Chapter One

A cool breeze danced across the treetops, laughing and cheering when birds would chirp and swoop through its threads. Squirrels scurried across the forest floor in search of nuts and berries, anything to fill their hungry bellies. A lone river just inches away from the forest entrance snaked through the vast number of trees as it sang a lonely song. This is the place I have called home ever since my sixteenth birthday. Well, more like the forest and my late parent's cottage which sat just outside the forest edge. My father was the one to teach me how to survive out in the woods, but it was my mother that taught me how to stay civilized.

Both my parents had died in a car wreck when a drunk driver rammed into them head on. I was devastated and had ran out into the woods to hide from the real world. There were days, however, that I would resurface and live in their cottage if only for a while. It was my way of remembering them and keeping them alive. I would put my father's teachings into action whenever I went out into the woods and I would do the same for my mother whenever I stayed in the cottage. The only thing I did that was influenced on myself was my occasional binge of a popular anime known as Attack on Titan. I hadn't finished the first season as of yet, but already my favorite character was Corporal Levi Ackerman. He was strong, handsome, and very strict. However, he also cared for his squad members' well beings. It was on the day that I was staying in the cottage that my life changed.

I leapt from branch to branch as silently as I possibly could, a quiver of arrows and a bow strapped to my back. I had been tracking a deer for a while now and was now right on top of it. Quietly, I removed my bow and took out an arrow. The deer stooped its head down as it began to graze on the forest floor, oblivious to the arrowhead that was pointed at its heart. Just three quarters from the backbone. A calm breath left my lips seconds before the arrow slipped past my fingers and sailed straight into its intended target. Within seconds the deer dropped to the ground with a satisfying thud.

"Gotcha," I breathed, replacing my bow to its rightful place.

In a single motion I had landed next to the deer. I can clearly see the notch of the arrow, but only half of the shaft. A small frown tugs at my lips. I hated killing animals, but I knew I had to do it from time to time to survive.

"I'm sorry my friend," I whispered as I carved the arrow from the deer's side, "Know your sacrifice will not be in vain."

With that I dragged the deer back to the cottage to prepare the meat and catch a few episodes of my favorite anime. Biggest mistake I had ever made. Or was it the best choice I had ever made? As soon as I stepped through the door I had felt something strange stirring through the air. Shrugging it off, I quickly prepared my food and pulled up the episode I was on. I felt bad for one of the main characters, Eren Jäger, as he was being kicked around by Levi. However, I didn't argue with the corporal as I knew it was just an act to get Eren to be with the scouts.

"Poor Eren," I sighed, "Having to be beaten to a pulp by a fellow solider."

Just then I felt a tug on my waist length hair, causing me to jump and spin around. Only there wasn't anything behind me save for a wooden dining table fit for four people. Cautiously, spun back around to continue watching the episode. My eyes widened a fraction when I saw Eren's head being held down by a boot.

"What you need now can't be taught by words, only action," Levi stated, keeping his foot at rest on Eren's head.

A sudden pinch flared on my arms, sending a small howl of pain from my lips. It was weird how I kept feeling like someone was there hurting me, but my eyes saw no one. After another tug was felt on my hair I decided to leave the cottage and roam the forest for a while. That is where things really took a turn for the worst, or best. As I ran between the trees with the squirrels and rabbits, small ripples of pain resounded through my body till eventually I fell. My body wouldn't move as it was attacked by some invisible force. All it did in response was have me lose consciousness.

The first sounds to reach my ears was the sound of crickets chirping and a soft breeze dance through the leaves above. I figured I had possibly just slept until dark, which I was correct about when I opened my eyes to see a dark forest around me. However, there was one thing that was wrong with this picture. There, just two miles ahead of me, was a sleeping titan. I was in the world of Attack on Titan.

A couple months had passed and I was soon a bit of a known menace amongst those within the military. I had built a life for myself within the titan forest, living how I did within my forest back in my world. Titans left me be as I didn't smell like a human to them, in fact even the animals paid me no mind. I would always cover my sent and made sure I smelled like the nature around me. The only times I smelled like a human was when I snuck into the walls to buy fabrics and sewing kits. However, once I snuck back out I made sure to cover up that scent even on the fabrics.

I had made my own military uniform, making it black in color. Even the straps for the 3D gear was black. My cape was a dark forest green and had two 3D gear blades embroidered on the back. The emblem looked like that of the trainees, especially with how the blades crossed one another. The hood of the cape had an extra feature to it. There was a black lace veil set to hide my face from anyone who would cross pass with me by chance.

As for the gear that I had acquired, that came from a solider that had died fighting a titan two weeks after I had arrived in this world. I had known after that small fight the exact point in which I had arrived. I had arrived before the Colossal Titan's first attack. I was only proved to be right when, after I had donned my new attire and zooming from titan to titan towards the walls, the Colossal kicked in the wall.

"Mrs. Jäger," I breathed once I had flown over the wall.

I rushed through the town making my way to the Jäger home before Eren and Mikasa. A gasp tore from my lips as I saw the woman buried waist down under her home. Her brilliant brown eyes lifted up to my hidden blue ones.

"W-Who are you?" she questioned.

"Someone who is here to help you. Titans have broken through the walls," I told her as I grabbed something to help me lift the wreckage, "If we don't hurry your son will soon be here and will stop at nothing to free you. Even if that means being Titan food."

Carla nodded and cried at the thought of losing her son. Soon I was able to lift the debris a small amount, enough for Carla to drag herself a few inches. Eren soon showed up with Mikasa and attempted to help free his mom. Within minutes I felt the ground shake and a feeling of dread wash over me.

"Crap!" I spat out.

"What? What is it?! Why aren't you helping to get her out?!" Eren shouted, tears streaking down his face.

"A Titan is close. I'm sorry kid," I sighed, "I've done all I can. I wish there was more time, but with your mom's legs being broken…"

"No! We can save her!"

"Eren! Listen to me just this once!" Carla shouted, making my eyes widen in shock.

It was one thing to see her like this in the anime and another to see it up close. Eren snapped his mouth closed, his eyes wide as well.

"She's right, my legs are broken. I'd only slow you down and cause us all to die," the brown eyed woman admitted, "Listen to me Eren, you need to get to safety. You need to live Eren!"

"No, not without you!"

"Dammit Eren! Mikasa, make sure he gets out of here and lives on!"

The black haired girl nodded and tried to drag Eren away when a garrison soldier showed up. He eyed me warily. I held up my hands in the universal sign of peace then motioned to Carla.

"Don't worry Carla," the solider said drawing his blades, "I'll make sure you all get out of here."

I rolled my eyes and knelt beside Eren's mom, taking one of her hands in mine.

"Please get the kids out of here," she begged me in a small voice.

"I can promise you they will live on," I said as the solider ran back to them and picked up the kids before he continued to run, "If I may, can I suggest ending your suffering now? The fate that lays ahead is much more painful."

Tears overflowed from her eyes as she watched Eren reach out for her, screams erupting from his mouth. With a small nod from her, I drew one of my hunting knives and brought it above her heart.

"Live on Eren," she whispered, "I love you."

"I'm sorry," I whispered before I plunged the knife straight in to her heart, killing her in mere seconds.

With a squeeze of the trigger I was sent flying through the rooftops, my blades slashing through Titans as I soared. It was only when I caught a glimpse of the corporal staring at me from a far that I fled back into the titan forest.