Standard Disclaimer in first chapter

Baby Steps


Madge opened the letter, frowning as she read over its contents before tossing it on the coffee table.

Sitting back against the couch, she sighed before getting back to work—there was still another load of laundry left. Gale was out getting groceries with Viola since they were tired of eating breakfast burritos.


It had been almost two months since her first date with Cato, since Gale had revealed what had happened before their own first date, since he had kissed her…

However the next day, both of them chose not to acknowledge what had happened, instead reverting to playful banter and awkward jokes.

Viola saw no difference—thank goodness.

"Honey, I'm home!" The door slammed shut and Gale entered the living room with Viola in one arm, and a tote bag of groceries hanging from his opposite shoulder. His smile faded seeing Madge slouched on the couch. "What's wrong?"

She didn't respond and Gale, undeterred from her behavior, sat next to her. Viola crawled onto her lap, taking her loose gold tresses in her small fingers to examine it. She smiled watching the little girl's curiosity, the action reminding Madge so much of Katniss.

Her best friend had always had an innate inquisitiveness when she found something of interest. It was bugs in grade school, then different kinds of flowers in middle school.

Then Peeta in high school.

"Aunt Madge is kind of a loser, Vi," she declared. "You still like me, don't you?"

Vi leaned over until they were practically nose to nose before he blew a raspberry in her face.

"You took my cheer-up method, VI!" Gale said with a chuckle. He held up the notice before meeting Madge's eyes. "This isn't the end of the world."

"I'm going to lose the studio," Madge responded. "It was a dumb idea to even think about expanding into a regular studio in the first place. I should've stuck to the appointments through my website."

"But you were killing yourself," Gale reasoned. "Katniss used to tell me that the travelling was taking a toll on you."

"Then what do you suggest?" she asked him.

"I can lend you the money," he told her simply.

Madge shook her head, adjusting so Viola could rest against her chest. "No."

"Why not?" Gale argued. "You need it. This is important to you. Also, once you're back up and running—you can pay me back."

"It doesn't feel like enough," she said simply.

"Then…" Gale looked down for a moment and after a long breath, met her eyes. "…let's go on a date."

Madge straightened, wrapping her arms around Viola's tiny body. "What?"

"You know…the thing I was supposed to take you on before royally fucking up." His grey eyes looked to her shyly. "I want to try it again."

She bit her lip in contemplation. They were finally confronting what was really happening between them. But, what if it didn't work out?

They were raising Viola together and they lived in the same house—

"You're thinking too hard," Gale stated, amusement in his gaze. "I know that you're still seeing Cato, but you can't deny that we need to confront whatever is happening here."

Madge looked to their Goddaughter. "What do you think? Yes or no?"

Viola titled her head in contemplation before beaming, her growing front tooth prominent. "Jest!"

"There you go!" Gale called out in triumph, his strong arms pumping up victoriously. He looked to Viola in adoration. "You're my lucky charm, Vi!"

Viola followed, throwing her arms up. "Jest!"

"A date, huh?" Johanna stirred her cup of coffee before meeting Madge's eyes. "And, this isn't going to be weird?" She held Regina, who was dead asleep in her free arm. "And what about Cato?"

Madge looked to her guiltily. "Well, we're still sort of seeing each other. He's busy with his practice and I'm busy with my business. We never really talked about exclusivity." Next to her, Viola sat in her high chair. "Vi is the one who accepted for me."

"You mean to tell me that you're leaving your dating life and coochie time in the hands of a one-year-old?" Johanna stared at her in doubt. "I think you have no idea what you're doing—and it's going to bite you in the ass."

Madge chuckled. "I can see why you and Katniss were friends. You both have a penchant for not sugarcoating things."

"I can see why you and Katniss were friends, too," the woman retorted. "Because you, my dear, are adorably clueless when it comes to relationships."

"Then it makes sense why I'm the single one."

"What matters is that you're actually dealing with what is happening between you two," Johanna replied. "You're both grown-ups and all this playing around can't be all for naught." She smiled at Madge, reaching to take another drink from her cup, before speaking once more. "Are you at least excited about it?"

Madge grinned to herself. "Yes. Believe or not, I am."

There was a little cry and Madge turned to Viola, her arms reaching out for the bottle on the table.


She handed Vi the bottle. "Can you say 'Madge'?" Her goddaughter stared for a moment before shaking her head. "Fair enough."

"That stubborn look of knowing…" Johanna gazed affectionately at Viola. "It's amazing how I see both of them in that look."

"Sometimes I miss them so much." Madge looked to her friend. "Sometimes I feel like I'm babysitting and they'll just be back by the end of the day. But then evening comes and no one is coming through that door. Delly is right; we're still working on becoming a family—and I'm still dealing with things not just being me."

"And, you're going to complicate things even more by going out on a date with Gale," Johanna said mockingly.

"Any suggestions?" Madge asked.

Johanna looked to Regina, snuggling against her, and then Vi drinking vigorously from her bottle.

"Use protection."

Madge looked in the mirror as she put her earrings on. They were actually Katniss' but she borrowed them so much that her best friend insisted that she keep them. They were tiny pearls with a silver sheen and went well with the black sleeveless dress that she wore.

"You ready, Madge?" Gale suddenly called out from downstairs.

She took a deep breath. This was it.

After all these years, they were finally going on a date.

Grabbing her bag, Madge quickly walked out of her room and down the stairs to where Gale was waiting at the bottom of the steps. Beside him, Prim held Viola, who chewed attentively on a frozen teething ring since another tooth was coming in.

Gale beamed at Madge and she slowed in her steps seeing him in his old Letterman jacket.

"Whoa…blast from the past!" Madge reached the final step. "What am I missing?"

"It's a little late," Gale said with a grin. "But, I hope you like it."

He reached inside of his jacket to pull out a single flower—a daffodil.

Taking the flower, she felt her cheeks warm up and her mouth rose in a smile. "Thanks."

"I can take that," Prim offered. She took the bloom before pulling back and looking between the two shyly. "You two make a really cute couple."

The teenager rushed off into the kitchen with Viola in tow, leaving them to chuckle at her words.

"She says that about a lot of people," Madge offered. "I heard her mooning over one of the Hemsworths the last time she came to babysit."

"The hotter one I hope," he responded with a grin. "Shall we?"

Gale rushed over to the door, opening it for her, and a smile spread onto her glossed lips at his gesture. Walking past him, Madge stepped out onto the porch as Gale called out to let Prim know that they were taking off.

After he closed the door, Gale went to her side and Madge breathed in his spiced cologne, releasing her nerves with a slow breath. This was Gale; the boy she had known since high school, the one who was the bane of her existence…the one who she had partied with in Santorini.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked suddenly.

Madge turned to him and smiled. "Santorini."

Gale chuckled, his hand reaching to take hers. They headed down the walkway and into the evening.

"Tonight seems to have that feeling. The air feels the same," he acknowledged. "Except that we don't have to worry about being kicked off of our sailboat so Katniss and Peeta could bump heads." They stopped on the sidewalk and Gale looked to her. "I thought that we would forego my bike tonight."

She looked at the beat-up Toyota, recognizing it right away. "How did you get your old car back?"

"It was at my Mom's," he informed her. Opening the creaky door for Madge, she carefully sat down and adjusted her skirt. Gale stared down at her for a moment, a smile growing across his finely chiseled face. "You look really pretty, by the way."

Madge blushed. "Thanks."

Gale rounded the car and, opening the driver's side door, he quickly hopped into his seat. Madge touched the plush dice hanging off the rearview mirror—a gift from Peeta and Katniss after Gale had gotten the car during their senior year.

"It even smells the same in here," she remarked.

"What does it smell like?" Gale asked curiously as he started the engine.

Madge met his dark eyes in the dimness of the car. "Like hormones and gym socks."

"Exactly what I needed to set the mood," he replied with a laugh.

Her hands went to the radio knob, looking for a good station. "So what are we doing?"

"Well first, don't mess with the radio," Gale said, taking her hand away from the buttons and entwining their fingers. "Second, I'm making good on our first date plan."

"So you were going to take me to Greasy Sae's?"

Madge looked around the old diner with its checkered floors, rounded counters and stools, and that old jukebox that Katniss used to sing along with whenever she had too much to drink. Gale led her to their usual booth next to the window overlooking the quiet main street of Panem.

"Of course," he responded. "The truth was that I wanted to show you off. I mean, Madge Undersee, the cheerleader, finally agreed to go out with me. Plus, I knew what you liked here." As if on cue, one of the waitresses approached their booth, eyeing Gale appreciatively. "Burger. No tomatoes, no onions, and extra mushrooms, steak fries, and a cherry coke for the lady. I'll have the same." He winked at the woman and she blushed before rushing off.

"What if I didn't want you to order that?" she countered.

Gale cocked his head at her, his grey eyes teased. "So you have a more refined palate now?"

"Fuck no—that's exactly what I wanted!" She looked at him from across the table. "I guess I'm flattered that you know what I like."

He reached for her hand resting on the table and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I just want you to be happy."

"How do you know I'm not?" Madge responded.

"It hasn't been easy on us these past few months," Gale said. "I know I haven't been the best roommate and maybe it's because I'm afraid of disappointing you."

She looked at him in concern. "Why would you disappoint me?"

"Because you make me want to be better and I can never seem to pull through," he told her. The earnestness in his eyes made her chest flutter and she gave his hand a squeeze. "You never knew how much your approval meant to me. Whenever I fucked up, I just knew that you were adding on to the list of reasons why you could never be with someone like me."

"Gale…" Madge stood up and went to sit on his side. "Scoot over." He complied, letting her slip in next to him. "It was high school and we were just kids. We're not the same as we were before. Look at Katniss and Peeta—I mean—they were fucking psychos!"

Gale chuckled. "That is true. I mean, only Katniss could get Peeta to climb the school's flag pole naked to hang her bra for everyone to salute."

"And to think, they got married first and had a kid," she said. "So as you can see, people change. We were the lucky ones because we all managed to stick together through all those changes."

A group of teenagers walked in, gathering in the back, and Gale and Madge watched them fondly remembering that, once upon a time, that was them.

Suddenly, the jukebox erupted and Gale let out a guffaw. "Do you remember this song?"

Madge nodded. "I remember. There was a school rally and it was movie-themed. You and Peeta decided that you wanted to recreate the fight scene from The Karate Kid, Part Two. Peeta even got Katniss to dress up in a full kimono to play Tamlyn Tomita's part."

"We must've watched that movie a thousand times," Gale recalled.

She nodded in agreement, remembering he and Peeta sitting in Gale's basement rewinding his VCR to that specific scene.

"I know…it drove Katniss and me crazy."

"Get up," he told her suddenly.

Madge snapped her head at him. "What?"

Gale sighed, almost expectant at her resistance. "Go with it." Standing up, she watched him scoot before rising in front of her and holding out his hand. "Just take my damn hand, Undersee."

She took it and grinned. "Fine, Hawthorne."

Pulling her close, Gale wrapped an arm around her waist as they began to sway in front of their booth.

"Tonight it's very clear
As we're both lying here
There's so many things I wanna say…"

There was a hoot and Madge craned her head to see the group of teenagers watching them. She looked up and smiled at the man before her, wearing his Letterman jacket, and gazing down at her as if she held the key to everything.

"We have an audience," she whispered against him.

Gale leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her neck. "Then, we better make it a good show."

He moved her hands to the nape of his neck as he pressed her close.

"Sometimes I just forget
Say things I might regret
It breaks my heart to see you crying…"

"Thank you," Madge found herself saying.

He lifted her chin so that he could look into her eyes. "For what?"

"For making this a perfect first date," she told him thickly.

"Dip her man!" one of the guys in the back hollered.

Gale winked and Madge nodded before pulling away, so he could twirl her out. They moved seamlessly and as she returned to him, her eyes closed as Gale easily dipped her, his hand supporting the tail of her back. As Madge slowly rose from the move, she found herself sliding against his hard body and a shiver of anticipation rushed through her, feeling his body against hers.

Somewhere behind them, the group of teenagers cheered.

However neither of them noticed, too caught up in the dance.

"I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of
We'll live forever
Knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love…"

They stepped onto the porch, hand in hand.

It had been a good night, ending by a drive home with her head on his shoulder.

"So did you have a good time?" Gale asked as they reached the door.

"I did." Madge turned to him, her eyes contemplative. "Did you ever think how different it might've been if we didn't waste all this time?"

"Maybe we would've given Vi a playmate," he responded.

Madge snorted. "I don't know. I'm pretty set on changing the world. Don't know if I could do that knee-deep in diapers."

"Trust me. You can change the world—engaged, married, knocked-up…as you. You're a powerful woman, Madge." Gale pulled her close, feeling the rapid beats along their chests. "Would you let someone like me kiss you?"

"Yes." Her arms wove around his neck. "I've been waiting for you to kiss me, since…" She thought for a moment. "…I decided to cheer for you at the wrestling match."

Gale gazed down at her, a small smile on his lips. "Decided?"

"Yeah. Cheerleaders aren't obligated to cheer at wrestling matches," she explained self-consciously. "I volunteered and Katniss was there for moral support…and as my wing girl."

Gale lifted her chin, his lips grazing against her chin. "Now I'd really like to kiss you."

She closed her eyes. "Then kiss—"

"Hey guys?" They turned to find Prim, her cream face scarlet as she stared at them. "I have a riding lesson early tomorrow so I have to get home and go to bed."

They pulled apart guiltily.

"Sorry, Prim," Madge apologized. "Go ahead and get home."

"Here, sweetheart." Gale handed Prim a twenty. "A little extra for being so responsible."

"Thanks," Prim said as she stepped down the porch. "Vi is sleeping in her playpen. I didn't want to wake her up."

"Don't worry about it," Madge assured her. "We'll bring her upstairs."

Making sure that Prim got home safely, they walked back into the house and into the living room. Madge went to the playpen to see Viola asleep on her stomach, her diapered rump up in the air.

"She looks like Katniss did on her 21st birthday," Gale remarked. Carefully, he lifted their goddaughter into his strong arm. "Let's get you to bed, baby girl."

Madge turned off the lights in the living room before joining Gale at the stairs so they could head up tuck Viola in. The little one took no notice at their movements, snoring as they laid her in her crib. Madge put a light blanket over the little girl and leaned down to give her a kiss.

"Sweet dreams, love," she whispered.

Gale caressed her hair, moving Viola's dark tresses from her forehead. "Goodnight Vi."

Taking Madge's hand, he guided her out of their goddaughter's room.

They stood in the hallway, walking silently to their rooms.

Nervously, Madge turned to Gale.


She was cut off as Gale kissed her, his arms wrapping tight around her waist as her own arms wove around his neck. He pressed her against the wall and a groan escaped her mouth tasting hints of cherry coke on his tongue.

"Madge…" His lips moved along her neck, sending shivers of pleasure pulsing to her center. His hands moved up her waist and she arched yielding along the strong lines of his body. He was hard against her core and the thought that she did that to him had her soaked immediately. "…do you want…?"

"Yes." Her hand moved to find her door behind her. "My room."

Opening the door, she kissed him again, leading him to her bed.

Gale pulled away, watching her in the darkness of the room. "This can't be real."

Madge moved back against her bed, emboldened by his kiss and the rush of heat between them. Her hands went to the skirt of her dress, pulling it over her head, and tossing it away.

"Wow." Gale swallowed slowly, taking her in—only in her black lace bra and matching panties. "Even better than Santorini."

"Come here," she beckoned and he walked towards her, removing his own shirt before reaching her. "I agree—" Her eyes explored his well-formed abs and her palm traveled along the rivulets of muscle. "Much…much…better than Santorini."

He scooped her up and laid her on the bed, smiling down at her in adoration. "Well, I guess we should finish what we almost started on that beach."

"You're so sure that it would've happened."

Gale thumbed a hard nipple through the thin lace of her bra. Hissing, she spiked at the sensation pushing her thighs together to keep the wetness from escaping.

His grey eyes met hers, fire behind them. "Wouldn't it?"

His pants were suddenly gone and her thighs parted, welcoming him between, her hands reaching to guide him past the scrap of cloth along her slit.

"Yes." Gale slid inside and she cried out as he filled her, hot and throbbing. "Yes…"

She drew him into a kiss, silencing him for the rest of the night.

The sunlight filtered into the room and Gale groaned as it hit his closed eyelids. Slowly, he opened his eyes finding himself buried in softly-scented hair. His eyes gazed upon Madge, still asleep, a relaxed smile on her pink lips.

She was beautiful.

For as long as Gale could remember, he had loved her. Yet somehow, he always managed to screw things up whenever she was in the vicinity.

That first time that Gale had seen her walking down the hallways of their high school, he was floored—Madge, in her white tennis skirt, yellow polo, and golden hair in a high pony-tail.

He was a goner.

A garbled groan escaped her mouth and Madge's long lashes flickered before she opened her eyes to gaze up at him. He held his breath in caution.

In the morning light, would she regret their time together?

Slowly, Madge sat up and her eyes went to him. He held in his breath in trepidation.

"Good morning," she whispered with a smile.

Gale let out a sigh, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Good morning."

Madge blushed, her eyes roving over his top half, and she grinned at him. "We're naked under here."

He shivered, her hands dancing across his chest. "Yes, we are."

She sat up and Gale gazed at her appreciatively, her sweet heart-shaped face and bright blue eyes, elegant curves with full breasts—but, it was all overshadowed by that pearled smile.

Madge straddled him, sinking into his morning erection easily. Her hands planted on his chest as she anchored herself and began to move languidly. Gale moaned at the sensation of her, tight and wet, her core pulsating around him.

"Oh God…" She threw her head back, her breasts pushed out and her rosy nipples pointed in the heated air. "Gale…"

He could feel himself already falling apart and he thrusted up, savoring the sound of her honeyed moan.


His teeth clenched, straining to keep himself in control, until he felt her come undone around him. Madge suddenly threw her head back, eyes squeezed shut as she fell apart. Gale felt her tightened around him and his eyes closed, feeling the blinding light of his orgasm taking his body over.

He loved her.

Madge fell against his chest, her lips pressing kisses to his skin, and she met his eyes, watching him closely.

"What?" he asked, his hand moving her hair away so he could look into her eyes.

"Did you know what you said?" she asked, a mischievous smile on her lips.

Gale shook his head. "No. What did I say?"

Suddenly Viola wailed and Madge shot up in bed.

"It's time for her bottle." She stood up, picking up the shirt he was wore last night off the floor, and quickly put it on. "I'll be back."

"Madge!" Gale called out and she turned at the doorway. "What did I say?"

She gazed at him warmly, her body halfway out the door.

"You said you loved me."

"Wow…sex and you got him to declare his love." Glimmer looked to Madge as she drank from her water bottle. "You are amazing."

Madge looked to her friend doubtfully.

"Amazing isn't the word. More like 'clueless' as Johanna would put it. I mean…I froze up." She went back to the screen, concentrating on removing the slight scar on Glimmer's headshot. "I didn't say it back."

"Did he mention it?"

"No," Madge replied. "He didn't seem upset…more disappointed, maybe. I know that he doesn't expect to go running from rooftops shouting my love—but I know he wants things to be real."

"Real?" Glimmer repeated. "There is nothing fake about this relationship. There is nothing but hot sex and the possibility of love."

"There is the Cato factor." Madge bit her lip in frustration. "I still have to let him know about all this."

"Oh yeah…"Glimmer cradled her cheeks on her palms, elbows on the desk. "Kind of forgot about him."

The door opened and the subject of the conversation walked in, Cato's grin bright and welcoming. Glimmer gave Katniss the side eye as she stood up to greet him.

"Long time, no see," Cato said before looking to Glimmer. "Hey Glimmer. How did the audition go?"

"Went well," Madge's friend replied easily. "I'm actually going to my second callback in a week." Standing, Glimmer gathered her things. "I have to take off. Gotta get to my Pilates class." She eyed Madge, silently urging her to get things over with. "See you guys around."

Glimmer walked out quickly, leaving the two alone, and Madge looked out the window just in time to see the woman mouth at her, 'Tell him!'.

Cato took Glimmer's seat and looked to her. "So what's been going on?"

Sighing, Madge turned to him. "A few things." She gave him a weak smile. "Let's talk."

"You're a hard man to get a hold of," Effie remarked. She looked around the quaint coffee shop before turning to Gale and Vi. "And, look at you—a family man!"

"Vi won't even call me by my name," he replied. "Right now, Madge and I are outranked by 'yes', 'banana', and 'Pim'. So I think I'm a bit far from being domesticated."

"Pim?" Effie repeated, watching Vi fondly.

"Prim," Gale explained. "Her babysitter." Taking a bottle from his work bag, he put it within Vi's reach and his goddaughter took it hungrily, drinking quickly as her bright-blue eyes stared at his boss. "So what's up?"

"Your upcoming trip," Effie began. "I didn't mention this—with everything going on—but it's actually an interview of sorts. The city of Tucson is looking for someone to become the new editor for their official website—and they want you."

"Me…living in Tucson?" Gale looked to her in confusion. "I know that I wanted to become an editor but—"

"It's a great stepping stone," his boss replied. "And, I'd hate to lose you, but this is a great opportunity. I can almost guarantee that once you finish the assignment, you'll be offered the position."

"That sounds great!" he responded. There was a melodic hum and Gale looked to see Vi putting her bottle on the table and then looking to him. He felt the hitch of hesitation at the thought of moving Vi so far from her home. "I don't know if I should take the job."

Effie looked at him in surprise. "Did you talk to Madge about this?"

He shook his head. "I just got her to go out with me. We're getting along great…and I'm sort of in love with her."

"Have you had 'the talk'?" Effie asked.

"We've already slept together," he replied breezily. "I'm pretty sure that we don't need 'the talk'."

"I'm not talking about the sex talk, you moron." Effie shook her head at him. "I'm talking about the 'What are we?' talk. You know…is this a boyfriend/girlfriend thing or just hooking up whenever the urge hits? Is there marriage in the future?"

"It's only been a few days!" Gale groused at her. "I mean, she hasn't even said that she loves me back!"

Effie took a sip from her cup, before meeting his eyes once more. "Then I suggest you find out before you put your career on hold."

"Well, me and Vi are going to meet her at the studio in an hour," he said in contemplation.

Gale looked down at Viola who offered him a smile. The tears rose seeing his best friend in that smile. Peeta would have urged him to accept the position, but would also tell him that he needed to talk to Madge, especially if they were really serious about making their relationship work.

Effie nodded. "Well, alright. Let me know." She looked at Vi once more. "I can see a lot of you in Viola."

Gale placed a kiss on top of the little girl's head before smiling at his boss.

"Now that's something to be excited about."

"I'm sorry," Madge said after the strange moment of silence between her and Cato. "This is a new thing and I don't want to hurt you—but I don't want you to feel like I'm hiding anything from you. Gale and I…are complicated right now."

Cato remained silent for a moment. Finally, he met her eyes and she was relieved when he gave her a light smile.

"You're right," he told her. "We never talked about being exclusive. Have you and Gale talked about it?"

Madge shook her head. "This was recent."

"Madge, I don't want to secede," Cato told her bluntly. "I think that there's something here." He met her eyes and took her hands. "I just need you to know that I'm here. I'm not ready to let go of whatever we could be." He met her eyes. "Unless you're absolutely in agreement that you and Gale are set on one another."

There hadn't been the talk.

She and Gale were happy to sleep in her bed, wake up and have breakfast with Viola, then separate when they had to go to their respective jobs. It was too soon to have any kind of talk. Also, Madge knew that he loved her, but she had not said it back. She didn't know why she was hesitant, but she did know she needed time to process.

"We're not," Madge said after a moment. "I just don't want you to feel like I'm stringing you along."

He flicked her nose and grinned. "There are always strings, Pinocchio."

The door opened and Gale walked in along with Viola, with a smile. That smile quickly fell from seeing Cato sitting next to her, his hand too close to her face.

"Hey guys!" she greeted brightly and Viola clapped in happiness seeing her.

"I should get going. I'm meeting with a patient in a few minutes," Cato told her and stood up. He walked towards the door, approaching Gale and Viola. "Hey sweetie…" He held out his hand to Viola, who took his finger and gave it a vigorous shake. Then Cato looked to Gale and nodded. "Nice seeing you, Gale."

Cato quickly left with a click of the door.

Gale met her eyes. "So…good talk?"

"Yeah, I told him about us," she replied as they headed further into the studio. Viola pressed her hands on Gale's chest and he complied, putting her down on the floor so she could crawl. He looked to Madge, his dark eyes cool, and she steeled herself for her next words. "He says that he's not ready to give up…unless we've decided on us."

Gale nodded.

"Fair enough," he said as they sat at her editing desk. "Effie came to visit. She told me that the job in Tucson is basically an interview. They want someone to be an editor for the city's website—and I'm almost guaranteed the job."

"Oh." Madge was surprised by the amount of pain his news caused. "Well…that's great. It's what you wanted and you deserve it—"

"Goddamnit, Madge!" Gale suddenly burst out. "Could you even be a little bit hurt by my news?"

"Of course, I'm upset!" she shouted back. "But at the same time, I can't hold you back! You have your dreams! And, I have mine!"

"My dreams have always included you in my life," he countered. "Could you say the same for me?"

Madge readied herself to respond—but the words wouldn't come out of her mouth. She sat back in her chair as Gale ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

"That's just fine." Gale stood from his seat. "You can't even muster the courage to fight for me—to want me back!"

"Can you just give me time?" Madge asked helplessly. "I just need to think—"

"I'll give you the time." Gale looked at her, his eyes steely. He went to give Viola a kiss. "I'm going to take few days away."

"Where the hell are you going?" she cried out. "You can't just walk away from this!"

He was already headed towards the door. "Well, what is this?"

Gale left with a final click of the studio door.

Madge sat back down, willing away her tears, when Viola pushed herself up using her knee.

She sniffled and smiled at the little girl. "That's the first time you've done that."

Viola stared up at her, a grin on her round face.

Picking her up, Madge brought her to the backdrop and put her gently on the floor. Grabbing her camera, she looked though her camera's viewfinder to look at Viola—her hair had grown to her shoulders and she had gone up a size in clothes.

Madge had been so worried that Viola may have regressed in development—but she just needed time.

She realized that Viola was becoming just like her.

Quickly, Madge snapped the photo and then looked at the camera's screen to make sure the picture was alright. Sitting next to Viola, she showed the little girl the photo.

"You see? That's you," she explained to the little girl crawling onto her to see the picture. "You have your Mommy's dark hair and those big blue eyes are from your Daddy…"

She didn't realize that she was crying until Viola stood up to blow another raspberry to her cheek.

"So there's extra blankets in the closet and feel free to raid the fridge," Haymitch said. The man leaned against the doorway of the Abernathy living room as Gale sat down on the couch. "Sorry about the couch, but Regina has taken the only other room."

"Don't even worry. I really appreciate you taking me in," Gale replied. He sat back and looked to the man. "Madge and I had a fight."

"From what Johanna's been telling me, you two have been hot and heavy," Haymitch told him, his arms crossed. "What changed?"

"I don't know." Gale replied. Haymitch sat in the armchair adjacent to the couch so Gale could continue. "It was never hard for me to share how I felt about her. It just seems harder for her and, when she doesn't respond, I feel like I'm kind of left out in the cold."

"Have you ever thought that it's hard on her, too?" Johanna stepped into the living room. She sat on Haymitch's lap. "I mean, Madge lost her parents, then her best friend…I guess if I were her, then I'd feel like everyone I loved was bound to leave me at some point."

"How can I assure her that I'm going to stay?" Gale asked. "How do I get her to choose me?"

"Well you don't go running out of the house," Haymitch told him frankly. "You stay."

"And, what about this job in Tucson?" Gale looked to the couple. "What about that?"

"Life is about choices, Gale," Johanna said, her dark eyes firm. "You just have to pick the ones that are right for you and, if you really want them in your life, Madge and Viola. That's what having a family is like—you make choices and sacrifices for a greater happiness."

"Where were you two when we were fighting this afternoon?" he asked with a tired smile.

"Putting a fussy baby down for a nap," Haymitch replied.

Johanna looked to him. "You're at least going to be there for her birthday, right?"

"Of course," Gale said. "I mean, I'm supposed to leave the morning after for Tucson."

"Cutting it a little close, aren't you?" Johanna retorted with an eye roll.

He didn't respond.

"Oh my God! Congratulations!" Madge hugged Annie as they walked into the living room. Henry and Finnick were already in the dining room, serving themselves at the buffet table arranged by Johanna's catering company. "You didn't tell me that you were expecting!"

"Well, it's been such a whirlwind these past few months with Katniss and Peeta," Annie said, her eyes sad. "We found out a little after you moved in and we just wanted to give you some time to adjust. I've just started showing and it's perfect timing since we just found out that we're having a little girl."

"You have to let me do a pregnancy shoot for you," she said to Annie. "It'll be my baby shower present for you. Any thoughts on names?"

"Arielle—after my mom, but we're going to call her Elle for short," Annie said. She looked to where Viola was sitting with Prim and her parents. "She looks great, by the way. You and Gale are doing a great job."

"Thanks," Madge replied. Her eyes went to the door, hearing it open, and smiled weakly when Cato approached. "Hey Annie, will you excuse me?"

Annie looked to the man approaching and winked. "No problem. I wanted to check up on Henry and Finnick, anyway."

She disappeared into the crowd of people, leaving Madge to greet her guest.

Cato slowed in front of her and gave her a smile. "Happy Birthday."

"Thanks." Madge smiled and led him to the dining room. "We have plenty of food. Cake should be out in an hour according to Johanna, my friend and caterer." She looked over to see Prim trying to calm Viola down. "Be right back. Baby duty."

Rushing over, Viola spotted Madge immediately and she held her arms out, her blue eyes teary.

"She's been very fussy today," Prim remarked. "I don't think that she likes when you're so far away."

"I wouldn't want Madge to be so far from me either," a deep voice remarked.

Only Gale could cause her to shiver like this.

She turned to find him with a bouquet of daffodils for her. "Gale…"

"Happy birthday, sweetheart," he said and kissed her cheek. Greeting Prim and her parents, he looked to her and reached for Viola. "Can we talk?"

Madge nodded eagerly. "I have to change Viola, anyway."

Excusing themselves, they headed upstairs and into the nursery.

"How are you?" Gale asked as she moved Viola's diaper off her rump. He took over as she went to toss out the diaper, grabbing the baby wipes.

"Lonely, I guess," she told him, reaching for a clean diaper to hand to him. "It's been three days, Gale. You haven't been home. I was worried."

Gale snorted. "I wouldn't know since I haven't heard from you, either."

"I don't know what you want from me!" Madge gave him the diaper before turning away. "I'm not as fast as you! I'm not as brave as you—"

"You don't think I'm scared?" Gale yelled back at her. "You don't think that I imagine what it would be like if we didn't work out? A million bad things could happen but I refuse to let it scare me! Because I want you! I'm in love with you! I want to spend my life with you! All you have to do is ask me to stay!"

Madge wiped her eyes. "And, if we don't work?" She felt her lips trembling. "I don't think that I could take it if I lost anyone else! Not after all of this! Not after my parents…then Peeta and Katniss…don't you see, Gale? It would be easier if we kept it all as it is—then you wouldn't leave like everyone else!"

"You have that little faith in me?" Gale blazed at her. "I have done nothing to warrant your mistrust! Fuck!"

"Hey guys?" They turned to find Haymitch at the nursery's doorway. "The walls of this house are just thin enough that we could hear everything."

"I was just leaving," Gale seethed. He looked to Madge, whose head was bowed. "I'll call from Tucson."

Giving Viola a kiss, he rushed out of the room.

She could hear his stomping down the stairs and the slam of the front door.

"I'm going to give you a minute," Haymitch told her kindly before closing the door.

Taking Viola in her arms, she walked to the rocking chair and sat back. The tears fell steadily, watering the seeds of loneliness slowly blooming inside her. She hated this…hated him…hated herself. She hated that she wanted him so much but was too afraid to say so.

After a moment, Madge felt a hand on her wet cheeks and she looked up to see Viola staring at her—Peeta's blues radiating through the little girl's innocent gaze.

"Mama?" It came out in a tiny whisper.

Madge looked at her for a moment in shock. "No…sweetie. I'm Aunt Madge."

Viola's hands went to her loose hair, examining it, before looking to her once more. "Mama."

She burst into tears, pulling Viola close, and pressed kisses to her soft hair.

After a moment, Madge smiled at the little girl nestled against her.

"Yes…I'm your mama."

Madge loaded the last of the dishes into the dishwasher. The party had been wholly unsuccessful with everyone leaving after the fight. Johanna and Annie checked on her and made sure that she wasn't crying too hard in her room before they left.

There was a click of the backdoor and Cato walked in hesitantly. "I threw out the garbage."

"Thanks," she replied hoarsely before turning on the dishwasher.

"Hey Madge?" Cato called out and she found him walking towards her. "We should talk." She stopped and looked to him. "You know I had this girlfriend once…and I was super in love with her. I wanted to marry her."

"What happened?" she asked curiously.

"We just couldn't work it out," he told her, his eyes pained. "I always assumed she would be there and then one day, she wasn't. I realized that I didn't fight for her and she didn't have the passion from me that she needed." Cato met her eyes. "But, you and Gale? If we fought as passionately as you two did—we would still be together. There's fire there, my friend."

Madge gave him a sad smile. "Friend?"

"How could I even compete with you and Gale? There's just too much between you two." Cato gave her a kiss on the cheek. "That's just something for you to think about before you let him leave for Tucson." He looked to the clock behind her. "I should get going. Early day tomorrow."

"Thanks for coming, Cato," she said gratefully.

"Of course." He nodded at her. "Kiss Viola for me."

Then he left her to contemplate his words.

"Viola, we have to go catch Gale's flight, okay?"

Madge gathered her bag, car keys, and finally Viola who was sitting in her playpen. She didn't know exactly what she wanted to say, but she had spent a sleepless night contemplating her life without him.

From what Madge gathered, it wouldn't be a fun nor fulfilling life.

Gale had turned off his phone where three rambling voice messages from her currently resided.

Going to the door, she was surprised to find Delly standing in front of her.

"My God, Delly—you have the worst timing ever!"

"It's my job to do these visits unexpectedly," the woman responded. "And, where are you heading?"

"I have to stop the man I'm in love with from going to Tucson," Madge told her quickly. "So you need to reschedule this meeting because I'm wasting my time!"

Delly stared at her for a moment before holding her arms out.

"Give me Viola, I'll sit in the backseat with her."

Gale sat at the gate, his laptop open looking over his latest articles which he would be presenting to the committee in Tucson. His eyes went to a file folder in the corner of his desktop before double-clicking it.

They were the pictures from Viola's first birthday.

He looked through them, his eyes heavy at the photos of Katniss and Peeta. They looked so in love and his eyes went to the way that two looked at one another. He clicked once more and found a photo of himself and Madge with Viola sitting in his lap.

Madge was wiping something off his face, her smile bright. There had been a cake fight and Peeta had gotten him pretty badly in the face. Madge, having mercy on him, grabbed a washcloth to clean him up.

"Your wife is very pretty." He turned to see a young woman with bright red hair looking over at his screen. "And, your daughter—that little smile. She looks just like you."

"Thanks," he replied. "But, they're no—"

Gale stopped. No matter how upset he was at Madge, he could not say that he didn't think of her and Viola as his family.

"Thanks," Gale said after a moment. "I hate to leave them."

"Then why exactly are you leaving?" the woman asked with a grin.

Shrugging, he looked back to his phone seeing that it was fully charged. Turning it on, he noticed there was a series of missed calls and three voice messages—all from Madge.

"Flight 823 for Tucson is now boarding…we are now welcoming our business and first class passengers…"

That was him.

Gale headed for the gate.

Madge stopped at the flight schedule screens; Delly behind her with Viola in her arms.

"What flight are we looking for?" the social worker asked, her eyes trained on the screen.

"A flight to Tucson, according to Johanna, it's Flight—"

"823?" Delly finished and she pointed to the bottom screen.

Madge looked to see the status of Gale's flight:


Opening the door to the house, Madge walked in with Viola in her arms. The little girl pushed off of her, crawling towards the living room. She had been comforting Delly—who was devastated that they were not able to get to Gale—for the last twenty minutes before sending her off to her next client.

Madge was more than a little devastated herself and would be surprised if Gale even bothered to return.


Hearing Viola's cry, Madge dropped her bag and rushed to the living room.

She froze at sight before her.

Viola was standing and marching towards Gale in determination.

He knelt as she rushed over to him and the man lifted her proudly.

"You're a little overachiever, aren't you?" Gale kissed the little girl before meeting Madge's eyes, beaming at her. "Vi can walk and talk—looks like we haven't screwed her up completely." Madge felt her lips tremble and the smile fell from his face. "Madge, what's wrong?"

She ran over to him and he took her into his free arm.

"I missed you…" Madge buried her face against his chest. "…and I love you so much."

"I heard—you told me a bunch of times in your voice messages," Gale replied. He leaned down to press a gentle kiss on her lips. "But, there's nothing better than hearing it in person and straight out of those beautiful lips of yours."

Madge wiped her eyes, grinning at him. "Glad you feel that way." She looked to Viola, resting against Gale's chest and her hand went to tenderly brush the little girl's face. "I plan to show you several times over."

He kissed the top of Madge's head, breathing her sweet scent in slowly. "Good."

"By the way, Viola said 'Mama' first," Madge declared triumphantly.

"But, she walked for me first," Gale retorted.

"I guess we're even then." Her hand went to his cheek and Madge kissed him once more. "Welcome home."

Five Years Later…


Gale looked up from the cake he was icing to see Vi rushing over excitedly. At six, she was a tiny ball of energy with Peeta's exuberance and Katniss' no-nonsense attitude. However that sweet kind nature and excitability came from Madge.

"What's up, babe?" he asked as he went to grab the candles from the cabinet.

"Is it time to wake Mommy now?" Vi bounced on one foot, her red dress with the black polka dots moving with her. "I fixed up the living room and decorated it with all the pictures that me and Ginny made!"

'Ginny' was Regina, who was now five and actually in the same grade as Vi—as she had tested at a first grade level.

"Why don't I wake Mommy up and you can pick out the music?" he suggested and Vi squealed in agreement before running out of the kitchen.

After placing the candles on the cake, Gale wiped his hands before heading upstairs. As he made his way up, his eyes looked over the pictures along the wall; the one of him, Madge, and Vi with Glimmer at the television studio in Los Angeles where her sitcom was celebrating its fifth year on the air…the other photo with a toddler Vi holding Elle—newly born and sporting her father's copper hair. Then, there was the one of Henry—who was now ten—from last year, holding Vi's hand as he led her towards her first day of Kindergarten…

He and Madge had been too emotional to do it.

The last photo was of the three of them; the one that Peeta had taken—their very first family photo.

At the top of the stairs, Gale entered his and Madge's room—the master bedroom.

They had been hesitant to take the room at first, but this year had been a year of big changes.

His gaze went to a snoozing Madge on their bed, a content smile on her face and her hand on the prominent swell on her stomach.

Vi had insisted that her baby brother have Madge's former room since it was next to hers.

Going to the bed, Gale leaned down and gently kissed Madge, teasing her lips until her eyes finally opened.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty," he greeted as she roused from her nap.

"How do you know that I wasn't awake but just wanted to be kissed?" Madge responded with a playful grin. Slowly he helped her up and she groaned, her hand going to her back. "How many more months?"

"Two," Gale told her in sympathy. "If I could do this for you, I would."

Madge stood up. "I want that in writing." She gave him a kiss before handing him his phone. "By the way, Effie wanted me to remind you that she was coming in for the meeting with the website developers—also, that the publishers are sending you a contract at the same time, so you could go over it together."

"Remind me why we keep her around?" he asked as they walked out of the room and down the stairs.

"Because your articles have become so big that we need to put them in book format—and we need a negotiator," Madge replied as they descended the stairs. "You see, when you write about real life experiences and people like it, you have to give them more."

The blog and its articles had started as a pet project for them—a chronicle of their life raising their Goddaughter. Gale had done the writing and Madge was in charge of photography.

Five years later, their website and blog, 'Baby Steps', was hugely successful.

He continued writing, bringing in guest writers like Prim—now starting her second year at Yale and planning to major in English as well as Communications—who would chronicle their experiences with their family and Viola.

Entering the living room, Viola rushed over to Madge to give her a hug. "Happy Birthday, Mommy!" She kissed the belly against Madge's silk dress and patted it. "Hey Kit! It's Mommy's birthday and we get to have cake. Auntie Johanna made it, but said that Daddy had to ice it."

"I guess my secret is revealed." Gale looked to Madge, a handsome smile on his lips. "You would've known the jig was up once you tasted it. It's too good to be mine."

"Don't worry, Daddy." Viola went to the stereo to turn on the music. "I'm going to be a baker like Angel Mommy and you won't ever have to worry about making cakes again."

Angel Mommy was what Viola called Katniss along with the appropriate Angel Daddy for Peeta. It had not been easy to explain to Viola about her parents' death. It took several attempts when he and Madge decided to assemble an album of every single picture of their friends starting from their childhoods to their final year. They had shown Viola all the videos from their high school events—the appropriate ones—and even footage from Katniss and Peeta's wedding.

Viola declared that she would be wearing her Angel Mommy's wedding dress when she got married.

It had been a relief to see her so accepting and understanding—until she said that she would be marrying Henry.

Gale wasn't ready for her to adore any other guy like she adored him.

"Oh, what a night
Late December, back in '63…"

Madge and Gale looked to one another in surprise. It had been so long since they heard this song.

"Why did you pick this song?" Madge asked Viola who was dancing towards them.

The little girl shrugged. "I had a dream during my nap where I was watching you, Daddy, Angel Mommy and Angel Daddy dance to this song. Angel Daddy even showed me how to find the song. He told me it would make a perfect moment."

She took their hands.

"Come dance with me!"

"It's our song," Gale told Madge as he scooped Viola into his arms and wrapped an arm around Madge's waist. "We have to dance to it."

Madge chuckled. "Well, if we have to…"

"Oh, what a night
Hypnotizing, mesmerizing me
She was everything I dreamed she'd be
Sweet surrender, what a night…"

The three of them moved in time with the music, Madge's head going to Gale's shoulder as Viola wrapped her arms around his neck. He winked at the little girl and she quickly slid off him so he could dance with Madge on his own.

But not before slipping the velvet box that he asked her to hide for him in his pants pocket.

Viola twirled to herself, her laugh musical like Katniss' and her smile like Peeta's as she started to dance around them.

As Peeta said, it was the perfect moment.

Pulling away, Gale reached into his pocket before getting down on one knee in front of Madge in the house that they had turned into their home all those years ago.

"Madge—" He watched the tears begin to fill her eyes. It had only taken them forever to get to this moment. "—I have something to ask you."

"Oh, what a night
Why'd it take so long to see the light?
Seemed so wrong, but now it seems so right
What a lady, what a night…"



"Glory of Love"-Peter Cetera

"December, 1963 (Oh What A Night!)"-Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons

Daffodils mean uncertainty, chivalry, respect or unrequited love, return my affection and…new beginnings