Let Me Offer You A Deal

Summary: "So, why didn't you tell your younger self not to get on that boat?" Snart asked, raising a gray eyebrow as he turned to face her

Sara's reply was simple enough, "Because of her"

Missing scene from s01ep12, CaptainCanary and past Sara/Nyssa

Disclaimer: I do not own Legends of Tomorrow or Arrow

The mission of extracting their younger selves was a success and so another suspenseful day passed. The team was enjoying a quiet evening, each of them sumurged in their own thoughts.

Sara set on the metal floor of the mechanic room, taking a peek at the various inventions the team was working on when Snart strolled in and plopped himself next to her unceremonically.

"For a thief you make an awful lot of noise" she remarked, not bothering to look up.

"For an assassin you're surprisingly nice" Leonard retorted, voice as smooth as usual.

"You flirting with me?" she challenged, always one to be blunt.

Snart raised an eyebrow and graced her with a trained smirk.

"Can't a man be interested in his fellow superheroes without any ulterior motives?"

Sara rolled her eyes, she had to admit the guy had his way with words in a manner she never did. She much preferred actions because when the guy next to you has a concussion…well, they don't talk much.

"Not in today's day and age." She mumbled and he offered a quiet chuckle.

Silence fell between them for a few brief moments that seemed to stretch into a quiet eternity. She was surprised there was no awkwardness between them, it almost felt as if they were two old friends enjoying the evening together and not two outsiders trying to save the world.

"So, I was wondering – why didn't you warn your older self not to go on that boat?" Leonard spoke in the end, raising a gray eyebrow as he turned to face her.

Sara hesitated for a second or so, the question catching her off guard.

"Why do you ask?" she challenged, always one to respond to a question with one of her own.

The thief smirked and she could swear that was turning into his default expression. Still, she had to admit it suited him just fine.

"Remember what I told Rip?" he challenged, meeting her gaze, "No more secrets."

The assassin sighed, he had a point. When they were stuck on a tiny metal ship together, chased by an organization hell bent on erasing them for existence, there wasn't much room left for secrets.

Her answer was simple enough, "Because of her"

And although the words meant nothing to him, to her they meant the world.

"Care to elaborate? Sounds like a good old romantic story." he retorted and she was surprised to read curiosity behind his gray eyes.

"Never thought you were a sucker for romance" she said, not missing a beat.

"Who says you and Rip are the only ones with secrets aboard?" he replied and again, she could hear that alluring smirk she was beginning to enjoy a little too much behind his words.

"Let me offer you a deal, thief to assassin" he began, voice almost diplomatic. She wondered – was this how he did business in the underworld? She had to admit he was good at his job and the undeniable charisma around him could only be of help.

"I'm all ears."

"You'll tell me about your time on that island, including your mystery romance and in turn I'll show just how big of a romance fan I can be."

Sara wanted to roll her eyes at his antics but she still couldn't help the smile creeping up her lips.

"You've got a deal."

Author's Note: Just a quick little something I jotted. I loved the episode and wanted to contribute something to it and here it is – my first story for this fandom (thought I do intend on many more).

I apologize for any grammar mistakes and misplaced words, English isn't my native language.

I've made this fic into a collection of CaptainCanary drabbles, mostly episode related.

Hope you enjoyed it and please tell me your thoughts, I love feedback!