Ch 1. Prologue.

"How was he able to do it?" Shredder sat on his throne, alone in the dark, thinking of the last battle between his foot army and his most hated enemy. "Why him?" His mind continued to play over the details. He was still in shock, still in disbelief, still confused, still furious...with everything and everyone.

It should not have been possible. No one, nothing, was suppose to be able to handle the sword with such ease. "How was it possible?" He had asked this question over and over again in his mind and could only come up with one possible answer. An answer he still refused to believe.

It had been over two weeks since his last battle with Hamato and his disciples. Two weeks since he had them within his grasp. "If only that fool Stockman had made sure that creature was dead and had not just taken off." He thought scowling. He pounded his fist angrily on the arm of his chair. The fire eating away at his soul at the thought of those pathetic turtles and their rat master still alive. If only he had just sliced Hamato's head off instead of taunting him, teasing him with the details. If only...

"Master Shredder?" Shredder looked up to see Tiger Claw coming into the room and interrupting his thoughts, he watched with narrowed eyes as the mutant knelt and bowed low, waiting to be addressed.

"What news do you bring me?"

"The items have been found and are being brought here."

"Have the Tengu Mirror brought to my quarters."

"Yes Master." Tiger Claw was just about to stand when Shredder's cold angry voice continued.

"And what of him?"

"There has been no sign of the rat or his turtles."

Shredder once again banged his fist hard on the arm's chair causing Tiger Claw to bow even lower and quake under Shredder's glare. Shredder stood with a glowering cold stare at his second in command.

"I DO NOT CARE OF THE OTHERS!" He yelled. "No more excuses unless you want to share Stockman's fate." He walked over to Tiger Claw as the large cat shuddered at the memory of the severe beating the inventor took.

Shredder now stood in front of Tiger Claw, his blade sliding out toward the top of the Tiger's head. "I want that turtle." He demanded, his voice low and dripping with a cold, hateful sound. With that, he walked out of his throne room. "Bring me Leonardo."