Sugar (Part 2)


I want that red velvet,

I want that sugar sweet,

Don't let nobody touch it,

Unless that somebody's me,

I gotta be your man,

There ain't no other way,

Cuz girl, you're hotter than southern California day,

"It's rather steamy in here," said Arizona as she stepped into the bathroom.

The bathtub was the size of a small swimming pool and there was steam rising from the hot water. A big cobra statue supplied the water and there were platforms that a person could lean against if they needed to. There also multiple waterfalls that provided some water. Arizona stripped of her robe and let it fall to the floor. Her naked form was pleasing to Whis's eyes. He watched her carefully as she stepped into the water.

A sigh of joy came from her when she was shoulder-deep. She dunked her head underwater to get her hair wet and came back up with a deep breath. Whis handed her shampoo and conditioner, with a kind smile on his face. She accepted them with a smile of her own. He watched as she lathered shampoo into her hair, feeling his groin tighten uncomfortably. The look of bliss on her face entranced him. After she rinsed the shampoo out, she smoothed conditioner through her hair. Once again, she dunked her head underwater and rinsed the soap out.

When she came up, a fiendish thought crossed her mind and crawled over to Whis, who stood near the edge of the water. She looked up at Whis and smiled innocently, placing her hands on edge of the tub. The teal-skinned man stared at her with a grin on his face.

"Can I give me a hand out of the water, Whis?" asked Arizona, proffering her hand to him.

Whis fell for the bait and took her hand in one of his. Arizona took that as a cue to pull him in, but he didn't budge. In fact, he stood there like a statue. The blonde-haired woman frowned in confusion and stared up at him.

"Think you can trick me, Arizona?" he asked her, smirking mischievously. "Were you trying to pull me into the water?" His tone went a little darker when he asked the last question.

"No," she lied, but her averting her eyes gave her away.

Whis bent down to her level and his expression changed. His angered expression scared her. His eyebrows were drawn down in a dangerous V formation and his tone was icy when he spoke. "Don't lie to me, Arizona. Tell me the truth."

"Yes," she muttered, looking down again, feeling tears of shame well up in her eyes.

"I can't hear you," he said, still sounding icy. "What was that?"

"Yes," she repeated in a louder tone, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I tried to pull you in."

Whis smiled a small smile and stripped off his clothing. "If you wanted me to come in, all you had to do was ask," he said in a warmer tone. "There's no need to resort to trickery."

Arizona looked up again and saw that Whis was right next to her in the tub. The sultry grin on his lips made her body burn with lust. His lavender eyes darkened with desire and he stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. Arizona initiated the intimacy by crawling up to him and pressing her mouth to his. Whis's fingers wove themselves into Arizona's wet hair and he pulled her closer to him. The tightness in his groin killed him. He needed to sink himself into her before he went crazy.

"Whis…" she murmured against his lips. "I love you."

It was nice to hear her say it in that beautiful voice full of longing. He smiled into the kiss and pulled back, looking happier than ever. "I love you too, my Arizona," he whispered tenderly, pulling her back into another heated lip-lock.

Arizona ran her hands down Whis's chest, stomach, and abdominals before descending underwater to touch his more intimate parts. She felt him harden under the brush of her hands. Since he indulged her the day before, it was her turn to indulge him. Her hands found its hardened purchase and she began stroking him, relishing in the way he vibrated under her touch. It was difficult to wrap her whole hand around him because how big he was. She didn't know he was that big the day before because she was preoccupied. He stiffened up and grasped onto her to keep himself steady. He didn't want to drown in the bath. That would be rather embarrassing.

"How does it feel?" she cooed in his ear, inflaming him further. "To be dominated by the human?" She knew Whis was stronger than Beerus but here he was, getting dominated by a human.

"You," said Whis in a shaky tone, "are a naughty girl, Arizona. I thought you were better than that." He didn't sound accusatory, though. On the contrary, he sounded amused and a bit delighted.

"I'm just being kind to you, Whis," she murmured, kissing his neck. "My mother told me to be kind to others."

"I'm not sure this…" he gestured to what Arizona was doing, "is what she had in mind, Arizona." He did enjoy this attention, but Arizona's mother most likely didn't teach this act of seduction as a form of kindness.

"Shhh…" murmured Arizona, placing a finger to his lips. "We wouldn't want Lord Beerus to find us, would we?"

Damn that woman! Whis was so hard that it actually hurt. He needed to sink himself into her warmth or he would spontaneously combust. Arizona's strokes grew rather insistent and his end came rather fast. He didn't mean to climax so soon but her hands felt so good. At least the water prevented him from making a huge mess. There would be no need to explain that to Lord Beerus.

Arizona finally pulled her hand back and lifted it out of the water. She smirked lustfully when she saw the desire plain on his face. She took her face in his hands and pressed her mouth to his. The two fell back into the water and Arizona landed on her bottom with Whis straddling her hips. He started kissing her neck and she mewled in joy. Suddenly, Whis's teeth came out and he bit her. A cry of pain broke from Arizona's lips and she dug her fingers into his shoulders.

"Ow!" she yelped when he finished his nibbling. "What the hell was that for?" She looked rather scandalized. It amused Whis.

"I merely marked what is mine," he replied, smiling impishly. "You are my woman, Arizona. No one else shall have you." As possessive as that sounded, it turned Arizona on to know that he had a darker side. "Now spread your legs," he continued, touching her knees. "I'm going to repay you for what you did earlier."

"You mean the hand-job?" she asked, giving him an amused look.

"Why is it called that?" asked Whis in return, giving her an adorably confused look.

"Don't ask me," she replied, shrugging. "I'm not the person who writes the dictionary."

Whis shrugged as well and brought them back on the subject of making love. "Open your legs, Arizona." His tone darkened once more. "I will not tell you again."

Oh, God, that sounded hot. Arizona decided to bait him. "What will you do if I don't?" she asked seductively, smirking.

Whis returned the smirk with a dark one of his own. "I'll spank you," he said point-blank. "I will turn you cream-colored skin cheery. You want to be able to sit, right?" His voice dropped a few octaves, causing shivers to go down her spine.

Arizona nodded, too dumbfounded to say anything. It wasn't like Whis to be intimidating.

"Then open your legs," he continued in a darker tone, placing a hand on one of her knees.

She did as he said and spread her legs open. She didn't have time to say anything else because Whis shoved himself inside of her and covered her lips with his own. Arizona ran her fingers through his hair and moaned when he began moving inside of her. The thrusts turned desperate and he began hitting that special spot inside of her that made her eyes roll from pleasure. Whis pulled his lips back and began kissing her neck and breasts.

Arizona cried out in joy when she felt the pressure in her stomach. She gripped Whis tightly, unintentionally tightening her internal muscles, causing the man to hiss in pain. He dug his fingertips into her sides, which made her wonder if she would have bruises later. A light sigh of bliss came from her open mouth and her forehead fell against Whis's damp shoulder. Dear God, this was intense! Arizona could only handle so much intensity, Whis observed. He had to be a bit gentler with her.

Whis's thrusts were still rough and desperate but his hold on her was softer. He rolled over so Arizona was on top. Since she knew how to do this dance, she started sliding up and down on Whis's hardened member. Each movement caused wanton gasps of bliss to escape Arizona's mouth. She threw her head back and cried out, clutching onto Whis's shoulders. Her hips started moving on their own and she felt everything: The intense friction, the fire coursing through her veins, and the pleasure that caused her mind to whirl.

"Oh, shit!" she cried out, toes curling with the shiver that ran down her body. "Whis, I…"

"I know," he murmured, stroking her hair as if to soothe her. "I feel it too. Let it come. Come for me, Arizona." His soft voice helped push her over the edge.

White spots crossed Arizona's vision and she collapsed against Whis's strong form. As she was recovering, Whis lifted her off of him and pulled out of her. Whimpers came from Arizona and he pulled her close, shushing her. He held her tightly, rubbing soothing circles into her skin. He murmured soft words to comfort her and tell her that she did great.

The chill nipped her wet skin when Whis carried her out of the tub. He grabbed the robe she was wearing earlier and wrapped her up in it. Arizona smiled contently and she clutched the lapels of her robe close. In a flash, Whis was in a robe he conjured for himself and scooped her up in his arms, like they were newlyweds crossing the threshold. Arizona rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, feeling totally calm.

"Whis!" Beerus's voice caused Arizona to stiffen and her eyes flew open. "Where are you? I know you're there! The 'do not disturb' is hanging on the doorknob! What's going on?"

"Oh, shit," hissed Arizona, biting her lower lip anxiously. "We're dead. So very, very dead."

Whis merely smiled and said nothing as he used his powers to open the door. As soon as the door opened, there stood Beerus tapping his foot and his eye was twitching in irritation. He didn't acknowledge Arizona because his eyes were solely trained on Whis.

"We ran out of ice cream and I need you to get some more," informed Beerus in a cranky tone, his foot tapping faster to demonstrate his irritation. "Hello, Arizona." He added as an afterthought. "How was your…bath?" He arched a non-existent eyebrow.

Arizona's face went about ten shades red and she closed her eyes, cursing herself. Beerus knew what they were doing in the tub. Now, he would never let her forget it. He'd use it as blackmail. She bit her bottom lip and bowed her head in exasperation.

"Lord Beerus, we…" Whis was at a loss for words, which was rather unlike him. He always knew what to say because how wise he was. He couldn't find the words to say.

Beerus let out a derisive snort. "I don't give a damn one way or another, Whis," he said coolly. "Just get dressed and get the ice cream. I need it."

"Right away, Lord Beerus," replied Whis dutifully, and he continued carrying Arizona down the hall to his room.

As soon as they were gone, Beerus shook his head in exasperation and rolled his eyes. "Lovers…" he snorted to himself. "So annoying." With that, he turned and walked to the kitchen.

Arizona towel-dried her hair and put on one of the dresses Whis provided for her. It was made of light material and softly clung to all the right places. It was also blue, which brought out the color of her eyes. She tied her blond waves up in a ponytail and slipped on some flats, also provided by Whis. She knew he loved seeing her in dresses and she loved looking attractive to him.

Whis came out of his bathroom, wearing his usual maroon-colored robe with matching leggings and black shoes. The blue floating ring hung weightlessly around his neck, giving him a formidable look. He smiled when he saw Arizona in one of the dresses he provided for her. She looked incredibly beautiful. He wanted to strip the dress off of her and lose himself in her beautiful body once again, but Beerus wasn't a patient deity. He would be looking for that ice cream and would probably destroy a planet or two if he didn't get what he wanted.

As if sensing his thoughts, Arizona walked up to him, stood up on her tiptoes, and brushed her lips against his. Whis captured her face in his hands and he crushed his lips against hers. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, rubbing his hands up and down the span of her back. Arizona smiled into the kiss and ran her fingers through his hair. With an enormous amount of self-control, Whis pulled back and smirked at the seductive look on Arizona's face.

"Don't try to seduce me, Miss Arizona," he said, sounding very seductive himself. "You know Beerus is impatient. We can continue after I get him some more ice cream."

"Okay," she conceded, pulling back. "I'll wait in the bed, naked." She chuckled when she saw the shocked look on Whis's face, but it returned to his hot smirk.

"I'm holding you to that." With that, Whis pulled her back in, gave her another kiss, and turned away. "See you later, Arizona." Then, he left the room.

Arizona smiled to herself and sat down on Whis's bed to wait for him. I love him, she thought fondly, rubbing her arms. I'm so happy that I've found him. I never want to let him go. She laid back on the bed, feeling totally exhilarated. If this was love, she never wanted it to end.

A/N: And the end. Sorry if it sucks, but I did my best.