Characters: Mike, Vanessa, Bloom
Relationships: Mike and Vanessa
Rating: K+


She rushes into Mercy, her brown hair falling into her eyes and blocking her vision. She keeps shoving it behind her ears; tomorrow she's going down to the barber to see Jerica, and having her cut it. Shoulder length, like when she was in high school. Her hair always gets caught in the rose thorns when she cuts them, anyway.

The hospital is loud; people being wheeled this way and that in stretchers. It is obvious who came in due to the fire and who didn't, because the ones who did are sitting together in a row wrapped in shock blankets and those who did not are across the waiting room, staring at them in mute shock. Burns are on bodies of elderly people and small children that make her heart clench up for a moment before she remembers why she's here.

The nurse at the front desk looks frazzled, but she doesn't care as she approaches. The woman is visibly startled by her. "I'm looking for my husband," she says, and the other woman stares at her blankly for a moment.

"He's a firefighter; he came in with Ladder Company 18, his name is Mike - Michael."

The nurse blinks and grabs a chart. "Michael...Peters?"


"...Room six. Through that door, down the hall, third door on the left."

She's gone before the woman finishes her sentence.

The door swings shut behind her and she half-runs, half-walks in the direction she was told to go. She recognizes other men from the station through the slightly parted curtains; Jack Piccoli, Andrew Stremor, Amelia Weston. She hears monitors going off in other room and this sense of dread is still strong in the pit of her stomach. She knew this was a possibility. She'd known since the day he took her out to see a cheap horror movie as their first date. She'd agreed to it anyway. She'd been an idiot.

Her eyes land on him before she finds the corresponding room number. He's sitting on a chair opposite a window. His helmet and jacket are in a pile next to him, a shock blanket around his shoulders. Ash is on his face around his sweat stains. He looks dazed.


His head snaps in her direction, and she's in his arms before he's fully upright. He smells like an ashtray and detergent from the blanket, and she's vaguely aware her white shirt will be ruined, but she doesn't care.

He kisses her like a reassurance, a promise.

"Vanessa -"

"Julie called me; she saw it on the news. The station called and said you were here and I just…" she's hyperventilating, and Mike pulls her into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around her back. "Thank God. Thank God you're alright. Are you alright? Are you hurt -"

"Smoke inhalation, but I'm fine. I'm okay."

Minutes pass, and her breathing evens out. She lifts her head to look at his face, kisses him again. "Why are you out here? They said room six."

"I was...checking on someone." he nods his head towards the window.

She follows his gaze. Pediatric ICU. A doctor and two nurses huddled over a baby station. She sees a small foot kick out.

"Oh my god; you found a baby in there?"

"At the center of the blaze."

The feeling in her stomach, steadily depleting, comes back with a brute force. "How bad? Will he make it?"

"She. She's alright." She glances back at Mike, finds the same dazed look she'd seen before on his face. " was incredible, Nessa. She was on a table, in the middle of smoke and heat and she...she was fine. There isn't a scratch on her."

Her eyebrows raise, challengingly. "That smoke got to your head, Mike."

"You think I'd make this up?"

A retort is on her tongue, but then the doctor moves, and her eyes catch the movement of a tiny foot on the table in the room. Her eyes turn in its direction.

The baby is small; she knows enough about babies from the parenting books they've bought over the last two years to know she's months, maybe only weeks old. Her hair is what's the most startling, a red so bright it probably blurred with the fire. She's pale, but other than that looks fine upon a first glance. No burns, no bruises. The baby's eyes blink, and look around the room now that she isn't being crowded. They go to the window, past it, and lock onto Vanessa's. They're blue, like the sky on a June day.

The icy fear gripping her chest melts.

Hi there, hello. Welcome to the 100 Themes Challenge; Winx Edition. 100 themes, all 1,000 words or less about the wonderful world of Winx Club.

100 is a big number, and there are a lot of themes and characters to get through. Please feel free to suggest a character, couple (cannon or crack), and/or theme. There are tons of theme lists out there, so just suggest one that tickles your fancy, and we'll have our own 100 list like cool kids. Also expect a shoutout if I use your suggestion. I look forward to reading them!