A.N. enjoy this chapter

Fang POV

I woke up staring at a ceiling. 'That's odd' I thought, 'the last thing I remember is the weird symbols appearing above everyone's heads at the camp fire. Ow the hell did I get here?'

The next thing I knew someone was throwing their arms around me. I tensed then realized it was Max hugging me while simultaneously yelling at me.

"Don't ever do that again! Do you realize how worried we were?!"

"Calm down Max, I'm fine."

"FINE! You were unconscious for almost two weeks!"

My eyes widened. "Two weeks? How?"

"Apparently you're a child of Hades which means you can do this thing called shadow traveling. According to Nico the first time he tried it he ended up in China unconscious."

"Hades? He's the god of the underworld right?"

"Yeah, and for some reason everyone seems freaked out that he's your dad."

I frowned. I tried to stand up and nearly blacked out again. A kid came running in to the room.

"Are you Ok? Here drink this." He handed me a glass with a straw that was filled with looked like apple juice.

I took a sip and nearly spit it out in shock. Definitely not apple juice. It tasted exactly like Dr. Martinez's cookies. After I got over the initial shock I downed the rest of the glass.

I handed the glass back and stood up. This time I didn't nearly black out. Thank god.

The kid held out his hand. "I'm Will Solace."

I shook his hand. "Fang."

"Well you should be fine now. You can get a tour of the camp and meet your cabin mate."

I nodded and walked out with Max.

Once we got outside a kid walked up to us. He had pale skin and black hair and was around 14 or 15 years old.

"Hey, I'm Nico. Since I'm head counselor for Hades' cabin I have -sorry get- to show you around."

Looked at Max.

"Sorry Fang I have to go learn how to stab stuff." I then noticed the dagger hooked to her belt.

I shrugged, waved bye to Max and started to follow Nico.

One Month Later

Everything was going great. I had learned to shadow travel without passing out, Max had learned how to effectively stab stuff, Iggy discovered what Greek fire was, Gazzy was pulling pranks on just about everyone, Nudge was having a blast getting fashion advice from the Aphrodite kids, and Angel was getting advice on her tell-people-what-to-do-and-they'll-do-it power (which is apparently called charmspeak) from Piper. We were even thinking about telling everyone about our wing soon. And then the perfect opportunity to do so came up.

Dinner had just gotten done when Chiron stood up and made an announcement. "This Friday we will be having a game of capture the flag."

The room erupted into cheers. I looked at Nico and raised my eye brow.

"Our version of capture the flag is much more violent and fun than your average summer camp's."

"How so?"

"We get to use our weapons."

I nodded in understanding. Even the youngest kids here new how to use a sword, dagger, a spear, a javelin, and/or bow and arrows.

After dinner I went to talk to the flock. We had found a spot behind the cabins that almost no one ever went. The first thing Max brought up was the wing predicament.

"I know everyone is tired of hiding their wings and I think we should show everyone during the capture the flag game." We all stared at her. "What?"

Gazzy walked up and pretended to examine her. "Who are you and what have you done with Max?"

"Quit it. I'm serious. I trust everyone here, don't you?" We all nodded in confirmation. "Good. So let's plan this out.

A.N. I know my chapters are short. I'm sorry. On the bright side I got a chapter up. On another note does anyone have any recommendations for stories? On additional note I'm open to any suggestions for title/summary/plot/chapter titles.