Many thanks to katBelle for the beta.

His Predator and His Prey

Chapter Ten

The look on his teacher's face was clearly unhappy when he left the faculty office. Shizuo was already used to hearing his name being called to come to the faculty office and he wasn't oblivious to his bad record within the school. It was a miracle that he hadn't been expelled yet. His grades weren't really bragworthy and his behavior wasn't really the best. He had even thought of dropping out but somehow in the end Shizuo was determined to finish high school. There were only a few months left before graduation and he had been called because of that. Shizuo hadn't submitted his career plan paper. It had been required of them a year ago but Shizuo had forgotten about it and he never cared. He had already given up on entering university and had decided to find a job as soon as he graduated high school yet his teachers weren't pleased with his hasty decision considering his status in society.

Alphas were supposed to aim higher and they were born to rule. Most of their society's leaders were Alphas though Shizuo knew enough to know that not all of his kind were good or deserving of the worship that everyone gave them. He had seen many of his kind take advantage of others and get away with it easily simply because they were an Alpha. The blond also knew that he wouldn't make it to college with his grades anyway and for a moment he was amazed that they were willing to overlook it because of his breed. Meanwhile Omegan students would have to go undergo meticulous selection and would be dismissed and handed off to the wealthiest and most influential Alpha to breed their offspring. Shizuo often wondered how they put up with that kind of discrimination. He didn't want to be like those people who trod on the weak and he absolutely despised the injustice of their world.

However, there was a known method to avoid this kind of fate that would benefit both parties. Bonding with someone would help you secure your own interests and, aside from your mate's, pheromones from members of other species would have less impact. It was a convenient arrangement, but a bond could sometimes be broken in the case of 'marking' where the other party, specifically Alphas, would mark their mate so he or she wouldn't be able to copulate with anyone aside from them. Betas were known to be loyal but Alphas could also be fiercely loyal and extremely possessive especially when they held great interest to their mate or were, in other words, deeply in love. Shizuo suddenly remembered the story about the Alpha shinsengumi commander who had fallen in love with the shogun, an Omega who had concealed his status in order to maintain his rule and avoid disgrace and who had ultimately led the commander to his death.

The flea was the one who told him that during their sightseeing in Kyoto. Shizuo never believed him but the tale wouldn't leave his mind and he'd even gone to a public library to confirm its validity. It was only a historical rumor but he learned that falling in love could be risky and scary. Shizuo had never fallen in love before and somehow he could tell that he was the type who would give up everything for the sake of his mate. After all, love could make you do crazy things or so he heard, and so was an obsession. He had no plans of dying over a silly thing and after learning about the story Shizuo much preferred to be alone for the rest of his life. If it really would be inevitable he needed to choose his mate wisely, though in all honesty Shizuo couldn't see himself getting droopy eyes with someone when he still didn't even know how to love himself and accept the monster he was inside.

It was all that damn Izaya's fault. Shizuo had been fully aware that he wasn't normal ever since he was a kid but to have someone rub it in your face constantly and call you a monster for something you never wished to have was irritably upsetting. Shizuo had never wished to be this way but he just couldn't control himself so there was really nothing he could do, and somehow Izaya knew all about this and it really pissed him off. That bastard was a very fortunate son of a bitch. Izaya was remarkably intelligent so the teachers were willing to forgive his misdeeds and annoyingly good-looking so half of the school's female population fawned over him though they could only admire him from afar as Izaya was considered to be involved with a lot of dangerous business. He was insane but normal, while Shizuo wasn't insane but not normal. Izaya was a Beta and he was an Alpha.

Shizuo silently admitted that he was kind of disappointed over this matter. The flea had so much potential even though he was a sick bastard and Shizuo wasn't the only one who felt this way. Most of them had already expected that he would be awakened into an Alpha with all that sass and whatnot. On the other hand, Shizuo was also somewhat glad that the flea turned out to be a Beta. Izaya had the qualifications to be a leader but he wouldn't make a good one, as he would likely manipulate those below him like puppets, pulling the strings from behind. Anyway, he had heard from Shinra that Izaya was offered a scholarship to a prestigious university. He was exceptional and Shizuo hated him for that. He had a bright future ahead of him and Shizuo also hated him for that. He had been given a chance to prove his worth without any exemptions and Shizuo knew Izaya could effortlessly do it and he hated himself because he couldn't help but admire the flea. His nemesis.

Shizuo's train of thoughts was cut off when a blade suddenly whooshed beside his face slashing his cheek. Some of his yellowish locks were sliced off and he looked from the ground to the wall behind him, where a familiar switchblade was stuck. He roughly wiped the fresh blood on his newly open wound with the pad of his thumb and a toothy grin made its way onto his face. "Izaya," he gnashed and the latter return his grin with a lazy smirk. Shizuo sometimes wondered why Izaya had never worn their official uniform of blue blazer and pants and chose to stick with his black gakuran with a red inner. The teachers had never scolded him regarding the clothes he wore to school and Shizuo hated him for it. "Just about damn time you show up, I was just thinking of you."

"Awww, Shizu-chan was thinking of me~? How sweet and disgusting! Were you just thinking of something lewd about me? I've never thought my appeal would even reach a monster! Too bad for you Shizu-chan, I don't date single-celled organisms with a thought process worse than an infant's."

"You're the disgusting one, you creep." It was very obvious that Izaya had finally recovered from his sickness if he had the energy to insult him like this and Shizuo realized he never really liked it when the flea opened his mouth. Those small lips only seemed to know how to spout garbage and he belatedly realized that he had been staring at them for a while and he quickly averted his eyes before Izaya could notice. What the hell? The flea's lips looked rather shiny and Shizuo wondered if he ate some yakisoba. Izaya seemed to read his mind as he teasingly puckered his lips. Shizuo visibly cringed and the Beta giggled at his reaction. Izaya simply explained that he was wearing lip-gloss and the blond Alpha automatically raised an eyebrow. "Are you a woman? Why the hell are you wearing something like that? You only look more disgusting."

"You're really hurting my feelings here, Shizu-chan. Is that how a protozoan gives compliment? No wonder you don't have a girlfriend." There was something different in the flea's tone. It was far from their usual banter and his Alpha senses told him that it had something to do with his abrupt visit to his house. Shizuo vividly remembered how Izaya had trembled in his presence as he discreetly tried to get away while looking rather pliant. He had also noticed it during the last two days of their trip. The flea seemed to be avoiding him and it honestly frustrated Shizuo. Izaya could be sometimes puzzling and he really hated him for it. He could tell that something was off in his demeanor and Shizuo didn't like the look in his crimson eyes. The flea was planning something and he didn't like it. "Do you believe in destiny, Shizu-chan?" The question came out of nowhere and the blond Alpha was stumped. "Tell me Shizu-chan, have you ever thought of bonding with someone?"

So this was what it was all about. Shizuo couldn't comprehend why Izaya out of all people was asking him this kind of thing. There was once an old belief that each and every one of them had their destined mate. He couldn't remember where he had read it but it certainly had some romantic aspect, though the reality was a far cry from it. Shizuo eyed his nemesis suspiciously. He still owed the bastard a punch in the face for setting up those pranks and maybe another punch for what had happened during their trip. Shizuo tried hard to forget about that little onsen incident and yet Izaya was here again attempting to lure him to take the bait. This little shit never really learned. Maybe he should teach him a lesson or two. His little sisters had given him their permission after all.

"It's none of your fucking business who I want to be with for the rest of my life," Shizuo told him earnestly though there was hidden threat in his voice that was only meant for Izaya. He wouldn't let this bastard destroy his and his future mate's life. "Whatever game you're trying to play, leave me out of it. I'm not interested in a scumbag like you."

The look on the louse's face was unfathomable and for a second he appeared dejected before he flashed him a sinister smile. It unconsciously gave him goose bumps and Shizuo stumbled backwards when Izaya suddenly launched himself at him, pushing him and throwing his weight, and he roughly landed on his back. The blond Alpha was really caught off guard and he felt like he had been punched in the lungs as they toppled to the ground. He let out a choked cough and found his nemesis eerily looming over him. Izaya's face was too close for comfort and he could feel his warm breath hovering over him. His expression was unreadable and it alarmed him. Shizuo couldn't believe that this bag of bones had managed to overpower him and it really pissed him off. He was about to yell at him but his words died down in his throat when he felt something soft pressing on his lips. Shizuo's mind suddenly went blank and he felt like his brain had just run out of oxygen.

The foreign sensation only lasted for a short while and the blond Alpha immediately hissed in pain when something sharp pricked his lower lip and tore the skin. The metallic taste quickly spread in his mouth and Shizuo almost choked on his own blood. He heard the Beta chuckling lowly above him with his crimson eyes glowing in amusement. Blood was also trickling down from his lips to his chin and Shizuo watched Izaya flick his tongue out as he swiped it. The blond Alpha uncharacteristically flushed as he realized it was his blood on his sworn enemy's face. The little fucker had just bitten him! Izaya leisurely climbed up from sitting on his stomach and there was something in his gait, Shizuo just now noticed, something in the way he moved his hips so that Shizuo couldn't take his eyes off him. He quickly shook his head and glared at him instead. "What the fuck was that?!"

Izaya took his sweet time to answer and it made him slightly anxious. "As I thought, it's impossible with a monster like you. How silly of me to think that it could work," the flea murmured to himself and then turned to look at him in pure disgust, as if he really regretted what he had just done. "Hey, you dumb protozoan, I don't know if you could understand me with that small brain of yours but I want my chastity back. I want you to give it back, Shizu-chan."

"Hah? I don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you're the one who attacked me. I think your pea-brain has forgotten that fact. You bastard, you're sicker than I thought." Shizuo wiped the remaining blood on his chin with the back of his sleeve and spit near Izaya's foot. "I swear I'm going to knock your perfect teeth out, you goddamn leech." He had already recovered from his mild shock as he cracked his knuckles.

Shizuo didn't believe in destiny but he was certain that he and Izaya were destined to hate and kill each other. The louse had already made his mark on him by tearing his lower lip and fuck, it really hurt. All that was left for Shizuo to do was to mark Orihara Izaya so no one but him was allowed to kill that bastard. The blond Alpha would make sure he would die in his hands and no one else's. Orihara Izaya was his prey and no one else's. His, and only his. Whether Shizuo would like to admit it or not, their strong hate for each other was what bonded them together, and he had a bad feeling that he would chase Izaya till the ends of the earth because only one another's death would do them apart. Only Izaya's death would free him from this strange bond, and Shizuo would see it through.