Disclaimer: I don't own Castle
Summary: Quick funny one-shot. Castle isn't the only one taking pictures. Follow up to 08x19
"While you were sleeping"
Rick lazily stretched and as he turned, he was faced with a familiar scene. Except the other day he was the one standing there watching her sleep.
"Hey," he said. "Copying me?"
"Nope," she said innocently. Too innocently. He narrowed his eyes as she sat on the bed next to him and he sat up.
"What?" he said slowly.
"So, you know how you said you watch me sleep?"
"I've found the pictures."
"You didn't delete them?" he panicked. He loved those pictures. Kate at her most relaxed, at home, completely safe and happy.
"I made a slide show," she said pulling her phone as if she was pulling a package of heroin and pressing the button to start the slide show.
"See, they're beautiful, you're beautiful – er- Kate – that one's not mine, that one's not you – that's me! Last month! I haven't worn those pajamas since last month when I spilled the blueberry marmalade on them!"
She rubbed her forehead self-consciously and he narrowed his eyes even more, and she shrugged. "So, maybe you're not the only one taking pictures, but in my defense, you're so cute when you're asleep, look at this!" she pointed at a photo of him with his mouth slightly opened hugging the pillow.
"For shame Katherine Beckett, for shame. Give me that."
"No! They're my pictures! You can't delete them! I've got backups!" she started running, and what could he do? What he's always done. He gave chase to his wife.
The end