Ok, so chapter 14 is pretty much like, an epilogue for this story and a prolougue for the sequel.

The sequel, called Rising Skies, will be mostly centered around Hinata dealing with the emotional scars he got from the year since his parents left. However, there will be a twist, so don't think that it's all fluff and rainbows in the next story.

Im also going to be writing another story, kind of like this one, called Sharp Silence. It's Kenma-centric. I don't remember if Nekoma (or rather Kenma) lives in dorms or not, so, though I'm pretty sure they do, I'm disregarding all of that and saying that Kenma lives in a house with his family. I'm not sure whether I should ship him with Kuroo or Lev, but I'm leaning towards Lev. Kenma is a first year in this story as well.

That being said, Here is this. (Excuse the poor state of this chapter.)


I sighed as I stared outside. Tsukishima's family accepted my presence in their home, and seemed happy that their 'icy, frozen son' was warming up around me.

Still, as much as they welcomed me, it didn't stop me from seeing the look in their eye when I would flinch away from their touch, or suddenly be unable to sit still, occasionally itching the scars around my ankles, or come back from visiting Natsu's silent bedside with tear-tracks tracing their way down my cheeks.

Sometimes, I woke up screaming at night, tears falling silently from my eyes, unable to calm down until Kei was by my side, his warmth warming me, his scent calming me. He never pushed me away or tried to tell me that I was being irrational, like I expected him to. He just lay there by my side, holding my hand and hugging me to him until I fell back asleep.

It had been about a week since I'd agreed to go to the authorities, but I had yet to actually go through with it.

I was scared. Kei had tried to take me to the police station once, his mother driving us, but about halfway there my breath had abandoned me, and Tsukishima-san had to pull over to the side of the road until I had calmed a little. Kei and his mom had dismissed the original destination of the police station, and instead turned towards home.

It had been 5 days since then. Kei was sitting in front of me, sitting cross-legged on the floor while I sat quietly on the couch before him.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to. I can go alone, Kaasan can report it for you, as well." He said, staring softly at me. His mother and father were at work, and his brother had gone out with some friends.

"I-it's ok. I'll go... But I'd rather go with only you, Kei." I said, staring at my hands.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. But I'd like to go now if we're going. I won't have the courage if I don't go now." I muttered.

Glancing up at him, I blinked, a pink tint coloring my cheeks at the grin Kei had on his face.

"Hai!" He said happily, getting easily to his feet.

"I like your smile." I blurted out, flushing red immediatley afterwards.

Kei blinked for a second, a disgruntled expression on his face, even as a red blush tinted his cheeks. "A-ah, I..." He stammered, avoiding eye contact.

I stared at my feet, shifting from left to right, occasionally glancing at Kei's face.

"Thanks." I heard him grunt, before I was being quickly led out of the door.

(I'm sorry I feel like Tsukki would be so different around Hinata I couldn't help it)(ah, the OOC)

"O-oi, Kei, your legs are too long, slow dowwnnn..." I whined slightly, hopping every few seconds to keep up with his pace.

Abruptly, he stopped, and I almost slammed into his back. Looking up at his face, I blinked. He was blushing furiously, holding up a hand in attempt to hide it, glaring half heartedly at the ground.

After a second, I laughed and smiled widely, not noticing when Kei stared at me, blinking. I hadn't laughed like this since my family left, and it felt nice, especially with Kei by my side.

Kei gave me a small smile, holding out his hand. I took it, smiling.

Fortunately, I was able to put off any thoughts about authorities until we were right in front of she police department.

"Are you ready, Sho?" Kei asked. I giggled. Kei looked confused for a second before blushing madly and letting out a flurry of excuses and denials.

"Its ok!" I said, interrupting him. "I like it."

He stared at me for a minute before laughing softly, squeezing my hand.

"Me too, Sho." He said softly.


Shoyo's laugh was the most amazing thing I'd ever heard. His smile was the most beautiful. He took my breath away, and I found that my earlier embarrassment was absent.

'I love you', I thought. I said nothing, however, instead offering a small smile and my hand to him.

Shoyo was definitely the light to my world.

Sooner than I liked, but at the same time far too late, we arrived. Shoyo, who had been laughing and talking and moving nonstop since we left the house, swinging our linked hands between us, had went completely still as soon as the department came into his line of sight.

My heart was hammering in my chest when I accidentally called him Sho, and it melted when he said he liked it.

All to soon, we were entering the building. All the 'evidence' was stored in my pocket. It was basically just a written report from Shoyo of what had happened, and some pictures of wounds that Daichi had taken, both from before Winter break and after. Nobody but Shoyo and I knew what was written in the report, as Sho wasn't comfortable with any of our teammates reading it.

"I don't want you guys to know." Shoyo said, directing his gaze at the ground.

"Hinata?" Daichi asked, watching intently.

"S-sorry." He tried. "I just... " Shoyo shook his head, looking back at me for help.

"He's not comfortable with you knowing the full story." I said menacingly, glaring at Daichi and the rest.

"If looks could kill..." I heard someone mutter, most likely Noya, as Tanaka was nodding in agreement beside the libero.

Daichi looked like he was about to protest. "Ts_"

"What, senpai?" I asked, scoffing before I let a smirk take over my face. "Too dim witted to get that through your skull?"

The rest of the team flinched, and Noya hid behind Asahi. Daichi only narrowed his eyes.

"No, we're only worried. If Hinata doesn't wish for us to know, then so be it." The captain said, turning around and clapping his hands once. "Time for practice to start. Warm up!"

Everyone immediatley responded affirmitively, grateful that someone had diffused the tension.

(Im sorry I have no idea how police offices work so meh)

A woman working the desk looked up as we approached. Her eyes widened for a second before narrowing. Sensing Shoyo start fidgeting beside me, I glared at her.

"I'd like to report a case of child abuse." I said calmly, if not a bit snidely.

She frowned a bit but nodded.

(Skipping this part cause idk how they'd go about it.)

Eventually, we were allowed to leave with the words that officers were being sent to apprehend Kiruki. At the time, Shoyo had relaxed considerably - the words that came next made him even more tense then he had been before.

"Hinata-kun, as Kiruki-san was your legal guardian after your parents death, seeing as to how you have no other living relatives, you will be placed in a foster home or an orphanage until you turn 18 or someone adopts you." The woman said, occasionally glancing up from her clipboard to gauge Shoyo's reaction.

For his part, Shoyo was still and silent, offering nothing but a wooden nod. The woman returned the nod before turning and disappearing behind a door.

Shoyo immediatley turned his head up to me. There was fear and panic in his eyes, and he was tremebling slightly.

Blinking, I pulled him to my chest, scowling at the air. I didn't know how to help...

I could only hope that he could stay with the team, stay with me, no matter what happened.

Later that day, Afternoon Practice

Nishinoya's POV (I wish I wasn't so bad at writing him lol)

I sighed as practice ended, wanting to play volleyball longer.

Also, Hinata had been acting strangely all day. Tsukishima had told everyone why the two had missed morning practice, and while Hinata had nodded, he hadn't said a word.

While he slowly regained most of his usual energy throughout the course of the day, he went silent again a few minutes after Ukai called the end. Tanaka and I had made repeated efforts to cheer him up, but I guess without volleyball to distract him some kind of bad thoughts were going through his head.

Tanaka and I exchanged a look, and I shook my head, looking over in Tsukishima's direction. The tall first year was deep in thought, and didn't even notice when he kicked a volleyball he was supposed to be picking up to the other side of the gym.

Casting him a suspicious look, I walked over.

"What's wrong with Hinata?" I asked bluntly.

He jumped, looking around for a second before his gaze found mine. Surprisingly, instead of making some cocky comment, he just frowned, and closed his eyes, tilting his up to the ceiling and massaging his temples.

"Uh... The police officers said that he would be placed in a orphanage or a foster home until he turned 18 or was adopted, which means he could be taken away from the team..." Tsukishima grumbled, still staring at the ceiling, though his arms were crossed at that point.

I couldn't really say a word. Hinata, taken away from Karasuno? It was hard to believe. I was tempted to call Tsukishima out, to say he was a liar, but at the same time I knew it wasn't exactly a subject Tsukishima would lie about.

Struggling to figure something out, I felt hope for Karasuno's decoy bloom in my chest. With a confident smile, I told Tsukishima my idea.

"You?" He asked immediatley afterwards. "Will your mother agree?"

I shrugged. "I doubt she'll refuse. She's that kind of person, so to say." I said.

"When can you ask?" Tsukishima demanded, hands on my shoulders, eyes staring intently into my own.

Slightly shocked, it took me a minute to respond. "I, uh, today she gets off work early so she'll be there when I get home." I say.

He nods seriously. "Okay. Shoyo and I are going to the hospital to see Natsu, so if she agrees, that's where she'll find us." He says, before blinking and averting his eyes slightly. "And... Thanks."

Shocked, I just stand there as he walks towards Hinata, trying to process the fact that Tsukishima had thanked me.

After a second, I just smiled, turning and skipping towards my bike after saying bye to Asahi, Tanaka, and the rest.

And so, plan CMTAHSHCSIK, AKA plan Convincing-Mother-To-Adopt-Hinata-So-He-Can-Stay-In-Karasuno, commenced.

At the Hospital


I sat silently by Natsu's side, thinking. Kei stood behind me, but said nothing. Natsu's heartbeat had been getting slower by the minute and it was pretty much a given that she would soon pass away.

Then, right before the heart monitor flatlined, Natsu's hand tightened on mine. Shocked, I glanced up, only to see Natsu's eyes closed. Then, there was a flurry of movement, and I found myself numb. I knew I should be crying or screaming or something, but all I could do was stand there.

My little sister was gone. My mother and father were gone. There was no one else in the whole world who had known me as long as they had.

I was virtually alone. Who else was there? Everything happens for a reason, so for what reason has this happened? Why did Kiruki hurt me? Why did my family's plane crash? Why did Natsu survive the crash, only to die in the hospital?

Questions overran my mind, and I didn't realize I was trembling until warmth surrounded me, arms wrapped around me tightly and soft words directed to me breaking into my thoughts.


He was there. He said so. I can trust him. He promised not to ever leave. I wasn't alone. I loved him. Kiruki was in prison, and he couldn't ever get to me. Natsu was with Kaasan and Tousan, and it was better that way, as much as I wanted her by my side to live out her life. It was better, because now she still has them to support her, and I have Kei and the team.

But what if I didn't? What if I was forced to live somewhere else, away from all my friends? What if I was hurt again there, but didn't have anyone to save me? I started to panic again, breathing unevenly.

"Shoyo?" Kei said, his worried voice breaking in, warm and soft. "It's ok. No matter what, remember. I'll always be there. Always."

I glanced up at him, nodding slightly, even as my heart beat fast and I still trembled and I flinched anytime someone walked by, and I glanced nervously around, even when I was repeatedly proven nothing was there. Kei's scent calmed me slightly, but I felt like this was only a dream, and any second now I would wake up to a reality of Kiruki's beatings. Squeezing my eyes shut as my shaking grew worse, I flinched at the voice next to me.

"Hinata-kun?" the voice asked quietly, concern audible.

I peeked up at the speaker, a pretty woman with long darl brown hair tied behind her back and kind hazel eyes. She smile warmly at me, clasping her hands behind her back.

"I'm Yu's mother. I heard that you were in need of a place to stay for awhile..." She said, pausing. "If it's alright with you, I'd like for you to stay with us, as a part of our family."

In awe, I could only stare at her with wide eyes, unbelieving. "Y-you..." I began, voice rough from tears I hadn't realized I'd been holding back. "You want me to be a part of your family?" I asked, voice trembling slightly as tears wet my eyes.

She nodded, Smiling slightly as she held her arms open. Swiping an arm across my eyes, I stumbled into her arms, wrapping my own arms tightly around her as hers closed around me, enveloping me in her warmth. Unbeknownst to me, my trembling immediatley ceased, I stopped flinching, and my heart slowed to a normal pace. I also stopped fidgeting with the need to escape from an unknown threat.

"Thank you." I said softly, stepping back.

She shook her head. "You're already like a son to me, Hinata-kun." Noya's mom - now my mom as well - said.

I could only smile my biggest smile, wiping the remaining tears away.

Okaasan blinked once, surprised, before laughing and shaking her head. "You have a nice smile, Shoyo-kin." She said. "You should keep it alive."

I nodded, before reaching a hand out to Kei. He took it immediatley, squeezing slightly. Looking up at him, I saw a neutral expression on his face, though a tint of pink colored the top of his ears.

He gave a quick, small smile when he looked at me, and I knew that I'd be just fine, with the company of my friends and my new family.

Of course, if I think about it, maybe I should think about life with a different saying.

"Every cloud has a silver lining."

So that's the final chapter for this story. I will make a sequel if enough people want it, but I'll most likely be only a few chapters because I, I'm just so lazy...

but for the two reviews I got on the last chapter.

Yaoi Trash: Ah, I'm glad you've read some of my other stories, but k apologize, as I'm pretty sure I neglected to edit most of them. I'm actually going to be writing a Nekoma story called Sharp Silence, and it's kind of like this one. I'm not really sure of who to pair Kenma with. I was thinking Lev or Kuro, but I don't know which one... Help? But besides that, thanks. I honestly don't think this story is that good, but that might just be my brain. (And don't worry, I'm weird too.)

Shittykawa: Ah, this is the last chapter of this story but if I may write a sequel... Idk. I'm writing a different story though, Sharp Silence, that's like this one except a tad different, and Kenma-centric. Idk who to ship Kenma with though, Kuro or Lev (though I, leaning towards Leb since Kuro is so common). But anyways, for the rest, thanks. Tsukihina is nice. I feel like Tsuki would be OOC with Hinata, but am I making him TOO OOC? I think so...

But anyways. I put info about Rising Skies and Sharp Silence at the beginning of this chapter so check that out if you didn't read it originally. I know not many people do.