A/N This is my first fic ever, so i'm really excited. i'm still an amateur so constructive criticisms are welcome.- MissMaiu

Disclaimer: I only own the plot and OCs

"Chat Noir?"

"Y-yes M'lady?"

"You're zoning out. Is something wrong?"

Chat just laughed it off. He and Ladybug were sitting on top of the Eiffel Tower stargazing just after finishing of another Akuma.

"Nothing My Lady. I'm just…thinking about something."

"A girl, perhaps?" ladybug said with a breathy giggle. She had noticed that the cat was starting to blush. "I-ye-no-uhhh… Yes?" he stuttered. His blush darkened by a few shades.

Ladybug laughed at how it came as a question.

"Ah, Mon chaton , so you can fall in love! I thought my poor kitten would chase only one girl his entire life!" She teased.

He dramatically held his heart "My lady, you wound me!" Though he hid it well, he was a bit hurt. He truly did love her. If only she knew.

" Well, there is this girl in my class. She sits right behind me. She was sort of my first real friend…though we had a misunderstanding when we met. But, right after I helped her in the rain one day… well… she started becoming a stuttering mess whenever I'm around, though I thought or problems were cleared."

Ladybugs eyes widened at this.

"I-I think she hates me or something…but I really want to be her friend. And to tell you the truth, she's really cute. I would've even asked her out if you didn't have my heart."

She choked on air. She tried to put the pieces together. Then it clicked.

Oh no

Oh Dieu

It's Him

And he just said he likes Both sides of her.

She just kept staring at him.

'You foolish fool. Of course it's him. Why did I miss this? the same hair, the same voice, the same everything goddamnit. Chat Noir is Adrien, my crush since forever… and the reason I've been rejecting him'

" Ladybug? You okay?"

"A-ah – yeah I-I'm fine. Okay… back to the subject. Sooo you're saying you like- uh want to be her friend? But she seems…umm… afraid of you."

'Wait a minute! He's talking about the Marinette side of me! I can take this to my advantage.'

"Chat, have you ever considered that she may like you a-as in a non platonic way?"

"What ?!"

"It sounds like that." Okay, I'm managing myself pretty well.

"You think?" he asked in an overexcited manner.

"I know so, silly kitty" ladybug said "We should leave, it's getting pretty late"

'And we can't forget that we both have an emotional turmoil to go through'

Chat replied "Au Revoir, My lady."in a way that should have been suave, but came as giddy and awkward. He watched as the red clad super heroine lassoed her way home. Oh boy, both Plagg and Tikki were gonna get an earful that night.


"Yes Mari, it really is him. Now stop cussing."

"How do I, Tikki? It took me everything to not explode in front of him. I was just starting to get some courage in speaking to him, and he makes a mess of everything?!"

"You know as well as I do that he's not at fault, Marinette."

"Yes but I-"

"MARINETTE DEAR, DINNER'S READY" her mother's voice comes from the kitchen.

"I'm coming Mama!" Marinette replied. She sighed and said, "this does not end the conversation"

"Don't worry, I get it, I've seen it happen many times over, but things turn out okay in the end. Usually" Tikki whispered the last word.

Marinette gave her a weak smile and went down to eat. Boy was she hungry.

It was during dinner that she had the sudden realization. All this time she had been rejecting her crush.


After she gulped everything down, she bolted to her room and finally started freaking out again as Tikki expected she would. She only piped down at 2 am and went to bed, dreaming about one particular cat.

"Marinette likes me"

"Yes, M. Dense. That girl's been pining over you since forever. Ask Nino if you don't believe -"

Plagg got cut off by Adrien's speed dialing.

"Hey man, what's up calling me at this hour?"

"Hey Nino, well-I-uh… d-does Marinette like me?"

"Took you long enough" Adrien heard muffled sniggers from the other side.

"Thanks man, now I'm just gonna resolve my own feelings."

Nino's voice became amused "Oh and I call dibs on the best man position."

Adrien turned bright red at the comment, blessing the phone for being on voice call.

"H-hey I-I didn't s-say anything 'bout m-marriage" He yelled. He glared at his kwami who was literally rolling with laughter. Oh boy, tomorrows gonna be fun.