Author's Note: Oh my gawd you guys make me feel so loved. The sudden surge of followers and the fact that I wasn't drop dead tired from work helped inspire me to rewrite the first chapter. It wasn't bad but I knew that I could do so much better because you guys deserve it. I hope you love this revised chapter as much as you liked the original one, please let me know! XOXO

Adrien awoke with a low grunt as the sound of his alarm clock blaring in his ears stirred him from his first night of peaceful sleep in what felt like weeks. He slammed his hand down on the snooze button before slowly running it down his face. His brows furrowed together as slowly he started to become aware of everything around him. Where he was, what he had to do that day, what he had done last night. Wait, what did he do last night? The crease in his brows tightened as he asked himself that question again because there wasn't a reason for him to forget. He sat up and swung his feet over the mattress as he looked around his bedroom, hoping he might find a clue.

Then he saw it almost glowing on his nightstand. A piece of red stationary decorated with black dots with a quick message scribbled down in some adorable handwriting if he had any say on that. He picked it up to read it over although he was pretty sure he'd already done that hundreds of times.

Mon Minou,

Thank you for the wonderful evening. Hope to see you again, soon.

"Mi'lady…" he hummed softly as he brought the paper to his lips. He closed his eyes as he started to remember what had happened the night before.


"Dude, you've been pent up in your dorm since you got here, classes start tomorrow bro, you need this. Before you get bogged down with homework and shit just come to this one party." Nino whined over the phone. Adrien was sitting at his desk browsing through who knows what on his laptop as he half assedly listened to his friend.

"Don't forget the photo shoots." He idly tossed out which only earned him an annoyed grunt on the other end of the phone.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about, dude. You need to relax and take a break for just one night. Just one, that's all I'm asking."

"Isn't it some kind of masquerade thing, though? I don't have a costume."

"You still have that black cat get up from last year's Halloween? Just throw on the ears and the tail, get some black face paint and paint a mask on your face, and viola! Costume. C'mon, duuuuudddeee"

Adrien was silent on his end for a few good minutes as he weighed his options. Classes started tomorrow so if he went to this party he'd probably oversleep and be late for his first day, which is not a good start. But, Nino had a point. Once he had moved into the dorm the young model hadn't left unless it was for a photo shoot. Otherwise he sat in front of his computer just like he was doing now and did absolutely nothing all day. "Fine." He stated before hanging up the phone so he didn't have to listen to Nino's cheers of victory. He stood from his desk and went to his closet to rummage through and hopefully find his old Halloween costume. Luckily he found what he needed and then some, apparently a black mask had made it's way into his things but he didn't question it. Saved him from having to try and paint one on.

When he met up with Nino outside the rave he was surprised at the venue. He didn't expect such a large warehouse to be set up so nicely despite what it was. Everyone seemed dressed up really nicely for a change but the music was the same. They made their way inside to grab some drinks and from there do...nothing. Well, Adrien didn't really do anything. Nino found some girl, he didn't really get a look at her face, and they had wandered off together which left Adrien alone with his one drink. He was considering heading home early and reached into his pocket for his phone when he glanced up and spotted her. How had he missed her before?

Maybe it was just to him but she stood out apart from everyone else like the lights purposefully bathed her in adoration. She was dancing alone in the crowd, eyes closed behind her red mask littered with black spots, and he almost forgot how to breathe as he watched her. Gorgeous raven hair was tied into two adorable little pigtails with red ribbons holding them up. She was lost in the music and he was lost in her but that wasn't what made his jaw drop. It was when she opened those damned, beautifully blue eyes and made contact with his that the whole room seemed to stop.

He felt like he was being pulled towards her and he was not about to complain about that. He left his drink behind at the bar as he began to wade through the sea of people to get to her. Their gaze never broke as he approached, blue locked with green as she continued to sway her hips with the music. The moment they were next to each other she reached an arm up to wrap around his neck and gently pull him closer. It felt like lightning stuck him where he stood as this energy surged through him. He put one of his hands around her waist to lessen the distance between them even further and the pair started dancing together.

~*End Flashback*~

The blond let out a strangled groan and threw himself back onto his mattress as he recounted the feeling he had when dancing with her. It was like he could still feel her body heatedly pressed up against his; could still feel her curves under his fingertips when his hand ghosted over her exposed waist. He licked his lips as he remembered her breath hitching against his smirk when he leaned against her. His scalp itched as the shadow of her fingers still raked through his hair, holding him oh so dangerously close to those plump lips but never letting him claim them for himself. And the way her hips…

Hurriedly he planted his hand against his growing arousal over his underwear as he tried to think of something else about that night. Even though he was alone and the idea was truly tempting he felt like doing that would ruin his image of her. It was probably weird but he also didn't want to be one those guys that jacks off to any beautiful women they meet. He let out a slow sigh as he calmed himself down as he thought about a different scene from that night.


The pair was laughing as they ran out one of the many warehouse exits hand in hand. They had run up some stairs and ended up on the roof with Paris' starlit skyline giving them a romantic backdrop. Even though it was dark out he could see her blush when she realized they were still holding hands even though they had stopped moving. With an excited grin he raised said hand to his lips and planted a chaste kiss against her fingers. "So, Mi'lady, what can I call you if you won't give me your name?" He asked against her fingers though his gaze was lost in her eyes once more.

She giggled at him and slipped her hand out of his grasp only to gently tap him on his nose with her index finger. "Ladybug, since that was the idea for my costume. And it's a masquerade, Minou, so telling you my real name would ruin the whole allure of the mask." Her voice was like velvet for his ears and he kind of liked the nickname she gave him. But still, how was he supposed to find her again if she didn't tell him her name? He didn't want this to be their only night together. Maybe if he played along with her game?

"I guess that's fair." He starts, standing up straight. "But, I'm not a kitten anymore, Ladybug. I'd much prefer...Chat Noir, than Minou." He said with a wide smile. She laughed and his heart melted at the song of a sound. He didn't even know who this girl was but he felt like he was falling dangerously into territory he wasn't sure he was ready to be in again. But if it was with her, then maybe…

The pair spent the rest of their night together just talking, joking, and laughing. He figured out that she was an aspiring fashion designer and was currently studying in college but she never said which one. He explained that he was also in college but was in the process of changing his major and school because he wasn't sure what it was exactly he wanted to do. He left out that he was a model for his father's company because he enjoyed the idea of being around one person that didn't instantly recognize him from one of the billboards and start asking for autographs and the like. It made him feel like a normal human for once. He found out that she worked part time at her parents bakery so he explained the he helped his father out with his company but again left out exactly what it was. They both liked Jagged Stone, Ultra Mecha Strike III (which she teased she could whoop his ass in), they even liked some of the same animes. Although he was sure he was a bit more into it than she was so he kind of downplayed exactly how much he liked it.

He could of sat on top of that warehouse all night just talking with her but like all good things it had to end. She pulled out her phone when it started buzzing in her pocket and seemed to frown at whatever message she had received. "Hey, I have to run back downstairs, my friend needs me." She said as she stood up quickly. "But, I'll be back, I promise." She tossed him a quick smile and he nodded up at her before she ran off back towards the stairwell. So he waited up there for her. And he waited, and waited some more but it looked like she wasn't coming back. Did he do something wrong? Maybe she didn't actually like him and was just acting nice so she didn't hurt his feelings? Or, not so negative thoughts, maybe something important came up and she had to leave. She did look pretty upset when she looked down at her phone. He ruffled his hair and stood up, deciding to head back downstairs to try and find either her or Nino when the stairwell door opened. He felt his heart surge and then quickly plummet when it was Nino that walked onto the roof.

"Dude, there you are, I've been looking everywhere." Nino said, rushing up to him. "I was trying to find you inside and then I ran into this really cute looking girl. I asked if maybe she knew where you were and she told me you'd be up here. She also asked me to give you this and said she was sorry but her friend was having some kind of emergency so they had to leave." Nino explained as he handed over the red letter. "Who is she, anyway?"

Adrien took it quickly and read it over, smiling like a stupid idiot as he read the sentence over and over again. "Ladybug…" He answered with a light sigh. He wasn't sure how but he was determined to find her again, find out her real name, and get her on a date. He didn't care if he had to attend every single party trying to find her again he was determined to have her. And when an Agreste wants something they get it.

~*End Flashback*~

Adrien rested his arm over his eyes to block out the light as he continued to think about the night he spent with Ladybug. He remembered his promise to himself for finding her and once again assured himself that he would definitely see her again. But for now he should probably get ready for school so that he wasn't late. He lifted his arm off his face and dropped it onto the mattress as he looked over at his clock to actually read the time when he froze. 8:45 am glared at him in red numbers. "Shit!" he shouted as he flew out of his bed to throw some clothes on. First day of the new semester and he was already fifteen minutes late to class. He barely had a shirt on when he threw his backpack over his shoulders and sprinted out of his dorm at top speed.

Luckily his first class was in the History building which wasn't too far from the dorms but that thought didn't slow down his run in the slightest. It wasn't until he was in the hallway his class resided in that he slowed down to a power walk. When he made it to the door he stopped to catch his breath and collect himself before opening it to step inside. He was happy when the professor didn't stop his lecture, just gave him a look that said 'It's your first day, it's okay to be late, just take a seat' and Adrien was quick to comply. A quick scan of the classroom revealed an open seat next to some red-tipped brunette who was excitedly whispering to a friend on her right.

He didn't look at who she was talking to because he was more worried about sitting down and getting his things unpacked for class. Quietly he made was way towards the open seat and sat down to the left of the brunette. He settled into the class, putting down his notebook and quickly began to scribble down what notes he could before the professor continued his lecture and changed slides on his presentation. It was then that the conversation going on next to him caught his attention.

"So wait, if you guys didn't tell each other you names then what did you call him?" The brunette asked her friend.

"Well, I called him Minou but he said he wanted to go by Chat Noir."

Adrien almost snapped his pencil in half.