Oof hello, let's pretend that I didn't basically abandon this story almost 4 years ago. Anyway since quarantine is a thing now, I've had way to much free time on my hands. I was reminiscing about my early fandom days when this story came to mind. Not gonna lie, I have never cringed as hard as I did reread this story. I made a lot of grammar & spelling mistakes, the story line was questionable and I definitely broke copy-write laws. Am I going to continue this story now? Hell no, I've come to accept that writing is definitely not a gift I have been blessed with. Am I still apart of the fandom? Oh definitely, in fact I need friends that are as into the fandom life as I am. So follow me on Twitter RonnievonT, also my insta art acc thelavenderinfluence (Yes I am shamelessly self advertising ;).

Anyway I hope everyone is safe where they are and I wish you the best for 2020

Love the weird chick that popped up 4 years too late