TDWP: Enough Sunrises and Sunsets Pt. 14
In a way, Andy expected to have to fake her pleasant demeanor more, but after five minutes of just sitting there and the careful way no one actually asked what happened and the way Connie drooled at Serena, she found herself relaxing and just being amused by things. Her drink had been replenished and the snacks were plentiful, not too sweet or salty, but enough of each to enjoy. Miranda seemed to have no problem with snagging something out of the common platter, even if it meant reaching a little over the brunette to do it. Neither did Emily.
And because they made it seem natural and normal and like it happened just all the time, despite Andy 'knowing' different, somehow... Andy gamely fell under the spell of it, accepting that this was normal for now.
While there wasn't really small talk, the chat was somewhat idle, rotating a bit around SWAG and a bit around the sites to see nearby that Sam might recommend.
Andy found herself thinking about the fact that Lily and Doug would be arriving. At one of the lulls in conversation, she posed a question. "Connie, did Lils mention how much a spot at the SWAG was running?"
Her cousin raised a brow, "Well not in dollar amounts, but she said it was a bank shocker and she was glad it wasn't coming out of her account, if that's what you're asking. Why?" His query was a bit drawn out, as if he suspected that Andy had a nefarious purpose in mind.
"I was just curious," Andy said. She felt quite relaxed at that moment, between the refreshments and the non-provocative way Emily and Miranda were behaving around her, the lethargy she might normally have felt after such a huge emotional upheaval actually translated itself into something more comfortable.
"Curious," Connie repeated back and the way he said it was so careful, that this time it was Emily who gave her a glance sideways. Sam merely smiled in amusement. Miranda, while not exactly poker-faced, simply watched with interest.
"What? I was just..." Andy shrugged and prevaricated.
"No..." Connie corrected. "You had that tone in your voice."
"No tone." Andy denied. "I was just thinking about what people do with spaces at the SWAG. I mean, Lily's gonna put up a mini gallery. Some of the designers have some sweet set ups. You remember that haunted "house" we passed by on the way to the gothic-flavored cat walk."
"I do..." Connie said, his eyes beginning to light. "And where are you going with this?"
"Not where you're thinking. Though it would be fun to see if we could get away with a Tee-Pee tree right by it."
"Maybe some toilet seats with fake cherry trees hung with little bombs in strategic places." Connie projected.
"A few teddy bears with cellophane flames coming out of their heads..." Andy nodded.
"...labeled Flaming Pooh?" Connie started getting into the spirit of it quickly.
Andy grinned and kept on, "But, no, I was just thinking about the fact that we have a bazillion Runway staff here..."
"Exaggerate much, Andrea?" Miranda said, eyes glinting with something along the lines of amusement.
"Well, maybe not a whole bazillion..." Andy gave on that, but now her mind was churning, "but I was just thinking that while Runway now has a presence there, they don't have a space at SWAG to call their own. Look at all these poor, frolicking people." Her hand waved out in the general direction of those individuals playing in the pool, congregating in loud social groups around the patio, enjoying watching the stars that weren't in the sky. "... what will they do tomorrow, I mean aside from be very busy like usual ..."
"Andrea..." Miranda warned softly.
"And, well, maybe not a Runway thing. Maybe my poor dinky little website needs something like 'Visit adventure land.' With a blank space and two chairs set at the far ends from each other ..."
"That's ridiculous," Connie said. "It's not even a complete adventure."
"Anyone can have an adventure in their mind and I told you I was just asking. Now though, you've got me thinking. Thanks, Connie." Andy offered him her cheesiest grin.
"Who me?" Connie grinned just as ferociously back.
"Okay," Andrea leaned forward, mischief lighting up her eyes as if a light bulb had gone off behind them. She finally got to her real point, "Here's the thing. Connie, I want you to find out tonight where Lily's gonna be. We need to know as soon as possible. I'll make a couple of phone calls. We'll set up across from her display. Get some guy with coke-bottle glasses and frizzy hair..."
"...Wearing a lab coat," Connie contributed, as he immediately caught the thought. "Blackboards?" He inquired?
Andy puffed and waved her hand. "Blackboards are old school; white board, with projectors," she corrected.
Connie shifted closer, using his hands to demonstrate his thoughts, "It'll have all the cliches about 'who needs art?' With some antiquated images of bad art."
"Or kid kitchen paintings." Andy confirmed, also moving forward more and demonstrating.
Connie spread his hands wide, as if covering a board, "And the slides will drop with reasons that art should be done away with, like the social welfare of old ladies with kittens ..."
Andy moved her hands triumphantly. "Boo, art! Hurray, corporate thinking!"
Connie laughed and pointed. "Lily will keel you. I am so totally down for this."
Andy looked as if she were going to say more.
"Stop." Miranda's placed a hand on the brunette's thigh. It grabbed Andy's attention immediately. "Go back to the Runway scenario."
Andy looked sheepish for a moment, but gamely explained. "I hadn't even built a scenario yet. Though, it would be fun to put a catwalk with a bunch of chairs around, and have models carrying Runway signs up and down, wearing something diaphanous, but also, say, horse halters with bridles and reins.
"Have a couple of teamsters looking dangerous and tough. Snapping out with those thin leather whips ..." Connie said.
"Maybe hay-bales as the seats at the front, or lining up along the catwalk. The models wear those platform shoes. They should all be black leather patent, black soles and heels all the way down."
"Stop." Miranda drawled slowly, giving an arch look at Andy's obvious tease; especially given a conversation she overheard earlier in the day. "There will be no horse models. Not with Runway's name. We are not the Equestrian. Try again. Emily, call Nigel."
Emily, who was wearing that fantastically revealing bathing suit and was sans phone, looked at Miranda with a raised brow. It was Sam who saved the day. She raised her hand, and just said, not shouted, "William. Phone."
"Sure, spoil the fun. But fine." Andy shrugged and exhaled, and suddenly William was there. He handed Sam a portable phone, who handed it to Emily. He made himself scarce as soon as Andy looked at him. "Seriously, Sam, how many Bills are there? He's just everywhere."
"Just the one," Sam said, "But he's very versatile. And he's still terrified of you. What did you do to him?"
"Nothing. That I can remember." Andy looked at Miranda and cocked her head, narrowed her gaze, "How do you feel about prize fighting?"
- TDWP -
By the time Nigel arrived, Andy and Connie had flashed through several brainstorms, hashing them out in thorough, quick succession, with Miranda redirecting or nodding at ideas as they rose. Emily didn't exactly refuse to take notes, but she was smart enough to contact Sandra, who did do the job; as Emily, felt quite right with throwing her own ideas into the mix, once she understood a theme. As did Serena, who recognizing the rarity of such an opportunity tossed in her thoughts with a surprising fearlessness. Nigel had the joy of playing both secondary director and referee, pushing them all, except for Miranda, with that artful professionalism that had garnered the snowy-haired editor's faith in the first place.
Sam, in the end, was the one who made the phone calls, only having to hand the phone to Miranda once when someone needed a little more convincing, and kept William busy refreshing drinks and the snacks; and sundry other duties.
Sometime later, Miranda was nodding with a pleased expression. Runway had gained not just a space at the SWAG, but a prominent one, garnered from one of the early departures from an unsuccessful run, and plans had been set in motion that would enhance their reputation with the kind of flair that could be expected at such an event. Irv would be both hysterical about the cost, already mitigated by the fact that the staff no longer had to stay at a hotel, but he would also be thrilled at the marketing. Which, really, they should have thought of it in the first place. They were going to have a very intense staff meeting after SWAG when everyone returned home.
Either way, for Miranda, it would be a win. Plans for teasing Lily and any other designer at the SWAG had been nixed by Miranda's simple declaration of, "As of this moment your design team represents Runway, which means no..." She nearly said mayhem, but changed the phrasing to one less provocative, as she suspected that would have resulted in the opposite of her wishes, "... competitive themes for this year's SWAG."
That had successfully flummoxed both Andy and Connie, who had said, "But what about the pirates?"
"... and the rum?"
"...and the island?" in lament. They had both really liked that idea and had practically built the the space in their minds.
"Especially not," Miranda had said, eyes glinting with terrible entertainment, but expression stern. She was thanking divinity she had twins and knew how to deal with bouncing conversations and adorable pouts.
"Well, I know when to quit," Connie had thrown down a napkin like a gauntlet in mock anger. "Andy, I declare a swim."
"Brilliant. I need to cool off..." Andy meant that in more ways than one. Both Miranda and Emily, once things had started, seemed to have no problem touching Andy in random succession. Sometimes it was to redirect, but more often it seemed as if it was just something that they wanted to do. And, while on the surface the touches had been innocuous enough, she was feeling a definite heat in certain parts of her anatomy. It did not stop her from grousing as she stood up. "...No pirates. I bet Dorene would have let us have pirates, especially if she could be one."
"I know." Connie's arms rose in an emphasized-shake, as he continued to grouse. "It was nearly harmless. We would have made sure they used plastic swords for the sword fights." He swung an imaginary sword in Andy's direction.
She was already countering. "Except for Dorene's. It'd have to be one of those replicas, but with blunted edges." Andy reminded him. Then she grumbled, "I was really looking forward to the trollops."
"Me too!" Connie said, as they both started toward the pool without looking back at the bemused observers.
"What was that?" Nigel finally managed, "And who was that Andy? Where was that girl at Runway?"
"Fetching the perfect coffee and trying very much to fit into our normal." Miranda replied thoughtfully.
- TDWP -
Andy and Connie cavorted around in the water a little bit. Despite some myths, vampires did not sink to the bottom of a pool, though they could swim without breathing. And, there was simply no point in trying to race one. Not that Andy didn't try for a few laps. Even with a head start Connie took down her record handily. "It's just not right," groused Andy, but Connie took his win where he could find it and she graciously, except for one fist to his shoulder impact, which did no damage whatsoever, let him have it.
After diverting themselves, they split off. Andy wanted some time in the shallow end, while Connie had spotted Serena making her way toward the deeper end and wanted to try convincing her to join him.
The brunette made her way toward one of the wide, clamshell-shaped decorative steps that allowed a person to sit in the water or climb out. She sat down. The crowd was thinning some, and the air was cooling. Her skin pebbled as a soft breeze passed.
She turned, a little, feeling presence before knowing. "Hey Em."
The redhead took a seat beside the writer. She said nothing for a little while and they sat in companionable silence. Then she said, quietly, "Seems to be just a little past a reasonable hour. I think you've proved you're a grown up now."
Andy chuckled despite herself. "Yeah. I'm kind of tired, but didn't want to admit it yet."
Emily proffered a hand, "Come on then."
Andy took her hand, but didn't quite start getting up. "You know, Serena is being far too nice to Connie. I fully expected a bruised ego by now."
"She likes him. She'll let him down easy."
Andy turned and looked at Emily, catching the inflection. "Like she did you?"
The redhead's breath caught and her expression tightened. But she couldn't verbalize it. Odd how, even when one had what they had sought, some things still hurt anyway.
Andy's grip tightened on her friend's hand. "Alright, take me to..." She almost said bed, but caught herself, "... my room." Emily stood up gracefully, tugging Andy along with ease, but not too much force. The brunette looked back to the table where Sam and Miranda still sat, chatting about something which had the blonde looking very earnest.
Probably some vampire business.
Andy returned her glance to Emily, and realized she had so many questions she wanted to ask and very few she felt daring enough to. The redhead, once they were out of the pool, took her by the arm again. The started toward her rooms and Andy said, somewhat speculatively. "You would have made a good pirate, I think."
"Damn right," Emily replied.
- TDWP -
The next morning Sam described some of the previous evenings happenings to an entertained audience of Dorene and Nan. They were waiting in the sitting room for certain members of their party to finish getting ready for the day. "And then they went swimming. It was just... amazing, actually."
Dorene and Nan sat on a loveseat across from Sam, who had taken an overstuffed chair. They were all impeccably dressed, but their body language was languidly casual. Dorene's arm was wrapped comfortably around Nan's shoulder. The professor rolled her eyes a bit and then nodded, "Yeah. They've been like that their whole lives. It's as if, when they're together, their I.Q. triples. They come up with the most brilliant ideas, barnstorming away.
"You mean brainstorming?"
"I wish I meant the mere act of brainstorming, but no. Did that feel like simple brainstorming to you?"
"No," Sam said. "No, it was not." It had been far too... magical a process.
Dorene lifted her hands as if to say, that would be the point. "Okay, maybe it is brainstorming, but barnstorming, where they are concerned, is much more descriptive. That's why they were not allowed together without adult supervision until they were old enough to be held accountable for whatever mayhem they created. Although, by then they could use tools accurately and that was its own problem. And when the fearsome foursome gather... watch out." She grinned, "At least this time they used their power for good."
Sam snorted, "Only because Miranda was there." The blonde's head lifted and swiveled toward the open doorway, "Speaking of..."
"Has Andrea made an appearance yet?"
"No. Connie stopped by. He mentioned something about Andy getting coffee?"
The editor's expression, which had darkened a touch, suddenly brightened. "Coffee?"
It was a very, very rare thing for Miranda to be surprised. It was even rarer that a person carrying coffee should startle her; not that she ever let it show. In fact, that was one of the reasons she had her assistants make the run, coffee was such a unique scent, and her specific blend was one she could recognize in her sleep. Thus, she always knew when they were on the way or had been in her office. Not that there weren't always other clues, perfume, placement of objects. But coffee was one of her reliable methods of determining the reliability of her assistants. Those who tried, who ran the gauntlet for her, benefited. Those who delivered the mediocre effort or had other agendas, well, they did not last.
Yet, somehow, Andrea had managed a feat that no one else could accomplish, nor had.
It was, Miranda recalled, a slight habit of the writer; one that she at first found disturbing and then, later, had come to rely on. As Andrea had only ever used this particular talent when delivering her coffee. Perhaps it was the price of perfect timing. She had to trust the delivery.
She took the insulated cup out of habit, noting that it was not Starbucks, therefore it had to be a more... local... blend.
"Thomas has a variety of beans. You would not believe how many different types. Took me forever to find the right one. And the machine requires a diploma to run, but I got it figured out," Andy said as she passed by, once the cup was safely in the right hands. She took a seat. "Hi everyone."
"What, you didn't get coffee for me?" Dorene mock pouted.
"Sorry, that kind of free random service happens on my good days and for one person only. Not you." She did not mention that, knowing Miranda was on the premises had made the need to fetch her coffee almost a compulsion. It was a strangely comforting habit and she'd had no idea how deeply it ran in her.
"Wounded. To the core." Dorene dramatically placed her hand on her chest. "On the other hand, I'm a philistine when it comes to coffee, so it doesn't matter. Instant'll do for me."
"Thus," Andy said. "No wasted effort. Um. Dr. Acheson stopped me on the way, said he might have something for me later this afternoon. I'll probably be bailing early from the fun and games."
Miranda, coffee in hand settled in a free overstuffed chair. "I will make arrangements to see that you are accompanied home. You will keep Emily informed." Even as Andy opened her mouth to argue, Miranda lifted a finger in caution and said, "That is not up for discussion." She took a sip of perfection, and in a rare act of trust, closed her eyes so she might linger in appreciation.
Her exhale, a near hum of bliss, while not accompanied with a smile, did cause one for Andy, as well as a subtle relaxing of the brunette's shoulders, even though her acceptance of the command was slightly terse, "Fine. I will."
Miranda did not bother to reply as the matter was settled and she wanted to absorb as much of the coffee as she could, while she could.
- TDWP -
A/N - My Beta Reader said I had to post this one too. So here we go. I wouldn't expect any more postings for the season, as I'll likely be doing some family things. But Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. (December 23, 2017)