Hey, this is my first Miraculous Ladybug fanfic so hope you enjoy reading this, Please Review if you like~

CHAPTER 1: Cat Problems

"I'm gonna adopt a cat." Marinette said frankly as she and Alya are sitting at their seats inside their classroom. It was break time and Marinette and Alya are having a chat until the teacher arrives while Adrien and Nino are secretly listening to the girls behind them as they mind their own business.

"I thought you want a hamster." Alya asked in her sassy voice, raising a brow at her dear best friend.

"Yeah, Hamsters are cute too but they might hide some tight spots and next thing you know they're eating your family's food and next thing you know a health inspector appear." Marinette said blankly remembering the time she had a hamster once that eats all of the bakery's products and that story explains it all. "B-besides, cats are cute, they don't bother you at all unless you bother them." she said cheerfully forgetting that little hamster incident.

By this, Adrien smiled at the girl's compliment about the feline specie hence, he feels like he's being complimented ashis alter ego.

"How about dogs?" Nino suddenly asked looking back at Marinette.

Marinette thought of it for a moment then shook her head, "Dad don't want dogs barking our customers and being loud at night so that's a no."

"Well that make sense." Nino said slowly nodding then gives a thumbs up. Alya patted Marinette's shoulder as a sign of a congratulation for Marinette for good decisions.

"By the way, why do you insist on taking care of a cat? there's many other pets like a fish?" Alya asked.

"Fishes are boring and cats are the only choice I have." Marinette said with a careless shrug.

"Uh huh." Alya said smiling, she can't believe that's Marinette's reason but she can't blame her.

"By any chance Marinette when are you going to buy a cat?" Adrien suddenly asked, a little curiosity at his tone.

The pigtailed girl quickly looked at him with a tint of red at her cheeks. "Uh a-after class, why do you a-ask?"

"Nothing, just plain curious." Adrien replied cheerfully as he turned around and hums happily. As much as making good decision, he also have plans for Marinette but these decisions were decided by Chat Noir.

School has ended and students can do anything they pleases. As for Marinette, she's running to the pet store as quickly as she can that she didn't even bother to check up on Alya. As she was on her way to the said location, she saw a white cat running towards her direction and jumped in her arms.

"Aww are you lost kitty?" Marinette sweetly asked as she patted the cat's head. Marinette was indeed happy since she loves animals but that happiness changes as the cat bites her hand. "Ouch! You should've done that." Marinette exclaimed in pain as she massaged her hand.

"I'm really sorry, did my cat bit you?" a lady wearing a lab coat suddenly asked as she ran towards Marinette. "My cat got loose and-" the woman stared at Marinette's hand with a shocked expression. "I'm very sorry!"

Marinette shook her head and smiled giving the cat to the woman. "Nah, it's fine, it doesn't even hurt."

"Are you sure it's not very painful...do you not feel any savor for cheese or fish? Or perhaps to scratch something?" The woman asked worriedly.

Marinette's face is indeed confused and she can't believe the sudden question from the woman. "I don't think I understand but not really-no." she said simply. "Is there anything I might be worried about?"

"Hmm...since you said you don't feel anything weird then we have no problem at all." The woman said calmly as she smiles.

'The only weird thing here are those questions madame…' Marinette thought as she stared at the woman a little annoyed.

"I was a bit worried there, you see, this cat is an experiment and-" the woman explained but Marinette stopped her and quickly make her way out of the conversation.

"I was a bit of a hurry, I'm very sorry, goodbye madame." Marinette said and ran away leaving the lady behind.

The girl ran a few blocks later, she grew tired of that and seems dizzy, she then lean at the wall of the pet store and began to pant heavily. She felt something heavy at her chest. The little ladybug kwami pops her head at Marinette's jacket and looks up having a worried face.

"Marinette, are you feeling okay?" Tikki asked.

Marinette shook her head, "I feel bad…" she whispered.

After school, Adrien was finally at home watching Plagg eat a whole camembert so that he can join Marinette at picking a cat and he'll make sure it's a black one just like him as Chat Noir.

"Are you done eating Plagg?" Adrien asked desperately taking a little piece of camembert and placed it at his pocket. "Claws out!" he yelled as he stood up and headed at the nearest window.

"One minute, I-" Plagg said but he suddenly got sucked in the ring and turned Adrien into Chat in seconds.

Chat Noir is now running at the roofs of Paris going to the pet store to surprisingly join Marinette. As he saw the blue haired girl sitting outside the shop he jumped in front of her. He was going to greet her 'Chat noir style' but he saw Marinette in pain so he just walked towards her.

The moment Chat touches Marinette, he felt the extreme heat from the girl's skin. "Marinette, are you oka-you're heating up!" Chat exclaimed, guiding Marinette to stand up. Marinette however, just shook her head and dropped her head at Chat's chest.

"Just a little dizzy…" she mumbled.

"Don't worry Princess, I'll send you home." Chat said and without hesitation, he carries Marinette at his back and ran to Marinette's house as quickly and careful as he can. Once he arrived at the bakery, he didn't actually go for the balcony as usual but rather at the front door.

Seen at the shop's window, Sabine Cheng is minding her business at the registrar with customers and hearing a knock from the door and saw Chat and Marinette at the other side, she quickly open the door to let them in.

"Marinette? What happened?" Sabine asked in surprised looking at Chat Noir for answers as she let Chat enters.

"She's doesn't feel well." Chat replied and stopped at his tracks once he's inside. He saw people gawking at him and taking pictures since he's one of Paris' superheroes but he ignored them since his friend is in a bad condition.

"If you please Chat Noir, can you take care of Marinette for a while, I am busy at the registrar and my husband is busy at the kitchen." Sabine asked as she guided Chat to the stairs going to Marinette's room.

"Of course!" Chat said with a nod.

"That's great, thank you." Sabine said.

"Wait a moment," Tom Dupain called as he went out from the kitchen, carrying a small basin and a plate of cookies and gave it all to Chat. "I appreciate your hospitality of looking out of our daughter and by that I'll give you some baked goods." he whispered to Chat.

"Hehe, you don't have to but thankyou anyway." Chat said and watched the couple go back in their work. He then headed upstairs.

Once he was at the room, he gently placed Marinette at her bed and covered her with a blanket, put the hot towel at her forehead and sat down at the floor, leaned at the bed and waited for her to wake up. It was rather quiet at the room and the only company he have is the plate of cookies so he ate some. He also saw Marinette's sketchpad of clothes so he took a reading as entertainment. Being the son of the famous fashion designer, he was fascinated at the designs he saw, dresses inspired from ladybugs, suits and dresses and maid outfits inspired by some animals mostly cats in the maid outfit section.

"These are good designs," he complimented taking a bite of his cookie but he didn't do so because he felt something tugging his hair and he can feel his hair wet all of the sudden. Chat looked up then something dropped at his face, it was Marinette's face. He realized that Marinette's eyes are tightly closed and his lips are touching her forehead and also Marinette's touching his.

"Uhh Marinette?" he asked a little red at his cheeks. Marinette then pulled out and starts to stand on the bed with four legs and for Chat it is indeed weird. "You okay?"

"Nya." Marinette exclaimed cutely making Chat blush.

"Ah," Marinette then quickly covered her mouth, a little embarrassed at what came out of her mouth.

"Marinette, are you alright? Chat asked as he climbed at the bed and placed his hand at Marinette's forehand and swiftly fixed her bangs. "You still have a fe-"


"Did you just purr?" Chat asked in surprise as he gawked at Marinette. He can't believe at his newly found theory and right now he wants to make sure. He then brushed Marinette's hair and watched the girl's reaction and just as he expected, she purred again but now she's wearing a cheerful smile as if she's enjoying it. Chat then tickled her chin and Marinette purred louder.

"Why are you even purring?" he asked letting out a chuckle. He was clearly enjoying himself. He then tickled the back of Marinette's ear and to his surprise Marinette rubbed her cheek against his palm as she purr.

"Aww...Marinette turned into a cat, how cute." Chat said admiringly. "Wait..." Chat thought of this for a moment then surprisingly holds Marinette and shakes her violently.

"Oh no! Marinette what happen to you!?" he asked then he let go of his grip and Marinette fell down stupidly and scratched her face like what a cat normally do. She done this in just minutes

"What just happen?" Marinette said as she blinked and sat straight up facing Chat who suddenly gave her a surprise hug. "C-chat, what's going on?"

"Tell me you're just playing cat!" Chat quickly said worriedly.

"What are you saying, I'm perfectly normal! The only one playing cat is you." Marinette said a little annoyed.

"Are you sure, you don't feel anything?" Chat asked.

"I'm fine, thank you so please leave or my parents will see you in my room." Marinette said awaringly.

"No need to fret Princess, your parents know I am here for I am who fetch you home." Chat said acting as a knight with a bow after he jumped out of the bed. "And I'll take my leave through you front door right now you may take your rest, good evening." he said as he opened the door at the floor and took the stairs.

"Chat?" Marinette called and the cat quickly pops his head.

"Yes Princess?" Chat said.

"Thanks for everything," she said and lay down at her bed to take a nap.