[A/N]: Enjoy!


Months after the events in Sokovia, Wanda finally joined the Avengers at a charity gala. Photographers snapped pictures all evening, due to it being her debut at an official event as an Avenger. Sifting through the photographs, journalists found a nAvenger by her side in every one. Thor as she sipped a drink from the bar. Bruce as she talked with a world leader. Talking with Clint, just as someone asked her to dance. Tony as someone tried to get an interview with her. Steve cutting in on someone dancing with her when the guy was getting a little handsy. Natasha when the wives of important businessmen cornered her by the appetizers. Even Vision, as she wandered outside briefly for some air. It was deemed normal, since it was her first even and she was the youngest Avenger.


It was a routine press conference after a small fight. The villain had been captured, and the media wanted answers. A reporter apparently lacking a few brain cells directed an insult towards Wanda. It was answered coldly by Clint taking the microphone and stating that the Avengers would take no further questions as Wanda looked down at the ground and the others had on icy glares. Natasha touched her hand, a sympathetic expression on her face, communicating that she knew the feeling. Wanda smiled slightly, but it wasn't a genuine smile.

A week later, the reporter was fired and publicly disgraced by Tony Stark when he asked the billionaire for an interview. Tony had replied, "No, none of the Avengers are willing to give you an interview. Insults to any member of the team are not taken lightly."


This continued without much pomp and circumstance for many months, until someone threw a derogatory remark towards Wanda and Steve grabbed the microphone, including a swear in his biting reply. The media went wild. Steve Rogers, swearing? And in defense of Scarlet Witch? Magazines were still running columns about it weeks after the event.

The message was received loud and clear. The Avengers protected their own, and especially Wanda Maximoff.


Inspired by Rachel Platten's song 'Stand by You'.