Nick's apartment was the very definition of anarchy, clothes were strewn about in a truly chaotic manner, and random odds and ends lay all over the small room with no purpose. Nick stood before a mirror hastily styling his fur, using his claws as a comb to that end.

Oh, she'll be here any minute, Nick's mind raced as he straightened his tie. Oh, what if they hate me, what if I insult them? He looked down at the suit he was wearing and then shivered in fright Oh no, am I overdressed? He tore the jacket off and looked at himself again Alright, the dress shirt looks nice. Maybe without the slac-

His thoughts were cut short by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" He asked, then chastised himself, there was only one person in this whole city who would be at his door.

"It's Flash, Nick." Judy chuckled "Come on! We'll be late! We finally get a weekend off, and my parents are excited to meet you."

Excited to meet me? Nick mused Why? Did she talk about me? "I thought they didn't trust foxes." He replied as he opened the door and stepped out. She was wearing a hoodie and jeans. At least he was aware of being overdressed.

"Only the sly ones, Nick, now let's g-" Judy stopped and smiled "Wow, you actually look pretty handsome in that" Her eyes were wandering a bit, at least, he thought they were. Oh why did the lighting in this building have to be so terrible?

"Oh, uh, thank you, that's...that's the first time anyone's told me that, actually." He gave a dismissive wave of his hand, as though hearing that she thought he looked handsome hadn't made his day.

Judy strolled quietly beside her partner as they left his apartment and slid into their squad car. She tuned into the radio and started to drive.

"So, Carrots, I uh, I've been wanting to talk to you about something." Nick said, forcing the words out of his mouth. Oh this is such a bad idea. Why am I bringing this up?

"Of course, Nick, what's up?" Judy dialed the radio down a bit, the news story was a bit sad anyway, another report about the strange attacks in the downtown area.

"Well, I-" He sighed You brought it up, you idiot. "I'd just been wondering, since we're going to Bunnyburrow, are you going to be catching up with your old boyfriend?" It's a yes, isn't it. I'll bet he's good looking. He would be.

"Oh" Judy's voice lowered a bit "I uh, I never had one, I've always been so focused on training to be a police officer that I always thought it was just a distraction."

She doesn't have a boyfriend, then! Nick couldn't help but smile.

"It still would be, I suppose," she sighed "this isn't the sort of career for dating, the job takes too much. Who'd even want to spend every night worrying about their girlfriend possibly being hurt or, worse, night after night?"

O-oh, right. Nick lowered his head, his smile having faded. She wouldn't be interested in that sort of thing anyway. "I got you, but, say there was someone willing to. I mean, hypothetically, if you found somebody who was interested in you, and not bothered by your job?"

"Nick, I couldn't." She sighed, seeming frustrated "I really couldn't. I have over two hundred brothers and sisters. I wasn't kidding when I told you we rabbits are good at multiplying. I'd have to move back to Bunnyburrow just to have enough space for a family that size." Her body was a bit tensed, he could tell he'd hit some sort of nerve "Besides, the kind of guy I'd be into, wouldn't be into me."

"Why not?" Nick countered, almost snapping at her. "You're an amazing person, Judy, you shouldn't feel like there's anyone you're not good enough for!" Judy went silent, she didn't look at Nick, or make any sort of attempt to reply to him for what felt like an hour, but what he suspected might have only been a few minutes.

"You called me Judy again, Nick. You never call me Judy. What's going on?" She turned to face him. He could tell that he had her complete attention.

"I… I just hate hearing you talk about yourself like you aren't good enough for somebody." Nick suddenly became aware that his hand was on her arm, he slowly withdrew it, hoping she wouldn't notice. "You helped me realize that I can make a difference, and that not everyone will judge me for being a fox."

"Nick, you've been acting awfully strange these past few days. What's been on your mind?" She slowly merged onto the highway.

"It's nothing, really. You know I'd tell you if there were anything wrong, Carrots." Nick gave a smile; confident she'd believe him.

"You'd better, Nick." Judy smiled "I have quite a few ways of making you talk." A shiver went down his spine as she winked at him.

Nick, stop being such an idiot. "So, Carrots, your parents, what are they like? Will they have fox repellent too?" He tried his best to phrase it like a joke, although Judy's ears lowered slightly, and he immediately felt terrible for it.

"Uh, well, now that you mention it, maybe. But, they wouldn't actually spray you. They're just a bit uh, paranoid." Judy seemed to be pondering something as they pulled into the train station. "Anyway, last chance to run away, Nick."

"Are you asking me to run away with you?" Nick poked her in the side with his elbow. "I'm a ZPD officer you know, bound to protect and serve, I couldn't run away from that."

"Well, that is true. Duty first, Officer Wilde." Judy chuckled.

The train ride was largely uneventful, Judy pointed out to Nick the things about the countryside he cared to listen to, and he pointed out places in Zootopia that may be of interest to her, but before too long, the train pulled into the station at Bunnyburrow

"This is our stop, Nick." Judy smiled, shivering excitedly "I'm so excited! Oh they'll be so...distraught that I'm an actual cop!"

"Don't you mean proud, Carrots? When I told my mother, she was over the moon." Nick chuckled as he remembered her reaction.

"No, they didn't want me to be a 'real' cop. They practically threw a party when they found out I was a meter maid. But I'm not anymore." She grinned "Oh, of course they'll be proud, it just might take them a bit."

"I'm sure they'll be happy to see you, at least." Nick remarked as they strolled out of the train, each with a backpack in hand. "Uh...Which ones are yours?" Nick asked as he saw a horde of rabbits before him at the station.

"All of them." Judy smiled, staring at the oldest two, her parents, and not failing to note the end of her father's fox taser in his pocket "And those two are my parents." She ran up and hugged them, muttering something to them that Nick couldn't quite hear. Her father walked up and gave Nick a handshake.

"Well howdy, son, my name's Judy's Dad!" Her father chuckled, "It's Stu, actually. You must be Nick, heard all about you." Nick smiled. Heard all about me?

"Pleased to meet you," Nick replied, as Judy's mother came up and hugged him. "Oh, you too, Mrs. Hopps."

"I was beginning to wonder when our Judy would find a boyfriend!" She grinned, there was a bright look in her eye that reminded him of his own mother when she reminded him she wanted grandkits. Boyfriend?

"No! No, no, Mom! No! He's my partner! My work partner, mom! He's an officer too!" Judy's eyes were a bit wider than usual, and she seemed to stammer a bit.

"Oh, nonsense darling," Her mother said, waving her hand dismissively, "if he's half as nice as you've said-" As she's said?

"Mom, no." Judy sighed, as though she'd had this conversation before, "I'm not having hundreds of kits, I can't be a police officer and have a relationship!"

"Well he's an officer too, dear" Her mother added, "it's not like he'd have to worry about you from home, he'd be right there with you, keeping you safe, isn't that right?" He nudged Nick's side. Nick could tell that her father was getting a bit irritated. Probably by all of the talk of her with a fox, Nick supposed, eyeing the fox taser in his pocket.

"I- Of course I keep her safe out in the field, ma'am, but-" Nick was starting to take a step back, worried at Judy's hair starting to stand on end. As she heard that, her fur relaxed and she smiled at him

"You keep me safe!?" Judy chuckled, amusement clear in her voice. "What about with that mugger on Wildebeest Way and 7th?" Nick grinned at the memory of it, he'd played bait and she tranq'd the perp before he roughed Nick up too much.

"I was just about to add that you could take care of yourself, Carrots." He could tell that whatever else happened, this was going to end with him apologizing and her pouty.

"And I do a great job of it too. So, mom, dad, I'd like to show Nick around town. We are not discussing this, or grandkids, or anything anymore, okay?" She grabbed Nick by the paw and stormed off with him towards town.

They walked off to the center of town, Judy decided that, since they met at an ice cream shop, she could show him the one in her town. I wonder, Nick thought, what was it like with little Judy growing up here? As they walked through the center of town, Judy stopped as they arrived at the ice cream shop.

"Here we are, Nick." Judy smiled, her ears raised up, "I uh, I figured that since we met at an ice cream shop, maybe you'd like to see what it's like in Bunnyburrow." She smiled and held up a handful of cash, "My treat."

"Wow, really?" Nick grinned. "No girl's ever bought me ice cream before. Best be careful, I might take it the wrong way." His tail wagged slowly as he looked into the store.

"Yeah," Judy chuckled "I'll watch myself, Nick." She rolled her eyes as she opened the door, her ears raised high, and her tail especially bushy.

As Judy and Nick walked into the ice cream shop, the handful of customers in the shop turned and glanced in their direction. Some even stared, seeming to assume that the two must be a couple, and while many must have had their reservations about that sort of thing, none of them spoke up. After ordering a scoop of strawberry for Judy, and blueberry ice cream for Nick, the two sat together at a table.

"So, Carrots, what was with that fight?" Nick asked, an inquisitive look in his eyes. "It seems like it started before we got here."

"Oh, well. It did." Judy sighed. "My parents have been pressuring me for weeks to get with some nice rabbit, move back to the borough, be a small-town cop, and visit them on weekends." She looked down at her ice cream. "But, that's not what I want. I want to be a real cop, in Zootopia."

"I can't say I blame you." Nick nodded, before adding, "If you're not interested in a relationship with anyone- "

"That isn't what I said." She muttered quietly

"Hmm?" Nick looked at her with a curious expression.

"I didn't say that is all. I hate it when people put words in my mouth." Judy looked up at him, she was more quiet than usual, normally her voice was upbeat and loud.

"So, if you are interested in a relationship, what's stopping you?" Nick asked "I mean, there are plenty of people in Zootopia, and you're, well…"

"Well?" Judy's ears perked up the tiniest bit, and Nick could tell that there was a change in her scent.

"I uh, I was going to say that you're beautiful, and that anyone would be absolutely blessed to have you." He was starting to shake slightly, it wasn't too noticeable, but her scent was starting to become a bit overwhelming. What IS that smell? It's wonderful but- I can't focus.

"Anyone, huh?" Judy leaned onto the table, resting her head on her hand and her elbow on the table, she looked up into Nick's eyes. "Nick, it's sweet of you to say but, I doubt it very much."

"Judy, I mean it." Is she implying something? Oh you're reading too much into it. "Anyone." Her ears perked up, this time it wasn't such a subtle thing.

"Nick, let's go on a walk." Judy smiled, hopping down from her seat.

"Alright, Carrots." Nick followed her out the door, to the countryside.

"Nick, there is someone I'm interested in, but, I don't think he'd really be into me." Judy didn't see his tail droop down, as she led him on their walk.

"Why do you think that, Judy?" He tried his best to pretend not to be disappointed. One of her ears twitched.

"You called me Judy again." She turned to him.

"It's your name!" He replied, hastily.

"But not what you call me, except when there's something's the matter." A slight smile grew on her face. "You called me Judy earlier too, when I said nobody would be willing to date me because of my job. What bothers you so much about me knowing that the kind of person I'd be into wouldn't be interested in me?" Sly bunny.

"I just…I don't understand how anyone could not- I mean- I don't-" Nick could tell that he'd been hustled. She'd known, and tricked him into either admitting his feelings now, or denying them openly. He'd fallen right into her hands. Dumb fox.

"You don't what, Nick?" She'd won, there was nothing he could do but admit to her his feelings, even if only by implication.

"I don't understand how anyone could not be interested in you." Immediately her ears perked and her tail got even bushier than he'd ever seen it. He sighed softly, even if she didn't return his feelings, he was glad to see that she was at least flattered, and not upset.

"Is that so?" She smiled at him and took a step back, so that she collided with him, and she pressed the back of her head into his sternum. She looked up at him, and he looked down, so that their eyes met. Wait…is she-

She kissed him.

S-She just-I- WHOOOOO!

Nick kissed back tenderly.

"W-Wow." Judy's eyes were wide, and the scent of her stole away Nick's ability to think.

"Nick, I- We need to be careful." Judy smiled

"Careful of what, Carrots?" Nick asked, barely capable of coherent thought.

"I'm a bunny, Nick. I have over two hundred brothers and sisters. It's, extremely hard for us to fight certain…" her voice got a bit quiet "urges."

"Oh, I uh, I get it." Nick nodded, normally he'd have taken the opportunity to make some form of joke, but he was fighting just to think about what he was saying.

"I'm going to go to the pharmacy tomorrow and get a suppressant. It won't make me a different person or anything, but it'll help me control myself." Judy leaned up and kissed Nick again. "Afterwards, if you're still interested," She leant up and kissed him again "We can figure out if there's something to this, alright?" Nick smiled warmly.

"Judy, thank you." He tilted his head down and rubbed his muzzle softly against her cheek. "I-" She cut him off with a gentle petting of his muzzle. As her paw passed his nose, he got a fresh hit of her scent, and a shiver ran down his spine.

"I know, Nick." She smiled. "Anyway, we should probably get back. It'll be dark soon, and," She muttered to him "You never know what kinds of predators are out here." Okay, now she's just playing dirty.

"Yes. Let's go. To the town. The uh, rabbit town. Bunnyville. Oh you sly little bunny." Judy gave him one more kiss before they set out.

"Dumb fox." She grinned.