Ace stood next to Dogra by the docks. He stood in shock seeing his other sworn brother making his way out to sea. The freckled boy's eyes widened in fear and anger as Sabo's ship was blown up.
"Sabo! Get out of there! Move it!" Aces voice couldn't reach the blonde of the sound of the flames. The second blast caused the ship to explode in fragments of pieces.
Ace couldn't believe his eyes. Sabo had just be blown up. He fell to his knees and screamed in despair. He couldn't deny that Sabo was dead, he had seen it with his very own eyes.
There was no reply from his blonde brother. Ace got closer to the docks looking through the wreckage. His eyes landed on a body floating hidden by smoke and debris. Ace watched his brother disappear from site. He had vanished but Ace knew he had seen him.
'Sabo could still be alive! But where is he? I know I saw him. Sabo!' Ace was desperate to get some kind of sign his brother was still alive. The freckled boy noticed a cloaked figure walking away on the coast.
Ace didn't wait he stood taking off after the cloaked figure. Ace pushed himself faster when he noticed something wrapped in the man's arms. 'That's Sabo! It has to be Sabo!'
Just like before the two disappeared right from in front of him. Ace fell to his knees where the two stood. "SABO! NO GIVE HIM BACK! GIVE SABO BACK!" No one could hear the boys screams because the two were already long gone.
Ace stood determined. He turned making his way back to Dadan's hut. He wasn't going to let some stranger come in and steal his brother away from him! He'd be damned if he let Sabo be taken!
The raven slammed the door open in anger. Luffy was crying loudly screaming Sabo's name. Ace walked over to him and shocking everyone pulled Luffy into his arms.
"Shut up! Sabo's not dead! Dogra's wrong I was there Sabo's not dead!" Luffy slowly stopped his crying staring at Ace confused and with hope in his eyes.
"S-Sabo's not dead? Where's Sabo? Ace!"
Ace's eyes darkened glaring out the window. "Luffy listen to me, someone stole Sabo, and I saw it with my own eyes. Sabo's ship was shot down and he was unconscious when the person stole him."
Luffy stopped his crying and looked at Ace seriously. "We're going after him right? It's Sabo! We have to go save Sabo!" Ace nodded standing up.
"Don't worry Luffy we're going to save our brother no matter what! Someone stole Sabo and we're going to get him back no matter how long it takes!" Luffy nodded just as serious to get their brother back.
Dadan and the bandits stared at the two boys. They all were thinking that the boys were in denial and grieving not wanting to believe the truth.
The two boys turned to the door. Ace didn't look back at them as he spoke. "Me and Luffy are leaving as soon as possible, every second we wait is a second longer something could be happening to Sabo! We're leaving and we're going to find Sabo then sail out on our own together!"
The two ravens didn't give the bandits a chance to speak before they ran out of the hut heading for the forest.
A blonde laid in a hospital bed covered in bandages. He groaned opening his eyes and screamed seeing a giant head in front of him. The man backed up looking apologetic. "Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you."
The blonde didn't say anything just watched the man. He looked around the room noticing all the people. "W-Where am I? W-Who am I?"
The crew all looked shocked at the questions. A man walked forward standing at his side. "Do you not remember anything boy?" Sabo shook his head confused and slightly panicked.
The man sighed. "My name is Dragon and I'm the leader of the revolutionary army, all I know about you is you're a noble from the Goa kingdom and your name is Sabo."
The blonde now known as Sabo blinked confused. The big headed okama sighed. "Ve should probably take him back home to his parents Dragon."
Sabo looked at them in fear and screamed. "No! Please don't take me back there! I don't know why but please just don't take me back there!" The group were shocked at the boy's outburst.
Dragon placed a calming hand on the boys shoulder to try and calm him down. "Don't worry boy we won't take you back there, you can stay here with us and join the revolutionary army until you either choose a different path or remember who you used to be."
Sabo smiled brightly nodding at the man. Soon the room cleared leaving the boy to himself. He sighed grabbing his chest. 'It feels weird, I feel like I'm forgetting something really important, my chest hurts.'
Sabo laid his head back on the pillow sighing deeply. He couldn't lose the feeling that he was missing something. He felt like guilt piercing his chest but closed his eyes deciding to try and sleep the feelings off.
A giant ship with the figure head of a whale docked on a small island in east blue. Windmill village. Two people stood at the front of the ship looking out over the village.
"So this is where that idiot Shanks came, yoi." A blonde stood next to a brunette with a pompadour. The other snickered looking over the village.
"Yeah I'm surprised pops wanted to come here, just to meet a brat who peeked Shanks interest." The two jumped off the ship heading for the small bar in the center of the town.
The blonde sighed. "Well we should hurry and get this over with, find the brat, then get back to the Moby, yoi."
The brunette rolled his eyes at his blonde companion. "You make it sound so easy, we're practically becoming kidnappers now!" The blonde ignored him and the two stopped in front of the bar.
Hello lovely readers! This is a new story I thought of and something I think is completely original! I've read many stories with the ASL and I don't think there's ever been one where Ace and Luffy go on a hunt for their missing brother so here it is. Sorry for the short chapters I promise they will get longer as I go!