I hadn't slept so well in a long time. Waking up now my bed even felt softer, more plush than usual. I blinked away the blurriness from my eyes after stretching and sighed happily before realizing I wasn't in my bed. Where the hell am I!? I threw off the covers and stumbled out of the sheets, not even trying to be quiet in my rush to get dressed and get the hell out of there. I know I went to sleep in my own bed so if I was here and didn't remember where here was it didn't seem like good idea to stick around to ask questions or have the owner of the bed walk in and freak out. Luckily it seemed I was in a girls room so at least I could hopefully assume I wasn't somehow chloroformed and used as a sex doll, unless my capture just liked feminine things, or liked to keep their kidnapped girls in comfortable rooms, or was a female and had used me. Like I said, I wasn't going to stick around to find out.
I opened the bedroom door and looked around before dashing towards the front of the house, without being stopped I flung the front door open and ran out of the house and down the street. Nothing looked familiar but I wasn't going to stop until I had put a good amount of distance between the house and myself just in case someone did hear me leave. Suddenly I was running much faster than I could have ever imagined, faster than a human could possibly run. If I wasn't feeling every pebble hit my skin as I stepped and every rush of air when I went faster I would think I was dreaming. I stopped the best I could, not accustom to the inertia build up. "What the actual fuck?" I said out loud, no longer thinking about where I had woken up but instead wondering how the hell I wasn't even slightly out of breath after running. Usually if I run for a minute I stop, claiming to be too unhealthy and old for that sort of thing. Come to think of it, I couldn't remember feeling short of breath or even remember breathing the whole time I ran. My thoughts were cut short when I heard footsteps, a lot of them, running towards me, but looking around I saw nothing but the trail I had ended up on in the forest.
"Hey," came from behind me as two very muscular and sweaty arms wrapped around me, I screamed and turned around ready to attack so that way they would be slowed down enough for me to get away. Instead of lashing out I saw a familiar face, which left my eyes wide open in surprise. "I don't have much time; coach is up our asses about running as a group. Are you alright?" The actor who played Tyler in the Vampire Diaries stood before me; he took a step back but kept his hands on my hips before his eyebrows squinted down in question as his lips turned upward. "And why are you wearing nothing but your PJ's?" I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out but fast intakes of breath, the playful smile slipped from his face to be replaced by worry, "Care, what happened? What's wrong?" I squeaked in response before I screamed in his face causing him to drop his hands from my side and over his ears. I turned and bolted away running as fast as I could until I exited the woods and found myself in a town. Where the fuck was I, and why was Tyler Lockwood here. I thought about what had just happened and couldn't help but to snort at my response and laugh out loud at how ridiculous it all was, I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of screaming in his face like a spaz, I shook my head, "Oh God." I guess my way of self-preservation was to turn panic into laughter over things that weren't funny.
I felt mentally exhausted and I haven't even been awake for over an hour, instead of walking around town to try and find out where I was and instead of running more I plopped down on the grass and fell back, 100 percent done with today. Sadly after a few minutes of staring at the sky I got bored and grudgingly stood back up, deciding on walking around in search of a police station. I held my head high, going back and forth between glaring at the air ahead of me and containing smirks as people gave me strange looks for wandering around shoeless in sleep clothes. I was beginning to wonder if I was on the set for Vampire Diaries based off how many signs I had seen saying Mystic in it, that and the fact Tyler's actor was here. Maybe one of my friends entered me in a sweepstakes at a chance to get on the set without telling me and the kidnapping was a part of it for effect. You would think someone would jump out with cameras by now though.