Plagg''s eyes widened as Adrien ran through the door, slamming it shut with all his might. Opening his mouth to make a comment, the kwami was quickly baffled by the look in the boy's face, "Adrien?" he asked quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I hate him! Adrien snarled out, his green eyes glowing in the light, "Thank fuck I'm nearly 18," he breathed as he locked the door, stalking his way over to Plagg.

The kwami felt his inner chaos grow as the boy walked closer, it was radiating from him, "Want to go for a run? Hawk moth wouldn't even have to try to find your anger right now."

His words sunk in quickly, a nod was all Adrien could muster before transforming. With leather coating his skin, Adrien felt layers of anger freak away from him. Jumping from rooftop to roof top he let the setting sun cool his heated skin – freedom ringing in his soul.

Adrien let his body move without thought, enjoying the quiet of his mind that always stayed when was Chat Noir. He ran as far and as fast as he could, letting his legs take him wherever they pleased. An hour passed before the burning in Adrien's chest caused him to stop. Panting heavily, his thoughts caught up with him, the anger had faded and only his loneliness remained. "How could he," Adrien whimpered out as his shoulders slumped and his head hung low, glowing green eyes glistening in the Parisian light.

"Chat?" A quiet voice whispered out from behind him. Chat turned slowly, meeting the blue eyes of his classmate. "Are you alright?" she asked as her brows knit together in confusion and worry.

Adrien felt his body slouch even more as he looked at the woman, "Marinette…" he breathed out as his body began to shake uncontrollably. The leather clad hero stood on her rooftop staring down at her balcony, taking in the sight of the woman. She gave him a hopeful smile as she waited for his response, the smile shaking him to his core, "Princess," he sighed as he felt himself breaking under the weight of her eyes. Unwanted tears began to roll down his cheeks as he gave her a half-hearted smile.

Marinette's eye widened as her smile fell away as she looked up at the man who had stood by her side for years, suddenly seeing him in such a weak state, "Come here kitty," she cooed as stepped aside on her balcony.

Chat listened, silent as ever as he jumped down from the roof to the balcony, standing in front of her. When had he gotten so much taller than her? Her cerulean eyes bore into his skin as he avoided her gaze, unable to stop the prickling behind his eyes. Marinette's eyes softened as she watched him shake, fighting the sniffle that came along with teary eyes. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around him, standing on her t toes so that he could lean his head against her shoulder.

Emerald eyes widened as her fingers wove in his hair, his senses flooding with the warm took for him smell of vanilla and lavender. One deep breath of her warmth was all it took for the teen to fully break down, crumbling in her arms. He sobbed into her shoulder as his body quaked, finally allowing himself to feel all that he had been running from.

Marinette waited for moments as the teen cried and screamed into her shoulder, feeling his knees weaken, she slowly pulled him to the floor of the balcony. She cradled his head as she gave quiet words of encouragement, "It's okay," she cooed as she stared down at him in worry. A half an hour passed before Chat fell silent, his body weak as he clung to Marinette's forearms.

His heavy breathing was not missed by the woman as she stared down at the hero of Paris, "Can I stay a little longer," he begged, emerald eyes pleading with her, "Just for a little longer."

Marinette chewed on her lip for moment, her eyes darting towards the door with calculating eyes before hesitantly whispering, "Let's go inside."

His steps were clumsy, lacking his usual cat like grace as he followed behind her into her room, his balance waning from time to time as the dehydration of his sobs finally hit him. She sat on her daybed with her back against the wall, patting her lap with a comforting smile. She hid her blush as he collapsed next to her, his heavy head on her lap as he nuzzled against her. "Thank you," he whimpered as he looked up at her face.

Her worry increased as she watched the restlessness in his skin grow, "What's going on, Chat?" she questioned, quickly adding, "Did something happen with Ladybug?"

Chat spat out a bitter laugh before shaking his head, "My lady is fine," he reassured her, "She doesn't know about this, so lets not bother her with it," Chat gave as much of a flirty wink as he could muster up; his fatigue setting in faster than he imagined. "My father… wants me to quit school, and work full time for his company," he explained, shutting his eyes tight and biting the inside of his lip, "Quit in the middle of the year and never talk to my friends again!" His body began to shake once again as his anger rose in his chest, "I'm not a robot that he can control! I wont just cut off my friends…"

"Shhh, Chat, you need to relax," she whimpered running her fingers through his tousled hair, "You can't have a conversation with your dad when you're angry." She gave him a reassuring smile, "You wont have to give them up Chat," her words were as warm as her touch, fingers roaming over the leather that covered his arms in a soft touch of comfort.

"I cant pretend to be perfect anymore, it's killing me," he growled out with tired eyes. Her soft touch was enough to lull his mind and push him into a deep sleep, his breathing becoming heavy as he relaxed in her arms.

Tikki peeked her head out from Marinette's pocket, eyes wide with confusion, "I don't think ive ever seen Chat act that way before," she whispered quietly as she looked between Marinette and Chat. "He'll be okay, Mari," Tikki whispered as she flew up to the woman's cheek, nuzzling it softly. "Funny how he came to your house," Tikki mused with a hidden grin.

Marinette was quiet for a moment, taking in the details of the boy's face, something about seeing him so upset was causing her discomfort. "I don't think ive ever seen him upset without an Akuma involved," she muttered, "Silly kitty," she breathed out as she continued to console the man, "How long have you been hiding things from me?"

Chat woke up to the smell of the bakery, surprised to see that his kwami had kept his identity secret throughout the night. Shifting slowly, Chat let his muscles wake with him, aware that he had been covered in his sleep; a bright pink comforter. Turning to look for Marinette, Chat felt a smile tug at his lips as she lay curled on her bed, an over sized sweatshirt as her new blanket. Examining her face, Chat felt a warmth bubble in his chest. "Thank you Princess," He grinned as her nose wrinkled.

Chat turned his back and crept his way though her room to the balcony door that she had left unlocked for him. "Chat," A groggy voice grumbled making his stop in his tracks. He didn't look at her, afraid of what she would say, "You can come back… if you ever need anything." She blushed lightly, happy that he didn't turn to look at her. She watched carefully as his tail flicked, letting her know that his cat ears had heard her loud and clear.

The morning air hit Chat's face like a brick wall, a grin plastered on his face as he ran across the roof tops. His worries had quickly been put aside with knowing he could return at any time to the girl who accepted him at his weakest. Chat snuck in his window before his alarm went off, releasing his transformation and letting his Adrien façade return – ready for a day at school.