Only by Chance

Hey guys, back again with another Flash fan fiction. I can't get enough of the Scarlet Speedster. He is probably my favourite superhero. Anyway this is an AU, I do not own any characters or places mentioned, just the plot. Enjoy

Barry POV

At the bar drinking way too much. Is this what my life has become? After my mother was killed by the impossible and my father was framed for her murder, I was taken in by Detective Joe West. I wanted to find my mother's murder and get justice for my father. I am Barry Allen and I am a failure.

It was about 2 am. I came here with a few friends to begin with, Iris West Eddie Thawn and Linda Park. Iris was my adoptive sister and after she found out I had a little crush on her for 15 years, she decided to set me up with Linda and go on a double date with herself and Eddie.

The night was actually really great, we had drinks; we laughed, danced and sang on the karaoke all night. Linda was a great girl but she seemed a bit inquisitive of my past. She was a reporter in CCPN with Iris so it was her job to be curious.

Ha. A job. I use to have one of those in the CCPD, as the head of the Forensics Department. After Captain Singh found out I was using the CCPD archives to investigate my mother's murder he fired me on the spot. Something about "Using CCPD resources for selfish purposes"

Of course I didn't agree because I was using them to get my innocent dad out of Iron Heights Prison.

It was about midnight when my company left. So that's two hours of sitting there in self pity drinking my sorrows away as people danced the night away on the floor.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I was snapped out my thoughts by a brunette sitting next to me

"Uh... Excuse me?" Alcohol doesn't really affect me but I guess a whole night of drinking would get anyone a little tipsy.

"You have been sitting here for two hours with a scowl while glaring at your drinks. You look like someone who needs to talk" The alcohol slowed my thought process dramatically.

A pretty girl was talking to me for no reason except to be friendly. Is this what normally happens in a bar? I don't get out much but normally girls would be drunk out their minds and flirting to every guy in the bar.

But this girl is walking steadily in her heels, her modest dress still almost touching her knees, and she talked without a stutter.

"Uh... It's nothing really. Drinking my sorrows away I guess" I was planning on leaving before I was too drunk but if this girl keeps talking, I might stay a lot longer.

"Oh, I see. It's a shame you're drinking all alone in here when there is so many people"

"Well, care to join me? Unless you're with someone else" I was an idiot. A beautiful girl like this would obviously have a boyfriend and was probably just poking fun at my loneliness.

"No, I just broke up with my boyfriend and was here with my friend but he left a while ago." She slid her seat closer to mine so we wouldn't need to raise our voices to hear each other over the music.

"Yeah, being single is great though, trust me. I have been single most my life. My sister actually set me up on a double date tonight but I wasn't feeling it and thankfully they left a couple hours ago." I don't know why, maybe it's the alcohol, but I found this girl really easy to talk to.

"Tell me about it. That guy was my first boyfriend and my last for a long time. Guys are jerks. Not Cisco though, he is like my brother." She drained her drink in one last gulp.

"Hey, what about me. Am I a jerk?" I put my hand on my heart and acted like my feelings were personally hurt. Unfortunately my smile gave away my joke

She bit her lower lip and traced her finger around the rim of her empty glass.

"Hopefully not" She glanced back down at her empty glass.

"Humph. Can I get you another drink then" I nodded my head down to her glass and prayed to any and all gods that she said yes.

"Sure, why not? Gin and Tonic please" She looked me up and down with a thin lipped smile on her perfect face.

"Sure. What is your name by the way?" I turned to wave the bartender over, and in the split second I looked away a small Latino guy came through the doors.

He made straight through the crowd to where the mysterious girl was sitting next to me.

"Snow, we need to go. Now, they need us back at the Cortex. Right now" Without even waiting for a reply, the Latino guy took her arm gently and started tugging her. He didn't even spare a glance at me.

"Really, now? It is my week off though." The brunette with hazel eyes whined but she got out her seat anyway.

"Yes now. Sorry but we need to cut this Social exchange short. Bye!" Then the Latino boy made for the door, weaving through the crowd.

The girl followed after him quickly. The drinks slowed me down too much. Before I even registered what had happened they were out the door.

I was not letting that girl get away though. I jumped up and shoved through the crowd not caring for the curses being directed at me in the distance behind me.

By the time I was out the doors, I could spot the girl making a quick escape into the Latino guys' car and in a screech of tires, they were gone.

And so was my chance to find out who she was; the brunette with hazel eyes. My only clue to her name was the name the guy called her
