Hey all! Z-Fan100 here with a new story arc!

I apologize to my story followers who have been waiting for one of my Yu-Gi-Oh! stories to get a new chapter but a recent dream of mine practically drove me to write this chapter here as a combination between League of Legends and Ben 10. I hope you all enjoy this new story arc, Chapter 2 will come soon! If you liked this story make sure to R and R. I would love to hear how I am doing with all my stories as a writer in training and if you want to keep updated on ideas and other things for my fanfiction stories, you can follow me on fan fiction or on Google +! Enjoy!

It was a quiet night, one that was interrupted by the faint calls of owls, the distant sound of sirens, and a car alarm two blocks over from the abandoned Ravenborn Hotel. It towered over the other buildings on the block wearily, with many of its windows broken and boarded up, and many of the walls both inside and outside the building covered in graffiti with only rats being the only living things to enjoy the crude artworks. However, tonight was different as one of the windows was faintly glowing. For the first time in years, the Ravenborn Hotel had guests.

The room that flooded the wall of the neighboring building with light was on the fourth floor, a floor below the other buildings to avoid unwanted attention. However, the man in the ski mask six floors up disliked the idea of having a light on considering the police were searching for him and his partners. His partners knew him as Eagle, which fit considering he was on the lookout.

Eagle hated the fact that Raccoon forgot to set up their getaway from town earlier today after they heisted the Twisted Bank. Now the five of them had to wait till tomorrow for their ticket out of town to arrive. They could be spending their cold hard cash right now!

Eagle brought himself back into focus. Keep on the lookout, he reminded himself. We have the dough, and the police don't know where the hell we are.

He brought up the walkie-talkie that sat on the desk next to him and pressed the "talk" button. "Building secure? No homeless or squatters?"

Bear, rabbit, and monkey came up negative on their search through the building. Even though it was good news, Eagle frowned at Raccoon's greed for counting how much they stole from the bank in the lit room several floors below him.

The walkie-talkie crackled to life and Raccoon's voice spoke from it. "Hey, anyone hear music?" After his four accomplices said no, Raccoon continued with a tone of worry in his voice. "I do, it's coming from the closet." Several seconds of silence before his voice crackled through the walkie-talkie along with a soft song that Eagle swore was being sung by children. "What the fuck. This old record player wasn't in here when I checked the room… Holy shit, listen to this guy's it's so creepy."

Eagle heard the song clearly through his walkie-talkie after Raccoon put it closer to the record player. "Cling clang go the chains, someone's out to find you. Cling clang oh the chains, the Warden's right behind you."

What freaked Eagle out the most was the fact that the music was sung by children in a way that reminded him of the young innocence of children. The lyrics they sang though contradicted their tone though. That contradiction was what made him look behind him as Raccoon went back to talking.

"Is this some kind of prank gu-" Without warning the line cut out.

Eagle tried to communicate with his partners but not only was the line dead, the walkie-talkie was as well. He was about to throw the useless piece of junk away when he saw the light in the room Raccoon was in go dead followed by a bloodcurdling scream. What the hell?

Eagle burst out of the room he was in and ran down the stairs, following Bear and Rabbit who were on their way down upon hearing the scream. By the time they ran into the room Raccoon was in, all they saw was Monkey running about the room.

"It's gone!" wailed Monkey. "The money, all of it is gone!"

All of them, convinced Raccoon bolted to take all of the money, ran out of the room only to stop short to see one of the gym bags filled with money resting on a table in the room across from us lit by a strange lantern. The song was playing again sung loudly by the children, but it sounded like it was coming from all of the rooms in the hotel.

"Quick now, the seeking chains, approach with their shrill scrape. Don't stop, flee the chains, your last chance to escape."

"We ain't no chicken to some surround sound music Raccoon!" yelled Bear, running across the twenty feet of floor with Monkey at his heels.

"Yeah, we're getting our money!"

"Wait!" Eagle yelled. "It could be a trap!"

"Cling clang oh the chains," song went as they entered the room. "The Warden's right behind you."

Without warning the door to the room closed behind Bear and Monkey. Before Eagle could begin to run to the room he and Rabbit heard their screams and a flash of green light shone briefly.

"Quick now, the seeking chains, approach with their shrill scrape."

"Fuck this!" yelled Rabbit. "Fuck the money! I'm out of here!"

"It's just Raccoon playing tricks with us, Rabbit. Rabbit!" It was no use he was bounding down the stairs.

He barely touched down on the landing when two glowing green skeletal hands broke through the cement and grabbed his ankles and pulled him swiftly down the hole.

Eagle's legs were shaking as the children continued to sing.

"Drag the chains, drag the chains, with all the strength you may! Drag the chains, drag the chains, 'ere they drag you away!"

Eagle bolted into the room Raccoon was in before he disappeared and closed the door, bracing it with an old chair and table that was missing a leg.

"Cling clang go the chains, there's no more time for fear!"

Just as he was crawling away from the door, having fallen over from how much his legs were shaking. Then, the song went silent and the lights in the room turned back on. For a moment Eagle laughed hysterically after his eyes adjusted to the light, Raccoon and the others played a good enough prank to get away with the money. He felt idiotic that he didn't see right through the whole charade.

They were damn good actors, though, he thought as he stood up and reached over to remove the chair and the table from the door.

The lights shut off again, leaving Eagle in darkness. "You guys got the money!" he yelled. "What more do you-?"

The sound of chains being scraped behind him made his legs shake again as he froze in spot, listening to the children sing as the chains neared as a fear he never knew he had begun to rise in him.

"Cling clang know the chains, the last sound that you'll hear…" the children whispered softly.