My face is still under the stream of the shower, the hot water burning my skin in an attempt to cleanse myself. I can faintly hear my phone vibrating against my bathroom counter, for the second time, and like all those other times, I try to ignore it. It's on the third call that I think for a moment that it might be something important, perhaps my boss calling to fire me or someone calling to tell me they found me on a porn site.

I grab onto my towel with one hand, just enough to dry it and clumsily reach out the shower door to grab onto my phone. I immediately recognize Olivia's name and three missed calls next to it. It begins vibrating in my hand and I waste no time answering the call. "What is so important that you won't stop calling me?"

There's silence on the other side of the phone for a moment before I hear her husky voice. "What is that sound?"

I frown for a moment before I turn toward the shower head that's still shooting water out against my back. "I'm in the shower."


I scoff in response as I turn off the water and grab onto my towel. "No, in my work suit. How do you shower?" I reply sarcastically, tucking my towel around my body as best as I can with one hand. "Why are you calling me, Olivia?"

"I just wanted to make sure that everything was okay."

I purse my lips as I slide open the shower door and step out into the steamed up room. "Everything's perfect, really. Didn't you hear? I just released my first sex tape," I drone as I glance into my fogged up mirror. Did my face always look this…bitchy?

I can hear Olivia stifle a laugh on the other end and I roll my eyes. "Oh really? I'll have to go buy it."

"It's not funny, Liv," I scold, wincing at my use of her nickname; I was supposed to be mad at her.

"Alright, alright, how about you let me make it up to you?"

"And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" I question as I grab another towel to dry my hair just enough so that it's not dripping down my back.

"Well, you could start by answering your door. I think your neighbor is about to call the cops." My eyes widen as I quickly step out of my bathroom and jog to the door. Even though she just warned me of her presence, I'm surprised to see her standing outside my door with a bag and a bottle of wine in hand.

I open up the door and raise an eyebrow in surprise, phone still clasped to my ear. "Why are you here?"

The corner of her lip twitches up into a smile as she tilts her phone down, lowering the speaker to her lips. "Because I'm trying to apologize." She pulls her phone away from her face and looks at me curiously. "Now can we stop talking over the phone?"

I shake my head as I close my own phone and beckon her in. "Close the door behind you, I need to go get changed. You can wait on the couch," I tell her as I cover my chest in embarrassment despite the fact that my towel is covering most of my body.

"Mind if I turn on the TV?" She calls as I round the corner to my bedroom.

"Yeah, okay," I reply as I shut the door behind me and lean up against it. Why is she in my apartment again? Why did I let her in? I take a deep breath before pushing myself off the door and dressing quickly. The faint smell of Chinese food has already permeated my apartment and reminds me of my lack of food with all the alcohol that I had consumed. Looks like it's going to be even more alcohol by the bottle she had in her hand.

I slowly make my way back into my living room, pausing only once I notice her staring intently at my TV screen. "You watched it." I'm unsure if it's a question or a statement as I turn toward the screen, immediately recognizing the video that I had failed to pull out of the DVD player before running off to the shower.

"I—" My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks heat up, along with the rest of my body as I stride over to the couch and pluck the remote out of her hand, quickly shutting it off. "I wasn't sure if I believed you."

She turns toward me with a raised eyebrow. "I think the first five seconds of the video would've proved that much, Alex. But you were already at the end of the footage."

Nervously, I run a hand through my slightly wet locks. "I know." Being honest is the best policy, right? I watch as the corner of her lips twitch up into a smile.

"You watched the entire thing."

"Yeah." My voice is barely above a whisper.

"Did it turn you on?" She looks me up and down and I resist the urge to cover myself despite the fact that I'm mostly covered.

"I…yes," I admit, blushing as I look away from her, anywhere but at those piercing eyes. I can see her shift out of the corner of my eye, picking up the almost empty wine bottle on the table.

"Are you buzzed right now?"

"A little."

"Okay." I glance back at her curiously as she reaches out to the coffee table and pulls out a few takeout containers. She looks up at me with a half-smile on her face. "Are you going to join me? I'm not the one who needs the food," She teases playfully.

I sit down next to her, against my better judgement, and she hands me a pair of chopsticks. She doesn't bother asking for plates, instead she hands me a container to hold and grabs some food out of it, eating it straight for the container. I consider getting plates for a moment before following her lead and taking some food out of the box she's holding.

We make small talk, despite my awkwardness, as we eat. She doesn't bring up the recording again and I'm grateful. "You know, I brought the wine figuring we could probably use it. I didn't think you'd start the party without me."

I roll my eyes in response as I set my container down, feeling far fuller than I had in a while. "Such a party," I exaggerate as I lean forward and grab onto the bottle, admiring the label. "Nice choice."

"You can open it if you want. It seems like a safe choice now that you have some food in you."

I chuckle softly as I grab onto the bottle and debate getting up to open it. "It wasn't a safe choice earlier?"

She grins as she grabs the bottle from my hands and gets up off the couch, wandering into my kitchen. I can hear her shuffling around, no doubt looking for glasses and a bottle opener. She comes back a moment later with everything she needs and uncorks the bottle. "I wasn't sure if you were going to jump my bones, being drunk and horny, you know." Her voice is teasing, filled with sarcasm.

She pours me a glass and hands it over. "So you think filling me up with more wine is a good idea?" I tease back, sinking into the couch cushions as I take a long sip.

"I figured it was enough time to cool down your raging libido, Counselor." I grin as I watch her pour herself a glass and take a small sip before following my motions and leaning back against the couch with me.

"What if it wasn't?" She peers over at me and studies me for a moment.

"Oh?" Her voice is a whisper and I can't help but glance down at her lips, licking mine in response. She leans forward again, taking my wine glass from me and setting it down next to hers on the coffee table. I can feel the warmth in my stomach spreading lower, my face flushing as well.

I swallow as subtly as I can as she turns back to me, her eyes pinning me against the couch. She leans forward, slowly raising a hand to my cheek. I don't move as she slides her fingertips against my cheek, her thumb tracing over my cheekbone. "Alex?"

My eyes flash open, much to my surprise. I hadn't even noticed them fluttering closed in response to her touch. Oh the things she does to me… "Hm?"

"I don't know what came over me in the interrogation room." I purse my lips, waiting her to continue, her hand still lingering against my cheek. "You were just so angry…And I don't know. You just look so cute when you're pissed. I wasn't—"

"Wait," I interrupt as I lean up, forcing her back a few inches, her hand leaving my cheek. "You think I look cute when I'm pissed?" I scowl at her and she tries to hold back a laugh. "Olivia, that's not funny!"

"I can't help it," She argues back as she grins wide at me. "I wish you could see yourself right now. Your cheeks are red with anger and the way your eyes narrow is adorable from behind your glasses. I don't think I can take you seriously right now."

I glare at her as I gently shove her chest, pushing her further away from me. "Dogs are cute. Bunnies are cute. Little kids are adorable. I am not either."

She grins wider. "Yes you are."

"I am not!"

"You're pouting, it's adorable."

"No I'm not!" I huff as I cross my arms over my chest, only removing them once I notice her laughing at me. "Stop it!"

"I can't help it!"

I glare at her in disapproval. "So when I'm yelling at you, all you're thinking about is how cute and adorable I am? And somehow that turned into sex on a table? I think bunnies are cute but I don't want to fuck them."

She shakes her head in response. "Yes, I think that you're cute and adorable when you're mad at me but what followed…That was more of the 'I think you're sexy' part of me coming through."

"So you think I'm a sexy bunny?" I try my best to keep a straight face but it breaks the moment she falls back against the couch with laughter.

"I think…" She calms down her laughter and leans back up on the couch. "I think you're a very attractive woman, Alex." Her eyes trail down my bare legs that are now bent in front of me. "And I think that you have a very nice figure that I often think about without clothes." I flush red in embarrassment as she leans forward, placing both of her hands on either side of my hips. I adjust almost automatically, spreading my legs out between hers as she lowers herself slowly on top of me.

"Yes, I think you're cute, adorable, and sexy. And no, I don't want to fuck a bunny either." She leans a bit closer, her mouth hovering over mine. "Fuck like bunnies? Well that's another story…"

I lean forward, pressing my lips against hers and cutting off whatever else she had planned on saying. She kisses me back and it feels so good and I wonder how I lasted the last time without touching those soft lips.

Her body weight on top of mine feels even sweeter now that there's no hard surface pressing against me uncomfortably. Don't get me wrong, having her take me roughly against a desk was one of the hottest experiences of my life but there was something different now.

I moan into her mouth as her hands slide down my torso, fingers searching frantically for the edge of my shirt. Her hands immediately push up under my shirt and her warm fingers spread out over my ribcage, burning trails across my bare skin.

I brace myself for a moment, my nails digging into her lower back, before I grab onto her shirt as well, pulling it up and off of her body. She lets it slide off easily, tossing it toward the TV before her hands return to my chest. She pries my shirt off as well, humming softly once she notices my lack of a bra.

This time, I don't even have time to feel embarrassed about her taking me. My body is humming in response to her every touch, the moisture between my legs pooling. In that moment I was sure I was going to die if she didn't touch me. One of my hands pushes through her hair, pulling her back down to kiss me while the other grabs onto her lower back. Her warm skin against my body is intoxicating.

She works her way across my cheek and down my neck, nipping and sucking as she goes and for once I don't worry about my partner leaving a mark. The thought of finding a hickey on my neck or a bite mark on my collarbone in the morning only serves to turn me on more.

I find myself kissing her back, anywhere I can until she's out of reach, her lips now trailing down my sternum and across my chest. She teases momentarily, her lips barely running over my breasts before my fingers tighten in her locks and she pushes forward, her mouth engulfing one of my breasts.

The moan in response to her touch comes deep from my throat and I squirm against her skillful tongue, my hips rising up against hers in an attempt to get some pressure where I want it. I can feel her grinning against my breast as she sucks on my nipple, turning it into a stiff peak before scraping her teeth across it.

I'm impatient now as I abandon her hair and back and instead reach between our bodies. I grab onto her belt, quickly unhooking it and pulling it from the loops of her slacks. My hands are already working her zipper down by the time the belt thuds softly against my floor.

"Oh fuck…" The words leave her lips just as I shove my hand underneath her pants and cup her sex. I waste no time in stroking the length of her slit, grinning in response to the excess moisture that I gather on my fingers.

She takes a moment, but once she regains her bearings, her hand works its way underneath my shorts, just enough to push two fingers deep into me. I gasp in response and my lower half arches up into her touch. She doesn't waste any time…

She thrusts into me as best as she can with her limited range of motion and I feel myself coming undone already. I can feel her body coiling up as well and I stop teasing her entrance and instead slide my fingers forward, finding her swollen bundle of nerves waiting me. I run two fingers around it, teasing and pushing just enough until I feel her hips begin to jerk against mine.

She picks up her pace as well and begins curling her fingers forward at the same moment I apply direct pressure on her bundle. Her fingers jerk inside of me, faster and harder now until I feel my peak take hold of me. I shake against her body, forcing my finger up against her, pushing and rubbing faster until I feel her freeze above me, a soft cry escaping from her lips.

She collapses on top of me and I revel in the feeling of her on top of me, just enough pressure to make it slightly hard to breath but the lack of oxygen only serves to make my release that much sweeter.

After a few moments of heavy breathing, she finally lifts herself off of me, sitting back on the couch. She holds out a hand and pulls me upright as well and I don't even have the energy to be embarrassed about my naked torso.

Instead, I lean back against the couch and sigh deeply as I look over at her. It's only then that I see her back. I lean upright and grin slightly as I run my fingers over the swollen skin. She winces slightly as she turns her head to the side, following my gaze. "Still think I'm cute?" I ask as she finally notices the bright red streaks across her back from where my nails had dug into her.

The corner of her lip twitches up into a smile, flashing me that familiar sideways grin. "Just like a bunny."

I laugh in response as I stand up off the couch, steadying myself momentarily against her shoulder. "Well I guess that means I better get back to work." I hold out my hand and she takes it, allowing me to pull her off of the couch as well as she looks at me in confusion.

"Round two," I explain as I turn away from her and walk toward my bedroom, my hand still clinging onto her wrist, pulling her with me. "Since you're the reason I had to take a week off of work, you better keep me entertained."

She grins wide as she attempts to push me down on my mattress. "Uh-huh," I tsk as I turn her around and push her down. "My turn," I whisper as I swing my leg around her waist, settling on top of her stomach. Payback time.