Even the Darkest of Hearts

Summary: AU S4 Episode 12 'A view to a kill'-what if someone was there and everything that happened, wasn't as it was? Kol makes a promise to two people who have lost much and spirits them away to New Orleans where they end up tangled up in the drama…and remeet the Originals. What will happen in the Crescent City? Will love bloom or will it wither and die?
Pairings: Elejah-Stebekah-Datherine-Kennett-Klaroline-Jeremy/Davina with two past Caroline/Marcel and Tyler/Caroline


The first thing that came to her was the fact that her neck was snapped-a first for everything-and the second was the hands cupping her cheeks. Elena Gilbert looked up to see who was cradling her cheeks.

"Matt? What's goin' on?" she got out in a groggy voice and Matt chuckled.

"What's the last thing you remember?" She thought about it and she was paling faster than ever.

"I saw a text on my phone and I went here," she looked around the boardinghouse with wide eyes. She saw Stefan was behind him with a sad expression. "…the last thing was me checking the text message and Damon was in front of me…"

"Katherine's portraying you again and this time, she wants to find the cure, shove it down your throat and hand you over to Klaus." Stefan told her with sad eyes. Though he wanted her human, he would prefer her to be happy as well.

She managed to get up and as she moved to walk, she was entirely too weak until Matt fearlessly handed her his wrist which she drank from, her fangs piercing the skin. She only took enough to fill her up a little bit and to make her seem normal. Kissing both on the cheek, she flashed over to her house where she saw her doppelgänger, Damon and Kol Mikaelson in an all out brawl.

Looking around, she grabbed some of the neighbor's white pieces of wood from their fence and in a Klaus-like manor, she threw them, piercing Damon in the gut and Katherine near the heart, giving Kol enough time to leave.

Kol was an opportunist by nature and quickly saw an opening to escape. While he would have loved to rip Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore to shreds he held self-preservation in high-esteem. He had managed to escape the Gilbert residence when another doppelgänger intervened and for a second, he thought it was Katherine until he heard her speak and knew that it wasn't.

His savior was Elena Gilbert.

Elena was angry with Damon and this time, she knew that she would never forgive him.

"You and Katherine not only tried to kill Kol but you both had the nerve to make it seem like it was my idea?" With each word she spoke, her fury rose. "I want you both out of my life and to never come near my family and friends again." Turning on her heel, she left the house and walked down the street where Kol met her.

"So it wasn't you doppelgänger." He smirked at her, not at all fazed at what nearly happened. "What do you want to do now?" She gave him a rueful smile.

"As everyone believes that I was in on the plan to kill you," she had a feeling that her sadness was going to flutter up and consume her. "I have nowhere to go and now, no friends." She had thought that was true because lately, every time she spoke with one of them, they always seem to say cruel things to her and she was tired of it. Kol could feel his humanity slowly return as he took in the depressed look in her eyes.

"I know someone in New Orleans who owes me a favor or two so I can spirit you there and make myself scarce," he offered.

"I'm going with you." The two turned to stare at Caroline Forbes, standing there with a dark look in her eyes. "I'm going with you and there's no way for you to stop me." Elena walked tentatively towards her but Caroline flashed herself into Elena's arms, silently crying as she whispered what happened to make her want to leave.

"Katherine and Damon killed my mom. There's no one else left in my family and I can't be alone anymore."

"The two of us will be sisters-Elena and Caroline Forbes," Elena whispered. "I don't want to use the Gilbert name."

"How about instead of Forbes we use Sommers?" Caroline sniffed. Elena smiled and nodded. That day, sisters Elena and Caroline Sommers were born while Elena Gilbert and Caroline Forbes died.

Kol, true to his word, spirited them out of Mystic Falls and sent them to New Orleans.

Bonnie ran as fast as she could when she saw it-the door to the Forbes residence was opened. She barely made it a step inside where she saw the sheriff dead, her neck at a bad angle. What in the world had happened? Bonnie had been walking over to see Caroline when she had felt a sense of danger and seen the door wide open. A sob tore through her and suddenly arms went around her. Looking up, she saw Kol Mikaelson there.

The scream she was about to emit never came as his hand moved to her mouth and she tossed in his arms, trying to push him away. Fear pumped through her and the want to use Expression grew until she heard Kol's voice. She must be out of the loop. Wasn't it Jeremy and Damon's big plan to kill Kol with Elena's help? Anger filtered through her after her confusion. He must have killed Liz! It was the only thing that made sense when he was there.


She nearly bit him until his voice hit her again, repeating what he had said earlier to her.

"It's okay, relax," he soothed. "Caroline and Elena are going to be fine but for now, pretend that I'm dead and both girls are on the run. Can you do that?" Looking at her, he whispered. "I would never hurt the Sheriff. I got here when you did though I had been told that this was Katerina and Damon's doing."

Bonnie nodded, she knew that the girls were planning on leaving but she never knew why-the plan was made when it was discovered that Elena had a sire bond to Damon and she hated it. Before, it was all just made up of where they wanted to go but lately, that plan was becoming more and more enticing. Bonnie was now realizing that Katherine must not only be portraying Elena and ruining her life again but she, along with Damon, also killed the sheriff, whom she was staring at with tears in her eyes.

A new wave of anger floated through her and she wanted to kill not only Damon but Katherine as well. If I ever find them I'll kill them slowly she thought coldly. Kol looked at her with a dark smile as though he knew what she was thinking.

"They're safe but please-pretend that they're on the run." He whispered and at her nod, he removed himself from her and walked away from her.

She waited a bit before calling the station and saying, "Damon Salvatore killed Sheriff Forbes." She hung up and made her way back to her house where she let out her anger through her dark magic by destroying most of the things in her room.

She wanted everything in this god forsaken little town to be perfect and non-supernatural but the reality was that this place was like one of the largest homing beacons for every known supernatural creature in existence. She wanted to leave but she couldn't. She couldn't leave and so, as she made her way to the kitchen robotically, she promised herself that most of the people here were going to regret pissing off a Bennett witch.

Especially the elder Salvatore and Katherine Pierce.

First things first, she had to call Caroline and Elena to inform them of Liz's death and then she had to go to the funeral. She had been to too many lately. It was something that she had vowed not to do again but she'll do it for Liz Forbes. Her second mother next to her grandmother, Sheila, and she wept for both.