AN: Okay...I swear to God...last Jolks fic. Swear. This is something I have to write just so I can nicely tie up all the Jolks fics I've written with a big red bow on top of it. After this, I'll probably write one TsubaHonk fic. you go. I hope you all enjoy this.

Personal Message to my fellow Jolks fans from the #JolksGC: Pag kayo nabitin pa dito, hindi ko na alam kung anu gagawin ko. XD


It was about 9PM when Nanjo Yoshino decided to sit in the living room couch of her two story home in the suburbs of Tokyo. In the coffee table in front of her sat a photo album that they had just finished looking through much earlier. The person who looked through it with her was the person she decided to spend the rest of her life with; that person was none other than the beautiful Kusuda Aina.

Oh, should be Nanjo Aina now.

Yes, the pair had married about two years into their relationship. They had their good times and their bad times. Yet despite all that, they fall deeper in love with each other as each day passes. About two years since they started dating, a blunder accidentally exposed their relationship to the public and their agencies gave them the option of either quitting the industry, confirming their relationship or breaking with each other all together and denying they were ever in a relationship in the first place. Of course, neither of them were willing to leave the jobs that they love and worked hard to get into nor were they willing to leave each other for the sake of avoiding a scandal. They also had no idea how they were going to deny their relationship; considering one time, they were caught kissing outside of Nanjo's apartment and another time, they were caught being intimate in her living room (that was the first and last time she forgets to close the window with the curtains and also the first and last time they were intimate in the living room). So that left them with one option and truth be told, they were sick and tired of sneaking around, so they confirmed their relationship. Much to their surprise, their fans approved and even cheered for them. Apparently, their fans, friends and family were just waiting for their relationship to happen. And that brought a great relief to her and Kussun, because in addition to finally NOT having to hide their love and relationship, they made their fans happy as well. Months later, Nanjo proposed to her beloved. She smiled as she looked out the window and saw the moon. The night she proposed to her was a night just like this. Nanjo smiled even wider as she remembered that night.

Nanjo sat in Kussun's car as her beloved drove to the countryside yet again. Like before, they were headed to that meadow where they watched the fireflies back then. Except this time it was totally dark out and the moon was high up in the sky; just what Nanjo needed.

"Yoshi-chan, are you alright? You've been jittery all day." Kussun remarked as she kept her eyes on the road. Nanjo responded with a smile and held her left hand before bringing it up to her lips for a kiss.

"I'm fine, Ai-chan. It's just stress." She responded as she continued holding onto that hand. As she held it, Nanjo can swear that the box in her pocket was burning a hole through her pants, begging to be let out and presented to the woman beside her. Nanjo was legitimately afraid that Kussun would say 'no' to her proposal. She had no idea what she would do if that happened. If approaching Kussun's parents to ask for their blessing and her hand in marriage was scary; actually proposing to her was terrifying.

"Yoshi-chan, we're here." Kussun said as she parked in the parking lot. Like before, Nanjo packed them a picnic basket full of food and they went to the same meadow where they watched the fireflies. As they ate, however, Nanjo noticed that Kussun kept sneaking glances at her and there were flashes of worry in her eyes as they talked. Well, Kussun did. Nanjo was just being a dork and barely said a word at all because she was too preoccupied in thinking of the worst case scenario.

"Yoshi-chan, are you sure you're alright?" Kussun asked her. Finally, Nanjo sighed and stood up as she pulled Kussun up with her.

"Ai-chan, there's a reason why I'm like this right now. It's not just the stress but...I'm nervous too. And to be honest, if I wasn't nervous, I'd make an even better effort to make this romantic so...I'm sorry but this is all I can do for now." Nanjo said, nervousness apparent in her voice. How ironic; here she is, a popular singer who performs in front of large crowds, about to faint at the mere thought of asking her girlfriend to marry her. She pulled out a box from her pocket and got down on one knee, not even minding the pain it brought her. So long as she can make a proper proposal to such a beautiful woman, she'll endure any pain. Kussun gasped and she covered her mouth in shock.

"Kusuda Aina, I have never loved anyone as much as I did you. I promised you a happily ever after and I know that this is the next best step to fulfilling that promise. Will you marry me?" Nanjo asked, with a hint of nervousness and a look of anxiety, as she opened the box. Inside was a beautiful diamond ring. Kussun's eyes were filled with tears as she nodded, not trusting her voice to answer. Eventually, she just threw herself on Nanjo, sending them both tumbling into the ground, with her below the older woman.

"So, is that a yes?" Nanjo teasingly asked her, even though she already knew the answer. Words cannot express how relieved she is to receive a 'yes' to her question.

"Yes, Yoshi-chan, I'll marry you." Kussun answered with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. They both sat up and Nanjo took her left hand and carefully slid the ring on her finger. Immediately afterwards, Kussun pulled her down for a kiss as Nanjo continued to hold her hand.

"Ai-chan, look!" Nanjo said when they separated. They both looked forwards and the sight before them was incredible; hundreds of fireflies were flying around the meadow, just like the first time they went there. A single firefly captured their attention, however. This particular firefly flew towards them and decided to perch itself on Kussun's engagement ring for a few moments before flying off yet again.

"Looks like even the fireflies agree with our engagement." Kussun said with a huge smile. Nanjo responded by kissing her forehead and holding her close, feeling happier than she had ever been her entire life.

It was only another few months later that they actually married. Thankfully, when they broke the news to their agencies, friends, families and fans, they were overjoyed (and thankfully, not fired). The ceremony was just the usual but whenever their wedding was brought up, the event that usually enters Nanjo's mind was the reception. Especially the conversation they had when things started slowing down a bit. Nanjo flipped the pages of the photo album until she found the photo she was looking for.

Nanjo walked out into the reception hall's garden, looking for her new wife. While she was greeting their guests, Nanjo realized that Kussun was no longer in the hall and thus, decided to go search for her. Her hunch was right and she did indeed find Kussun sitting on a garden bench. For a moment there, Nanjo forgot how to breathe; the pale glow of the moonlight only made Kussun look even more angelic in her wedding dress than she already did earlier. And at that moment, in the event that they would be separated, she knew that her soul would cry out only for the woman before her. Nanjo knew that no matter how many lifetimes they may someday live after this one, she will find her way back to her beloved Kussun.

"I might melt if you stare at me any longer, Yoshi-chan." Kussun said with a teasing tone in her voice. Nanjo let out a chuckle as she sat beside her wife and wrapped an arm around her.

"Sorry. You just look even more beautiful in the pale moonlight." She responded before pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Your ikemen charm does wonders, Yoshi-chan. You look like a prince in that suit." Kussun remarked as she wrapped her arms around Nanjo's neck. Since Nanjo had the fortune of having an ikemen charm, they decided that she would be the one to wear the suit. Not that Nanjo had a problem with that; after all, it was Kussun who requested it...

...and anything Kussun asked for, she would give it to her without hesitation as long as she could.

"Well, it's not like a prince would be whole without a princess. And I'm looking at mine right now." Nanjo said with a smile and a look that showed how much she adores the woman she just married. She was pretty certain that her entire being exuded love and adoration for Kussun and she could feel the same coming from her. They loved each other so much that even others could probably see it.

"Mou...Yoshi-chan, you're making me blush." Kussun said with a smile and a red hue on her face. Nanjo stood up and offered a hand towards her.

"Dance with me?" She requested. Kussun smiled and took it, allowing herself to be pulled up from her seat.

"Such a gentleman." She said as she wrapped her arms around Nanjo's neck. They swayed and dance to the sound of "Nightingale Love Song" that was being played in the reception hall. Earlier, Emitsun sang "Mou Hitori Ja Nai Yo" for their first dance.

"I meant what I said earlier, you know? About you being my princess."

"I know, Yoshi-chan." Kussun said with a smile as she brought their foreheads together.

"I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said so many times but I feel the need to say it again; I'm so lucky to have you, Ai-chan. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Yoshi-chan. You're not the only lucky one here. I'm so happy to be able to spend the rest of my life with you."

Unable to say anything more, Nanjo simply held her hand and pressed her lips to hers. They would've kept kissing for a few more minutes...if it weren't for the flashing light that kept going off. When they finally separated, they saw all the guests watching them from the reception hall and cheering them on while the wedding photographer still had a good vantage point to take a good photo of them even from afar. Come to think of it, the music seemed a lot closer too. As they scanned the area around, they both laughed upon seeing Rippi, standing not too far from them, holding a music player that was playing "Nightingale Love Song" up high with Shika beside her, no doubt taking a video of them on her phone. A video that will probably be put up on her Instagram within 48 hours. Oh, well, at least they weren't sniffing each others' hairs this time.

"This is starting to hurt, you know! Just kiss and do the romantic stuff that newly married couples do already!" Rippi playfully yelled at them as she continued holding the music player. But that only earned her more laughs and giggles.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Soramaru started yelling out. Eventually, everyone joined her in chanting the same thing, egging them into kissing.

"Well, Mrs. Nanjo? The guests are waiting." Nanjo teasingly asked her. Kussun rolled her eyes with a smile before leaning in for a kiss and Nanjo willingly met her halfway.

That moment was forever immortalized in a photograph.

That was the photograph that Nanjo was looking at right now. That wedding photographer had an eye for exquisite photographs, she'll give him that much. He perfectly captured their kiss with the moon the perfect witness in the photograph. It was the type of photo that you see in magazines and romance movies. Afterwards, they headed for their honeymoon; where the days were filled with fun activities and the nights were...well, let's just say they rocked each others' worlds, shall we?

'I can't believe we've been married for almost two years.' Nanjo thought with a smile as she fondly looked at the ring on her finger. When they reached their first year as a married couple, it became clear to Nanjo that Kussun wanted children. And they did, with Kussun deciding to go into hiatus to carry their child to term when they realized that she was pregnant. Those nine months were both heaven and hell for them; sometimes Nanjo had to go out of town for her concerts, sometimes she would be home late, sometimes she went days without sleeping at all due to her having to cater to Kussun's wants and needs, like what she's craving in the middle of the night or her wife's...hyperactive libido. She once had to go out in the middle of the night to find a McDonalds for McNuggets, for heaven's sake. For Kussun's part, in the meantime, her hormones were out of control; she would either get mad or cry for no reason. And it really scared the hell out of both of them but they pulled through, regardless. In her first months of pregnancy, Kussun would sometimes go out of town with her but by the time the sixth month rolled in, she started leaving Kussun with her parents out of fear that the stress of travelling might be too much for her and their baby. Seeing Kussun smile and excited to see their baby made everything worth it, however. But the birthing process itself was hell for the both of them. Just thinking about it still scared the living daylights out of her.

"Yoshi-chan, wake up. Please."

Nanjo moaned in her sleep but made little to no effort to actual open her eyes. It was only a few seconds later that she felt someone frantically shaking her shoulder. She finally turned around and saw Kussun sitting up in their bed with a panicked look on her face. She turned her head yet again and saw the time.

"Ai-chan, it's 2AM."

"My water just broke." Kussun reported as she took deep breaths. The older woman immediately got up as if someone doused her in ice cold water, changing her sleepwear into actual clothes before grabbing the bag she prepared for this day. Gently, she took her wife by the hand and helped her to the car. She was so grateful that she finally plucked up the willpower to get her driver's license years ago. Even more grateful that Kussun suggested that she go on a hiatus as well because that meant she didn't have work tomorrow morning. Nanjo immediately drove as fast as she could to the hospital, holding her beloved's hand as she drove.

"We're almost there, love. Just breathe."

After a few more minutes, they finally arrived. Her wife was immediately put into a stretcher and they started wheeling her to the operating room.

"Will she be alright?" Nanjo anxiously asked as she ran with them, not once letting go of her beloved's hand. Kussun let out a pained moan and Nanjo's worries were only amplified further when she saw how weak and pale she's suddenly become. She didn't need a long time experience with pregnant women to know that what's happening to her wife is not normal.

"We'll do our best, Nanjo-san." The doctor responded. Finally, they arrived at the operating room.

"Nanjo-san, we need you to step outside. Please. We'll call you if it's alright to come in." The doctor humbly requested of her.

"Ai-chan, I'll just be outside, alright. Stay strong, my love. We're about to see our baby. I love you both so much." Nanjo said with a hint of excitement and encouragement in her voice before pressing her lips against Kussun's pale and cold ones. She reluctantly left the room, afterwards.

The wait was pure torture for her. About an hour later, the doctor came out while was contacting their friends and families. Anxiously, she stood up as he approached.

"How is she?" Nanjo asked him as she nervously wringed her hands together.

"Nanjo-san, I'm afraid there were some complications. Your wife is suffering from placental abruption. We need to perform an emergency caesarean section on her, immediately. If we don't...both your wife and child could die." He informed her as he held out a clipboard with a form and a pen towards her. Nanjo immediately took them both and signed without hesitation.

"Please do what you can to save my wife and our baby." She requested as she returned it to him. When he went back inside, she collapsed on the chair she was previously sitting on and, as childish as it may look, brought her knees close to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them. She didn't even mind the pain that brought on to her knees; she just...needed to hide somehow, somewhere.

'Ai-chan, stay strong. Please.' She thought to herself before falling asleep in that position.

The next time that Nanjo woke up was when their parents arrived. She explained everything to them as best as she could and they in turn did their best to cheer her up and reassure her that Kussun will be fine but that did nothing to stop the anxiety she felt. Hours later, they heard the cries of a baby and the doctor finally came out and she stood up to talk with him.

"Nanjo-san." He called for her with a smile. "Congratulations. It's a girl. A perfectly healthy baby girl."

She breathed out a sigh of relief before smiling as wide as she could. They had agreed to keep the baby's gender a surprise until the actual birth.

"Thank you, doctor. Where are they?" She asked with an excited smile.

"We took your daughter to the maternity ward to see if she has any complications. We transferred your wife to a room now." He said as he gave her a slip of paper with the room number written on it.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She said with a bow before he walked away.

"Go see, Aina-chan, dear. We grandparents are going to see our granddaughter." Nanjo's mother said. With a nod and after several hugs, Nanjo ran towards the room and entered it. Inside, she saw Kussun soundly asleep on the bed, colour slowly returning to her cheeks. Nanjo went to her wife's bedside and kissed her forehead before gently holding her hand.

"You did great, Ai-chan. Rest. I'll be here when you wake up. I love you." She whispered before sitting beside her on a chair and she slowly fell asleep yet again, tightly holding her beloved's hand.

Nanjo awoke to a soft sensation of someone stroking her hair. She groggily raised her hand and opened her eyes with a little bit of difficulty.

"Hi." A soft and familiar voice greeted her. Nanjo perked up when she realized that Kussun was awake.

"Hi. Hi...I love you." She said with a voice full of fondness before she pressed her lips to Kussun's.

"You want to see her?" Nanjo asked Kussun, who was genuinely surprised by what she said.

"Her? We have a girl?" She asked as tears sprang in her eyes. Kussun didn't get to see their child once the birthing was over considering she was passed out until now.

"Yeah." The older woman said with a smile.

"Mama offered to get her earlier when I woke up...but she never said the gender." Kussun said, excitement apparent in her voice. Just then, Kussun's mother entered with a nurse, who was pushing a small crib towards them.

"Nanjo-san, here's your daughter." The nurse cheerfully said with a bow before leaving the room. Kussun's mother gently took the sleeping child from the crib.

"Mind her head, Aina-chan." She said as she handed the baby over to her mothers.

"Hi. It's your Mama Aina." Kussun greeted her with a gentle smile as her tears gently streamed down her cheeks. Nanjo held her little daughter's hand, not realizing that she was crying as well until she saw a tear from her eye drop on her daughter's hand. The child stirred from her sleep and looked at them with curious brown eyes.

"Hold her, Yoshi-chan." Kussun insisted as she held the baby towards her. Hesitantly, Nanjo took the child, afraid of dropping her or making her cry all of a sudden.

"You're holding her perfectly, Yoshino-chan." Kussun's mother said with a smile. Nanjo responded with a smile on her own and she looked at her daughter with the same fondness that she usually gave her beloved wife.

"I'm your mom. It's your Mama Yoshino." She said as the tears continued to stream down from her eyes.

"Hello, hello!" A familiar voice greeted them. When they looked up, they saw Emitsun and the others entering the room.

"Hello, everyone." Kussun greeted with a wide smile as Nanjo handed their daughter over to her. They immediately greeted each other with hugs and kisses since they haven't seen each other in a while.

"I see your little one finally made its way to the world. And that it's a girl." Ucchi said as she held the baby's hands.

"Ha! Pay up, guys!" Soramaru said as Pile, Mimorin and Shika begrudgingly pulled out their wallets and paid her.

"You made a bet on our baby's gender?" Nanjo asked them in disbelief.

"They did. Ucchi, Rippi and I sat it out." Emitsun responded as she greeted Kussun with a kiss on the cheek.

"It's just for fun." Mimorin said with a small smile.

"So, what's her name?" Rippi asked them with an excited tone in her voice as she tickled the baby in the stomach as she lay in Kussun's arms. They expected much from her; she was the youngest of them after all. And still a bit of a child at heart.

"I'll give you 10000 yen if you can guess it." Nanjo teasingly said.

"Yoshi-chan!" Kussun scolded her with a pout.

"Sorry, Ai-chan. Please don't pout." She said as she kissed her wife's cheek. She and Kussun did discuss names before the birth and the name they agreed on was connected to one of the people who helped them meet one another.

"So...what's her name?" Shika asked them.

"Eli. Her name is Eli." Kussun said with a smile.

"Hello, Little Elichika." Soramaru greeted the child as she made silly faces towards her, which was met by a blank yet somewhat confused stare from the baby. Pile approached little Eli this time and brought out an Ayase Eli Nesoberi that she held close to the baby.

"This is for you, Little Eli." She said with a happy smile before proceeding to hand the toy over to Kussun.

"Thank you, Pai-chan." Kussun said as she took the Nesoberi from her and proceeded to hold it for her daughter. Little Eli, meanwhile, reached her hands out of the Nesoberi but Kussun knew that she won't be able to hold on to it so she continued to hold it for her. Shika was, as usual, taking a video of the moment on her phone.

"Nan-chan, I want to take a picture. Sit beside Kussun and Eli-chan." Rippi said and they complied. Nanjo sat beside Kussun and wrapped an arm around her before holding little Eli's hand. In a spur of the moment, she kissed Kussun's forehead just as Rippi pressed the capture button on her phone.


Another moment immortalized...

At some point of her reminiscing, Nanjo flipped the pages of the photo album towards that picture that Rippi took. A photo she took, printed, handed over to them and then posted on her Instagram...all in the span of 2 hours. A shrill cry suddenly sounded in the air, bringing Nanjo to full alert. Immediately, she stood up and headed upstairs to their room before Kussun wakes up from her sleep. It's been two months since she gave birth and she needs her rest, after all. When she entered their bedroom, she saw that Kussun was starting to stir from her sleep. Immediately, she walked over to the bassinet, taking great care not to step on Chip, Meme, Mugi and Chibi, who were huddled around the bassinet sleeping. Ever since they brought Eli home, their pets have been on guard around her 24/7. It was a cute and heart-warming sight, really. Nanjo took her baby from the bassinet and immediately worked to calm her down.

"There, there. It's okay..."

Kussun woke up to the sound of little Eli's crying. She's been a light sleeper since Eli was born but it made her wonder what the problem was. The clock showed that it was 10PM and she was just fed and changed about an hour and a half ago. She wasn't colicky either. Just as she was about to get up, however, she heard a familiar voice.

"There, there. It's okay, my little Elichika. Are you lonely? We didn't leave you. It's alright. We're right here."

Kussun turned around and saw that Nanjo had beaten her to the punch. She was in front of the bassinet and she was already taking Eli into her arms and she started calming down immediately.

"'s alright. Mama's here." Nanjo whispered to their baby as she waved the Nesoberi Pile gave them in front of her before walking up to the bed and setting her in between her and Kussun.

"You woke up. Go back to sleep, I got her." Nanjo told Kussun.

"I was going to get her but you got to her before I did." Kussun said with a tired smile. Nanjo brushed the hair away from her face before leaning forward to kiss her. When they separated, Nanjo leaned on the headboard before picking Eli up and putting her stomach-first on top of her chest before turning the music player on. The soft melody of 'Snow Halation' immediately started playing from its speakers. With a teasing smile, Kussun grabbed her phone and opened the camera app just in time to take a picture of Nanjo kissing Eli's forehead. Once it was uploaded on her Instagram, she leaned her head on Nanjo's shoulder as she gently rubbed Eli's back. Eli let out a small cooing sound as she turned her head towards Kussun as she tightly held Nanjo's shirt in her little hands. Her little eyes were slowly sliding down to close so she can sleep but she kept opening them as if she was struggling to stay awake.

"Sleep, little one. Mama Yoshi and I will be here in the morning. Good night, my little Elichika." Kussun whispered to Eli. As soon as she was done saying that, Eli's eyes completely closed, safe and comfortable in her parents' arms. Kussun kissed her daughter on her dainty forehead before leaning on her wife's shoulder yet again. After a few minutes of silence, Kussun spoke up again.



"You did it." Kussun stated as she continued to look at their baby and gently rubbed her back.

"What?" Nanjo asked in confusion as she turned her head towards her wife to look at her.

"You gave me a happily ever after. You kept your promise and gave me a happily ever after." She clarified for her. Nanjo lifted her head up by the chin and she carefully leaned down to kiss her.

"We did it, Ai-chan. I wouldn't have my happily ever after if it weren't for you. We gave each other our happily ever after. I hate imagining a life without you by my side. I love you so much."

Tears gently fell from Kussun's eyes as she brought their foreheads together and she held Nanjo's hand, which led to them putting their hands on the only proof of their love; Eli.

"I love you too, Yoshi-chan. Both you and our little Elichika." Kussun said with a smile before she leaned her head on Nanjo's shoulder yet again. Both women closed their eyes, the steady breathing of their daughter and each other slowly lulling them to sleep, happy and content with their blissful lives. Before they fell asleep, both coincidentally only had the one and the same thought in their minds. A thought that would be quite fit the gamer in Nanjo.

'Achievement Unlocked: Happily Ever After'

AN: FUCKIN' FINALLY! With 4,848 words, this is probably the longest one shot I've written. This is the last in a line of Jolks one-shot. The next one shot I'm making will be TsubaHonkers but that'll probably be next week. I'm sorry if it's not quite up to your standards but I had to rush as I will be leaving for Sagada tomorrow and I wanted to get this done before then. I hope you guys enjoyed this. Reviews are appreciated.