Little Pet

Disclaimer: I don't own Avengers, or either Thor movies. At all.

The feeling of thin lips pressed softly on her bare shoulder made her sigh and smile as she woke up. She turned slightly, looking at Loki pressing his lips on her shoulder blades. He pulled her closer to his chest.

"Good morning, little one." Loki whispered as he continued from her shoulder to her back. Melissa could not leave, even if she wanted to. Their legs were tangled together, and she was still somewhat in disbelief. She gave her virginity to Loki. She gave her VIRGINITY to a person trying to conquer her very home.

And it was better than anything she had ever experienced. All those months of teasing, down the drain. But she soon realized he now had another advantage on her: her own sexual appetite, her body. He was so thorough in his exploration that she was certain he could look at a certain spot and make goosebumps form on her skin. Melissa didn't know whether to indulge in the pleasure that he was giving her or mope at her own weakness. It was a nagging thing. Most people ignored the bitchy voice that resided in the back of their mind, but she could not. She remembered that she predicted that he would seduce her, and she held out longer than she gave herself credit for. That had to count somewhere, right? Right? There would be plenty of time to feel like a dumb slut later.

"Good morning." Melissa sat up, pushing her knees up to her chest.

"We have a busy morning ahead of us. I must go to Midgard." Melissa made to ask if she could go with him, but he shook his head. "After last night, I cannot be certain that anyone trying to rebel won't do harm to you." Leaving her here was better? "Asgard is safest because no fool will try that again and especially not while I am away." All the more incentive to do it. "Heimdall sees all and will report to me should any harm befall you. In the meantime, the woman I mentioned last night can keep watch over you, much nicer than her husband. Now, get up so we can bathe and perform our duties."

The bath was different. Everything with Loki was different. Melissa was still pretty guarded, much to his amusement even though he's seen and touched everything she was trying to conceal.

"Why hide?"

"You... you know why." Melissa was trying to word it carefully so he wouldn't yank her hair this time like he did the last time she was insulting him. Loki smirked, reaching to graze her neck with his fingertips. She shivered and he laughed softly before returning to bathe.

It was quite different leaving the palace, having only ever seen outside palace walls when she first arrived in Asgard. It had been seven months. It was a much smaller palace than the one she was accustomed to, but still very fancy. A woman in lavender and light green came and greeted them.

"My king, you're early."

"Good morning, Runa. You seem to be in good spirits." Loki put a hand around Melissa's waist, slightly pulling her closer. "This is my pet, Melissa. Take care of her. I should return by tonight."

"As you wish, my king." Loki looked at Melissa, smiling with his eyes.

"Be a good little girl, my dear. I will return soon." Melissa nodded, Loki leaving for the Bifrost. When Loki was out of sight, Runa and Melissa looked at each other.

"You're tall." Melissa said as she looked at the 5'7" woman.

"You're small." Runa replied, smiling. The woman went into a baby room first. "Ah, he is still asleep. That's good. Can I interest you in breakfast?"

"Yes, please. Just some fruit and water." After a while, Runa and Melissa were sitting across each other, Melissa scribbling away as she drunk her water.

"So you are the Midgardian I heard so much about. You're not that bad a person. A little short, maybe, frail compared to us but not really as bad as people paint you to be." Melissa looked up, eyebrow raised. "You don't seem the type to go around causing trouble for yourself." A humorless chuckle left Melissa's lips, and it was a while before she explained herself.

"My stepfather would beg to differ. He loves to say I'm disrespectful."


"Because he's a deadbeat. I don't really respect him anymore. Minimally, at best. Who knows. Maybe he's become useful in the last seven months. Hah. Right."

"You seem quite bitter about him. Does it have to do with your position under King Loki?" Melissa grew red and coughed, immediately reminded of last night. She HAD to put it that way, didn't she? Melissa explained what happened the day she and Loki met, and why she held such animosity for a man who watched her grow up but was not very active in her life. Runa did not fully understand, since men took responsibility for their actions- well, most- and what was a common occurrence on Midgard was a social taboo in Asgard. However, she didn't judge for it. She just listened as Melissa vented her frustrations.

"But I am grateful to him for this: His idiocy got me away from him. I met King Loki and while he isn't the greatest man alive, he's not as bad a king as people make him out to be. He's rather fair." Runa nodded.

"So you would defend a person trying to conquer your world rather than your mother's husband?"

"If we were talking about how much of a man the other is, then yes. Loki is more responsible."

Some time later, Loki returned, thoroughly surprised at the amicable atmosphere in which Melissa and Runa were in, playing with the baby.

"I take it things went well?"

"Yes, my king. She is great company. And she loves children. When will she be back?" Everyone laughed, Melissa looking at Loki. "Or do I have to request an audience?"

Thanks for reading!