Chapter 1 The start of a great journey


The night has been unsettling for a 4 year old young boy who had only tattered pants and t shirt, who was walking around alone in the forest. He felt haunted by mere images. Remembering nothing but his name, but as he walking through a field he heard a voice call to him.

This way a ghostly figure calling the boy.

He was a first freighted by the voice but he started to feel something in his gut that he has to follow the voice. The voice was leading him through a dense area. Crossing through a thick forest, with a heavy fog that covered the land making it hard to see 5 feet a head. The voice still kept on leading Natsu through the forest and to avoided unnecessary attention of monster lurking in the woods. After an hour of walking he heard the voice all of a sudden stop. Standing in what looks like a ritual area, there were 9 perfect shaped pillars circling the ground, strange markings were engraved in the ground and stones. Images of demons, dragons, humans and angels were engraved in the stone and ground. But what set off something that disturb and got the curiosity of the boy, was what looked like a head of a demonic on a pillar. As the boy got closer, its eyes started to glow; he backed up surprised by the unknown action. As he got in the center the entire area started glowing, as a red and black seal appeared above him covering the entire structure.

Wha… what's happening? The boy was panicking a bit but was in awe over the power he was feeling flowing around him and the structures. He looked to his left he seen 4 figures standing in front of pillars. But each of them had cloaks on. He looked to his right and saw 4 figures standing in front of the pillars also wearing cloaks. As he looked to the center he couldn't believe that a figure was rising from the ground. Blue, black and crimson lighting and red, black and white fire were erupting from the rising figure.

The air was stanched with, power, fear, respect and death. The boy could not move as he stared at the eyes of a monster…. No a demon.

The demon features looked like the entity from the deepest darkest pits of hell. Crimson muscular body standing 13 feet tall. With a 9 foot long tail, black spikes running down its back to the tip of its tail and massive forearms. Reptilian like feet with black scales and black claws were massive. Golden with a black trimming were the color of it underbelly that looked like dragon scales. (Think Diablo from Diablo 2.)

So this is the human that summoned me I can feel great power in this boy and yet... You have summoned me boy what do you want.

I don't know, I followed a voice that leads me here and… as he looked into the crimson yellow eyes of the demon in front of him. All he could see is the eyes of sinister rage, destruction, power and oblivion. This had made the boy witness something he was new to and would understand it completely. These are the eyes of a killer and true demon of the underworld were you would face doom if you ever challenge him. His train of thought was interrupted by the voice of the demon.

A voice, so you must be the next Slayer for me to train ehahahahahah. I do sense a lot of magic in you. What is your name boy?


Summer an interesting name for you boy. My name is Diablo Emperor of Hell. Natsu I believe that you have been chosen to be here.

Natsu didn't know what to think as the demon was speaking to him. He was freighted but also respect this demon that is front of him, to see the demon but as it started talking to him he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that it wasn't going to attack him, he also felt somewhat safe with this demon. As he heard that he was chosen to be here. Only one question popped into his head.

What are you going to do to me?

You will be our apprentice, our wrath, our gift of destruction and power to the world. You will be known as Nastu Diablo to the both worlds, you will be a Devil Dragon Slayer.

So I'm going to have a family that I can live with and you will train me to be powerful?!

Yes you will but you will have to earn it till you master to become a Devil Dragon Slayer.

What was unexpected to happen to Diablo was to see a mop of salmon hair around his leg and a pair of arms wrapping around him. This was unknown to the demons. The eight figures couldn't believe what they saw. They have never seen a human approach their master like that. Things will definitely get interesting for us and our world. Natsu let go of Diablo legs and stared at his crimson yellow eyes. This child will defiantly be interesting. He will be powerful with my training and Igneel's. Achnologia will meet his end.

A vortex opened teleporting Natsu and Diablo to their home in the underworld.

Little did Natsu know that he would be fighting for both his life and the life of someone else. As he entered the portal he and Diablo knew that a great journey is about to start for Natsu Diablo.


It has been 7 years ever since the fated meeting of Natsu and Diablo.

Natsu has progressed well with all the training he had endured from the demons of hell. He has learned the basics of Hell Dragon Slayer magic from a Dragon that was created in Hell. The name of that dragon is Atlas Flame, a pure fire dragon. He has learned to work with different techniques from the Elite that guard Diablo. The first few Elite's that he learned from are Scorpion, Auron, Nexus and Nightmare. The training had increased his stamina, strength and intelligence in tactics.

Scorpion is a warrior of hand to hand combat, assassination, manipulating fire, close and long range combat. He is known in the underworld as the Raging Inferno. Scorpion features are that of demonic. Wears light armor over a black ninja outfit, color of gold with a black trimming. He wears black clawed gauntlets and boots with gold trimmings. What stuck out the most wear his eyes; his eyes wear the eyes of anger, rage and the damned. (Mortal kombat 9 Scorpion)

Auron is a guardian of patience and wisdom, a great swordsman that can rival with Nightmare and the archangel's. He his know to wield a blade that goes by the name Bushido. His blade is strong enough to start hurricanes and cut down mountains. His features wear that of a monk. A red robe that had black trimmings with small blue and black gems attached to some parts of the robe. He had a scar on his left and was only able to use left arm. He is a force to be reckoned with. He is known as the Monk swordsman. (Kingdom hearts 2 Auron)

Nexus is a wizard of vast knowledge, knowing the ancient spells of all magic. She is known to be a 7 feet tall, long black hair that reached the bottom of her back, golden colored eyes that make it look like you're staring at a goddess. Average body size woman, her clothing was not to reviling a bit of leg could be shown. Her clothing was that of a black kimono with red, blue and white trimmings. Her control of magic is that on the level of an Archangel. She greatly feared by both underworld and heaven. She is known as the Wizard of Knowledge.

Nightmare is a pure demon, a pure demon of vast darkness that could reap a pure wizard's soul. He alone can bring his strength and power to destroy a vast continent. He can transform into his human body and demonic form. His demonic form is that of a knight from the deepest parts of Hell. His form consist that of a dark blue and black armored knight. A 3 foot blood red sharp horn is placed center of the helmet. He almost looked human except the fact his left arm was a demonic arm; It only had 3 fingers shaped as claws with a red talons, and a pair of sharp canine's appearing on the top shoulder. He is known as the Ultimate Nightmare for both heaven and hell for his skill in swordsman and using the power of darkness to his advantage, the results are not pretty. (Nightmare from Soul Calibure 3)

These four have taught Natsu so much since they first found him. The first master he learned from is Nexus, she taught him how to meditate and control his mind, body, heart and soul. He also learned how to read or absorb all the knowledge from the vast collection of books, scrolls and maps. It was tricky at first but he learned faster than any other apprentice she had. His second master was Nightmare he's strict and always threatens the kid if he messed up and that happen a lot. After suffering his punishment's which ended up with him crawling or being carried into ER.

The third master was actually two mentors, Scorpion and Auron. They taught him the hand to hand combat, using the enemy's power against themselves. Scorpion trained Natsu to use three different types of weapons, 1 is the sword, 2 is the spear with chains attached to it, and 3 is a bladed staff. He even taught him to use fire as a teleportation advantage.

Auron taught Natsu on how to use his blade and to be one with the blade. Natsu still remembers that very moment he was taught by Auron that shed a whole new meaning to help him and be his own.


Natsu what are you feeling towards the sword?" the blade that Natsu was using a curved double edge sword that had demonic writings on the blade. The handle was designed as a head of a dragon head with a black and a bit gold trimming. The sword feels light and fast, also I feel something, it almost feels like… like

Like it's alive, that's the connection for true swordsman.

How is that possible?

Natsu being swordsman mean you have to be one with your sword. A sword chooses their own wielders and you are wielding one of the legendary swords that were created by your father.

How does a sword choose their wielders?

They choose by sensing your strength, will and soul. Now the sword your using is a sword of both darkness and light. The darkness is your father and the light is made by a pure soul that could have been from a archangel. In which Natsu you have both. Natsu was shocked to learn this. He had both great darkness and light

What's the Archangel name?

For once I do not know the name, even Nexus does not know the name of the Archangel. Which is surprising both thought.

But why would father create a sword with a Archangel I thought they are enemies.

What makes you think that Natsu?

I have read the ancient history on demons and Archangel.

Yes but there is more to it than meets the eye, Natsu, you must remember that there is always something more to it. Know that you can create your own path, but remember your own actions will show who you really are, that will create your path.

End Flashback

Ever since he has completed each task he has become a something that his mentors and father felt proud of he has become a fierce Demon Dragon Slayer. One that all demons and dragons will fear. Natsu deep thinking was interrupted when he got called.

Natsu a image of Diablo head aperies in front of Natsu

Yes father what do you need?

I have a mission for you, you are to find a demon that was created by Zeref and destroy it.

What's the name of this demon?

Deliora a so called demon of destruction. Diablo let out a sinister laugh. Show this demon no mercy my son. Show the demon the true meaning of fear and Natsu do not fail me.

Yes father. As Natsu opened a portal to face his very first opponent that could led the demon's death.

Diablo throne

Do you think he is ready to face such a creature?

Yes he has to face the demons of Zeref, if he is to face him Igneel.

I will go and watch over him in case something happens to the brat.

Be sure you do brother.

K so far I have an idea on how to make the story fit with each other. What I have so far is that Diablo has bad blood with Achnologia and the Dark wizard Zeref.

The reason I made Diablo, Igneel and Atlas Flame brothers is cause there was a event that made Diablo turn against Baal and Mephisto and all the other evils.

Diablo, Igneel and Atlas have big plans for Natsu, they know what their doing will affect his humanity side, but he will learn to cherish his humanity in the future.

Characters from Diablo will be in the story but not till in a later date, so just remember that this is my first time doing a story like this, so just be patient about it.

But I do apologize if the story takes turns that you did not expect but these are just my views on how some things turn out in my point of view and how some characters could have react to each other.

Plus I have some ideas to involve some other crossovers in this story that can or somewhat relate to the story.

So leave Reviews just try to keep like the extremely negative reviews out. Email me or leave reviews if you have questions about this.