Hello and welcome to my new story, Dysfunctional Gamer. An 'Into the Avengers' story. With a twist! I got this idea from another story: Spirit of the Gamer by stewart92. Which is a great Bleach story, by the way! And from the web comic that story is drawing from, The Gamer. But, I'm making it a bit different. Drawing more from the idea of the world around her being inside a computer.

And in this story you'll have the girl being self-inserted into the Avengers universe. You'll have her going through the Avengers movie and everything that follows. While also having the abilities to manipulate and view the world around her as a computer/video game.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own anything, basically. The only things I own are the character herself and the added plotlines and characters I add.

P.S. Our main character looks like Bella Thorne, by the way!

WARNING: Most of the cheat codes/hacks that I use in this are all false. I just made them up. Although, some are true. Primarily the ones for Sims considering I know them so well. Anyway, that's all I really had to say on that. Thanks.


"I'm a little Dysfunctional, don't you know?

If you push me, it might be bad.

Get a little emotional, don't you know?

You could fool around and make me mad.

I'm a little Dysfunctional, don't you know?

If you push me, it might be bad.

Get a little emotional, don't you know?

Might fool around and make me mad.

Don't make me mad.

-Dysfunctional by Tech N9ne ft. A bunch of other people


"No, no, no, no, NO! James, take the left! Greg, back up and heal! I've got the right-no, Aaron. Don't you dare go for it! We've made it too far for you to just risk it all and go for the chest!"

It was 2:14 in the morning on a Friday-well, Saturday now.

The setting took place in a small apartment in Brooklyn, New York. And, at this very moment, our main character was in her room playing the MMORPG game, Tragic Falls. She and her friends were currently playing through one of the most difficult dungeons in the game and they'd been at it for 4 hours now. And they were so close.

They'd all been practicing and leveling up for the past few weeks in preparation.

Hours upon hours of sitting in front of a computer. Cup after cup of coffee. Falling asleep in class and getting detention. It was all worth it, it all lead to this moment.

They'd had it planned out to a 'T'.

They'd blow off school and stay home, practicing and doing a few missions to get some more XP and gold to buy more supplies. And between the 4 of them they all had their own roles to play.

She was the leader, of course. Considering she was the highest level of them all and was the best at strategy? A no brainer. Greg was the healer of the group. Stocked up on health potions and health spells, he was their support. Not strong on the offence but a 'must-have' on missions. James is the 'takedown guy'. Amazing at stealth and ranged kills. Brutal with a bow and arrow. Aaron, on the other hand, is all brute force. Armed with an axe and heavy armor, he is no joke. Less with stealth and speed and more into bursting into a fight and going on a killing spree.

And then there was her, Willow. Willow O'Neil, to be exact.

She was the mage. Powerful spells capable of destruction and also capable of good things. But, to be honest, who cared about good things? Destruction was more fun.

She took pleasure in going around and destroying enemies in such a large and open world. She was able to step into the shoes of her character and raise some hell. What more could she want?

Besides, she was pretty fucking good at it. So, what's not to enjoy?

Anyway, they'd spent the entire day getting as prepared as possible. And, at 8 on the dot, they began. They met up at her in-game house to go over the details of their plan. They needed to make sure everything was going to go as smoothly as possible. They needed no fuck ups.

So, as prepared as they'd ever be, they set off towards the mountains. In the mountains there was a secret cave. And in this cave there are many enemies and lots of traps. But, should they make it to the end, there would be a huge chest. And in the chest there would be so much loot. It would be amazing! Not to mention the praise they'd get as a team.

So, yes. They were beyond excited and were prepared for anything!

Key word being: Were.

Now, in this game, there is a twist. If you die… it's over. You're dead. Your character is gone and will never come back. Now, if your character had gotten married and had kids? You can get reincarnated into one of your children and you'll have to start over again as the kid and grow up into a badass. Luckily, you'll get to keep any household funds you have and you'll still have any residences so you won't be fucking homeless.

But even then, most people rage and give up for a while. Reason? They died! They spent so much time leveling up their character and getting the best armor and best weapons. So much effort and attention gets put into the game. And to just die and lose all that? It would destroy any hardcore gamer who spent so much time on it.

So, yes. There was the risk. And besides, none of them had any kids to reincarnate into. Like, Greg has a wife in the game and she's pregnant. But, she's not going to give birth for another 3 months in game. So, they have a lot riding on this. They die in the game and it's over.

But, they were cocky. All above level 70 and with some sweet armor and weapons? They thought they were on top of the world and that nothing could bring them down. And considering how hard they worked to prepare? Failure wasn't a possibility.

They were invincible…

… and now?

Now, they're so fucked.

It was a disaster. They arrive there and, as it turns out, they weren't alone. Other players were there too. Lots of other players. And they were already fighting each other. So when her group showed up?

It was on.

But, it wasn't too bad. The other players were level 40 at best and they were clearly in over their head. So, fighting them was no real problem. No, not a problem at all. Instead, the real problem came up when all the other creatures from inside the cave came outside. Apparently they heard the noise and came out to investigate.

And when they found out that someone trespassed on their turf? It was a massacre.

Her group originally had a more stealth-based plan. But, they were forced to just fight blindly. It was everyone for themselves. Group vs. Group vs. Group vs. Horde.

All of which equals to: Insanity.

And that leads to the present, where this chapter began.

Willow was panicking. She has never been so afraid in her entire life.

She's played this game for years and there have been many close calls with death. And usually she just laughed it off and continued on to the next adventure. But, in this case, it was different. Back then, she was no one special. Her character was a level 10 or below with no real ties. She'd met her best friends online later on so, at that point, she was alone.

She had no real home. No relationships with any characters. Hell, she was still an in-game virgin at the time. She wasn't dating anyone and had no children in mind to continue her legacy. She was a nameless traveler. If she were to die there would be no real loss. Sure, she'd have to start over with a new character at level 1 but, other than that? No loss.

But, now?

She was a level 104. And while it may seem like an ungodly amount it wasn't. She'd ran into another character who was a level 512. So, yeah. She was no god. However, compared to normal players, she was a force to be reckoned with. She had her own house, her own home. A nice 2-story house with a pet cat. She had somewhere to return to after an adventure. A nice bed and some pleasant company.

There was a guy she was interested in. His name was Andrew and he was 22. She was 20 in-game. And she'd been chatting with this player for about a few months in-game. (However, you can get married and stuff with an NPC as well.) She really liked him and was honestly thinking about talking with him about the possibility of a relationship. She has plans!

Not to even mention her friends! In real-life she was a nobody at school. The only thing she was known as was the 'Hot-Chick-Who-Is-Fuckable-But-A-Geek/Nerd-So-Therefore-Unaproachable'. But, in the game? In the game she was a sexy mage. A seductress that all the men and women wanted. She was craved and desired. And her best friends were able to look past even that and see her for who she really is.

She has so much going for her now.

She has something to live for.

And so, for the first time in a long time, she is panicking. She could truly die. Her group was surrounded, fighting off players and a multitude of creatures ranging from orcs to skeletons. Her group was running low on health and Greg was out of potions. Some having been used and some having been stolen by the baby skeletons. (Fucking skeletons, surprisingly sneaky despite their appearance.) And there was nowhere to run and things are looking grim.

Sure, she's trying to dish out instructions and orders as best she could but it's no use. Her friends and she knew that. It was game over. But, they could still put up a fight. And fight they were.

But, sadly, it was over. She was the first to go, actually. One of the players, who she'd apparently fucked over in the past, shot her with an enchanted arrow.

-112 HP

Willow could only watch in horror as her character dropped to the ground, dead.

Willow wasn't sure how long she'd sat there. Headphones on with the sounds of her friends dying. Microphone hanging by her lips, lips unable to form words to describe how she felt. Dark brown eyes staring at the black screen, the words 'GAME OVER' taunting her of her failure.

Her mouth opened and closed a few times before finally settling on closed.

Her right eye began twitching before she snapped.

With a scream she threw her headphones across the room. The next 5-10 minutes were a blur. She only remembered the anger and the disbelief.

Next thing she remembered: Coming to on the floor. She was on her back, face wet with angry tears. Destruction all around her from her loss of control over her temper. 6 years. She thought numbly, eyes refusing to move from their position on the ceiling. 6 years of my life… wasted on this game. I've wasted my teenage years... I just… I just wish I could get away. Start over…

Her eyes finally closed as the exhaustion set in. I'll clean up tomorrow.


Willow was awoken by the loud sounds of traffic. Her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. Her hands went to the long strands of her red hair and she used it to cover her face in some feeble attempt to muffle the noise. She rolled over onto her side and curled up, wishing the noise would stop.

Geez, is it me or is my floor a lot harder than I thought? And why the hell is the traffic so loud? It's never this noisy.

And finally, after trying to block out the noise, she sighed loudly. "Feckin' 'ell!" Her strong Irish accent was only visible because she was tired and angry. Yes, she's Irish. Usually she uses an American accent to prevent any confusion in regards to what she's saying. But, sometimes, she just couldn't help it.

Like now.

"Someone better be dyin'! If not, someone's gettin' slapped." She stumbled onto her feet, rubbing her eyes as she stomped towards the general direction of her window.

"Now, wha' de 'ell is goin' on he-AAHH!"

She had luckily finished rubbing her eyes and was able to look in front of herself. And just in time to as she was about to walk off of a roof. She managed to catch herself in time and, with a scream, fell backwards onto her ass. She quickly moved away from the edge, eyes wide with fear.

She clutched her pounding heart, unable to comprehend what just happened. I almost died. Like, died in real life died. Like, not coming back from that. Like, I almost fucking died!

She looked around frantically, body shaking as she tried to figure out what the hell was happening to her. "Where am I? 'ow did I 'et 'ere?" She placed her head in her hands as she tried to force herself to think. What happened this morning when she fell asleep on the floor?

Okay, let me think. After falling asleep I… I don't remember anything. I didn't even dream. I just woke up here. On the roof of a building.

When she felt panic begin to swell up again she tried to calm herself. No, think logically. You were asleep. In your room. You're a light sleeper. If anyone would've kidnapped you, you would know. You would've woken up. So, that couldn't be it… but then how the hell did you get here?

And it was then that a random quote from herself popped into her head. "I've wasted my teenage years... I just… I just wish I could get away. Start over…" Her head snapped up and she stumbled to her feet. "No… it 'an't be. No, no, no, no, no, I'm jus' mental. I'm asleep. I 'ave to be." She was pacing back and forth, hands hugging herself for warmth. After all, she only wore her knickers and a jumper. She was freezing her tits off.

She tried to think of other possible solutions and answers. However, she was coming up with a blank. The only thing that kind of fit was her wish to… "Start over." She whispered to herself. She paused in her pacing, with a scoff of disbelief at her situation, before giving a sarcastic response to the sky. "'Da fuck is this crap? Ya jus' plopped me inta' the plot of a Fanfiction story or some shit?"

And right as she says this, a white box pops up in front of her. "Bloody hell!" She curses, jumping back. She stares at the floating box in front of her with wide eyes, chest heaving. "I'm gonna have a fuckin' heart attack before de end of de day. Watch." She mumbled to herself in disbelief.

It was those pop up boxes. You know, the ones from your computer that pop up whenever you do something that requires confirmation. It looked sorta like that. With dark blue heading on top and a small 'X' at the top right corner. It was about the size of her head as well. She eyes the box with a distrustful expression before stepping closer, eyes moving across the lettering.

Congratulations on completing the tutorial! Now that you've come to realization as to how you've come here, you are now ready to know. The world around you is a video game in a gigantic computer. You are the only real element. You can use your… unique skill set to change the world around you for better or for worse. What you do with your abilities depends on you. The world is your playground. Your laptop is behind you. It is your only connection to your previous world. Use it to control this world. Also, just a tip once you've opened your computer, click on 'World Simulator' on your laptop.

Enjoy your 'Start Over'!

Willow must've re-read it over and over again a dozen times. Each time she read it she felt the disbelief grow bigger and bigger inside of her. She shook her head slowly before releasing the breath she didn't know she held.

"'oly fuck. I am in a Fanfiction."

She eyed the box again before slowly raising a hand to it. And when her hand reached it, she was able to move her hand through it as if it was not even there. Her eyebrows furrowed before her eyes flickered over to the 'X'. She quickly moved her hand over to the X and let her hand 'touch' it.

She was proud to admit that she only jumped a little bit as the box disappeared.

And it was then that she remembered what it was that the box said.

She quickly spun around and there it was. Sitting innocently on the ground, her laptop. She quickly moved over to it before plopping down on the floor in front of it. She pulled it onto her lap before opening it and turning it on. "Let us see what de big ole' box was talkin' about."

After quickly typing in her password she was greeted by the same old desktop background. A picture of Deadpool flipping her off with the caption 'Fuck off' beside it. She pushed aside her lustful feelings for the Merc with a Mouth as she began eyeing up the different icons on the screen. Her eyes moved past the many game icons before landing on a new one.

"World Simulator." She whispered to herself as she looked at the small picture. It was just a fancy looking symbol for an eye against a black background. "Not creepy at all." She mumbled before double-clicking on the icon.

And, much to her surprise, it loaded not even 2 seconds later.

There were no fancy openings or anything. Just an all black background with 5 buttons to click on.






'Exit' was pretty self-explanatory so she didn't give it a second glance. The other options were much more interesting. She decided to hold off on the 'Start' button and instead decided to go to 'Options'. She clicked on it and it immediately went to a different page.

Allow pop-ups? Yes or No

What color would you like your pop-ups to be? White or Black

Allow cheats? Yes or No

Do you want to give up? Yes or No

Do you want to see character stats? Yes or No


Willow was wide eyed at the options at first. However, it became pretty clear as to what each one of the options were and what they meant. The only ones that were unclear were the 'Character Stats' and the 'Give Up' options.

She began biting her lip in concentration before deciding to try mouseing over the options to see if she could get a description. And after mouseing over the 'Character Stats' options she was happy to see that her hypothesis was correct.

After a small fist bump to herself she began eyeing the lettering quickly.

Character Stats: Everyone in this world has their own stats unique to their character. STRENGTH, SPEED, AGILITY, STAMINA and INTELLIGENCE are the basic stats. 1-100 are human-level and 101-200 are non-human. The level will also be shown as well as the name of the species. (Health and Mana will be present of course.) Also, you will gain a small description of whoever's stats you're looking at. Disabling this action will prevent it from being used unless you use cheats. While enabled, to see a character's stats you'd simply look at them and say, "Stats".

Willow took the description in stride and without much confusion or shock. Honestly, with everything she's going through at the moment, nothing can surprise her anymore. Next, she moves over to the 'Give Up' option for a description.

If you choose to give up you will die. This is the only other way for you to die in this world. Enable this option only if it is the final choice you have.

Willow couldn't help the chills she got after reading the description. It's not the idea of death that freaked her out necessarily. After all, she was quite different than her classmates in the regards that she is not afraid of death. More afraid of how she would die, that's the thing.

However, in this case, what bothered her was how… final it sounded in this case. Just reading the description made her feel uneasy for some reason she couldn't quite explain. Maybe it's the way it was worded and just the feeling it gave? She wasn't sure.

She shook off her feelings before going back to the main screen.

Next, she moved over to inventory.

With that screen it simply showed a large box with 40 boxes inside of it. And at the bottom there was a dollar sign with 0.00 beside it. She presumed that she was able to somehow put objects from this world into her inventory to keep for safekeeping. And, with that, money was added and kept there to. Made sense, she thought with a shrug before going back to the main screen.

There, she clicked on the 'Character' button.

She would be lying if she said that she wasn't a little surprised when she saw what the screen was.

On the right, there was her. In the exact same clothes she was wearing. And everytime she moved her cursor, the mini-her would follow it with her eyes. "Creepy." She mumbled before she decided to leave the cursor be and instead look at everything else.

To the left there were her stats. Her eyes moved over them in a strange feeling of curiosity.

Name: Willow O'Neil

Age: 18

Level: 1

Species: ?

Class: Gamer

Health: (200/200)

Mana: (200/200)

STR: 10

SPD: 15

AGL: 13

STA: 12

INT: 89

Description: Willow was a young girl brought into the Marvel Cinematic Universe after a careless wish. She is now an entirely new species with the abilities to see the world as a video game and hack the world around her. She could be a force for good or a force for evil, it is her choice. Either way, she would have fun doing it.

By the end, Willow was staring at her laptop screen with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. "M-Marvel? Wait… am I? Wait…" She stood, laptop cradled in her arms, as she looked around at the city around her.

After twirling around like an idiot she finally stopped when she saw it. It was kind of hard to miss.

"Stark Industries." She breathed in disbelief, staring at the building currently being built and constructed.

And after staring for a few more minutes she was able to finally tear her eyes away from it. She turned her attention back to her laptop as she sat back down. "Okay, I'm in de 'vengers universe. An' based on 'ow the tower looks… the movie hasn't happened 'et. An' considerin' it isn't even built… I'm 'ere wayyy before the events of Iron Man 1." She began chewing on her lip as she thought about everything that entailed.

"Fuck. 'ell, at least I'm at genius intellect." She grumbled to herself as she clicked away from that in order to move back to the main menu. She paused when she saw the 'Start' button. She began weighing the pros and cons before ultimately coming to an agreement with herself. "'hat's the worst tha' can 'appen?"

She closed her eyes and clicked it.

She waited for an explosion or something horrible. However, there was nothing. Just silence. She waited a little longer before opening one eye to see.

It was just a black screen except there was another box just… there. A green box. And in the top right corner there was a question mark.

Willow opened both eyes and stared at the screen in confusion with a bit of disappointment. "Well, tha' was quite anti-climatic. Performance issues, huh? Eh, no bother. You are gettin' a bit up there in age." She gave her laptop a loving pat before going and mouseing over the question mark.

Here, you will do your cheating/hacking. Just type in whatever you desire and it'll happen. Try it!

Hacking. Cheating. There are those words again. Being used in such a way that, to be honest, she did not understand. And if there was one thing she hated, it was not understanding something.

But, to play along, she decided to try typing in a cheat code.

Hundreds ran through her head for a good minute before she decided on one. "Let's go with a little money cheat, hmm?" She clicked on the large box before quickly typing:

testingcheatsenabled true

Cheats enabled.


1,000,000 added.

Literally right after she did the cheat another box popped up in front of her. Willow did jump a little bit however she got over it with minimum cursing and instead just read it.

$1,000,000 was added to your funds.

So, that's how this works… A smirk reached Willow's lips as she turned her gaze to her laptop. And after a few clicks she returned to her inventory and there she could see that the money counter on the bottom changed to a million dollars and there was now a little button beside it that said 'Withdraw'.

And, after clicking the button, a small box popped up where she could type in the amount. She typed in '100' before pressing 'Enter'. And then, less than 2 seconds later, a $100 bill appeared on her keyboard. Her jaw dropped and she was left staring like a complete idiot.

She quickly snatched the money and began analyzing it from all angles. And it was true… it was a real $100 bill. A small laugh escaped her and a big grin appeared on her face. She literally just typed in a cheat code to get money. Real money. If this worked then… what other cheat codes worked? And could she maybe hack the world around her and, like, move stuff or change colors and stuff like she could with Tragic Falls?

"This is gonna be awesome."

She admitted with disbelief still in her voice.


So, what did you think? Did you like it? I know that it was a bit sucky but it'll get better as it continues, promise! It's just setting everything up so you can have some idea as to how this is gonna work. And I wonder if you noticed that I had her accent on at some points but then in others she was with a perfectly normal American accent. It is used to show you how she was feeling. If she was calm then it was American. If she started getting really emotional or something, it returned. And she also slips back into it whenever she is alone and is not in a 'calm' state.

I hope it wasn't confusing!

Anyway, please review and give your support!