Taen was watching Rin from afar; he was sitting beside Dorian, chatting animatedly, laughing and smiling the whole while. And looking at him… with a look of complete adoration in his eyes. It was obvious how infatuated his brother was with the mage. It was also probably quite obvious how uncomfortable Taeneral was with the relationship.

But, it wasn't just that. Taen watched Rin with his soldiers too. Many of them bowed their heads to him, murmuring 'Inquisitor' or 'My Lord' as he passed. It was bizarre to say the least.

Then, there were the whispers around the camp; all the Dalish children could speak of was how Rin fought dragons and monsters now. He'd even heard the soldiers gushing over the Herald of Andraste's incredulity. His younger brother had certainly made quite a name for himself.

He'd even spoken to some of the soldiers, listened to their stories of the 'Inquisitor' and what Rin had done for them. He'd saved so many lives… risked so much…

In a sense, Taeneral was quite jealous of his younger brother. He was an elf that had the respect and admiration of all these humans. He was travelling the world, battling monsters and creatures… his life sounded terrifying yet incredible at the same time.

So yes, he was jealous. But, he was also completely terrified for his brother's safety. Though he wouldn't admit it, especially not since their argument.

That argument…

Well, of course he felt guilty; Dorian's words hitting him quite hard. He glanced to the large tent where his Father lay sleeping, his stomach churning slightly with both guilt and grief. He sighed heavily, moving over to the couple suddenly.

"Rin…" Taen's voice was low and quiet as he beckoned his brother over to talk privately.

Rin cast a sideways glance to Dorian before he stood up, moving over to Taen with a defensive frown already in place. "Yes?" he said quietly and tersely.

Taen sighed lowly, unable to meet Rin's steely gaze. "Look…" he muttered. "I'm sorry for the way I acted before. I was… just shocked. For Dad's sake can we just… put that all aside?"

Rin eyed his brother for a moment. "Are you going to be able to be civil to Dorian?" he asked lowly.

"I can…" Taen said back a little stiffly. "Can you restrain yourself from… being all over him around me?"

Rin frowned immediately. "Ok, firstly," he snapped. "We're hardly all over each other. And secondly, do you even realise what an absolute dick you sound like?"

Taen huffed in annoyance. "Rin, I can't just flip a switch and suddenly just get why you're… you. OK? I'm just not used it!"

"What a lovely sentiment," Rin snapped lowly and sarcastically. "You just can't 'get' why I'm me. Well-"

"You know what I mean!" Taen interrupted in irritation. "It… makes me uncomfortable. But… I can deal with it for Dad's sake."

"So nice to know," Rin said dryly, his eyes narrowed. "And in ten years' time? Twenty? Will you ever get over it?"

"Agh, Rin would you just accept what I'm trying to say here?" Taen growled in growing, defensive annoyance.

"How can I accept what you're saying?" Rin said back in disbelief, a trickle of hurt entering his voice this time. "Just… forget about it," he muttered. "I don't want to discuss this any longer," he added lowly. "For Dad's sake I will try to be civil to you," he snapped before walking off once more.

"Rin wait," sighed Taen quickly, rubbing a finger against his temple. "I'm sorry," he continued, holding Rin's angry glare. "I don't want to fight with you."

"Really?" said Rin flatly, "Seems to be all you've tried to do so far."

Taen bit back an annoyed response. "Look," he said lowly. "You want to know the truth? I'm jealous. OK?"

Rin raised his eyebrows, staring at his brother in surprise. "I'm sorry… you're… jealous?" he repeated flatly in complete disbelief.

"Yes," Taen said through his teeth. "Don't make me go on about it."

"You can't be serious," said Rin frowning now. "I was taken into slavery, I've fallen out of the fade, fought some mental darkspawn monster, had a mountain fall on me; what can you possibly be jealous of?!"

Taen sighed heavily. "You're an elf and you have a whole army of your own! You're travelling new lands! You're powerful, you-"

"And you have a happy life!" Rin cut in. "You're bonded, going to become a Father! You've been able to be with our Father-"

Taen made a low angry sound under his breath. "You don't know anything about all that," he hissed. "We only bonded because-" Taen broke off suddenly, glaring at Rin slightly. "I'm not ready to be a Father. I want to see the world too. Yet you've gotten to do all of it! You always have!" he continued getting angry again now. "And Dad never faulted you for it! That's his nature; he's curious!" he quoted madly. "He said it like it was a good thing! Yet I could never leave! Especially not when Dad was sick and you'd already disappeared!"

"Oh I'm so sorry for getting captured by slavers!" hissed Rin. "It was such a lovely time-"

"It was your fault!" snarled Taen. "You wandered off again. Leaving me to clean up the mess as usual! Then you come back here with a human man from Tevinter and Dad's totally fine with it! He's just proud of his little Rineatherriel-"

"Agh, you're unbelievable, you know that?" snarled Rin. "Do you even hear yourself? You can go around with your arm around Talia, introducing her proudly while I had to hide Dorian like he's some dirty little secret. You don't think Dad's ridiculously proud that he's going to have a grandchild?!"

"Proud?!" hissed Taen. "You've no idea, Rin. That child is the only reason I'm in this whole mess!"

Rin frowned seriously. "You shouldn't say something like that about your unborn child," he said lowly.

"Oh like you'd know," snapped Taen. "You're obviously never having kids. I only bonded with Talia because I got her pregnant so don't-"

Rin made a sound of disgust, "So be responsible for your decisions!" he said so sternly he sounded quite reminiscent of their father. "You slept with her, you knew the risks. Don't blame it on your child!"

"Well this Inquisitor thing has certainly gone to your head!" snapped Taen immediately. "I'm still your older brother. Don't speak to me like-"

"Don't say that," Rin cut across quite harshly. "I didn't want to be Inquisitor. I didn't want any of that! I'm only doing it to stop Corypheus! You want to try spending a day in my shoes and see if you're still so absurdly jealous!"

Taen gritted his teeth, closing his eyes momentarily to calm the urge to retort angrily. "You're… right," he said finally, though the words sounded quite forced. "This whole argument is fruitless…" he muttered. "I… don't want to fight anymore with you-"

"You've already said that," snapped Rin dryly.

"I know," sighed Taen roughly. "Well it's easier said than done," he continued lowly. "Look I just… I can't stand the thought of you leaving after all this and something happening to you when all I did was… argue with you over who you… sleep with…"

Rin sighed this time, "You can't even say it without your lip curling…" he muttered dully.

"Rin I'm trying here," Taen replied in irritation. "I can't just pretend it doesn't… make me uncomfortable."

"Why does it matter so much to you?" Rin asked lowly. "I don't want sleep with women, nor do I personally enjoy the thought of it. But, I know there are plenty of men and women that do, and I don't care. And I also don't care that you do."

"Yeah, well I'm normal," Taen said back without thinking.

Rin just looked at him for a moment. Then, "Well, we tried," he said very dully before turning suddenly once more to storm off.

Taen hurried after him again, grabbing his shoulder, "Wait, wait!"

Rin shoved him off his shoulder roughly, "No, Taen," he said roughly. "I'm not wasting any more time going back and forth with this for you to just keep… saying shit like that," he continued, and behind his anger the hurt and disappointment in his voice was just evident. "I'll… see you tonight. I'm sure we can get through it for Dad's sake without another argument…" he muttered before moving off once more, this time Taen allowing him to leave without interruption.

"So… that's basically everyday life," smiled Rin, leaning up against an old oak, his smile growing as Dorian slowly closed the gap between them, laying a hand beside Rin's head on the tree. "Well… that was… everyday life for me."

"So you've… never had a bath before?" smirked Dorian, running his other hand lightly down Rin's arm, his smirk growing when he felt the elf shiver. "Not even been to a bathhouse?"

Rin shook his head, "Does a hot spring count?"

Dorian chuckled, "Not quite… I hope you realise I have to rectify this as soon as we return to Skyhold…"

"I would definitely like that…" Rin agreed quietly with a smirk.

Dorian smiled endearingly, "So explain to me…" he continued quietly, now moving his hand to very lightly trace the vallaslin that painted Rin's skin, his finger following the light tattoo down the side of his face. "These…" he said softly, his touch creating quite a sensation through Rin's body. "I noticed yours is the same as your father's and your brother's… and some of the other elves, but then some have different designs."

"It's uh… to worship our gods…" Rin said with a little uncertainty. "Which… I guess sounds a little primitive."

Dorian raised his eyebrows. "Rin…" he smiled slightly. "The last thing I'm going to think is that you or your clan is primitive."

Rin looked dubious. "I'd… understand if you do…" he said lowly. "We had pretty different upbringings…"

Dorian sighed slightly, leaning in even closer to him. "I'm going to risk sounding like a complete and utter sop here…" he mused quietly. "But… I want to know everything about your culture and your life because…all of it is what made you the way you are…" he murmured softly. "And that is something very special. And something I'd never call 'primitive'."

Rin felt his cheeks warming already and a smile pulling at his lips. "You're right," he teased lightly, but his tone was very warm. "Total sop."

Dorian chuckled, "Well, I did warn you," he told him. "So what God is yours for?"

Rin leant his head back against the tree, his eyes sweeping over Dorian's face, almost as if he still didn't quite believe what Dorian thought of his culture. "June…" he answered finally. "God of Crafts. He taught the elves to make bows and arrows and all that…"

Dorian smiled slightly, "Fitting for you then…"

Rin smiled too, watching the way Dorian's eyes were still tracing the vallaslin on his face. "So… are you going do this for me one day?" he asked quietly.

Dorian quirked an eyebrow. "Do what? Would you like me to get my forehead tattooed?"

Rin laughed. "No," he said smiling. "Though I'm sure you'd be able to pull it off handsomely. I mean will you show me how you grew up?"

Dorian hesitated, his smiled faltering ever so slightly. "Well you've… been to my homeland," he said quickly. "You've seen plenty… I can't imagine why you would want to go back."

Rin leant his head to the side slightly, catching Dorian's gaze. "It's a part of you…" he said quietly. "I could never resent it…"

Dorian exhaled slowly. "I can…" he said lowly. "The things that… very nearly happened to you…" he looked at Rin very seriously. "If I could go back I would kill that guard…" he said almost viciously.

Rin was a little taken aback by his sudden ferocity. "Well now…" he said quietly. "That's probably a bit much…"

"Not on my count," Dorian said back lowly.

Rin sighed quietly. "Regardless…" he muttered. "You came out of there. There must be things about your country that you love. I want you to show me them."

Dorian's brow pinched slightly and he regarded Rin for a long moment. "You would never be safe there…" he said finally, his voice very quiet.

Rin raised an eyebrow, a small smile on his lips. "I'm hardly safe anywhere nowadays…" he said a little cheekily.

Dorian shook his head at him. "Yes well I hardly see us travelling to Tevinter any time soon considering that fact."

"No…" sighed Rin. "Still…maybe one day…"

"Hm…" Dorian murmured, not willing to agree on that. He couldn't see a day where it would be safe to take Rin through Tevinter.

Rin smiled slightly, finding Dorian's concern quite sweet. He'd convince him some day to show him his homeland properly. "You know…" he said quietly, looking around them. "I had my first kiss somewhere like this…"

A smile crossed Dorian's lips immediately. "Oh really?" he mused. "I bet he wasn't as handsome as me."

Rin chuckled, "Is anyone?" he quipped lightly making Dorian's smile grow. "He was very cute though… obviously why I kissed him."

"Hhn…" Dorian murmured a little dismissively, knowing it was absurd to be jealous of a past encounter, but unable to help it.

Rin couldn't help a small smile that crossed his lips at the slightly disgruntled tone to Dorian's voice. "Let me show you…" he said smirking. Then, he suddenly slipped out from under Dorian against the tree before swiftly pushing Dorian against the trunk. "We were this way round…"

"Oh you were the instigator were you?" said Dorian, a smile on his lips as Rin moved in closer.

"You didn't let me finish…" Rin told him smiling. "I know you know me as this incredibly smooth, impeccably charming elf…" he continued jokingly, making Dorian chuckle. "But I wasn't quite so flawless at 16…"

"So what happened then?" Dorian asked still chuckling in amusement.

"Well…" said Rin slowly, "I went in to kiss him…" he smirked, moving to do so to Dorian. "But I was so nervous I lost my footing, stumbled on a tree root and smacked into his head instead…" he finished rather quickly, scrunching up his nose. "Total embarrassment."

Dorian tried to hold back a laugh for Rin's sake, but his chest was rumbling slightly as he chuckled. "So… you didn't kiss?" he managed to say through his amusement.

"No we did," smirked Rin. "After he'd finished laughing as you are he pulled me up against him and kissed me…" he finished. "Not the greatest kiss but… romantic all the same."

"Well…" mused Dorian, still smiling. "I can assure you I'll do better…" he murmured before swiftly wrapping his arms around Rin's back and pulling him up against him to capture his lips as sweetly as if it were the very first time.

Rin couldn't hold back a smile, his lips curling against Dorian's as he kissed him back, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling himself closer. He couldn't describe the feeling he got every time Dorian kissed him… but it was amazing. He actually almost felt sorry for his brother to be in a relationship where he didn't experience such things… almost.

Mostly he was too caught up in how lucky he felt he was to have Dorian.

But then, there was a shocked gasp from behind them and they broke apart, Rin looking over his shoulder to see a scandalised Talia standing there.

"Uh… Talia…" murmured Rin quickly. "I… uh…" he cleared his throat slightly. "Assume Taen told you about Dorian and I?"

Talia's eyes darted between them, "Erm, not quite…" she said quickly, her cheeks scarlet. "Not that it matters!" she squeaked quickly. "He'd mentioned your… special someone was here, but I…" she broke off suddenly, shaking her head. "Didn't put it together. Sorry for… interrupting you!" she added, now backing away. "Your father is awaiting us in his tent when you're… ready…" she added blushing furiously once more before scurrying off again.

Rin looked back to Dorian in bemusement. "Well that was awkward…" he muttered. "I forgot to tell you but, I found out Taen only bonded- uh, married, Talia because he got her pregnant..."

Dorian raised his eyebrows. "And you waited so long to tell me this snippet of gossip? Unbelievable!" he scolded.

Rin chuckled, "Sorry," he muttered. "I sort of feel bad for her actually…" he added. "She's a nice enough girl. But, Taen's having some midlife crisis about becoming a father. He's jealous of me apparently."

Dorian raised his eyebrows. "Is that what your conversation was about earlier?"

"Yeah…" sighed Rin. "Ridiculous, isn't it?"

"Hmm… well, I can understand why he'd be jealous," said Dorian with a slight smirk.

Rin gave him a look and he chuckled.

"Well I didn't eye him up as promised, but I did notice just how right you were… you are well and truly the best looking…" he smirked. "I had no doubts of course…" he added swiftly.

Rin rolled his eyes, but his smile was a little smug. "Ever so sweet of you to notice," he smirked. "Well… shall we go sit down with them all then? Apparently he's going to be attempting civility."

Dorian's stomach flipped slightly with nerves. Talking to Rin's father when the man now knew they were involved was something… entirely new, and entirely terrifying to Dorian. "Right, yes… probably…"

"You'll be fine," Rin chuckled. "I'm just… really glad my dad will have known you," he added softly.

"Well for now you are," muttered Dorian. "You might change your mind on that if things go terribly."

Rin laughed quietly. "You know this uncertain side of you is rather endearing," he teased. "But, still absurd," he smirked. "Come on," he added, pulling Dorian along with him back to the camp. "He'll love you."

The evening went… awkwardly at first. After Alaren's toast to them all there were numerous long silence's and a lot of furtive glances from Talia looking between Dorian and Rin, while Taeneral remained unusually quiet, never meeting eyes with Dorian once.

Until, finally, Alaren mentioned an early childhood memory that both Rin and Taeneral shared that sparked conversation. And it was… heart-warming to see. Dorian smiled as the two brothers talked more animatedly, their current disagreements momentarily forgotten as they laughed over their memories.

Dorian had a feeling Alaren had done it on purpose; the wise man knowing that would help ease the mood and bring back some of those… brotherly feelings.

"Well it was lucky I was there…" Rin was chuckling. "You'd completely forgotten the herbs."

"Yeah, well I was a little busy!" defended Taeneral smiling. "Killing that bore with that terrible wooden sword you made me."

"But you could only kill it because it was caught in the trap I also made… and hey; that sword was a first attempt."

"A terrible first attempt," Taen reinforced smirking.

"One that you still have…" Talia added lightly with a small smile.

Taeneral blushed slightly. "Yeah well, it's a good reminder of how incompetent Rin would have been had it not been for me."

Rin laughed, "Aww, Taen. You kept it?"

Taeneral rolled his eyes. "Of course I kept it…" he sighed with a slight smile, his eyes catching Rin's. "My little brother made it."

"And rarely, you can be a bit sweet, Vhenan…" added Talia, rubbing her hand on Taen's knee. Rin smiled slightly; Taen was an idiot to be getting jealous. He had a good life here. And Talia… a gossip she may be, was a good woman, and she'd be a good mother. He was certain the two would work well together.

Dorian on the other hand had picked up on that little elven word 'vhenan'. Wasn't that something Rin had said to him earlier?

Taen covered Talia's hand for a moment, offering her a small smile. "Let me go get us some tea,' he added, moving to stand up. "I think Dad's had quite enough brandy," he added throwing his father a smile.

"I'll help you…" Rin said quietly, wanting to finally smooth everything out with his brother.

Dorian felt incredibly nervous after they left, both Talia and Alaren observing him closely.

"So uh, Dorian…" Talia began nervously. "It's… so nice to see Rin so happy. We've never seen him with a… romantic partner before."

Dorian smiled politely. "Oh, I'm sure he'd claim I'm hardly romantic enough," he said smoothly and Talia giggled. "But, it is lovely to meet you all as well."

"And you are always welcome among us," Alaren added warmly, nodding his head toward Dorian.

Dorian swallowed nervously. "Thank you… sir…" he said quite quickly, very unsure of how to address Rin's father.

Alaren chuckled. "Alaren will do just fine, Dorian," he said in amusement. "I'm glad my son has your support during this troubling time for him. I fear there is much to come from all he told me of this… 'Corypheus' creature."

Dorian nodded quickly, "I…" he murmured. "You have raised an incredible son, Alaren…" he said quietly. "The world has no idea how lucky it is that he has fallen into this role…"

Alaren smiled very warmly. "I couldn't agree with you more…" he said gently. "Though I'm sure I won't sleep a wink when he leaves once more."

Dorian made a serious sound of agreement. "I'm certain he's already prematurely aged me at least thirty years so far."

Alaren laughed a low, rumbling laugh. "And there will be more to come. You'll be an old man by the end of it."

Dorian chuckled slightly, overwhelmed to be successfully getting along with Rin's father. "Well if we're both alive and I've managed to pull off the 'distinguished' grey hair look, I won't be complaining."

Alaren chuckled again. "I hope I am able to live to see that day…" he said quietly.

"Rin, I'm sorry," Taen said immediately when they were alone. "I've… been a total jerk."

Rin smiled slightly, "Well that's nothing out of the usual for you…" he teased lightly.

Taen rolled his eyes, but he was smiling too. "Look, Rin, I'm…glad you've got someone to look out for you through all this craziness. Even… if it's a dude…" he added lowly.

Rin tried not to roll his eyes, knowing that was about as good as he was going to get for now from Taeneral. "Thanks…" he muttered. "And… I'm sorry you're feeling stressed about this whole parenthood thing. But… you'll be a good dad. You always looked out for me…"

Taen gave a small short laugh, "You made it pretty damn difficult."

Rin smirked, "Just giving you practise."

Taen shook his head in amusement, then put his hand on Rin's shoulder suddenly. "Be careful out there, Rin…" he said seriously. "I don't want two funerals this year…"

Rin frowned seriously. "I… I will be," he said quietly. "You and Talia should come to Skyhold at some point," he added, not wanting to linger on daunting topics. "It's… pretty incredible."

Taen sighed slightly. "Yeah…" he said lowly. "We'll try to get there."

"You know…Talia's a good woman, Taen…" Rin said hesitantly.

"I know," said Taen lowly. "She deserves better than me…"

"Probably," smirked Rin, but then he smiled genuinely. "You two are good together. Don't lose sight of that."

Taen sighed again, looking at his brother for a long moment. "Come on Rin," he said finally, moving them back toward the tent. "Let's get back in there. See if Dad's grilling Dorian or not."

Rin smiled slightly, following Taen, glad to hear him finally talking normally of Dorian. Perhaps… one day he'd finally see them as a normal couple just like he and Talia.

They stayed a few more days at the Dalish camp before Cassandra insisted they should return to Skyhold. But… saying farewells was not easy.

Rin moved from a last hug with his brother to embrace his father tightly, knowing this could be the last time he saw him.

"Dareth shiral, Da'len…" Alaren said warmly to Rin.

"Goodbye Father…" Rin said back, his heart tight. "Thank you… for everything."

"My son, don't speak as though we will never see each other again," Alaren smiled warmly, pulling back to look at Rin. "Don't forget who you got your stubbornness from. I have held on thus far."

Rin smiled, but his eyes were sad. He exhaled slowly, "Well keep being that stubborn bastard then," he said, making Alaren laugh. "And I'll see you again when this is all over."

Alaren nodded slowly, hugging Rin to him once more. "May the God's guide you…" he whispered lowly.

He pulled back, finally letting Rin leave, while Taeneral surprised Dorian by coming over to say his own farewells to the mage.

"So… Dorian…" he said a little awkwardly. "We… didn't exactly get off to a great start, but… well, maybe that can change."

Dorian nodded slightly, "I'm sure it can…" he said simply. "I'm glad you and Rin are leaving on good terms."

"Yeah well… I will fucking kill you if you hurt him," Taen added seriously.

Dorian held his gaze steadily, one eyebrow raised. "A little hypocritical of you," he said dryly.

"Maybe," shrugged Taen. "But, he's my brother. Sometimes we... hurt each other. But, I'll always be there for him no matter what happens."

"I hope so," said Dorian quietly. "Being his older brother Rin has some absurd need for your approval, I hope you know that."

"Yeah…" muttered Taen. "Well anyway… safe journey. I'm sure Talia and I will so you at Skyhold next."

Dorian nodded, "I hope so," he said politely, feeling a little awkward just as Taen was. "Farewell. And… best wishes for your child," he added before finally moving away to join Rin at the horses.

They left with Rin's heart feeling heavy with emotion. Satisfied joy filled him from the time he'd spent with his family, but grief clogged his heart when he thought of his father's frail face. He only hoped that would not be the last time he'd see him.

But, when they returned to Skyhold, he had no time at all to ponder over these thoughts as utter chaos was to ensue.

When he wearily entered the familiar, snowy grounds, a frown had formed on his face by the time he'd reached the great hall. Dorian had been caught back in the courtyard talking to Sera, while Rin had continued ahead. But, as he went, many of the elven followers around Skyhold had either thrown him angry stares, or hissed quite viciously at him.

"Inquisitor," Leliana's voice was the first to approach him when he entered. "It's so good to see you return safely. I heard all went well with your clan."

"Uh, yes, thanks," Rin said quickly, still feeling very thrown off by the anger he'd received from those elves, wondering what it could possibly be about. "Do you-"

"Meet me in the forge when you can," she added, cutting him off. "I have something for you. And we must hold a war meeting this afternoon, there is much to discuss," she added before then suddenly walking off.

Rin stared wordlessly after her. "Ok…?" he muttered to thin air. But then, Varric was upon him.

"Hey…Inquisitor…" he said lowly and he seemed quite preoccupied by something himself. "Good to see you. I uh… hhnn. There's someone here you should see. Reckon you could meet me on the battlements tonight…? After sundown?"

Rin stared at him in confusion. "Uh… yes? What's this about?"

"Nghh… it will be easier to explain when you meet her…" Varric muttered, waving a hand dismissively. "Thanks Inquisitor…" he muttered walking off.

Rin was beginning to feel quite overwhelmed by this stage.


"Inquisitor…" Mother Giselle's voice approached him this time. "Welcome back," she said politely. "If you 'ave a moment… zer is a letter I must discuss with you."

"Maker's breath…" Rin muttered, running a hand through his hair. "What's this about?"

Mother Giselle seemed rather agitated, though she hid it well behind her calm demeanour. "I received a letter from your… Tevinten friend's father."

Rin's eyebrows shot up his forehead.

"It… 'as revealed a number of troubling things to me. You're… previous circumstances were mentioned in zis letter."

Rin frowned immediately. "Have you told anyone about this?" he demanded lowly.

"I… 'ave informed Josephine. It was necessary that she should know-"

"Anyone else?" snapped Rin, thinking back to those angry glares from the elves.

"Inquisitor…" Giselle deflected. "I must admit it greatly troubles me that you are so… involved with one who was once your master-"

"Dorian was never my master," Rin hissed immediately, his cheeks flushing red with anger. "My past is completely irrelevant and nobody's business," he added furiously. "Give me this letter. What else did it say?"

Giselle sighed lowly, revealing the envelope and relinquishing it to him as he snatched it from her grasp. "You do not realise ze seriousness of the situation, Inquisitor. Ze fact zat Master Pvaus was-"

"I told you," Rin snarled. "That is none of your business." He sighed roughly, looking down at the letter in his hand. "Leave this with me," he added lowly. "I won't speak more of it," he finished, turning away swiftly to find some privacy.

He would read this letter, then find Dorian. He could only hope this hadn't gotten out… he could only imagine what people would assume of him if they knew he'd once been Dorian's slave.