Authors Note:

Good Day,

proper introduction will happen next chapter, as this is just a small, little prologue quickly telling you about what happened to Soma and Erina after graduation.

Hope you will enjoy it and that I can properly greet you in the next chapter

Disclaimer - All characters mentioned in this Chapter are not mine and belong to their original creators

Authors Note end

The Appetizer

Cheer and laughter was heard as the graduation got final.

They had made it.

They officially had made it.

They had survived the Training Camp, shone during the Autumn Election, overcame the Stagiare, celebrated the Moon Banquet Festival and so much more.

They had made it.

They graduated from the most prestigious culinary academy in Japan.

They graduated from Totsuki.

Not that the "God Tongue" ever thought that it could end otherwise, but it still was a good feel.

Along with the others, Totsuki's second seat bowed. Right after, she already was in the arms of her fellow classmates, who all ran together into a big group hug. A hug of relief and pure happiness.

The 92nd Generation was over. But till the end, this Generation shone. And now they officially were the Generation which counted the most graduates. More than you can count off by hand!

Their name would forever be remembered in Totsuki's long history.

To quote Nakiri Senzaemon, they truly were the "Jewel Generation".


First a more official celebration was thrown, in a huge, luxurious hall with a grand banquet. All of it of course organised by Totsuki itself.

But after that the new alumnis threw their private party just for themselves. And where could you celebrate better than in the Polar Star Dormitory?

Erina sat on the side, enjoying the sushi Megumi had made and chuckled about the familiar chaos around her.

Some were dancing, some got into a sudden cook off and some were chatting about past, present and future. All around laughter and clinging glasses were heard.

"Strange that all of this will be over soon, huh?" Someone said beside Erina.

Just hearing that particular voice let her smile grow wider and she turned her honey blonde hair to Totsuki's Elite Ten's former first seat.

Soma Yukihira.

He was her best friend. Her inspiration. Her source of light.

"You're certainly right." She replied to his statement. "I will miss everybody so much."

Soma nodded. "Same here." He then scratched his head and gave her a soft laughter. "I still can't believe that it's over by now." She answered with a simple hum.

For a moment there was silence between them, which they both filled with thinking about the thousands of memories they made within this school.

"Say Nakiri." He then asked. "What will you be doing now that school's over?"

"I still don't know." She sighed and leaned back. "It's like...for the first time in my life, I have no clear plan."

Erina let out a chuckle. "It's honestly great, I have the feel, that I can be whoever I want to be. That there is no schedule I have to follow, no expectations to fulfill. A horizon full of possibilities!"

Her hopeful, violet eyes stared at the ceiling, as if it was a starry night sky. She did not notice, the intense stare Soma was giving her, while she talked.

What followed was another silence.

Broken again by Soma.



"Remember the dish I made at the cook off with my father?"

"Of course. What's the matter with it?"

How could she forget? This cook off was long-awaited and one of the most thrilling ones anyone in Totsuki ever witnessed.

Soma had beat his father. The goal he had been working so hard for, had been achieved on that day. It was grand, it truly was. The cheers Soma received after his win were loud and truly impressed.

That was also the day where Erina had realised that she had fallen for the redhead.

Soma looked at her. For a long time. Then he spoke again. "That dish I made on that day...It was...different than others."

Erina just simply stared back. What point was he trying to make?

"It' should I put this?" He scratched his head again. Wow, he really was nervous.

"The I made it...I actually had something else in mind know...victory. Or rather...someone else..."

He took a deep breath and didn't heard how Erina's heart suddenly started to pound a little faster.

"It was you Nakiri. The only thing, I had on my mind was you. I literally stood there, cut trough vegetables and nearly cut myself! Because all I thought about was, 'Gosh, I really hope Nakiri is going to find this delicious.'"

Erina's heart accelerated. Her cheeks started to burn of heat, while she stammered. " Wha...What are you trying to say?"

Gently he took her hand and then he smiled at her.

"Nakiri Erina, wanna travel the world with me?"

She responded with "What?" but then he actually did some explaining. After a lot of thinking Soma had decided to not take over the diner right now, but to actually hone is skills a little more. By doing it like his father did and travel the world, in search of new culinary techniques.

Erina was hesitant, but the more she thought, the more appealing it sound.

And then, they were gone.

It was like Totsuki's former first and second seat just dropped off the surface of earth.

While they actually did an intimidate world travel, visiting cast away places all over the world and learning more by every day.

And time went on and on. At some point nobody asked for their names anymore.

That was the point where Jouchiro Yukihira opened the door after a knock and had two adults standing in front of him. A freshly married Soma and Erina Yukihira forced to return home, due to Erina's pregnancy.