A/N: After reading the manga chapter 64 again, I thought of doing an Time Travel Fic with a Female Kaname (because there needs to be more Female Kaname fics!). Thus I created this story. I will admit this is my very first time to ever do a Time Travel fic, so I apologize if it isn't well-made. Anyways, enjoy~
Story Contains: Bad Grammar and Spelling, AU, Time Travel, Gender-bend, Female Kaname, Love Triangle, KaZe (Kaname x Zero), Mentions of ZeKi (Zero x Yuki) and YuMe (Yuki x Kaname), Yuri (Girl x Girl), Flashbacks, Dark Past, Drama, Romance, Swearing, Lemons, Angst, etc.
Disclaimer: Matsuri Hino-sama owns everything... except this story, and my OCs.
- Chapter 1: In a Wrong Time -
Death. It was the ultimate consequence of her selfish action to turn Kuran into a human. That naïve pureblood had no idea it has left the hunters all, but defenseless. Without new furnace to create more anti-vampire weapons; there was no chance for them to win against the remaining Purebloods.
Thus many people died.
And it was only the beginning...
"Zero." spoke a familiar rough voice. Zero looked up to see Kaito standing behind the two hunters before him. They were chanting the forbidden spell from the book they have in their hands. "It's about time the idiot president is useful." Kaito pointed out, causing Zero to remembered their president's last moments.
His father's dying words.
"I have lived a long life...To think I used to wanted this, but now I am afraid... but I know you'll undo all this... So..." [1.]
Zero grabbed his weak hands, stopping him from forcing his body to increase the wounds and pain. It's his fault. It's always been his fault. He hesitated, and once again someone is paying the price of his mistake His sin of always being weak.
Kaien moved his hand out of his grasp towards his face. Zero could feel the wetness pressing on his cheek. He couldn't tell if it was from the rain, Kaien's blood, or his tears.
He just couldn't tell no more.
"Don't make a face filled with guilt... Yagari, and Yuki would be angry at me if I allowed you to die, and... it is my duty as a parent to protect my children..." Kaien smile. He always does. The damned idiot. Zero press his hand on top of his father. The man who also saved him from the darkness. "You are after all my son, Zero... and always will be..."
A loud explosion cause Kaito to look back towards the blocked exit in the remaining ruins of the last hide-out. Sounds of fighting echoed behind him as the room rumble each few seconds. They're almost here.
"Never thought I'll be dying in a place like this. In a few minutes Toma, and his pets will come in here to finish the last remaining of the Hunter Association." Kaito said, scratching the back of his head with his left hand. Not worried about what's yet to come.
And it made Zero all the more frighten for his friend's safety. "Kaito-"
"Stop." He stopped the silver-hair hunter from leaving the chalk drawing of a circle they drew around him. "You are our last remaining hope. So don't try to be a hero, and get yourself killed along with the rest of us." Kaito smirk at him. "Otherwise I'll have to beat you to the pulp along with master, and Ichiru in the afterlife."
Zero didn't say nothing, and smiled weakly at his sarcastic joke. No longer putting up that usual stoic expression of his. What's the point of it anyways? Everyone he loved is gone now, and Kaito is all that is left. And now he will soon be too in the matter of seconds. And he, Zero, has no choice, but to allow it to happen.
'No... I'm going to undo everything... I'll save everyone.'
"I'm going to fix this. I promise you." Zero said as the circle around him began to glow in a bright light. He watched the blocked exit behind Kaito began to shake, and felt his heart become more uneasy at the growing presences behind the thick cement. There isn't much time left.
Kaito wasn't affected by it. He pulled out the last cigarettes of his master's pack, and lit it up. He cough on the first hit. "Geez! How the hell did he smoke these?!." He said taking another hit, but much slower. "Okay, that's much better, but still taste bitter."
Zero didn't say anything. His vision is slowly fading. He could feel the edge of unconsciousness come to him. He didn't want to leave so soon. He couldn't, but he had to. Otherwise he cannot prevent all of this damage she has done.
"While you're at it. Please hit that little Pureblood for causing this to happen." Kaito smile at him, before taking the last hit on the cigarette. "... See you later, Zero."
That was the last thing Zero heard before his entire world turn black.
Zero groan, opening his eyes then squinting due to the blazing rays of the sun shining above him. His entire body ache, and it didn't help that it was uncomfortable from what he is laying on. Zero sat up to notice that he was sitting on the ground. He looked around his surrounding to see he is in fact outside. Surrounded by dozens of trees, he would have believed he was in middle of the forest until he saw a small building close by.
'It worked... but where am I?' He rubbed his head as he gets off the ground, and brushes his coat. He tried to pinpoint to where he is, but couldn't due to none of this held any resemblance to him. However, there is one thing he is sure of is that he indeed has went back in time. 'Now I must find Yuki, and stop her.'
It would be easier if he could tell where he is.
"That building... Perhaps someone inside can tell me where I am." He said to himself, getting annoyed of the sun. He started to walk towards the direction where the building is. Only to walk a short distance when a small hooded figure appear in front of him.
"That's close enough, stranger." said a child-like male voice. "State your name, and business."
Zero could tell by the voice it was child, but he isn't sure what kind of child it is. Could be a Pureblood that is like Toma, or could not. Either way, he won't hesitate to fight the child. He won't make that mistake again.
"Tell me where I am, and I'll leave without causing trouble, kid." Zero replied flatly.
The child ignored him. "You have a hunter's tattoo on your neck, but judging by your scent, you're a vampire. Aren't you?"
Zero didn't say anything. He frown at the figure in front of him, knowing full well this is a vampire. No human has sharp sense like that. He was kind of hoping this kid wouldn't be. He's not fond of killing vampire children, regardless of his hatred for vampires.
"I see you don't like to be pointed out on what you are..." The child says softly. "Does it mean you were turned against your own will?"
He felt his eyebrow twitch for this brat trying to conversation with him, "Who are you?" Zero asked with a stoic expression to hide the growing annoyance inside him.
"How rude, you are trespassing on my family's land, but you ask who I am?" The brat laughs softly like it was the funniest thing he has heard all day. "I'll answer your question if you answer mine first. Who are you?"
He isn't sure how much of a ripple effect does this spell could do if he change things in the past, but he should keep himself a low profile for now. He wouldn't want to take the risk. Even though his appearance is dead give away at who he is, but he should still keep it a secret he is from the future. Hopefully he won't run into his past self. That would cause things, and he wouldn't want to see what effect it would do.
"Zero..." Zero began. "I'm a hunter from the Hunter Association."
"No last name? You ain't playing fair..." He raise a brow at the kid's words. "But a vampire that is a hunter? I don't quite believe you, Zero."
"Why's that?"
"The Hunter Association isn't so fond of vampires, except only a selected few. A very selected few."
"Do these selected few have weapons like this?" He pulled out his Bloody Rose. His lavender eyes falter for a few seconds from noticing more cracks on his weapon. It wasn't much time left for him to use it before it is destroyed.
Zero looked up, and felt his body get push back slightly from an invisible force. His eyes widen, wondering it was the wind, but he couldn't feel no breeze afterwards. He stare at the kid to see it was from him. His hand pointing out, from the cloak he is wearing, towards him.
"That's Oka-sama's weapon. How do you have Bloody Rose?" The child spoke in dark threatening tone.
He didn't know what the kid is talking about. Was there another weapon that like his that belong to this kid's mother?
"Don't underestimate me, because I am a child. I am more deadly than most vampires. Now I won't repeat myself." Zero watch the ground crack beneath the child's feet. "How do you have Oka-sama's weapon?"
Zero scoff, not afraid by his threats. He handle more stronger opponents than this child, considering he survived a horde of Purebloods, and live to tell the tale.
'Still... I can't waste any more time with this kid. I need to find Yuki.'
"It was given to me by my father. Don't ask why, I just accepted it." He wasn't lying. It was the truth. "If you want to know why I have it, ask your mother."
Hopefully that would please the kid.
And it did. "Hmmm... fine." The kid lowered his hand, making the atmosphere around feel less tense. "I'll believe you for now. I'll wait until Nee-sama returns. She will deal with you."
'Nee-sama? Who's his sister?' Zero ponder to himself.
"To answer your questions." The kid pulled down his hood to reveal his face to Zero. Curly dark reddish-brown hair, and those familiar deceiving gentle wine eyes. Zero's mind instantly drift off to the a certain female that came into mind, and it's not the one he is very fond of. "My name is Eiji Kuran, and you are on the land of the Kuran family."
'The Kuran family?!' Zero's eyes drift off over to the building close by, assuming it's the Kuran manor. He remembered the building, due to going to it with Yuki during their search for Kaname. However, this building look nothing like the one he went to. This one is much smaller. The surroundings around it look more alive than the gloomy forest that reek around Yuki's home in his time.
Is this the same manor?
'Eiji Kuran? I've heard that name somewhere... He isn't Yuki's brother, nor her parents' sibling..." His mind scavenge through his memory, trying to remember the Kuran family tree. He had to studied the Purebloods, during his time as young hunter. At first he dreaded knowing it, but now he realize it's good thing he did. It came in handy at time like this.
"Who are your parents?" He asked, trying to piece the mystery around this boy that look no older than five-year-old.
Eiji raise a brow at him for asking such a question. "You don't know who am I do you?" Zero didn't say anything making the boy sigh, and shake his head. "You are strange vampire to not know the son of the Vampire Queen."
"The Vampire Queen?"
He tilt his head to the side in an innocent gesture. "Yes, Kaname Kuran."
Zero's eyes widen in shock. Not even caring if his cold stoic expression is off. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Now he remembered. Eiji Kuran is the father of Yuki's parents. As well the son of the ancestor, Kaname Kuran. The same person who Yuki turned into a human in his time. The one who made his life a living hell, and be the very thing he hates the most.
"Damn it." Indeed he went back in time. Not just by one week, but at least over 8,000 years judging by this child's age and name. "Kaito, you idiot..."
"Who's Kaito?" asked Eiji, snapping Zero out of his thoughts.
The hunter reminded himself where he is. He needs to keep everything a secret, considering what time he is in. He could very much ruin the world he came from. 'Still... I could save so many lives if I...' He brush the idea away. He couldn't do that, it would mean Yuki would never be born. He'll never see her again. 'I have to lie low until I find a way to go back... I'm going to hate this I know it... I am going to kill you when I come back, Kaito.'
"He's a friend..." Zero said looking away from the kid towards the Kuran manor.
Eiji took a glance at the manor, then back at him. "... If you like you can accompany me back to my family's manor. You can asked Nee-sama when she returns, or you can ask me. Being out in the sun is not good for vampires like ourselves." The young Pureblood said as he took off walking to the direction where the manor is.
'I didn't even have to ask him...' Zero said nothing, and follow shortly behind.
Zero stir his tea around. He wasn't much fond of it, nor did he hate it, but at the moment he didn't feel like drinking it. Considering where he is. He was surprise there was no servants around, considering what era he is in. The Kurans were treated like royalty, but yet where are all those that worship them as such?
"I'm sorry how horrible it looks. It's been an working progress to repair what has been damaged after the last war." Eiji said suddenly, setting the black cloak to the side, and taking a seat across from Zero on the couch. He poured himself a cup of tea from the small table in front of him.
Zero didn't even notice. His eyes scan around the room to see crack walls with a few wooden boards on certain parts. Pieces of the red carpet stained, and removed at certain areas. There were red velvet curtains that look brand new, no sign of dirt, or stains on it. Some of the furniture had plastic covering on it. It almost felt like the hunter was still in his time. It seemed not much as change, besides the people.
"Why are you here alone? Shouldn't you have servants here?" Zero pointed out at the lack of people inside the manor.
"Nee-sama didn't want me to accompany her on her trip. She prefer I stayed behind, and be safe. As for the servants, well..." Eiji takes a drink from his cup. "Oka-sama has a hard time trusting people, especially around her children."
He can agree with that. 'It seemed Kuran hasn't change, even in the past.' She is still the same secretive person he always knew her as.
"Where are you from, Zero-san?"
'Definitely not around here.' "Somewhere far away."
"Are you avoiding my question?"
"Perhaps, but I prefer it if I told such information to your sister... or your mother..." As much as he hates to say this. Kaname is the possibly the only person that could help him. 'The irony of this. The woman that ruin my life, and made me what I am is the only person that could help me...'
Eiji frown at his answer, "Huh? Why can't you tell me? I may be a child, but I am smarter than most children my age." He pouted, making Zero almost smiled at the strong reminder of Yuki. She would often do that to him in her days at the Academy when she was human. She did a few times when she became a Pureblood again.
It must run in the Kurans, though not as strongly by what he can tell. 'I guess you aren't all bastards.' Hopefully the past Kaname is nothing like the one in his time. Otherwise that is going to be problem.
Zero sets his tea down on the table. "You seem very open around an hunter."
Eiji blinks, "Well... The hunters have proven trustworthy as Nee-sama says, due to your help in the war, but then again." The child trail his finger around the cup. "It won't last long before you turn your back on Oka-sama, despite her helping to create your weapons... You hunters despise our kind more than anything."
"You didn't answer my question."
"Well... I prefer to say it when Nee-sama or Oka-sama is here." The child grin, using the same words back to Zero.
Zero snort in response. 'Clever kid.'
The hunter looks over at the cracks from the war Eiji mentioned earlier. If he's correct it's the war where the Queen of Vampires, or Kaname, turned against her own kind. She fought against them along side the hunters to bring them down from ruling over the humans. Many Purebloods die that day, which is good, because he cannot imagine how it would be if many of them were alive in his time.
"I assume many Purebloods want their revenge on your family... So why is that your mother allowed you to be here by yourself?" Zero asked, noticing the young five-year-old child is alone in the manor. 'For someone so powerful... she isn't very bright here.'
Eiji shook his head. "Nee-sama was suppose to be here with me, but she has urgent business to attend to."
"So she left you alone?"
"It's only been two hours. It won't be long until she returns. She knows Okaa-sama would be furious with her if she found out." Eiji pointed out.
Zero mentally scoff at the thought of the over protective mother Kaname is. 'She is doing a terrible job at being a parent... Still, she could be different than how she was in my time.' Perhaps he is only say that to make it seem easier for him to cooperate with the damn woman. 'Well at least her son seem pleasant enough... I wonder how her daughter is.'
A/N: So if some of you can't tell. This is started around the time after when Kaname already created the weapons for the Hunters, and started the Kuran line. It was stated in the manga chapter 64. He (I am using his canon part) gain the desire for a family. However, he continue to lose interest in living, due "one less person" again. Which I am assuming he lost yet another love one. I guess over time seeing his loved ones die before him made him entered the eternal slumber due to realizing he will forever be alone aka "My first ally had only been myself.". I don't know, that's all I got from it. I could be wrong. I'm trying my best to write the Manga!Kaname in this XD.
I did some intense research on this. So it turns out Juuri, Rido, and Haruka's parents are Kaname's children. I literally had to reread many chapters to find this information. I could be wrong, and if I am oh well. lol I tried XDD I didn't know what their names are so I had to come up names for them.
1.] It has been hinted in the small special (I forgot which one), and chapter 45 that Kaien wanted to die, which is why he attacked Juuri without a reason during the time she was pregnant with Yuki. Even though he was well aware she didn't do nothing. He had hoped she would tried to kill him, but he didn't. Thus that's why he told Zero as he was dying "I used to wanted this, but now I'm afraid..."
Please review, and I shall see you all next time~