A/N: Hey everyone! This was the first chapter I started writing and finished among the others. I was writing a little bit to the rest of the chapters but just finished this one today. I'd like reviews on this one just curious what you guys think so far and what you think will happen in the next chapters. I'll keep up with the updates since Halloween is coming up and I'm dedicating this story to the holiday. Thank you! Bye all! :)

Barry shouldered his tools, feeling the weight of them drag his body down. He set them aside in his work bag in the house he shared with his father. He looked around the place and sighed. This place was never going to do it. For a long time Barry wanted a normal life, away from trying to hide so much. If only his father allowed him to act on his desires.

There were some things to like at least; he knew his Grandma Annette was home by the sound of the seasoning herb bottles shaking around the corner.

He smiled as he smelled something cooking in the kitchen as he made his way toward the aroma. He knew what it was and he almost enthusiastically charged in to serve himself but he stopped suddenly. Realizing the commitment he made earlier. He walked normally in the room and knocked gently over the wooden key rack, starling his Grandma slightly.

She smiled softly; wrinkles hugging her face in places he'd grown used to looking. She had such a sweet demeanor, Barry preferred her this way. He rarely wanted to be around when she was blowing her fuse. She looked to be in good spirits now. He nodded in response and came to hug her, kissing her cheek.

"Hello sweetheart, where have you been? I'm almost ready with dinner."

Barry shrugged, stretching his back muscles as he leaned up against the table chair. "Around, I took that job from dad."

Annette gave him a stare, Barry held his hands up. "Hey, he said I could. I'm not doing anything I shouldn't be."

She raised her eyebrows, almost ignoring him when she turned back around to finish cooking. "Alright, Henry told me where you were I was just making sure you were alright. You were gone most of today. Were you staying for dinner?"

He shook his head reluctantly. "Sorry, I can't. I know dad is coming by though. I can meet up with him and you guys later on. I won't be gone long."

"Oh?" She asked, turning her attention to the sound of Barry's feet moving from the table. "Where are you going?"

Barry winced and bit his lip. "I sorta made...plans."

"With whom?" Annette came closer to her grandson.

He shrugged, opening the door wide, about to leave. "I'll be back tonight. Don't worry about me. Just some stuff I have to do."

"Are you going to tell me or should I run this by Henry so he can deal with it?"

He said nothing.

"Barry?" Annette prodded.

"It's nothing you need to worry about. I have a job I need to finish. Dad does know about it, I'm just going back so I don't put it off."

She eye balled him hard, narrowing her eyes at his mannerisms. He didn't seem like he was making it up and Henry had mentioned something about needing his help vaguely.

"Well as long as you're back tonight, be safe, alright?" Annette kissed his cheek and waved his off.

Barry smiled sweetly at his Gran and made sure to close the door firmly. He knew she would be checking on him so he did what was necessary. Something he always did when he needed his space.

He breathed deeply, closing and opening his eyes as they began to glow a deep crimson color. He looked at his hand, glowing the same red and waving it over the house, using his eyes to make sure the job was done. They stopped glowing when he mentally told them to, he smiled sadly at the house, and shifting on whither he did the right thing or not. This was always a trip of the conscious for him.

"Sorry Gran. I need my life back." Barry mumbled, backing away to his truck, driving away as slowly as he could.

On the way to Caitlin's place Barry bit his tongue. He knew his father was going to have a few words with him but he didn't care. What mattered now was what he wanted, for so long it's been about his family. He just wanted to feel free now. He knew Caitlin wouldn't understand but there was something he saw in her that made me pull close to her. Something that might have been familiar.

As he came to her address he paused before turning off the engine. Hesitating for a moment he grabbed the items he needed and got out of his truck and walked up the sturdy steps to the front entrance of the manner he looked around before moving his hand to knock on the hard wood of the door. He found himself being distracted by her front garden, biting his lip as his eyes glowed that strong red. He used his scanner to detect anything suspicious.

"Oh hi! Barry, right?" A cheery voice asked, pulling open the door, he could almost hear the smile in her tone. Barry shut off his scanner at will.

Caitlin appeared in front of him, standing in casual but classy clothes, she had since made an effort to look nice. He wasn't sure it was because he asked her out or it was because she wanted to.

"Do you wanna come in?" Caitlin asked, looking at Barry questioningly with a slight smile. "Barry?"

Barry's eyes focused and he shook out of his mental security. "Oh yeah, hey, sure thing. Mind if I fix up the power first?"

Caitlin moved aside, nodding as he came inside fully. She moved as he moved stiffly, as if he was hiding something. She pointed to the area he needed to go in.

"You know the way. Do you want something to drink?"

Barry's attention was placed on her radiator power box. He could hear and feel the vibrations, his hands clenched together as he released them when he felt his arm being touched gently.

"Oh, no, you don't have to. I was just gonna go, to the um, this won't be long." He half smiled, checking his tools as she looked on.

"Well it's the least I could do. Normally I get an estimate after the service but I didn't know Grandma had people fix things for free."

Barry heard most of what she said. His body was trying to control its heat level. It was a wonder Caitlin didn't notice when she touched his skin how much his body temperature spiked up. He shivered as he moved away from her; he didn't want his cover blown, if she suspected something he didn't want to be around to find out.

"OK, maybe some ice water."

Caitlin nodded sweetly walking out to the kitchen; Barry used the time to blink teleport himself down to the basement. His natural abilities weren't working as smoothly as he thought, he'd have to work harder to maintain his true nature. He looked around, going back to where he left off. At first he noticed the broken light yesterday was still flickering. He rolled his eyes as they glowed red igniting his power as he waved his hand over the light fixture. It went back to normal and Barry grumbled back to the main task.

He knew he had to hurry. Caitlin could walk in with the offer and he wanted to finish what he started. His abilities were off and he knew why. He didn't want to address it but he had a feeling half of who he was had something to do with it. His father had a reason to tell him to "make it quick."

Barry gave a final wave pushing his last ounce of energy to illuminate the light bulbs behind him. He smiled as he knew success was his in that moment. Before Caitlin could come downstairs he blinked to the dining room, a place where he sensed she wasn't in.

"Oh here you are!" Caitlin said as she walked toward him with the glass. "Was wondering where you went off to."

She appeared unsure of how to act, Barry looked at her hesitantly. He wiped his face, knowing he would find his personal condensation sheen across his forehead.

"Are you alright?" She asked, handing him the ice water as he took a sly sip.

"Yeah, sure. It's a little stuffy down there. All is fixed."

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow. "I didn't think that would be so quick."

"It was nothing. You can go check around. Shouldn't be a problem anymore." Barry took a big gulp, hoping the sweating would cease, slowly he was regulating body temperature.

Caitlin smirked as she went to walk around the kitchen and living room. Barry followed her as she switched on all the laps that adorned the corners of the room.

"Well what do you know? It's like it never happened. Weird," Caitlin whipped around, staring between Barry and the room, "you know, to be honest, it seems much brighter. I kinda like it, although I got used to the dimness after a while. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Barry sighed silently, biting his lip as he set the glass down. "My father said he heard this place was passed down to you. May have been the old wiring. Centuries old manor, you can't expect things to work as if they were new."

"Yeah, I don't know too much about the manor, or my ancestors for that matter. Hmm..." Caitlin stared off, nodding as she turned her attention on Barry. "Were you still interested in going out to dinner?"

"Oh yes, I did ask that. I don't want you to feel like you have to say yes. But..." Barry flushed, "of course. Did you?"

She shrugged. "I'm always alone here anyway, I haven't gone out very much, and sure, I'd love to."

Barry watched her mannerisms as it was her turn to blush. He could tell she wasn't used to going out.

"OK, let's go. You ready?"

Caitlin nodded as they walked out together. Barry came to open her door making sure she got inside. She thanked him and came to his side.

"Thanks for asking me. I was so sure the longer I stayed alone without the power I was gonna start seeing strange things like demons and ghosts." Caitlin quipped.

Barry smirked as he caught her glance before backing out of the driveway. "Imagine that?"

Her reaction was priceless. Barry wanted to caption it and frame it on his wall.

She laughed, shaking her head. "But seriously, this is the first time I've been out of the house where it wasn't an errand for me, I appreciate it."

"So," Barry bit his lip as he hesitated to ask but did so anyway. "Are you really hungry?"

"Yeah, kinda, where are we going to?"

"Somewhere to die for." He said ominously as Caitlin's smiled turned up slightly.

Barry took his eyes off her briefly as his own glowed red for a moment. A familiar vibration went off in his thoughts, he knew who it was and he dreaded what came next. He heard his father's head in his thoughts.

Barry, turn around now. You're going to be a big trouble.

He placed telepathic blocks immediately, erasing his father from his head and picked up the pace toward his destination.