins to welcome him with open arms. Now Harry, I believe you know the procedure?"

"Of course, Professor," he said politely, sitting on the stool and allowing McGonagall to place the Hat on his head.

#Why hello Hat. And how are you this fine day?#

The Hat was quite shocked at the very familiar mind he was peeking into. #Welcome home, 'Harry'. I believe I know where you want to go?#

#Of course you do. There's only one possibility you could seriously consider.#

#Naturally. SLYTHERIN!# the Hat screamed.

Harry stood up, removed the Hat and joined the table, trying not to laugh at the shocked expression on Draco Malfoy's face.

As he looked towards the Staff Table, he saw the smug grin on Remus's face, and the shocked annoyance on Sirius's.

For a moment Harry worried that his godfather was angry with him, then saw him reluctantly place five Galleons in Remus's hand. Harry laughed and shook his head.

"You, a Slytherin Potter?" Malfoy said incredulously. He seemed to have regained the power of speech.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "I believe that's obvious, Malfoy. I am sitting here, aren't I?"

Malfoy blinked, then smiled slightly. "Maybe you are in the right House. Truce, Potter? I really don't want to spent the whole year at your throat."

"Truce Malfoy. I can't really be bothered arguing with you either."

The rest of the feast for the two boys was spent in a heated conversation about Quidditch.


The Slytherin and Gryffindor Sixth years shared several classes, and Harry groaned as he realized he would be faced with Ron and Hermione for the first time in the class he had been looking forward to the most.

"What's wrong with you, Potter?"

"We've got DADA with Gryffindor, Malfoy. I'm going to have to put up with the interrogation from hell in my favourite class."

Malfoy looked at his own schedule and groaned as well. "Not only DADA, but Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Potions, Transfiguration and Charms!"

"Bloody hell! What do we have after DADA?"


Harry narrowed his eyes. "Don't get cute with me, Malfoy. I mean after lunch."

Malfoy smirked innocently. "You only had to say. Argh! Potions, then Divination. This is gonna be nightmare day."

Harry agreed, but before he could speak someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and found himself face to face with Hermione. "Er, hello Hermione."

"Hi Harry. Look, I ought to warn you. Ron's pissed off, and so's about half of Gryffindor."

"What about you?" he asked curiously.

She grinned. "I broke up with him, and I've got no reason to be angry," she said, pulling something out of her bag. "I believe this is yours?" She held up a small blue diary.

His jaw dropped. "My god Hermione! Where did you find it???"

She laughed. "Salazar asked me that exact same question," she said pointedly. "And it was in the library. I nicked it."

Malfoy blinked in shock. "Excuse me? Who are you, and what have you done with Granger?"

She looked at him. "I'm Voldemort and I put her in my sock draw."

Malfoy looked as though he was going to faint. Harry, on the other hand, began to laugh. "And how many hours did you spend talking to that lot?" he asked, motioning to the diary.

She shrugged. "Probably too long. And I spoke to Allan more than anyone."

Harry frowned suddenly. "Really? You know, that reminds me. I need to talk to Re - " he was cut off by a certain redhead he hadn't noticed come up behind Hermione punching him in the jaw.

Malfoy's wand aimed at his face prevented Ron from hitting Harry again. "Leave my housemate alone, Weasel. Or I'll be forced to give myself a new reason to call you that."

Hermione giggled and Harry suppressed a laugh as he stood back up. "You sure pack a punch, Weasley," he said lightly. He pulled out his own wand and pointed it at Ron's head. "One wrong move and they'll be sending you to the Hospital Wing in a matchbox. Now, let's go ask Professor Black what he thinks of unprovoked attacks upon his godson."

Held at wandpoint by two Slytherins and his Gryffindor ex-girlfriend, Ron had no choice but to follow them to Sirius and Remus's office.

"You know, Sirius and Remus are probably as disgusted with you as I am," Ron said. "You're a slimy Slytherin, and your parents were Gryffindors!"

"Actually Ron," Hermione interrupted. "Harry's mother was a Slytherin."

Harry ignored them and knocked on the office door.

Sirius's voice called out. "Unless you've got important business, get lost!"

"Yeah!" Remus added. "We're busy!" There was suppressed laughter.

Harry smirked. "I hope you aren't too busy for little ol' me?"

The door flew open and Sirius grinned at him. "Course not Harry! Come on in!"

Harry entered somewhat warily, and managed to duck out of the way of the water balloon about to hit him in the face. Instead, it hit Ron.

Draco seemed to be having an awful lot of trouble trying not to laugh as Ron's hair turned yellow.

Harry frowned at Remus, who had thrown the dye-filled balloon. "Yellow really isn't my colour Remus. And we're here on official student complaining business."

The werewolf's eyebrow rose. "And what has Mr Malfoy done, exactly?" he asked as he recognized the other three.

"It wasn't him," Harry said. "It was Ron."

"And what did you do to Mr Potter?" Remus asked the redhead. Ron was silent. "Very well, Mr Malfoy? What did Mr Weasley do?"

"He punched Potter in the jaw, sir. It was an unprovoked attack."

Hermione nodded. "He came up behind me, and none of us even noticed him until he hit Harry."

"I see." Remus's eyes narrowed in anger, although only Harry and Sirius noticed. "Mr Weasley, you have detention tonight straight after dinner with Mr Filch. And twenty points from Gryffindor."

Ron nodded, embarrassed.

"And your hair will be yellow for a week," Sirius added. "You can go." The redhead left.

"Have you two quit fighting then?" Sirius asked, looking from Harry to Malfoy.

"A truce," Harry answered. "Oh, and Remus? Hermione found something I thought you might be interested in." he held out the diary.

Remus's eyes widened. "Is this what I think it is?"

Harry merely nodded.

"What is it?" Malfoy asked.

"It's a diary, Malfoy," Harry said, smirking slightly.

"No, really Potter?" Draco commented sarcastically. "I had simply no idea." He rolled his eyes. "I meant, what's so special about it?"

"Well, it's a lot like Tom Riddle's diary," Harry said. "The people who made it put part of their personality into the diary, and if you were to write in it you could have a conversation with them."

"And whose diary is it?" Sirius asked.

"The Founder's."

Draco and Sirius both looked stunned.

"The Founders and Allan Gryffindor, Godric's twin brother," Harry added, seeing the glare he received from Remus. "He's the unknown Founder. He helped, but never received the recognition."

"Yeah, poor guy," Remus added. "He probably did more work than that lazy bum Salazar Slytherin, and didn't even get a mention."

Harry turned to Remus. "Slytherin did more work than the Gryffindork brothers and Ravenclaw combined! Not just his known part in the school, but the Chamber of Secrets, and - "

"Oh shut up, Harry!" Remus exclaimed. "I really don't need your whining this early in the morning!"

Harry was about to reply when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," Sirius called.

The door opened to reveal Pansy Parkinson. "Sir, class was supposed to start five minutes ago."

"Thanks Pansy," Sirius said. "We'll be right there." She turned and left. "Remus, Harry? How about we go to class and you two can finish your little fight later."

Harry and Remus glanced at each other, knowing what the other wanted to do. They turned back and aimed their wands at Sirius.

Three minutes later Draco, Hermione and Harry followed Remus into the classroom and sat down. Their professor began to speak.

"I'm afraid that Professor Black will be unable to attend class today, so you're all stuck with me."

"Why isn't he here, sir?" Seamus asked.

"He's, uh, a little preoccupied at the moment."

"With what?" Lavender said.

"I believe he's got fleas, Lavender. Fleas and he's moulting."


Lunchtime seemed to arrive in no time at all. Harry, Hermione and Draco walked to the Great Hall, laughing at Sirius's predicament.

"Harry, I can't believe you turned him into a kitten!" Draco exclaimed.

Hermione laughed. "And I can't believe Professor Lupin gave him fleas!"

Harry smirked. "I stole the idea, I admit. A Slytherin he went to school with did that to him, and Remus gave him fleas then too."

"Remus was friends with the Slytherin?" Hermione asked in surprise.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, and the guy in question was my mother's best friend."

"What was his name?" Draco asked.

"Tom Harris."

Well, I have only one request. If you wish to see this story continued, review it! I'd really like to keep writing, but not if no one's reading. And this isn't going to stop me writing my other fics either.