Author's Notes:

I have been thinking about writing a fix-it fic for the way I wish Victor's, Haddie's, Sarah's, and Drew's plots played out in season 4 ever since... well ever since the end of 2012 when season 4 was airing!

Since Haddie canonically was dating Lauren as of the season 5 finale, and had been dating her for an unspecified amount of time, I included a side-plot that includes Lauren back in season 4.

This fic starts out at the end of season 3 and spans the course of season 4 and also into the timeline of season 5.

Some it is heavily canon-based and just "fills in the blanks", while other aspects are much more "what if this had happened instead?", such as Hank and Sarah not going away together for his job the weekend Sarah should've been on vacation with Mark, or what if Drew & Amy's opinions on their unplanned pregnancy were reversed, or what if one person died when it legitimately could've happened on the show instead of surviving like they ended up doing in canon...

I'm so grateful for the existence of the Small Fandom Big Bang, for motivating me to finally get this written!

I marked this fic as F/F because of the canon-based Haddie/Lauren, as F/M because of the way Sarah/Mark, Amy/Drew, and I guess technically Kristina/Adam and Julia/Joel are in this, all also quite canon-based as well although I let Sarah/Mark and Amy/Drew go in a different direction than they did in canon, and I also marked this fic AS GEN! I feel like the fic is something that would appeal to a lot of Gen readers, like, you know... myself. ;)

All of the Victor-based plots, for instance, which are a huge part of this story, are 100% non-shippy. And in general shippiness is not the point of the fic as a whole. The fact that the ships are canon-based helps make this fic feel fairly gen to me too. If you get through the entire story it won't have felt like a love story, but rather a family story, much like the show itself does. So idk. I wanted to mark this fic's category as "Gen" too. I hope that makes sense to some readers.

A huge SPECIAL THANKS to my lovely artist, Tarlan, who filled in at the last minute when my original artist needed to be replaced, and who made beautiful art for the fic. I'm so impressed with her talent! The drawings based on the actors are gorgeous. Check out her art on AO3: archiveofourown DOTorg/works/6622081 and leave her a comment! Also you can see the art larger over there! Thanks.

Also, thank you to Bookwormkehprodz, my vidder friend I know well from YouTube and twitter ( MissBookwormkeh), who (like me) has vidded Parenthood for years now and who kindly was my beta for this story! My YouTube name is luvtheheaven5 and check out ParenthoodProdz there too.

Chapter 1: The Night Before Everything Would Change



"You don't have to worry about Cornell anymore." Adam smiled at her, continuing to slow-dance under the lights on the patio of his childhood home. "It's all gonna be fine."

"I wasn't worried."

But she probably should've been worried, Adam realized. The napkin was now ripped up. He was not going to be selling the Luncheonette. He'd decided his relationship with his brother was simply too important. But now… how was he going to afford everything? He knew their family would find a way. They always did. He just hoped no unforeseen additional expenses would arise for them, because he was going to be tapping into all of his savings in order to start affording the Ivy League.

Glancing over toward Sydney and Jabbar, Adam smiled at how adorably they were dancing. He loved his whole family, every last member of it. He wouldn't have it any other way. He walked over toward Max, who was still reading his book, sitting in a chair beside the dance floor. He couldn't help feeling a little worried that Max was missing his uncle's entire wedding, not experiencing the party, but he tried to push those feelings aside. His son was enjoying himself. He was reading a book. Most parents want their kids to read more. He was so lucky to have two kids who both loved to read, and for a moment he thought about whether Nora might deviate from that pattern, one day.

Adam then noticed Drew, who was in the midst of kissing Amy passionately. He of course had no idea they had just lost their virginities to one another, but what he did see, clear as the night sky above them, was that they were in love. As the slow song ended, they too ended their lip-lock and proceeded to jump and jive to the beat. Adam remembered Drew, a little over two years prior, asking for lessons on how to dance. Finally, Drew had figured out the secret, all on his own. The secret is simple: Find your own style. Let yourself feel the music. Relax and don't worry about how you look to other people. Adam smiled fondly and then looked away, searching the crowd for his wife and baby daughter.

Kristina occupied all of Adam's attention from that point forward, so he didn't notice Mark Cyr coming to the wedding extremely late. He didn't notice the impromptu proposal, the smile that lit up his sister's face, the way her broken heart had mended in an instant as she'd said "Yes", and the way she'd disappeared from the crowd before Crosby and Jasmine had even started driving off toward their honeymoon (because she and Mark had some consummating of their engagement to do).

At the same time as Sarah was lacing her fingertips with Mark's, leading him toward the guest house where she lived, Joel was asking the elder Braverman couple for a favor.

"Of course," Camille replied warmly, glancing over toward Sydney with love. "I'm sure Jabbar will be thrilled to have his cousin here too, tonight."

Camille's eyes glistened with all she wasn't saying. This was beyond exciting. Her youngest son had just gotten married. And now, Julia was about to become a parent to a little boy of her own. It had been all Julia had wanted. It had crushed Camille's little girl so much to have to say goodbye to Zoe's son, and now… now Julia was going to get what she had dreamed of. Zeek softly squeezed Camille's shoulders from behind. They both watched Julia and her husband walk off toward their car, so much nervous excitement pouring out of each of them.

Over in the guest house, with their clothes on the floor and their bodies under the covers, Sarah was giggling, clearly still caught up in the pleasure of it all. Mark seemed to be already relaxing after their intense session of love-making. Sarah soon, too, felt her breath slowing down as her thoughts caught up to her. What he had said had seemed so right. They had tried to do things out of order. She was getting too old to have another baby, and everything had felt rushed, so she'd just jumped over some important steps because of that fear – that fear that it would be too late if she didn't. But Mark had just clearly explained it, an hour or so ago. If they wanted to be together, then they should make that happen first, and that aching feeling in her chest, her hopes and dreams dying… her lingering love for a Mark who was no longer going to be a part of her life feeling unbearable and her needing to grieve their relationship… that could all go away. Right?

"But if I don't want another kid," she blurted out, unable to help herself, "then aren't you going to… to…"

Mark sighed and looked into her eyes somberly.

"I was thinking about what you said. All day. I understand that you really want me to experience… what you got to, with Amber and Drew." He swallowed, and managed to keep his emotions in check for the moment. Sarah already was tearing up again, letting all of her feelings rise up to the surface once more.

"I wanted a baby with you, I really did. I can't pretend that I didn't." His voice dropped down to a near whisper, and Sarah could tell he was trying so hard not to let his voice break. "Babysitting Nora with you was… magical."

Sarah suddenly wished she had gotten dressed first before starting this conversation. She pulled the covers tighter around her bare chest, feeling horribly vulnerable – feeling like maybe their engagement was about to be a one-night-thing. And all the pain from earlier that day was already rushing back, and her tears were already leaking a little out of the corners of her eyes.

But then Mark kept talking. He saw where her mind was going and his tone was instantly reassuring.

"Sarah, don't cry. It wasn't magical because I need a baby. It was magical because I was with you."

Sarah tried to believe him, she really did. She squinted her eyes shut and tried to regain her composure.

"I love doing things with you," Mark continued, "and when I think about my life without you, when I try to imagine having a baby, but you not being there with me… I can't even imagine being happy like that. Don't you understand?"

Opening her eyes back up, Sarah released a long, slow breath, and then inhaled just as slowly. She bit her lip and then cautiously accepted what he was saying.

"Yeah. I get that. I feel the same way when I try to imagine being happy without you."

Drew finished wrapping up the last string of lights carefully and then placed it into the box, looking up at his grandfather who was entering the garage with the last of the chairs. Drew hoped no one in that house would notice the box of condoms hidden in his sock drawer, or the fact that one was now missing from the pack. He especially hoped his grandfather wouldn't, because he knew the man would just love the chance to have a "man-to-man" talk about losing one's virginity. And Drew could not think of a more mortifying possible conversation.

For an entire week, Drew had been stressing out over the fact that he might not know how to do it right, but when the time came? Amy was wonderful and patient with him, and they had explored each other's bodies in ways that he had barely dared to fantasize about. Everything had worked out wonderfully, and he knew, deep down, that his uncle Crosby would be proud, rather than offended, if he knew his wedding had provided the perfect opportunity for this particular rite of passage.

"Dad! Drew!"

Drew suddenly was hearing his mother's voice echoing across the yard from near the guest house.

"Come into the house! We have a big announcement."

Drew felt himself tense up. He had seen Mr. Cyr – no, scratch that, Mark – arriving at the wedding, and so even with them both still out of his current line of sight, Drew was well aware of who that "we" was. And unfortunately, Drew also knew what kind of announcement they were likely to be making. He was probably going to be gaining a half sibling. And gosh, he didn't think he'd ever feel ready for the news that his mom was pregnant.

"Grandson, whatuhyah waiting for? Come on, your mother has news to share." Zeek teasingly smiled at Drew. Then he beckoned for him to join him in the driveway. They both walked toward the house, where Camille, Sydney, and Jabbar were already inside.

Sydney placed her headband on the dresser in the guest bedroom where she'd be sleeping that night, and then proceeded to unbutton her green sweater.

She was happy about her Aunt Sarah's news. Excited for her, even! She was still so excited for her Uncle Crosby and Aunt Jasmine, too. Jasmine had always been so nice to her. Tonight was such a great night, gaining an aunt officially. And Sydney had always really loved her Aunt Sarah. She didn't know her boyfriend – now fiancé – very well, but seeing Aunt Sarah's smile as she had told everyone she was engaged had been infectious enough to make everyone else in the room smile just as wide.

Sydney placed her sweater on a hanger. A gentle knock on the door made her look up, sharply.

"Can I come in, sweetheart?" her grandmother's voice asked from the other side.

"Um… I'm not done getting into my pajamas yet," Sydney explained.

"Oh, alright. Take your time," Camille said. "Just tell me when you're finished."

Sydney slipped out of her dress. She hung it up on the hanger in the closet while wearing only her underwear, then found the spare set of summer pajamas that were always at her grandma's, perfect for nights like tonight when she might unexpectedly be sleeping over. They only took her about 30 seconds to put on.

"Okay, Grandma. I'm ready."

Camille entered, and Sydney noticed the interesting expression on her grandmother's face. It was serious, but also happy.

"Sweetie, I have some important news to share with you."

Camille led her granddaughter to the edge of the bed and they both sat down on top of the comforter. Sydney pursed her lips, listening intently.

"Your mom and dad left you here tonight because… because they needed to go meet your new brother."

"Really?" Sydney asked brightly.

Camille nodded.

"But Zoe didn't want us to have her baby," she then said, a little confused.

"I know, hon," Camille said softly, reaching out a hand to rest on Sydney's knee.

"Did she change her mind?

"No," Camille replied gently.

Sydney tried not to be too disappointed about that, because apparently, she was still getting a little brother anyway!

"Your mom and dad are meeting him right now. He is nine years old."

"What?" Sydney didn't understand. She was only eight. She had been expecting a little brother, not an older one!

"Yeah, a nine-year-old. They just called and told me he's already going to be sleeping in your house tonight. His name is Victor."

Sydney wasn't quite sure how to react. She didn't even know how she felt about this. Many questions started to spring to her mind. The most prominent one was, of course, where was he coming from? If he was nine, surely he must've had parents already for the first nine years of his life. Sydney was a whole year younger and she loved her parents; she didn't know of a life without them. She had so many memories with them. She had so much to ask, she barely knew where to begin. Camille wouldn't have any of the answers for her, barely having any information herself, but Sydney didn't know that.

So she asked her grandmother, with so much curiosity and innocence, "But why would he be ending up with my mom and dad when he's nine years old?"