I do not own both series. If I did, I would be rich and there would be more fanservice. Enjoy!

Chapter 5 Lightning x Squad

For the past few hours, Gon had traveled around the forest now. He got hungry after a bit of traveling and saw a stream up ahead. He decided to fish for a bit with the momentary silence of action and the tranquility of the stream in the air. He found a big rock enough for him to sit on without being uncomfortable and took out his rod before fishing. A couple of hours past since then, the light was gleaming down and birds were chirping. Gon smiled at this serene atmosphere he got. It reminded him of the Whale Island, his home. Every adventurer, whether it is a hunter or a regular person, always missed home. After all, home is where the heart belongs.

Gon remembered Mito, his surrogate mother and aunt to him. She would always pester him about doing dangerous things around the island and even telling him to do meager things. Washing himself after his adventures around the island, helping with the laundry at times, and even shopping with her in the marketplace. Gon smiled at the memories of his hometown, how it was a port island and tourist attraction. Ships would always go in and out with sailors and people regaling of their tales across the world. He missed home; he missed Mito and his grandmother. He missed them all.

A fish bit onto his bait that he had and he started to pull on it. After a few intense moment of man vs. fish, it was a big salmon that swam down this stream. He smiled at this; he was going to eat well today. Gon put the salmon next to his left side before he went back to throw his line into the stream, it wouldn't hurt to catch more right?

It smelled something. The ground it stepped on, the way it moved. This beast wanted it more than anything now. It made an insult to it's being. It moved into its territory for one thing, it owned that part of the land along with its family. The second it started to have the audacity to even forge for food on its property was adding even more insult to injury.

So entailed the very macho black bear to do its job for its territory safety, kill that son of a bitch that walked into his home turf. Years of cultivating its might against other Ursa and Grimm, it would take the initiative in a surprise attack.

It would be a simple thing, a nice and easy kill for the taking that would require minimal effort before it would gouge on its prey and bring it for the rest to eat. Yeah, it was a sound plan.

The Ursa walked around a bit until it came upon a clearing near the stream area where it would soak itself. It growled in anger when it saw its target. That boy was just sitting down leisurely without even paying attention to his surroundings. It reeked of arrogance, arrogance that needed to be paid in blood. The Ursa started to slowly walk, stealthily avoid breaking some twig. The black skull bear would first position itself before it started to charge its attack. It crouched its head down before it made a full-blown charge at the boy with a threatening roar to add effect. The boy suddenly turned around and panicked at the sight of the charging bear at him.

The Ursa was close to him; close enough to feel his claws reach his skin as it would rip and shred all his ligaments and-

A fast moving object that was a blur to him came from the side and smashed right into the side of his face. It did not even know what hit it. The object reeled back before another one of the same visages came flying at it with electricity. The Grimm had no chance to recover and run and thus was sent flying yet again while being electrocuted. It was thrown into the bushes, not ever to be seen for a bit. It lied on the floor, unconscious.

For Gon to be surprised would be an understatement. He had not sensed anything nor did he hear anything near the bushes. That Grimm was stealthier than most of the wild animals back home. He cursed himself in thought. He had to be more careful.

What surprised him even more was where the Yo-Yo weapon came from. He only knew one person that would be able to do such feat with a small object. He turned to look at the only person in the world, or different world that was his best friend.

"Yo," Killua replied cooly. Gon's immediate reaction without thought was, and he was sure this was from excitement and joy, tackling him with a hug. They both tumbled down over and Killua was surprised.

Gon joyful laughing was what caught him even more off guard. The fact that he sounded happier than his usual self got him a bit unnerved. "G-Gon! Get off me!" he said while struggling to pull away the green boy. The two looked like their age for once; two young boys wrestling on the ground with no mind of the world. Well, except for the fact that they are not wrestling and that one best friend is in a death hug with the other said friend.

The two struggled for a while before they were both sitting down on the creek while Gon was catching fish again for another mouth (He really did not mind it at all. Killua felt grateful since he hasn't eaten at all in a while). Of course that led to the fact that their interlude of catching up and hypothesizing happened now.

They were eating by a makeshift campsite that they had made with some lumber for fire, and a makeshift spit roast for the fishes. They ate their charred food contently that led to a momentary silence with the enjoyment of each other's silent company. Gon starred into the fire thoughtfully before he began to speak.

"Killua," he said to him. The white fluff of hair turned his head towards his friend's direction. Gon starred at the fire, as it crackled and blazed with its humble flame. It danced in the early evening. They settled there for a while, the Grimm bear was gone. It did something strange again against what the other people in this world has told them. It starred at Killua and Gon with light, blue, and docile eyes before it bowed its head and ran away. Gon pondered about that for a while now. First it was the giant black bird that attacked him, next it was this bear that Killua hit with his Yo-Yo encased with electrical Nen.

Anyways, Gon explained to Killua what he has been up to as of late and exchanged their information at the moment. To Gon's knowledge he learnt in the span of weeks, the abridged version was that they were in a parallel world and Gon had no idea how to get home.

Killua had many expressions, one of surprise, happiness, and a tinge of sadness. Much to Killua's reluctance, he liked SOME of his family back in their world. It was still weird to say or even think about it. Parallel worlds back home were a theory at best, what with supernatural powers and unlimited potential in anyone that posses the skill to use Nen.

Regardless, Killua shared his information with Gon on what he learned here in this forest.

"Besides this place, last thing I remember was going back to Yorknew City with Alluka after we took our separate ways. And then..and then…", Killua drifted off as he thought harder on what happened afterwards. Killua crossed his arms while he was deep in thought, trying to gain a semblance of thought of his past events. He rubbed his head in frustration as to why he could not remember anything afterwards.

"Ah! I can't remember a thing!" Killua exclaimed in frustration while flailing his arms. Gon smiled and sweat dropped at this. It was to be expected from Killua at times.

Killua stopped his child like tantrum before he sighed. No use crying over spilt milk. Killua stood up before he put out the flame. Gon looked at him and wondered what he was going to do next.

"Gon, my sister is out there somewhere in this unfamiliar world. We need to find her and fast," Killua replied to his friend seriously. Gon had an inquisitive look before he realized what he meant by that statement. Under no circumstances should Alluka be alone with someone else other than her brother. If someone found out her powers, then things would turn for the worst.

And so the two friends were off in the wilderness, keeping vigilance and silent companionship with smiles to their name. For now at least.

Ozpin and Glynda had been keeping tabs on the students while they were venturing off to their objective. Ozpin had a genuine intrigue with the boy next to his "nephew". It seemed like they knew each other. Which meant two things, they met around the campus or he's from Gon's world. The first seemed a bit farfetched since he knew about most students in the campus and ran through the student files. None of them matched in his database.

There was no any form of human activity in the Emerald Forest at all. It was completely barren, aside from the drones, huntsmen patrols, and even the Grimm that dwell there. It was a strange phenomenon enough to pique his interest. Glynda squinted at the screen with alarms screaming at her in the back of her mind.

"Ozpin… Didn't you say this place for the children to be in would only have the wild life and Grimm?" Glynda asked the Headmaster with some concerns in her voice.

"I did, usually the scanners would never be inaccurate to its patrol data,"Ozpin responded. He looked at the images of the white haired boy and Gon traveling together while talking with smiles. Ozpin tapped his screen a bit on his Scroll. The scroll blinked twice to signal something to come near them. A small drone hovered near the two.

The drone was a small thing and simplistic. It was a hovering orb, silver metallic sphere with a blue and large LED light to make it akin to an eyeball. These were the drone's state of the art countries and well-established villages would use to survey the regions around them. They were fast, durable, and most importantly self-aware. Thus would help them make their own decisions as long as the creator's parameters and it's own safety in mind.

"I am Scrying Eye 213, designated for the Emerald Forest and all of its inhabitants for Huntsmen and the safety of Vale in it's backyard. How may I be of service to you, Headmaster Ozpin and Professor Glynda Goodwitch," It said in a polite and lively robotic voice. Ozpin brought up his images of the scroll to the sky and it floated the images on his screen in front of the group.

"213, I hope you have an explanation for this mistake in patrol reports we have you do so very often," Ozpin looked at the small floating lightbulb with some mirth in his voice.

"Ah, protocol dictates that I must report to you the sightings of any adversary Huntsman of different country or on the black list stored in my databanks. It is likely that this individual knows how to mask their aura and their own tracks. I have reported it but my memory of the subject is at a blank. Thus I had report it, yet no evidence of such query has been made," The medium sized sphere reported. "If that is all then, I will report in on this new sighting and observe. He may be an individual that would pose a threat to your being." It floated away by its anti-gravity dust that powered its flotation device while humming a happy tune.

Ozpin's eyebrows scrunched up at this. Something scrambled the most highly advanced security system. That was a cause for alarm. If this person whom he was assuming was the person next to Gon, caused the video malfunction on the Scrying Orbs. Then his students may be in danger.

But he didn't want to jump the gun because this boy may be convinced to help him like Gon was. He was very hopeful in the youth next to his "nephew". Maybe, just maybe, he may be the next person that would be able to help them as the defenders of Remnant. He looked at the scroll with interest and worry. He was hoping he was making the right choice, and that Glynda would not scold him later about it.

They've been walking for a while now. Nothing of the sort had happened yet, but they kept their eyes out. They had trodden off towards Gon's destination since Killua was not part of it. Gon informed him of this new "Huntsmen" test. Killua scoffed at it, saying it was pretty much a dulled down version of the Hunter Exam without the danger or the adrenaline induced paranoia that most of the contestants there.

"Well, except that one guy," Killua thought with a sweat drop. After his brother degraded him to nothing more than what he had before he left his families home to be a Hunter, he sorta killed one of the contestants which got him kicked out in the first place before he had to re-take it during their adventures in Greed Island. Killua felt remorse for the old man, but he was just pissed and depressed at the time.

Zoldyck are known to kill at times when they're at their most vulnerable. Hence why his father is usually reigns in his feelings during missions. He didn't want to let his anger to be trifled with and make him go on a bloodlust.

I mean, look at Illumi.

It didn't take a genius to figure out how much his brother both pisses him off and frightened him at first. Heck, all Killua wanted to do was just really have a normal life as a kid. He hadn't been granted that because he's heir to his father's throne, or boss of the business once his father passes away. How unfortunate would that be for him.

"This test is really just a cake walk for us. We should be finding out what has happened," Killua mumbled under his breath. The power that both Gon and he had were more than enough for these "Grimm". They always ran off whenever they damaged them.

A weak lot.

Gon and his companion had only encountered some opposition from the wild life. Nothing too terrible was fought, as it was the usual cannon fodder. There was a slight opposition from this twin headed Grimm snake, but Killua made short work of it.

Gon had never thought he see a sick and twisted looking animal balloon in his life until now. He looked at his friend in deadpan. He must be REALLY getting bored of this if that entertained him for a good half hour. Gon laughed at this, of course. It's not every day you see that kind of thing. They travelled onwards once more, acted on their age while meandering around. They were laughing and enjoying their surroundings. It was exotic at least. The Emerald Forest reminded them of their days with Kite. The introduction of Kite and his environmental team made them reminisce the good times. That was when they winded up in the Chimera Ant.

"Killua," Gon started up a conversation. "I want to tell you that I am glad we are best friends."

"Hm? Yeah, me too. Why are you saying that?"

"Nothing at all. Just felt like it that's all."

Silence met them once more. An uncomfortable silence beckoned their atmosphere. Killua's anxiety for his friend's safety now was in his mind. Gon wouldn't say anything like that unless something was up but he wouldn't pry. Usually he would be able to find out anyways what his friend spoke of. It would irk the boy for a while. He had to bring it up later, right now the situation was not in need of such drama at the moment.

The duo finally found their objective after a couple of hours, surrounded by thickets of vines and very ancient structure stood in their presence. The sheer enormity of the ancient structure that held for unaccountable amount of years stood. There laid chess pieces and sets on pedestals. Gon walked cautiously to the pedestal, warily of what could be his next trial. If this was anything like the Hunter Exams, then expect the unexpected. He quickly saw a random piece and swiped it quickly. He looked around hurriedly, his face expecting some epic booby trap of some sort. Killua was hiding in the bushes since he was not part of it. However, his patience was running thin when Gon continued his paranoia display.

"Oi! Would you just get the thing and lets go!" Killua yelled. "Yesh, you make it seem like it is some corny action movie." Gon quickly took it and ran away from the structure and into some bushes. Killua sighed at Gon's antics. It was to be expected by his long time friend. Killua walked over to Gon and looked at him questioningly.

"Oi, Gon. What are you doing?" Killua asked.

"Oh, I'm just waiting for a trap. It can't be that simple now can it, Killua?" Gon answered with such confidence that he thought he was right. Killua was about to bonk him on the head for wasting time until they heard rumbling. Quickly, Killua hid next to Gon to see this so called "Trap" be sprung until a Ursa was flung across the clearing and onto the ground lifeless. Yang and Blake approached the carcass to confirm the kill before they went and got their artifacts. Then mayhem started to appear with a girl riding the bear, girls and Jaune flying, and then Jaune catching a girl from the sky. (We all know that story goes). Within a span of 5 minutes this all happened. Gon watched it all unfold before Ruby tried to be a hero. Gon eyes widened at his friend's predicament. She went to try and kill a Deathstalker all by herself?! She weaved at the monster, but then she got stuck by one of the feathers by the bird. Gon looked at Killua and with a nod they both sped off. They both expanded Nen into their bodies before they sped up even more. Gon leaped across the group of teenagers and Yang that ran after Ruby and stood near the red reaper.

"Don't worry! I got you Ruby!" Gon said before he put 30% Nen into his arms before he heaved the feather upwards. The black feather flew away from them. Killua dashed forward and then put electricity into his hands.

"Die" Killua said before he launched at the Deathstalker and then jumped on its back. He thrusted his hand into the fleshy part of the Scorpion and tried to fry it from the inside out. It wailed in pain and struggled to get the young assassin heir off its back but no avail. Killua had knowledge of dealing with Scorpions before on his assassination attempts or just adventures he has been on before he met Gon. Desert places riddled with the miniature versions of the deadly arachnid, so it was no surprise Killua had adapted to finding its weak point.

Gon plucked the feather from the ground and then pulled Ruby up before running. Killua jumped off the Deathstalker and then made for a dash as the monster was sporadically twitching and trying to recover from the static blast of Nen. Everyone regrouped at the artifact center and Gon had to breath a bit. That last bit of Nen he had in him drained too much on his reserves. He had never had it this bad before but now, things are really different for him.

"I need to learn how to conserve more of my Nen, otherwise I might just run myself dry at this point," Gon thought bitterly at this fact. It was a contest of Nen back in Heaven's Arena and how it was properly used. If he hadn't learnt that, he would have never become an official Hunter. Nen could mean life or death depending on the battle situation. Hunters were never away from danger. The white haired girl walked up to Ruby and started to tell her something about working together and all that stuff. Gon didn't really pay attention but then Killua walked up to Ruby and then looked at her dead in the eye.

"Oi, if you do something stupid like that it will only get you killed," he said bluntly before he walked towards Gon and gave a worried look. "Gon, you were never this weak. What happened?" Killua asked his best friend. Gon had no idea what was wrong with his reserves, but it led to him to be in this sorry state. The white haired girl, which Gon heard in conversation was named Weiss, walked towards them with a look of contempt at Killua.

"How dare you tell that to my partner! If anything, I should be the one to tell her that. She also went through a near death experience so if anything you should had not told her that just now!" She scolded Killua haughtily. Weiss swore that some boys never had any tact in what they say. At least to say he was not like her little brother Whitely, but at least he would read the situation well enough to not say something at an appropriate time. Killua gave an unimpressed look at her before he scoffed it off and continued to look at Gon for any signs of injuries or something happened to his Nen. Weiss' mouth dropped and she was about to go on another tirade before Ruby grabbed her shoulder and shook her head. Weiss got the message. Now was not the time for this. The group of teenagers, with the exception of sum, looked at their situation with uncertainty. Ruby's eyes gleamed with determination, she had to take charge otherwise nothing would get done! Ruby got the attention of the group by looking at everyone with confidence of a leader, one who would show them the way to victory.

"Listen up! Our mission was to get the artifact and then bring it to the cliff and back to Ozpin. So lets complete this and get enrolled into Beacon! " Ruby declared and they all nodded in affirmation. They ran off towards the cliff to complete their objective. The Nevermore flew by them and cawed as a battle cry. However, another Nevermore was coming into view, thus the battle at the Cliff of the Forest shall begin.

AN: Honestly this is very short. I disapprove of it greatly but I've been holding this out on you guys.

College either makes it or breaks a person. And so far I've done nothing but study until the winter break came along.

I'm really sorry guys. I tried to develop this chapter to be long and lengthy, but the Fall semester was very brutal for me and I am vacationing in a different country atm. So for all things considered, I'll do my best to deliver a great fight scene then I had provided those short battles. But they all serve a purpose, hopefully delivering it would be great and everyone would like it.

Anyways, enough of it. I hope you all enjoyed it and have a great day guys!