Ava walked into the room to see Ben sitting down taking his shoes off. Ava kicked her sneakers off and looked around for what she was supposed to wear. Ava was in baggy black sweatpants and a white tank top with her hair pulled back. "Captain on the bridge!" Someone yelled causing Ava to jump at the sudden voice. She turned to see the one and only Johnny Storm standing there mockingly. Ben had jumped up and saluted. A flash went off causing Ava to roll her eyes.
"Digital camera $254, memory stick $59, and the look on your hardass former C.O.'s face when he finds that he's your junior officer? Priceless." Johnny smirked before looking over at Ava. "Who's the babe."
"Uh oh." Both Ben and Reed said as they practically see the anger radiating off Ava.
"Babe?" She questioned icely. "The names Ava and if you even think of calling me anything else then I will rip your balls off you and shove them down your damn throat party boy." She snapped angrily. "If you even look at me the wrong why I will break every bone in your body. You got that pretty boy." Ava snapped.
"Wow chill." Johnny said as he sat down. Ben looked about ready to strangle him as he put his hand on the neck of Johnny's suit. Instead he zipped up the blue suit. "Thank you." Johnny chuckled.
"I can handle this ship. I can even handle Mr. Blonde Ambition. However, I don't know whether I should be flying or doing swan lake in these suits." Ben said.
"I know. What decent girl would want to wear these. It makes you like a fucken whore." Ava said annoyed.
"Actually Victor made them." Came the icey response of Susan as she walked in wearing her suit. Ava turned and rolled her eyes.
"Only another reason to hate it." She said annoyed before she grabbed her suit and stormed out to go change in the stupid thing.
The blue suit made Ava's rather large boobs show in detail and showed her curvy body and round bottom in it. Ava gave a groan, but walked out anyways. She slipped on her jacket and pants and headed out of the room. Ben and Reed caught up her as they walked out the hallway to the main part of the station. Johnny, Victor, and Susan was behind them.
"ETA until cosmic event is nine hours." Victor said as he walked up to the front with Johnny and Susan behind him.
"If you're good maybe next time daddy will let you drive." Johnny taunted Ben making Ava glare at him. "You can sit up front with daddy anytime you want, though sweetheart-owww." Johnny said as Ava twisted his arm behind his back painfully.
"Keep it up Johnny and I will break this arm." Ava snarled making all of them look at the two before Ava let Johnny go and pushed him away. Johnny rotated his arm wincing.
"Damn that call is harsh." Johnny said.
"That's my baby sister you're talking about!" Ben snapped before catching up with Ava and wrapping a protective arm around her. A dooras wide as the hall slid open as they walked closer. They walked in and Ava looked down from the top level.
"We can monitor the cloud's approach and observe the test from here." Susan said as she walked past Ava and down to the lower level with Victor.
"Is it safe?" Ben asked as he stopped beside Ava to look down as well. Reed also stopped beside the two siblings.
"The shields on the station should protect us." Reed was too big of a nerd for his own good. Reed nod as he looked around at all the equipment.
"Should?" Ben asked sounding a bit worried.
"Should isn't as good as will, Re." Ava said looking at her best friend.
"I could-
"Bugger off, Johnny." Ava snapped. She turned and stepped beside Reed. "I rather have Reed be there for me instead." She said coldly. Reed turned and smiled at her as he wrapped an arm around her. He kissed the top of her head in a brotherly manner. The two were always hugging and kissing each other's heads. They were like siblings after all, but Ava couldn't help, but notice the frown that Susan wore as she saw this.
"What's the matter Ben? Getting paranoid in your old age?" Victor asked.
"Let's start loading those samples." Reed said as he gave Ava one last kiss to the temple. "Go get your suit ready, Ben." Reed said. "Go help him, A." Reed said. Ava nod and kissed Reed's cheek before going with Ben. Ben turned and looked at Victor.
"He does the thinking, I do the walking, and she does the talking." He said coldly. "Got that." He snapped.
"So take a walk, Ben." Ava glared at Victor, but dragged Ben away anyways.
"Ignore him, Ben. You're better than selfish ass will ever be." Ava said causing her brother to smile.
"Thank you, Avalon." Ben smiled. "I love you." Ava smiled and turned around to face her brother.
"Love you too Benjamin." Ava said as she hugged her brother tightly. "Come on, let's go on an adventure." Ben laughed and followed after his sister.
Ava stood looking out the window as she heard Johnny speak. "Please tell me your boy isn't trying to rekindle things with my sister."
"No, it's strictly business." Ben said as he waited for Johnny to finish everything up.
"Well his eyes certainly say different." Johnny pointed out.
"How about your stop staring at my brother, freak and notice how your sister looks at him for once." Ava called out.
"Two hearts were broken last time. Maybe she's not over it either." Ben said causing Ava to sigh. More than two hearts were broken.
"Wow, that's really deep, Dr. Phil." Johnny mocked as he walked over and grabbed the plants from beside Ava. "So.. why don't you like me?" Johnny asked causing Ava to turn to him.
"I don't like anyone like you. You players are all the same. Girls are nothing, but trophies to you. You don't care who you hurt and you certainly don't care about the girls." Ava snapped before storming over to her big brother. She looked up at Ben. "Be carefully Benny. I can't deal with these people alone." Ben smiled and nod as Johnny walked back over.
"Let's think about that." Johnny said going back to his previous talk with Ben. "You got Victor, more money than god, stud of the year. Then you got Reed, the world's dumbest smart guy, worth less than a postage stamp. Real toss up there." Johnny said causing Ava to roll her eyes.
"Don't you see Victor is using your sister. He dates the girls he wants to win. He's dating Susan so Reed can't have her. That's the only reason. He doesn't actually like Susan. Hell I don't think he really likes anyone." Ava said before giving Ben a kiss on the helmet. "Be careful Benny. I mean it." She said before walking out.
"Thanks Ava." Ben called. "So don't go troubling your tiny little mind. We wouldn't want it to overload." Ben said to Johnny causing Ava to smile as she looked out the window.
"We'll see about that." Johnny said dryly as he walked out. He pressed the button and closed the airlock doors, after walking out of there, and made sure everything was set.
'Securing Airlock Chamber' A robotic woman's voice said.
Johnny looked over to see Ava sitting there looking sad. He frowned when he saw the engagement ring on a chain around Ava's neck. "Who gave you that?" Johnny asked making Ava look over. He could see the walls she built were done.
"Victor did. Before he left me for Susan." She said before turning to look back out the window. Johnny unsure of what to say to that.
Johnny turned and gave Ben a thumb up as Ben gave a thumbs up to and walked out the doors to the outside of the station. Johnny turned and walked over to Ava and sat down beside her. "Sorry I was a jerk. Didn't know you and Victor had a thing." Johnny said. "Must be why you hate my sister then." To his surprise Ava shook her head.
"I don't hate your sister, I worry for her. She should be with someone who actually will be by her side if she were to get sick or was dying. Reed loves her and I know that is the only reason why he stays away from Susan is because he knows she deserves someone better. I actually am thankful for Susan. If she hadn't got Victor to leave me then I would have never realized how awful he was and I would be still like Susan." Ava said honestly. Johnny looked at her.
"Not all guys are like that, Ava. I maybe a player, but I don't use girls and I don't have them for trophies. I only go for the girls who don't care for themselves. If I found a decent girl like you, Ava, I would never let her go." Ava looked up at her as Johnny stared at her.
"Is that just another of your stupid pickup lines?" She asked.
"If it was, wouldn't I have tried kissing you already?" He asked causing Ava to go silent. "I'm just being honest with you, Ava. You deserve someone as good as Reed or Ben. Victor wasn't good enough for a girl like you. Don't like an ass like him hurt you." Ava gave a small smile before taking her chain off.
"Then I guess I shouldn't hold onto this. Only brings bad memories." Ava said before chucking the ring off in some directions. Johnny laughed and shook his head.
"Only a girl like you would throw the ring instead of selling it."
"Why would I want to sell that piece of chunk." She said causing Johnny to laugh more.
"Ben needs to get inside now!" Reed said causing Ava to look up and frown.
"Reed? What's wrong?" She asked worried for her brother.
"We need to get Ben inside now!" Reed said urgently.
"I'm not done arranging your flowers, egg head." Ben said through the microphone. Ava stood and looked out the window and gasped.
"Ben, listen to me. You have to head back now. Look behind you." Ava said panicking. Johnny got up and looked out as well as his eyes widen.
"Guys, I'm not gonna make it." Ben said as he looked at the storm. Ava's eyes filled with tears.
"You have to Ben." Ava said. "Come on, we've been through worst." She said trying to lighten the mood.
"Ben, you have to jump! It's the only way!" Johnny said trying to encourage him. Ben looked back at us worried.
"Ben! Damn it! Jump!" I yelled worried. Ben gave a nod and moved quickly. He jumped for the door and I turned away unable to watch.
"Johnny, prepare to close the portal." Reed instructed as he watched the storm gaining on Ben. Ava turned slightly to see Ben close to the door making her feel hopeful. Suddenly the enormous cloud was right on top of Ben and shoved him through the doorway. Johnny's eyes widen as he slammed Ava to the ground and covered her with his body just as the storm slammed into everyone. Ava skin felt ice cold as she collapsed to the ground.