Hey guys! Oh my gosh it feels like forever! I'm so sorry for that, but (long explanation short to anyone who wants to know) I've been starting a lot of stories and not finishing many- and you know I like to finish before posting so I can ensure daily updates (and also had an unofficial hiatus over Christmas where I lost the will to write)

Anyways- this story! It was going to be a long oneshot but well... It turned into this. (You'll see what I mean). Oh- and this was all on one document so sorry if the chapter sizes are a bit (coughalotcough) skewed cos it was really hard to judge size.

Other than that guys I'm super excited to be back! I cant wait to hear from you guys, and I do hope you'll take the time to write a few words to me every now and then (it means a lot as you know- especially after so long) so yeah! Let's get going! Hope you guys enjoy it! Please review, and I'll see you tommorow with the next update!

(It's been too long since I've said that XD)