Christina Early 11th century

The sound swords clashing brought me away from my place in the kitchen. Shouts of excitement filled the air. I walked toward a joyful young Henrik, watching in awe at his dueling older brothers. Niklaus swung his blade, slicing off the belt of Elijah's tunic.

"Try not to kill my husband, Niklaus." I teased. Elijah smiled lovingly at me.

"You're not married yet! I've still got a few more days before my brother forces me to befriend you!" Klaus joked.

"I'm going to be just like Klaus one day!" Henrik exclaimed, and his brothers grinned at him. Henrik looked up at me. "Then one day I'll have a beautiful wife like you."

"Flattering will not earn you extra treats." I said, ruffling his hair.

"And what about me?" Elijah stepped forward with a sly smirk on his face.

"Come along Henrik," Niklaus ushered the younger boy away. He turned and winked at us before scurrying into the house.

"I apologize for my brother's childish ways." Elijah sighed.

"I've gotten use to his forms of affections." I had known the Mikaelson family my whole life. My father had fought with Mikael in the war and together they swore to protect each other's families. Not long after they returned from battle, Esther convinced Mikael to come to the New World and my father and mother, who was pregnant with me, traveled with them. After landing in the New World, I was born and all was well. Elijah and I grew up in happy families until my mother became pregnant with my sister Alexandra. My mother died in child birth, the baby being take as well. My father was over whelmed with grief, but he never gave up on his only daughter.

Three months ago, after Mikael and my father arranged for Elijah and I to be married, my father was slaughtered at the hands of the were wolves that plague this land.

"Only five days until the wedding." I remarked in awe. "Seems like yesterday you chased me around the well with a dead mouse." We both chuckled. "Time does seem to fly."

"I disagree." Elijah interjected. "For me, five days could pass by more slowly." He looked around cautiously before pu8lling me into his arms and covering my lips with his. I reluctantly pushed away.

"Someone will see us!" I whispered. He frowned.

"You're right." He held me closer. "Why can't we be wed today?"

"Because you know your sister would kill me if she didn't get to be there."

"She has always been a hopeless romantic." Elijah agreed with a smile. He released me from his hold.

"Christina! Elijah!" Rebekah's voice called. The blond haired girl appeared from around the corner. "What are you two doing? The sun is going to set?" Fear spread across Elijah's face and he grabbed me hand as we all rushed into the house.

The night was filled with screams and painful howls. We hid in the caves so not even a speck of light from the full moon shown through. I could hear the nervous breath of everyone around me and Elijah took my hand in the darkness.

When the sun had risen, we continued with our lives. I was with Esther when Niklaus's cries filled the air, a bloody and limp Henrik in his arms.

"Mother!" He wailed. Rebekah came out of the house, followed by Ayana. Elijah rushed around the corner.

"What happened?" Esther exclaimed.

"The wolves," Klaus sobbed. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

"We must save him!" Esther looked to Ayana, a family friend who was a witch. "Please, there must be a way."

"The spirits will not give us a way Esther." Ayana said solemnly. "Your boy is gone."

"No!" Esther cried. A sob escaped my lips and I clutched Elijah's arm as he comforted his mother.

"He was just a boy," I muttered, my eyes blinded by the over flowing tears. Not able to bear the scene of gore and death any longer. I ran into the nearby woods. The thorny branches tore at my dress and scratched my skin, but I couldn't stop running. Memoires of Henrik's laughter and smile were replaced with the vision of his cold, torn body. My foot caught on a rock and I stumbled into a tree, a sharp pain beginning to spread in my hands. I looked down at my dirty, bloody palms and sank to the ground, wrapping my arms around myself, letting out a pained scream that could be heard for miles.

"Christina?" A distant voice called. Strong arms wrapped around me, but all I could see was the world spinning. Warm hands rested on the sides of my face and I was staring into deep, sad brown eyes. Elijah's face was red and wet with grief.

"I'm so sorry Elijah! He was just a boy, your baby brother, I'm so s-sorry!" I wailed, his thumb attempting to wipe away my never ending tears. He slowly helped me to my feet, my legs sore and weak from running. He examined the scratches on my hands and kissed them lightly before sweeping me up in his arms. The walk back to camp was silent except for the occasional snapping twig under Elijah's feet.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Rebekah's panicked face stared at my ripped clothes and cut face.

"I'm alright, just a little tired that's all." I answered wearily.

"Father wants to speak to all of us." Rebekah and Elijah exchanged a glance of sorrow. Elijah put me down and led me toward the house. Mikael stood in the middle of the room with a beaten and bruised Niklaus cowering in the corner. Sudden anger rose from within me.

"What did you do to him?" I growled.

"Do not lecture me on the treatment of my children," Mikael boomed, giving me a stare filled with anger and grief. Elijah held me closer to him.

"Tonight, we will have a ceremony," Esther announced, "to honor…" her words tailed off sadly.

"So clean yourselves and be back by nightfall." Mikael commanded, then strode into another room, Esther and Finn trailing behind him. I rushed to Niklaus.

"Kol, go get water and a rag!" Elijah ordered his younger brother.

"What has he done to you?" I sighed, lightly stroking Klaus's blond curls.

"I hate him," he whimpered. Kol rushed back into the room with a bowl and a towel. "I hate him."

"I know." I softly cleaned off the blood from his cheeks. Mikael had been like a father to me in the beginning, but when I started noticing the bruises and cuts on Niklaus's face, I slowly grew to despise him. I'd never understood how a man could be so cruel to his own son. Elijah took the rag from my hand.

"I will help Niklaus, you and Rebekah should get ready for tonight." I started to protest, but he motioned to my torn, dirt covered dress.

"Alright," I sighed, standing up, "But if anything happens or you need something-"

"I will find you." He kissed my hand before tending to his beaten brother.

The sun's rays broke apart through the moving water. I deeply wanted to remain beneath the surface, surrounded by silence and the coolness of the lake. Reluctantly, I swam up in need of air. The day had past so slowly, it was hard to believe the dark would be coming soon. As I made my way towards land, I could hear leaves shift and bushes rustle.

"Hello?" I called out, paranoia lacing my voice. As the sounds of nature continued, I calmed, knowing that it was only the wind. I slipped the clean dress over my head and rung out my hair. When I was in the water, I had been allowed to forget this dreadful day, but I now had to face it once more.

Everyone had gathered back at the house, Elijah waited and led me inside. The sun had set over the trees and darkness fell over the land. A fire in the middle of the room illuminated the grave faces of the Mikaelson family. Esther stood by her husband, clam, but worried, holding a chalice.

"This family has suffered greatly," Mikael began, "but we cannot let this loss destroy us." Esther handed him the cup which he drank from, then past it to Finn. "Let this wine bring us together as one and remind us that we are bound by blood." Finn sipped and gave the cup to Elijah. I took a step back.

"What's wrong?" Elijah whispered.

"You may not be married yet, but you are a part of this family, Christina," Esther watched me over the fire and smiled. "Take it." I took the chalice from Elijah and drank the red wine within, giving it to Niklaus. After everyone had drunk, Mikael spoke again.

"Let nothing tear us apart." He muttered to Esther who handed him something. He beckoned Finn to come to him. Mikael looked at his first born son before plunging a sword into his chest. Rebekah let out a terrible scream and Elijah put himself in front of me. Mikael's next victim was Kol, who had tried to run, but was stopped by an invisible barrier. The slaughter continued with Rebekah and Niklaus until Mikael came to Elijah.

"Father, please," he begged gripping my hand.

"Do not worry, my boy, for even death can never keep us apart again." Mikael assured before driving the blade through Elijah.

"No!" I screamed, watching Elijah fall to the ground, his eyes clouded, his skin pale. I knelt down beside him, trying to stop the blood but it was too late. Mikael grabbed my arm and lifted me off the ground.

"I promised to protect you." He said and looked me in the eye as the sword pierced my heart.

Elijah A few hours later

The pain in my chest was almost over whelming. But suddenly… it stopped. Feeling started in my hand, slowly spreading to my feet then to my entire body. When I opened my eyes, I immediately wished that I hadn't. Blood stained the floor and a body laid across from me.

"Christina!" I shouted, crawling to her, my heat sinking as I took her cold, dead hand. My fater spoke from behind me.

"She'll by alright, son."

"What have you done to her?" I accused.

"Your mother and I have assured that we will never lose another child, nor will you lose Christina." He explained ushering in a young village girl. "Drink and we can be a family… forever." He cut the girl's wrist with a dagger.

"What are you doing?" I stumbled back, not wanting to acknowledge how intriguing the smell of her blood was.

"Drink Elijah!" he ordered, moving her closer to me. Cautiously, I put my lips to the girls arm and let the metallic taste of blood fill my mouth. Once I had started, it took me a moment to force myself to stop. Christina began to stir beside me.

"Elijah?" She moaned. I knelt at her side, feeling the warmth return to her cheeks.

"How is this possible?" I gasped as her eyes fluttered open.

"Your mother performed a spell that made us immortal. The ritual said that you all had to die in order to live forever." Mikael clarified.

"What is he talking about?" Christina squeaked. Mikael poured some of the blood into a goblet.

"I must tend to the others." He gave the cup to me." If she doesn't drink it, she will die." She looked at me, fear in her eyes.

"Elijah no." She pleaded.

"You have to." I put the cup in her hands, covering them with my own. "I won't live without you." She still seemed unsure. "Please." I watched as she brought the chalice to her lips and drained every last drop.