Chapter 7: Ginkotsu and Renkotsu vs. Michiko and Yuma

"Well then, how about we start the party with a blast?" Renkotsu asked as he lifted a cannon on his left shoulder and lit it.

"Uh oh." Yuma said. The two girls jumped out of the way when the blast headed towards them. The blast abilirated the wall between the two sides. The two kunoichis quickly stood up as the two crazy men laughed at the damaged that they had caused. Yuma and Michiko hid behind the corners of the hallway. They had to think of something in order to defeat these two. Michiko knew that her fire jutsu would probably have no effect on the duo. They gazed at each other and nodded. With quick hand signs, blue lightning chakra covered Michiko's body and headed towards Ginkotsu as Yuma went to Renkotsu who started firing again. The two girls effortly dodged all of the cannons and Ginkotsu's weapons that headed their way.

"You gotta stop dodging some time!" Renkotsu taunted. Suddenly, Yuma appeared in front of his and punched into his chest which caused him to skid back a few feet while he still had a tight grip on his cannon. Unexpectedly, Michiko appeared in front of Ginkotsu and slash her hand horizontal.

"Raigyaku Suihei Choppu!" Michiko yelled. Suddenly Ginkotsu's metalic head was cut off by Michiko's hand and fell to the floor with a loud THUD followed by the rest of his body no later to a second.

"GINKOTSU!" Renkotsu yelled with wide eyes. Yuma took that moment to hit him in the ribs with her palms which sent him flying into the wall, losing his grip on his cannon. He grunted in pain as he sat up and rubbed his head.

"Never underestimate a girl." Yuma smirked. Renkotsu glared at the young kunoichi in front of him. At that moment, they heard a loud male laughter near Ginkotsu's body. For some unbelievable reason, his head was laughing!

"You really thought that would kill me, right?" Ginkotsu taunted. Michiko and Yuma's eyes widened at this.

'How is this possible?! I know that I had chopped off his head!' Michiko thought with panic. Renkotsu smirked as he walked out of the wall and stood next to Ginkotsu's head.

"Of course. How did I forget that?" Renkotsu asked himself as he picked up Ginkotsu's head with no effort at all.

"H-How?" Yuma stuttered.

"Simple. Ginkotsu is only half human," Renkotsu explained, "It's impossible to kill him."

"'Impossible to kill', huh?" Michiko asked.

"Precisely." Renkotsu stated.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Michiko smirked. Then she and Yuma charged towards Renkotsu once more. Michiko leaped over Renkotsu as he watched her jump past him. Yuma hit a pressure point in Renkotsu's right arm, making him drop Ginkotsu's head. Quickly she hit him in the ribs again which pushed him away from the head. At that moment, Michiko appeared and punched her first into Ginkotsu's head in half which caused it to break into pieces that laid out on the floor.

"GINKOTSU! NOOOO!" Renkotsu yelled with wide eyes as he stared at the broken pieces of his comrade. Then he glared at the two kunoichi in front of him as he stood up. "You'll pay for that!"

He took off his front armor and opened the front of his kimono shirt to reveal two rows of explosives that were wrapped around his waist and chest. The two kunoichis eyes widened at this. They didn't think that he would put explosives on himself.

"If I'm going down, then you're going down with me as well!" He declared. The girls quickly turned around and ran down the hallway as Renkotsu followed after them. When the girls arrived at a two way, the girls took the left and found themselves at a dead end. They heard Renkotsu stop in his steps.

"Where are you bitches?!" Renkotsu's voice echoed in both hallways. The sound of his footsteps were coming towards them. Michiko and Yuma's breath hitched as he was coming closer. Then Michiko and Yuma thought of a plan and quickly summoned up a shadow clone of themselves. When he was near their corner, the shadow clones of themselves appeared in front of him while gathering chakra into their fists.

"Found you." Renkotsu grinned darkly as he lite the explosives. The two disappeared again and uppercut him from under his chin which sent him through the ceiling. He screamed as he was bursting through the ceilings. Less than a second, he was high above the mansion and started to fall down. Just before he could rip off his explosives they went off. Michiko and Yuma watched below through the large hole in the ceiling and saw the explosion. Michiko looked towards Yuma and saw how conflicted she was. For Yuma, this was the first time she had seen anyone die. Her sensei knew that Yuma and the others will probably face deathly situations in the near future.

"That was a close one, huh Yuma?" Michiko asked with her hands on her hips.

"I guess so." Yuma stated.

"Well,...he did go out with a bang alright." Michiko commented.

"Michiko-sensei." Yuma frowned.

"Sorry, could help myself." Michiko apologized while scratching the back of her head.

"We should probably meet up with the others, sensei." Yuma suggested.

"Right, can you find them?" Michiko asked. Yuma activated her Byakugan and began locating her comrades.

"Kagome and Taka are not too far from us. Let's meet up with them first." Yuma said.

"Then after that we'll meet up with Naruto and Jotaro." Michiko added.

"Right." Yuma nodded and went off in the direction where Kagome and Taka were taking with her sensei behind her.

It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.

~Nelson Mandela