It wasn't uncommon to find homeless children in Gotham slums, however over the years with the Wayne foundation less and less kids had been seen but once in a while they pop up.
It was one of those times when The Riddler was following a lead when he stumbled upon a little child in a black muscle shirt that was way to big for him and was struggling to keep the large boxers up on himself.
The little boy didn't seem to afraid but he looked lost. Carefully walking up to the boy Edward keeled down and the boy glared at him. There was distrust in his eyes, his whole body tensed up as if waiting for something to happen.
"Hello there." Edward smiled. "Are you lost?"
"..." The little boy shook his head before turning and rushing away towards a box and started to peek out before ducking back in. "Shh."
Blinking Edward stood up. If the boy told something to hush than it could be another child or a animal. Walking over he watched the little boy carefully as he continued to peek out before going back into the box. carefully peeking into the box Edward paused seeing another little child there.
This one looked like he was two years old, if not younger and he was just sitting there crying soundlessly as the older boy held onto him glaring at Edward. Moving back Edward reached into his bag and pulled out a sweet bun he had been saving for later. Opening it he split it in half before handing it to the little boys.
The younger one slowly took it before taking a bit. Soon after both of them were gobbling it down. Taking out his water bottle Edward carefully helped the younger one get a drink. The little gulped it down. Next the older boy drank almost half before gasping for air.
Edward was humming as he dried up the younger boy. The little boy had ear length ebony hair and big baby blue eyes, chubby cheeks, he had some scratches, bruising and some scars on him that were clear signs of abuse and the little boy was sucking on his thumb.
Edward had gotten a name out of the little boy by saying names out loud. He had read out all the names that were common from A until he got to the T's and when he said Tim the little boy had reacted. Testing this out a few times Edward was happy to find out the little boy's name was Tim.
The old boy who was five knew his name. His name was Jason, shortish hair hat spiked up a she shook his head in the bath. The boy had teal eyes and he a a little too skinny but some good food should fix that. He also was loud and had a bad habit of cussing so Edward had to fix that.
Once Tim was dry Edward took the smallest T-shirt he could find and slipped it over him before sitting the little boy down on a blanket on the bedroom floor. He didn't want to leave him on the bed so just to be safe...
"Alright, Jason, your turn." Edward said walking in with a towel. "Come on, let's dry you up and than we need to go to the store."
"I ain't wanna get out." Jason said rolling int he water. "This is f***ing fun! I love it!"
"We don't say that word." Edward frowned leaning down. "It's a bad word."
"What's a bad word?" Jason asked sitting up in the tub. "Five more minutes?"
"Come on, tomorrow you can have another bath tomorrow." Edward said before smiling and looking up. "Besides if we're late they'll close the ice cream shop..."
"No!" Jason stood up quickly stepping out of the tub as Edward wrapped the towel around him and started to dry him up. "You ain't lying right? There really is ice cream?"
"Yes, there is."
"Is there a cheeseburger too?"
"If there's not we can go buy one." Edward took another towel and started to dry the black hair. "Is that alright with you?"
Dressing Jason in small t-shirt and some shorts that were too big so the looked like long baggy pants on him and were only held up by a belt. Edward slipped some of his socks onto both of the boys before picking up Tim and siting him on his hip and they left the apartment.
Once they got outside Edward carefully picked up Jason too carrying them to his car. He put them in the car and buckled them up and drove carefully to the store. First he stopped by the an ice shop and order to ice cream cones, than a burger place to get to cheeseburgers.
Once at the store Edward put Jason in the back of the basket telling him to stay sitting as he ate his food. Putting Tim into the seat as the little boy was eating the burger like it was the best thing in the world.
First thing was first. Edward went to the clothes, got underwear, socks, shoes, pajamas because it was nine at night. Paying for these first Edward took them to the bathroom to change them so they were in right clothes. Because Tim was only in a shirt and socks and Jason didn't even have underwear on.
Once they were in proper clothes, walls night clothes, he had gotten Jason some race car pajamas and Tim had a feetie one with balloons on them.
Going back to the clothes Edward picked out five outfits for each of them, two packages of socks, two pairs of shoes, more underwater just in case, some a bib for Tim because the napkin Edward tucked into the neck of his pajamas was barely doing it's job.
Next Edward got to the bedding. Looking at the stuff in his basket he was thinking about getting another basket when Jason started to climb out. Quickly Edward picked him up and set him down.
"Hold onto the basket, alright?"
"Yeah, okay." Jason said before hopping onto the side of the basket and holding on. "Hey, I can ask ya something?"
"Of course." Edward pushed them to pillows. "Pick one of these, Jason."
"How come yer being nice to us?"
"Because I want to."
"Yeah, buy you ain't gonna like touch us tonight are you?"
It disturbed Edward how easily Jason said that. Almost as if he was talking about weather. Looking at the little be he saw seriousness , weary, fear and anger in those eyes.
"No." Edward frowned. "Jason... if anyone ever touches you, you tell me because that is wrong."
"I know it's wrong. F***ing bastards do it all the time. That ain't do it ta me cause I'm faster than hell."
"Jason, no bad words."
"Oh shit sorry."
Edward's mouth fell open. "We are going to have fun getting rid of those words."
"Are you gonna take care of us?" Jason asked. "Do we gotta pay ya? Do we gotta sell stuff for you?"
"No." Edward reached over to ruffle his hair. "I'm not a bad guy Jason. I just want to make sure you two are alright and you can stay with me until we figure something out."
"Are you going to find my mom? You don't gotta find my dad that ass can stay lost but I like my mom."
"I will do my best to find her." Edward smiled at him not saying anything about the Father. Edward's stomach twist because of his own experience with a horrible father was something that he never got over. "So, both you and Tim like your mom, hm?"
"I don't know." Jason leaned overt to look at Tim who was now licking his burger wrapper. "I found him when I woked up and he was crying."
"What?" Edward stopped pushing the cart. "You two aren't brothers?"
"Nope." Jason rubbed his nose. "But that's okay right? Ya ain't gonna throw him away are ya?"
"No, never." Edward looked at Tim who smiled up at him shyly. "Was that burger good, Timmy?"
The little boy blushed nodding letting out a little happy squeal.
"How come he can't talk?"
"I think he's just shy."
"Don't be shy it's stupid." Jason hopped off the basket and looked at the pillows. "Oh wow look! They ain't got stain on them!"
Edward watched as Jason stuck his face in them and took in a deep breath.
"They don't smell neither!"
Oh god, Edward's heart! Smiling sadly Edward leaned down. "Go ahead and pick one out."
"Really?" Jason smiled widely as the man nodded and picked one out right away hugging it tightly. "Hell yes!"
"Would you like one to Timmy?" Edward asked as the little baby sucked on his thumb before nodding. "Alright, which one do you want?"
The little boy looked confused and as he was thinking about it Jason was snuggling his pillow happily. Three feet away a little girl around seven had brought her mom a wooden spoon asking the mom if they could get it to swat at the flies and when the mom said no the little girl deiced to show the mom why it woudl be perfect for swatting flies and smacked it down on the basket.
The second the noise was heard Tim jumped and curled to his right side rising his hands and ruse up to protect himself whimpering helplessly, big tears rolling down his face and eyes wide with fear.
Shocked Edward quickly picked up the baby who flinched horribly and held him tightly bouncing him gently. Tim sobbed softly curled up and wrapped his little arms around Edward's neck.
"It's okay, Timmy, it's okay, you're alright, shhh, shhh," Edward hug him tightly as he recognized he signs of abuse right away. "It's alright, baby, it's alright."
"What happened?" Jason asked tugging at Tim's foot. "Hey, why are ya crying?"
"Something scared him." Edward said softly rubbing's Tim's back gently. "It's okay, Timmy, the loud noise is gone."
"That noise?" Jason turned to the mom and daughter before he made a mean face and pointed at them. "Hey! You made Tim cry! You're asses!"
"Jason!" Edward yelped as the woman looked shocked. "I'm so sorry, we're working on not cussing! Jason, you can't say that to people! And they didn't mean it. It's something that made Tim remember some bad that someone else did to him."
"So, they didn't do it to be jerks?"
"Sorry lady! I didn't mean to be rude as hell to you!"
Edward groaned face palming. "Let's go get some sheets..."
"Bye lady!"
As they made it to the little kids bed sheets Edward noticed that Tim was sucking hard on his thumb. A sign that Edward was deeply upset and this was a way of coping with fear. Pulling his thumb out Edward watched at Tim's bottom lips trembled before he kissed the little boy's head.
Tim blinked like he wasn't sure what happened before little hands touched Edward's face and tugged him closer. Kissing Tim's head again Edward waited. Soon Tim wanted to have kissed all over his head and than Tim laid his head down on Edward's shoulder and this time instead of sucking his thumb he only put the tip of it in his mouth.
"I don't gots a bed, why do I need sheets?" Jason asked looking at the many sheets as they walked by them. "I can sleep on the floor or the couch. I just need one sheet."
Beds. Well, good thing Edward had started savings last year and not looks like most of it woudl be going towards the kids. But he really didn't mind. Not at all. He was excited to have someone to take care of even if he just found them five hours ago.
"We're going to get you two bed... let's see..." Edward found the bed. The child size bed for Jason was three hundred and the redhead looked at Tim was so samll. He couls fer a crib that turned into a day crib because he was't sure if the little boy woudl fall off so a child's bed and a crib to a day bed. "Alright, we'll get these too and Jason you can get a child size bed-sheets."
"You are really getting me a bed?" Jason smiled big. "No kidding? You ain't pulling my leg?!"
"No, I'm not." Edward smiled as Jason hugged him before holding out his arms for Tim. "Come on, Tim let's go get some f***ing sheets! We're getting beds!"
Tim let out a little cooing noise as he was taken away. Edward had to rush after them as he struggled and pretty much threw the beds into the basket. He saw Jason going over the bed sheets trying to decided but was staring wide eyed at a bed sheets and was breathing hard as he jumped up and down trying to get them.
"What do you want, Timmy?" Edward picked up the little toddler and held him up as the Tim reached and picked out a Batman crib sheets. "Oh my god- Timmy, do you like Batman?"
Tim was nuzzling the sheets and blushing.
"Oh, wow, alright." Edward looked for the right size and only found ones for twin size beds. "Timmy, I'm sorry, they don't have Batman sheets for you're bed. We have to put them back."
Tim whimpered but didn't fight as he handed it back. His eyes watered as he looked down.
"It's alright, Timmy." Edward gave him a tight hug. "How about we find you a Batman toy after were done?"
The little boy's head shot up with a happy squeal.
Jason was trying to figure out which sheets he wanted. He wanted red and black but he also wanted the red and gray ones. As he thought about it be picked the red and gray ones before putting them in the basket.
"Hey, what can I call you?"
"You can call me Edward if you want."
"I'ma call ya Eddie." Jason smiled. "I can get these right?"
"Yes." Edward smiled. "How about we go to the toys?"
"Toys?! Really!" Jason grinned and spun around doing a little dace. "You're like the damn fairy godmother but way cooler, Eddie!"
"Jason, wait for us!"
Edward had to ask someone who worked in the store to bring him another basket as his cart was full. Once they brought the second basket Edward watched as Jason went through all he toys excitedly but also was trying to figure out what he really wanted and picked things up and examining them before putting them back.
Edward set Tim down and the little boy toddled straight to all the Batman toys and stared at them and Edward was swore the little boy's eyes were sparkling in awe and had to laugh softly realizing that Tim was a mini fanboy.
"Eddie, can I get this?" Jason asked holding up a race car. "It's only ten bucks."
"Sure, but Jason don't look at the price. Not today. I have a little extra so get a few more things that you want."
"you so cool!" Jason turned to grab a big box of lego and put the two toys in the cart before looked around for a few more things. "Hey, Eddie, ya tell Tim he can have all those?"
"What?" Edward looked down to see that Tim had found a blanket somewhere and had put a bunch of Batman toys on it and was pulling it towards the basket. "What in the world... Timmy, you can have all those... Hey, let's pick out five things."
By the time they picked out five things Tim had a Batman blankets, A batman plush toy, Batmobile with a little Batman in it and a Batman coloring book. Tim looked like he was in heaven ad was smiling, blushing and squealing happily as he hugged, cuddled and kissed his Batman plush toy.
Chuckling Edward put Tim into the seat of the basket. "You love Batman Tim?"
Tim nodded happily.
"Jason, how are you doing? Find your other three toys?"
"I'm looking." Jason looked around. "Hey, Eddie, can I get some cards?"
"Of course."
"Cool!" Jason grabbed the pack before rushing back looking at the toy guns. Grabbing a twin pack of the guns he tossed them in before chewing on his bottom lip. He needed one more toy and he was walking down the toy section with Eddie following him when he saw a scooter. "Oh wow! Eddie, please?!"
"Add it to the cart."
Edward had slept in until ten in the morning.
When he woke up he still felt a little tired but he and the boys had been up until one in the morning. After they got home Edward had started to set up the beds as the boys played with the bed.
Once the beds where made and in his room because Edward had a two bedroom but the second bedroom was full of cases, a pin bored, desk and other things that he used for his at home detective work.
That was why the crib and child bed were in his room. Sitting up Edward rubbed his eyes looking at Jason was asleep sprawled out on his bed with his blankets tossed every which way.
Smiling Edward looked over the crib before frowning seeing Tim huddled in the corner and was looking at him with a scared look on his face. Getting up Edward hurried over leaning over to pick up Tim and saw a wet spot in the crib.
Looking at Tim he noticed the wet spot on Tim's feetie pajamas and how Tim whimpered as tried to make himself smaller. Smiling Edward slowly picked up Tim and stood him up before unzipping the feetie and helped Tim out of the wet clothes before humming softly as he wrapped a dry blanket around the little boy before taking him to the bath to wash him up.
Jason woke up slowly blinking the sleep away before sitting up. Slouching as he rubbed his eyes and scratching his head Jason got up to sleepily stumble his way to the bathroom.
After using it and washing his hands Jason suddenly smells something good. The promise of food yanked him out of his sleepy daze. Running to the kitchen Jaosn slid across the tile floor with his socks he came to a stop seeing Eddie cookie some pancakes and frying some sausage and bacon.
"What'ca making, Eddie?" Jason wiggled his hea under Edward's arm. "Damn, it looks good!"
"Thank you and watch your words, Jason."
"Oh yeah, sorry." Jason turned around spotted Tim in a highchair. "Hey, Squeaker!"
"Squeaker?" Edward said as he turned off the meat and placed them on a plates before taking them to the table. "What's that mean?"
"It's a nickname for Tim, cause ya know he makes those squeaking sounds." Jason grinned before watching as Eddie put down the pancakes, syrup and his stomach growled as he drooled. "We can really eat all that?"
"Yes, and you can have seconds if you want." Edward smiled as he picked up a plate putting a pancake on it cutting it up before handing it to Jason. "Here you go. Ger you bacon and sausage and eat up."
"Thanks!" Jason grabbed the syrup and put a lot on his plate before putting the meat on the plate and mixed them all up before taking large bite. "Mmmhmm!"
Laughing Edward cut up another pancake, a sausage and an a bacon before pouring some syrup. Once it was mixed up Edward started to fed Tim. The little boy looked surprised and almost like he dind't know what to do but when Edward hummed a little Tim opened his mouth.
"Hey, Eddie, what are we gonna do today?"
"We're going to go see a nice lady who's going to help me get some papers so I can keep you until I find your families." Edward gave Tim another bit before getting one himself. "We can go to the park after we see the lady."
Ten days and Bruce was going crazy.
He hadn't seen or heard from Jason or Tim in over a week and when he tracked down Tim's tracer in his Red Robin suit he found the both of the boys suits laying in an ally and it was dark enough that no one had seemed to find them.
No bodies, no clues on what happened to them. Taking the suits back to the cave he started to analyze them when the results came back that magic had been used on them and when Bruce went back to check on last place they had been scene he found a little clue of the boys being close by.
Bruce swore he was going to find his sons not matter what.
"Alright, Timmy, look at what I got you." Edward smiled holding up some night time pull-ups. "You ware these at night in case you wet the bed, alright? Only for night time and it's okay if they get wet. That's what their for."
Tim was eyeing them like it was some sort of a trap. Slowly he nodded and gave a little smile at Edward when the redhead smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the head before getting up to put the items away.
"Hey, Eddie, look what I made!" Jason yelled from the living room. "It's so cool!"
"Come on, Timmy, let's go see what Jason's up too." Edward picked up Tim and was happy when the little boy easily got comfortable sitting on his hip and leaned against him still carrying the little Batman with him. "You love him so much, don't you?"
Tim making a happy noise and nodded.
Walking into the living room Edward saw Jason standing up and pointing to his legos that he had made into space craft.
"Wow, Jason!" Edward laughed amazed. "This is... amazing! YOu did this? All by yourself?"
Flushing Jason felt giggling. "Hell yes! And look! It even has the fire for when it blasts off!"
Edward sat down on the floor with Tim in his lap as he looked over it. "It's perfect! Jason, this is almost like the real thing! Here stand next to it and I'm going to take a picture."
"Wha?" Jason grinned feeling proud. "For reals?"
"Yes." Edward took out his camera as Jason picked up this shuttle and grinned cheekily as the redhead snapped the picture. "Perfect! This is cause for celebration! Jason where do you want to go?"
"Go?" Jason blinked. "Why are we gonna go somewhere?"
"It's your first picture I got and the first thing you've built all on you're own!"
"So we gonna go have fun?!" Jason jumped up. "F*** yeah! I wanna to a pizza party place! Please?!"
"Yes, let's go!"
"Yay!" Jason jumped up running to their room to get his shoes. He returned. "Eddie, can ya help me get them on?"
"Of course." Edward smiled as he showed Jason which shoe went on what foot before showing him how to tie it. "There, all done."
"Hey, Eddie," Jason asked a little unhappy and looked worried. "You ain't gonna leave us there right?"
"No, never." Edward asked confused as he put Tim in a stroller. "Why woudl I leave you there?"
"Sometimes with peoples don't want their kids no more they leave their asses in the street or fun places." Jason looked anger now. "And they don't come back."
"Jason..." Edward pulled the little boy close and hugged him tightly. "I would never, ever leave you two. Both of you are the light of my life... So, let's get going. You have a lot of tickets to win."
"Hell yeah!"
"Language,Jason, Language." Edward said when he heard a knock at the door. "Jason watch Tim for me real quick. Hold on, I'm coming!"
Picking up some toys on the way Edward put them in the little toy boxes he had everywhere. Once he made it to the door he placed the last remaining items a box before opening the door and was surprised to see who was there.
"Mr. Wayne?"
"Hello, Edward, do you remember me?"
"Yes, I do." Edward smiled. He had done a few cases for Wayne when looking into some employees who were stealing from WE. "What can I do for you?"
"I have a case for you and I need you to see if you can find-"
"Vrooom...!" Jason yelled pushing Tim fast in the stroller who was squealing happily and gigging like mad. "We're gonna win the f***ing race!"
"Sorry, Mr. Wayne! No, bad words, Jason!"
"My bad!"
"Sorry, Mr. Wayne, you were saying?"
"Those kids... what are there names?"
"The older one is Jason and the younger one is Tim." Edward smiled. "I found them ten days ago two miles from here. I brought them home and they've been staying with me until further notice. Now, what can I do for you? I promised them we could go out and have pizza."
Bruce paused before straightening up. "I was going to ask you out for lunch."
"Oh, how nice of you but I'm having lunch with the kids, so..."
"I woudl like to thank you again for your help Edward and please let me take you to the best pizza play place for kids and I'll pay for anything."
Jason came running back and tugged at the redhead's shirt. "Say ye,s Eddie! He's gonna pay, take the offer!"
"I can't just make you pay for us,"
"You kids wanna win tickets and eat lots of candy?" Bruce grinned trying to hid his shock and disbelief that out of all the people the kids could have ended up with the woudl end up at Edward's apartment. "And they have bumper cars."
"Eddie, please!" Jason begged falling to his knees. "Bumper cars! I can drive elven years early, please! Please, please, please pleeeeeeeeease...!"
"Well, alright, let's do it."
"F*** yeah!"
Edward's flushed looking at Wayne. "We're working on his habit."
Bruce nodded before he saw Jason run up to him and take his hand causing old memories of when Jason was living with him and younger how his son would take his hand as they walked somewhere or went to do something, and this caused his heart to warm up.
"What's ya name?"
"I'm Jason! This is Timmy," Jason pointed to Tim as Edward rolled the stroller out and locked the door. "He can't talk yet and that's Eddie! The best-est person in the whole world!"
"I'm not that great." Edward laughed before pushing the stroller. "Thank you, Mr. Wayne for this."
"Please call me Bruce." Bruce picked up Jason and put the boy on his shoulders "How's that, sport?"
"Damn, I got tall!"
"I mean... Dang! That's not a bad word, huh?"
Bruce shook his head. "No, it's not."
"Well, dang I got tall!" Jason laughed and pointed forward. "We're gonna have one hell of a time!"