(Back at the palace)

"Alright children settle down" Mr. Ping said the six cubs were all sitting at the table waiting for their dinner.

"Aww! Dad why you put broccoli in the souuuppp!" Po complained while everyone laughed.

"Because son you need to eat your vegetables so you stay strong" Mr. Ping stated smiling at his son. After that little discussion they all started eating their dinner.

"Thank you Mr. Ping" the five said in unison. "No problem children now off to bed it's getting late" "awwwwwww!" They all complained in unison.

"But we're not sleepy dad!" Po said "yeah Mr. Ping were not sleepy yet!" Mantis said

"Can't we stay a little longer Mr. Ping please" tigress said and Mr. Ping pondered this "No" he said blandly

"Pleeaase" viper pleaded making her eyes grow big Mr. Ping was squirming around because of the look and tigress saw this and followed vipers example.

"PLEEEAAASSE!" Both the girls now pleaded and tigress also made her eyes grow big, looking like a kitten. It was so hard for Mr. Ping to stay strong, but then he had an idea

"How about a bedtime story, now how's that sound" they consider it but finally gave in and nodded their heads.

They all gathered around Mr. Ping as he started the story "now once upon a time.." soon after all the little Cubs were getting drowsy as he was finishing "..the end"

"That was a great story dad.." Po said while rubbing his eye "alright kids time for bed" Mr. Ping said. They all nodded and went to their room while Mr. Ping left to the shop before the thunderstorm started.

(With Shifu)

Shifu had been climbing and searching for the gem of maturity, with no luck "all this search is getting me nowhere!" He yelled but then the ground started shaking, he gasped "avalanche". He started running downhill but then everything went all black and the last thing he saw was purple feathers

(Back at the jade palace)

It was the middle of freezing night and the thunderstorm had came in.

Tigress was in her room shivering when "BOOM! "AAHH!" Five of the Cubs yelled. They all ran out of their rooms crashing into each other, tigress hair was all puffed out while viper was shivering while crane's eyes were bulged out, they were all frightened until they heard a snore coming from Po's room until BOOM! "AAHHH!" They all rushed to Po's room and jumped on his bed with him "woah!", tigress hugged his neck,viper coiled around his arm, mantis got hold of his neck and monkey and crane flanked his both sides of his bed.

"Uh guys what are you doing in my room and why are you guys on me" Po questioned "oops sorry Po" tigress said and got of him as well as the others.

"Okay so what's going on" he asked them they all started rambling " hold one at a time" "dude didn't you hear that loud thunder" mantis asked "yeah what about it's just thunder nothing scary about it-"he was cut off "wait you're not scared" tigress asked Po "eh never was afraid of a thunderstorm even as a cub, were you guys afraid of it as kids?" They all nodded

"Well that explains why you're afraid of it now don't worry it's just a storm, now guys go to sleep I'm tired" he said as he laid down on his bed.

None of them left however "uh guys why you still in my room" they all looked at each other and agreed.

"Po.." Crane started


"We stay.."


"Your room.." Tigress ended it, Po saw that they were scared and agreed "fine but let warn you I snore" the cuddly five lightened up when Po agreed

Tigress curled up on his tummy while viper coiled around his arm, mantis climbed on his head while monkey and crane were next to him on both side and Po hugged both them bringing them closer

"Man big guy your fur so warm" mantis said "and soft" tigress said with a purr shocking everyone and quickly added "I mean comfortable".

"OOOkay goodnight" viper said "night" crane said "night to you too" mantis said

"Sleep tight" monkey added.

"Dream of dumplings tonight" Po said "Goodnight Po" tigress said softly "goodnight tigress"and so that night everyone slept well and warm.