*looks around cautiously* Is it safe? *relaxes as no HFH (Harpy From Hell) appears* Hey everyone, I'm back and as usual, so is Boxer boy.
MT: *flatly* I'm ecstatic.
*rolls eyes* And on that note from the Master of Sarcasm (not to be confused with the King of Sarcasm, which is of course, Mirai Gohan according to Anshin) on to the reviews.
Pansashima: I just love the name Sara, and I used to be obsessed with Power Rangers. Ergo, Sara Oliver.
son amanda: Hehe. *singing off-key* it's a small world after all . . . LOL. As for our favorite cranky Saiyan, I'll talk to my koi and see what kind of blackmail material we can dig up. Goten may seem innocent and naïve, but the boy has a hell of an evil mind behind it all. Must be Boxer boy's influence.
T: Hey!
*ignores him* I own nothing but Sara Oliver. So don't even bother suing fellas.
Everyone stared at the stubborn prince with wide eyes and gaping mouths, including me. I blinked in surprise and began to laugh slowly. "Me? A Saiyan? I'm no Saiyan."
"Then why is there a tail around my brat's waist?"
Trunks?! There's no way in hell this group would let any of the children keep their tails. Moon or no moon. Then that means--
I glanced down behind me slowly and sure enough, the brown furry band around my companion's waist originated from the small of my back. My eyes widened and I scrambled away from him quickly, more freaked out by the position we were in than the fact that I had a tail. I wanted to die. How could I have not noticed my tail marking Trunks as mine?
I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust, my cheeks were so hot. Everyone but Juuhachigou (who was just leaning against the wall, bored) and Goku (who just looked confused) was giving me knowing grins and I buried my face in my hands with a groan, willing my tail to wrap firmly around my waist. I looked over at Trunks and was stunned to see a blush gracing his cheeks as well.
Before I could dwell too much on it, Goku, Kami bless him, broke the awkward silence as only he could. "So when's dinner? I'm famished!"
Everyone, even Juuhachigou fell over in shock. Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Is that all you think about Kakarot? Feeding that stomach of yours?"
Goku put his hand behind his head sheepishly. "No, I also think about fighting a lot."
I couldn't help it, I burst into laughter with everyone else. "Oh Goku, don't ever change."
Goku scratched his head nervously. "Hehe. Okay."
"You never answered my question brat."
That of course, was Vegeta. Damn bakayaro couldn't let me go two minutes without pestering me. I rolled my eyes as I felt blood rush to my cheeks again.
"Look, I don't know what's going on, but I damn sure didn't have a tail before I landed in this place."
"Maybe it grew back. Mine has a few times." Goku said helpfully.
I raised an eyebrow. "Since you were a chibi?"
"Well no—" the orange clad man admitted.
"Besides, I know for a fact that neither one of my parents are Saiyans. If they were, they wouldn't have half the health problems they have." And my mom wouldn't have died so young. I thought miserably, a tear running unnoticed down my cheek.
"How did she die?" Trunks asked softly.
I looked up at him, confused. "How did who die?"
"Your mother."
My eyes widened. "How did you know she died?" I never told him that my mom died.
Trunks looked down at me in confusion. "Yes you did. You just said that she died young."
I looked at the others in bewilderment. They looked as confused as I felt, all except for Vegeta, who didn't seem the least bit surprised. What the hell is going on? What is he talking about?
"Trunks, Sara never said that her mother died young. She never even said that she was dead." Goten pointed out.
"Goten, I know what I heard. And Sara, this isn't funny. You know very well what I'm talking about."
My eyes widened. Stop it!
"Stop what?"
"Stop reading my thoughts! Vegeta, what's going on? How can he hear what I'm thinking?" I demanded, sure as anything that Vegeta knew more than he was letting on. Vegeta just smirked knowingly as his mate squealed excitedly.
"Grandchildren!" Bulma said dreamily.
"Kami damn it, someone tell me what's going on! Trunks?" I demanded, turning to him.
The lavender-haired cutie looked down with a blush. Sweet Dende, why is this happening now? Why so soon? I just met her! You could have at least let me know her friendship before the bond scared her away Dende!
My mouth dropped open and I narrowed my eyes at my companion at what I heard clearly in my head. "Bond? Trunks Vegeta Briefs, you better explain yourself and you'd better do it now!"
My anger immediately vanished as I felt what I could only describe as a presence enter my consciousness. I looked at the fighters of the group and saw that they were intently listening to something no one could hear. I looked up at Trunks in concern.
"Something's coming isn't it? Something powerful."
I took a deep breath. "Goku. I want to train in the hyperbolic time chamber. Will you take me?"
He nodded. "Good idea. Who else is coming?"
Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, Goten, and Vegeta chimed in. I didn't even have to look at Trunks to know that he was coming too. After short good-byes, the eight of us arrived on Kami's Lookout by way of Goku's instant transmission.
Dende met us on the platform. "I had a feeling you guys might show up. You have 24 hours until the threat arrives on Earth. Each of you will have 3 hours in the time chamber. Who's up first?"
"Sara. The sooner she gets used to the time chamber, the better."
Dende nodded. "Very well. Sara, who do you wish to train with?"
I made a thoughtful noise. "Well since I'm only going to have three hours, it would be best for me to train with the three most diverse fighters. How about Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo?"
Piccolo shook his head. "No can do kid."
Vegeta nodded in agreement. "You will train with Trunks."
Trunks and I looked at him in surprise. "Dad/Vegeta?" we said in unison.
"The bond you share will make you both stronger if you train together. And in return, your bond will strengthen."
Trunks and I looked at each other in confusion. "Okay."
"Now enough of this foolishness. Kakarot, brat get going."
We nodded and stepped into the chamber, turning to look at our friends as the door closed behind us.
Goku put a cheerful hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry Sara. It's not so bad once you get used to it. And I'll go easy on ya."
I whirled around and gave him a determined look. "Don't hold back. I refuse to endanger Trunks by having him worry about my safety."
Goku nodded. "If that's what you want."
"Yes. Promise me."
"I promise."
MT: You're an evil woman, you know that?
MT: Locking that poor girl in what basically amounts to a big room with Goku for an entire year.
Would you rather your father be the one to begin her training? Besides, while Goku isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the fridge, he happens to be a strategical genius. Vegeta will teach her everything else she needs to know.
MT: What about me?
You'll see Boxer boy, you'll see. Keep the reviews coming and I might be able to talk my koibito into giving my tenth reviewer a personal flying lesson. Only five more to go guys. Sayonara.