A/N I do not own Criminal Minds. Thank you all for the wonderful support! And special shout out, to my lovely Guest Reviewers, I see you and appreciate you!

This story was initially supposed to be something short and sweet, and my Muse had other ideas (like making this chapter the longest thing I've ever written). So, thank you all for the endless patience, and for going on this crazy journey with me!

And though, I'm sad to see this end, I'm excited for what's to come. I will be resuming my normal round of updates to all my other stories. I hope to see you there :)

Story Warnings: Strong Sexual Situations and Coarse Language

Please, enjoy!

Cabaret with Chardonnay


Derek slammed his finger onto the backspace button, completely deleting the sentence that he had valiantly been working on for the last twenty minutes. Taking a few deep breaths, he tried again.

The suspect's brother entered from the backdoor…

Glaring at the little black words, he leisurely rolled the kink out of his neck, only for his bleary eyes to stare up at the large wall clock, which seemed to solely be sluggishly ticking away minutes.

The team had gotten back from their latest case about three hours ago, and they had all agreed to finish up their paperwork, so that they could spend the rest of the evening at Smitty's Bar and Grill down the street. It had been a relatively tame case, compared to some of the horrors they normally faced, but it had left them stranded for two exhausting weeks in a desolate, old western town in Dubois, Wyoming, with minimal leads and mounting victims.

Grimacing in pain, when he abruptly shifted in his seat to get more comfortable. Releasing a sharp hiss, as his fingers shot up to tenderly brush over the throbbing, deep purple bruise on his shoulder. He had stumbled while struggling with their UnSub and had smashed into a coffee table.

His heart twisted, remembering Penelope's shrill scream and nervous rambling over his headset, when he had shattered through the glass. The chaotic commotion had lasted a good couple of minutes and it had taken JJ, Rossi and himself several reassuring conversations to assure her that he was fine.

Clenching his teeth, he had hated the long days away from his girlfriend, especially after the few shorts weeks they had constantly spent together, as a couple, consummating their relationship with every sweet and naughty to downright kinky idea that had come to mind.

Oh, it had been the best weeks of his life, and all Derek wanted to do was swing by Garcia's office, take her home, and make up for the two excruciating weeks he had been away.

Lying in bed, in that quaint motel room on the other side of the country, he had vacantly stared at the tacky mural of galloping wild horses, as his mind wandered back to Virginia were Penelope was safely tucked away. The potent lust she had unleashed within him, hadn't been quenched, but fueled by her throaty, teasing voice over the phone. She had whispered enticingly filthy things into his ear, and made him come all over his grey sweatpants, like some antsy teenage boy.

He had been left panting for breath, still stiff and achingly hot, within his calloused palm, only for the little minx to giggle, and hang up.

Yes, Derek was ready to get home and get even, but the moment they had gotten off the elevator, Penelope had gathered them all into a hug – fussing like a mother hen, inspecting each of them over for any bumps and bruises – and when she caught his haggard posture and slowed pace, she had pursed her lips and then suggested that they all go out to recharge – not taking any no's for an answer – only to then whirl around on those deathly high, neon yellow platforms, as she quickly fled to her lair, without a second glance in his direction.

He was miffed, but enjoyed watching the luscious sway of her hips and perky ass, as she walked away. Leaving him mesmerized over her flowing dinosaur printed dress, that had dark green ferns and golden blotches of sunshine embellished all over it, and which gently swished over her bare thighs. It was obviously new, and totally adorable. And he couldn't wait to rip it off her.

Standing all alone in the cold, fluorescent hallway, he had to refocus his breathing and remind himself that he was at work. Though his sudden erection was making it rather difficult. Slowly making his way to his office, avoiding the curious, knowing gazes of his teammates, he locked his door and slumped into his chair. Where he sat, unable to concentrate on the case report.

Not yet ready to share their excitement, they had kept their new relationship under wraps. Cherishing the secrecy of it, while relishing in the fact that they could sneak around. It was exhilarating, and had led to some of the hottest sexual encounters that Derek had ever had.

There was the quickie in the supply closest, and the late-night escapade in the conference room. After everyone had gone home, he had eagerly bent Penelope over the wooden table and swiftly took her from behind, and before she could catch her breath, he pinned her up against the door, taking his sweet time thrusting deep inside her. Though, his favorite incident thus far, was when Penelope had snuck into his office, and surprised him with a special gift underneath his desk. It had been wet and sloppy, and the thrill of getting caught, had him exploding inside her mouth quicker then he would have liked.

Yes, they were taking full advantage of their private affair, however, the fact that no one on the team knew about them, was starting to fray on his nerves.

He had to be extra careful not to slip up and spill the beans, which was difficult when all he wanted to do was shout it from the rooftops that he was dating the sexiest and sweetest woman in the world. He wanted to put a ring on her pretty, little finger in front of all his friends and family and proclaim his devotion to her.

Okay, maybe he was getting a wee bit ahead of himself.

Although a rushed proposal was the least of his worries. The fact that he had fudged the truth about his injury, and by fudged, he meant that he hadn't told her at all, was what he should be concentrating on. Her heartbreaking cry on the phone had made him nauseous, and he didn't want her to worry. So, he had made the team keep his hurt shoulder a secret. It was just a bruise. No big deal.

However, the moment she laid eyes on him, and her face crumpled with anguish, he knew he had fucked up. Now, he was regretting his white lie and their secrecy, because he desperately needed some advice on how to apologize for an argument that hadn't even happened yet.

He felt weird going to Hotch for guidance, and though Reid was like his brother, he was… well, he was Reid. That left Prentiss, who wasn't big on 'girl talk', but she was logical. Then, there was Rossi, who would have some grand romantic gesture that would surely get him out of the doghouse. And JJ was her bestie. She could read Penelope almost as good as he could, and she would certainly help calm him down and set him straight.

The only problem was, none of them knew that they were dating, which left him on his own, to fend for himself.


Nervously tapping a tune with his Montblanc pen against a blank legal pad, he checked the clock once more, realizing only a measly seven minutes had passed. He decided to call it a night, and just get it over with. Shutting off his computer, leaving his desk in disarray, he quickly gathered his go-bag and the white fold-and-tuck box from the bottom drawer, and locked up.

His stomach fluttered, as he got closer to her lair. Warm, yellow light snuck through a small crack in the door, and he could hear the faint tapping of each precise keystroke. Taking a sturdy breath, adjusting the strap of his heavy bag, he carefully pushed the door open with his boot.

The sight of her leaning back in her chair, curvy legs propped up on the desk and crossed at her dainty ankles, nearly took his breath away. The keyboard was propped up on the armrests, and she twirled a bouncing blonde curl, as she punched a code in for a new search.

A black screen popped up, and bright green lettering and numbers scrolled rapidly with information that only she could decipher. She hummed in satisfaction, then placed the keyboard back on the desk, only to pick up her Miracle Worker mug, and take a languid sip of her tea.

"I hope you have something precious to offer this Oracle," her voice was husky, and unwavering. "Like a big, fat apology, wrapped in a gorgeous, shimmering bow," tilting her head to look back at him. "I also accept dark, raspberry filled chocolates, and a fine-tuned zeal of flattering compliments."

He smiled, dropped his bag by the door, and walked farther inside. "I missed you too," lowering his head, he gave her cheek a sweet, gentle peck, but before he could capture her lips, she turned away.

"Well, that's funny…" taking another sip, looking up at him over her tortoise shell glasses. "Because it appears that my boyfriend missed the perfect opportunity to inform his lovely, finely dressed, perfectly postured, and slight worrywart of a girlfriend, that he injured himself," scrunching her cute button nose, when she glowered at him suspiciously.

"I'm sorry," grabbing the extra rolling chair, he turned it around, and gingerly plopped down into it.

She stared at him, scrutinizing each movement, and looked back at her computer screens. "What's in the box?" brightening her tone with an air of indifference.

His eyes crinkled in amusement, when he placed the small gift on her desk. But when she didn't show any interest in opening it up, he slowly slid it over with his index finger, until it was directly in front of her.

Her warm, hazel eyes glanced his way, and then down at the box, and then forward once more.

"I promise you'll like it," folding his arms over the back of the chair, and resting his chin on his bent elbow, he patiently waited.

Letting out a long, weary sigh, she placed her mug down on her turquoise doily, and then leisurely lowered her legs. Taking her time to straighten out her dress, before cautiously picking up the flimsy present. Popping the top open, she peered inside, only to look back at him with confusion written all over her face.

"I know I haven't cleaned my specs in a while," she retorted, blinking her eyes dramatically. "But I'm pretty sure your gift is lacking the…wow factor," shaking the empty box above her head.

"Turn it over."

Arching a manicured brow, she crossed a leg over her knee – letting the skirt of her dress bunch around her waist and expose her creamy thigh. A satisfied smirk covered her face, when his gaze widened and his tongue peeked out to lick his lips. Rolling her eyes, she turned the box upside down, and went completely still.

Delicately taped to the bottom of the box was an elegant bracelet.

There were three layers of vibrant red, nylon cord, that were connected at two opposing ends by sterling silver charms. One was an infinity symbol with both of their birthstones etched in the middle, and the other were two hearts entwined together. It was simple but stunning, and it took her breath away.

"It's known, as the Red String of Fate," eyes dark, and glistening with honesty. "It's a Japanese legend. It believes that the thread emanating from your heart-…and damn is your heart magnificent, Baby Girl," his adoring smile lit up the room. "Doesn't end at the tips of your pretty fingers, but it flows from your pinkie, to intertwine itself with the Red Strings of those around you."

She carefully removed the bracelet, and held it thoughtfully in the palm of her hand.

Rolling forward, he tucked her loose curls behind her ear, and trailed his knuckle soothingly down her cheek.

"It means…" his voice, a graveled rasp. "That two people are connected, and destined to be together. It's pure fate," his thumb reached out, and gently traced her quivering bottom lip. "And though the strings can stretch and tangle in life, their bond can never be broken. That no matter the place, time, or circumstance…I am yours, and you are mine. Always."

"D-Did Reid tell you this?" came her choked sobbed, as she quickly wiped away the tears that slipped down her puffy cheeks.

"Hey, your man, knows a thing or two," chuckling, blinking his own tears back that threatened to fall. "Plus, it matches mine," lifting his denim pant leg up, he revealed a similar bracelet around his ankle.

The only obvious difference was that his charms were tiny, bronzed ones that lacked any glittering stones. A manly twist, on such a romantic gesture.

"Oh, Hot Stuff," trying to clip the bracelet on her wrist, only for her shaking hands to fumble with the dainty clasp. "It's so beautiful! It's perfect!"

He reached forward, and easily secured the gift. Loving the striking contrast of red against her fair skin. Glancing up at her face, his heart seized, and then swelled.

"I love you, Derek," she whispered, with such earnest devotion, much like she had done the first night they had made love.

Her confession rang delightfully in his ears then, as it did now. And, without much protest, he allowed himself to relive that exquisite moment.

_ Flashback: After Opening Night _

Lukewarm water sloshed around his waist, as she wiggled her lush, naked self over his lap. Her lips never left his hot, wet skin, as her tongue chased droplets of water down his body.

His dick laid stiff against his taut tummy, and she pushed him lower down the tub, so that she could glide her swollen, dripping center over his thick, rigid length. She did it slowly, teasingly, with enough pressure to make his head slam back against the cold edge of porcelain.

"Fuck, Baby," he croaked, gasping for air.

This was not what he had planned, when they had first stepped foot inside his quiet house. Clooney had excitedly yipped in greeting, and Penelope gave him plenty of happy kisses and a belly rub.

Derek watched for a few minutes, but the tension in his body had him telling her to go ahead and use his shower to wash up. She had given him a heated look full of promises, that made him weak in the knees, as she began to strip off her clothes in the middle of his living room.

Haphazardly tossing her faux fur vest onto the large espresso recliner, she then ripped off her emerald wrap dress and went to throw it at Derek's stunned face, only for it to fall short and land in a rumpled heap over Clooney.

Penelope gasped, covering her mouth to hide her amused giggles, as the poor pooch barked; tail eagerly wagging and frantically twirling around in a circle, trying to shake the soft fabric off. Derek helped the little guy out, and Clooney ran into the den down the hall, only to come back a moment later with his favorite slobbered chew toy.

Patting his head apologetically. "Sorry bud, not right now," giving his ear a gentle squeeze, he looked up and nearly swallowed his tongue.

Standing there with breasts completely bare, and only wearing those pretty lace panties and leopard ankle boots, he had to remind himself how to breathe. Especially when she bent over and her large mounds swayed, creating a tantalizing valley of cleavage, as she struggled to take off her boots. They were tightly laced, and when she loosened the shoelaces, she stumbled and kicked one off, only to yank off the other one and toss it behind her.

Derek cringed, when the heavy heeled boot hit a ceramic lamp and shattered across his hardwood floor, dousing them into complete darkness.

"Oopsie!" came her squeak of surprise.

He chuckled, for the graceful poise Miss Jubilee exuded on stage had managed to disappear during the car ride, and had been replaced with his Baby Girl's naturally klutzy mannerisms.

Hearing her bare feet pad across the newly polished wood, as she blindly searched for another light switch, he frowned.

"Baby, stop!" slightly reprimanding her. "I don't want you to cut your feet."

She skidded to a halt, and had obviously thrown her arms out when she froze, because her hands smashed into something else. By the clattering sound of it, it was from the dozen picture frames – which included the program from her recently finished cabaret show; a treasured gem he often reminisced about – that he kept proudly on the sparse bookshelf in the corner. On the other side of the room.

How the hell did she get over there so fast?

"I can't see anything!" she shouted, overcompensating her voice for her lack of sight. "Where's Clooney? I don't wanna step on him!"

The dog having heard his name, yipped and made his way happily towards her. His nails tapping against the wooden floor and his panting breath the only noise in the dark house, until she released a startled scream.

Derek quickly pulled out his cellphone, and flashed it in Penelope's direction.

Tucked safely in the corner of the room, he spotted her playing with the plastic leaves from the Ficus tree his sister Sarah had gotten him, as a housewarming gift years ago. Looking down, he realized it was Clooney, who was enthusiastically licking her legs, which had caused her fright.

"It was wet, and slobbery…" she mumbled out, squinting her eyes at him, only to pat the pup's soft brown head. "Hmm, he's just like his Daddy."

He laughed, a full belly laugh, and then hit the switch near the kitchen entrance, flooding the house in soft warm light.

"Sorry I broke your lamp," slowly walking towards him, as she twirled a platinum lock.

"I'll buy another one," he started to unbutton his shirt, only to growl in frustration and then rip the thing off.

Her eyes went wide, and she chewed her bottom lip, only to squeal. "Last one in the shower is an old, smelly eggie!"

With surprising agility, she jogged up the stairs to his master suite – jiggling the fleshy cheeks of her perky, heart-shaped ass. And he dumbly stood there for a solid minute, trying to catch his own breath.

Her silvery giggles soon faded, and he quickly unbuckled his pants and slid of his boxers, before hastily running after her. She was already standing in the large, glass encased shower – one hand hidden between her creamy thighs, the other rolling a puckered nipple – with a bright grin covering her face.

Steam quickly filled the bathroom, easing the tension from his body, as he willingly joined her. Though he had barely stepped underneath the huge overhead shower, when she began to giggle.

"Oh, Sugar Shack, I think you're forgetting something," she smirked, eyes dancing with merriment.

Arching his brow, only to follow her shaking hand down to his feet, and frown. He had forgotten to take off his socks. Gritting his teeth, he tore off the soaked cotton, threw them over the shower door, and then pushed her lush body against the cool, tiled wall.

Hot, pelting water cascaded over them, as he greedily lapped at her wet skin. His heavy erection pressed into the soft swell of her belly, and she gave it a firm, grasping stroke before turning in his arms to wash her makeup off. He began to gently wash her hair, latching onto the smooth column of her neck – licking, tasting, enjoying the pleasing strawberry aroma that filled his senses.

Taking his time to lather every curve of her body with soap. Squeezing, suckling, nibbling on the soft flesh, until it was bright pink from the heat of the shower and his meticulous attention.

"Oh, fuck me!" she suddenly cried, as she wildly flailed inside the shower.

Derek hummed in agreement, too busy admiring the trails of water rolling over her breasts and dripping off her furled nipples, but the minute her hand shot up and roughly smacked his chin, she had his full attention.

Hissing sharply through her teeth, as one hand clamped over her eyes and the other frantically searched in front of her.

"What's 'matter?" he swallowed, clutching her hip to steady her on the slippery floor.

"My contacts!" she shrieked. "I forgot to take them out," the palm of her hand slapping his solid chest, as she fruitlessly sought comfort from her distress. "It burns!"

"Fuck," shutting off the water, he helped guide her towards the sink. "What do you need?"

"My purse," eyes cinched shut, she sniffled. "I have a travel kit for my lenses," hissing again; voice rising in pitch, she literally started to flap her arms in fear. "I need that bottle of saline!"

"Gotcha," giving her a quick peck on her forehead, he dashed back downstairs.

The cool air was a shocking difference from the warm, steam encased bathroom. Bouncing on his toes, he cupped his member, and looked around the room. Coming up empty, he was wondering if she had left it in the SUV, when muffled growls and slobbery gnawing sounds grabbed his attention.

Oh, no, no…no!

"Clooney!" he scolded – making sure Penelope was nowhere in sight, before swiping up the large floral tote. "Bad, boy…bad!"

The pup whimpered, and quickly scampered away – peering over at his owner with those big brown eyes, as he hid behind the dining room table.

"Boy, you better hope your Mama doesn't see this," shaking his head, as he stuck his finger into the torn hole on the pretty teal fabric. "What am I supposed to tell her?"

Clooney barked, and tucked his tail between his legs, as he stared forlornly at the floor.

"Yeah, you're right, we'll worry 'bout it later."

"Morgan!" came Penelope's distressed scream.

Rushing back upstairs, he found her pacing in a small circle, with mascara running down her cheeks.

"Oh, Sweetness," he started, only for her to snatch the solution from his hand.

She went to hold her eye open, only to shake her head and pass the bottle back. "I can't…you do it!"

"Shh," he cooed, rubbing her hip. "We'll do it together, okay?"

She nodded, and fifteen minutes later, after many failed attempts and only one tearful breakdown, Penelope was now free of her stinging lenses and finally had her sight back.

"There she is," tapping the tip of her nose. "My beautiful, OG."

Face now bare of makeup, she stared up at him with slight puffy red eyes, and gave him a coy, little grin. "Ready to rock 'n' roll?" swiftly slapping him on his firm ass, before eagerly making her way towards the giant Jacuzzi tub across the room.

Fiddling with the knobs of the faucet, she ran her hand underneath the water, until she found the perfect temperature. A moment later, she was completely submerged under a sea of lavender and orange blossom scented bubbles. The aromatherapy gift was from hers truly, which she bought for herself one Christmas and had left at his house for future use, for whenever she stayed the night.

He used to sit on his bed watching a movie, only to get distracted by the alluring fragrances. And it drove him absolutely crazy, listening to her soft moans of satisfaction, imagining her all flushed – hair up in a messy bun, loose tendrils around her face and neck, as she sipped on her favorite Zinfandel – had required all his might to not run in there and slide in behind her for a relaxing soak, which in his mind, would actually make them filthier.

Now, he was finally able to join her. His dick was proudly jutted out from his body, and it twitched in response when she sat forward, making the tips of her large breasts come up above the water, as she gave him a come-hither motion.

And that is exactly how he came to find himself with Penelope squirming enthusiastically on top of him. His eyes fluttered opened, taking in the soft hues of light that made the cream and neutral mosaic tiled walls of his bathroom, appear warm and inviting.

Then she rolled her hips, arching her back and shoving those luscious tits of hers right into his face. Derek was a breast man; he just simply loved curves, and he had been envious of his best friend's cleavage for years.

They were full, perky, more than a handful, with smooth, creamy skin, with large, pretty pink nipples that matched her bare lips. He had dreamt about them daily, and had fantasized about them every time he thrust into his hand late at night. They were glorious. And they were now his to play with.

A lecherous smirk crossed his face, before hungrily wrapping his soft lips around the furled flesh, and sucking as much of her teat into his mouth, while his other hand palmed and squeezed the heavy weight of her other breast.

Penelope hissed, grasping the back of his head to hold him in place.

"O-Oh, God!" she cried, flinging her head back, as he sunk his teeth into her nipple – expertly flicking his tongue back-and-forth. "Derek," she begged. "Now, now…now!"

She dropped her hand into the sudsy water, firmly gripping his length, she lifted her hips and positioned himself at her entrance.

His glittering ambers went wide, as he tried to stop her. "Wait! Baby-Pen…hold on…" he grunted with urgency, but her skin was slippery from all the essential oils, making it difficult to grab her hips and slow her momentum.

She sank fully down onto him, sheathing her tight heat around his long, and very thick member, and a sharp, painful howl filled the room.

"Fuuuck!" she whimpered, as she quickly shot back up. Her hands clutched the tub behind Derek, as she hunkered forward, baring all her weight on her arms, and catching her ragged breath.

His hand trailed up and down her side in a soothing intricate pattern, as he cooed sweet, encouraging words in her ear. "Shh, Sweetness," peppering her chest with delicate kisses. "You're okay, Baby. Just relax."

"Damn, Hot Stuff. You certainly are…equipped," giving him a surprised look, though her face was still twisted in discomfort.

"My little, eager Mama," he smiled, lowering his hands to squeeze her ass. "See why I wanted to do it on my bed first?"

"W-Where's the f-fun in that?" she panted; eyes full of determination, as she wiped a wet stringy lock out of her face.

"Silly girl," bringing a hand forward to roll her nipple, as his other hand came back around front and delved between her legs – finding that swollen, pulsing nub and frantically circling it with the pad of his thumb. Her hips rolled forward and her eyes drifted closed. "That's it, beautiful. Lemme take care of you."

His middle finger went lower and tenderly teased her entrance. She jolted, and then eventually relaxed, as he patiently eased himself inside. Finding that bumpy patch of nerves, he rubbed over it, making her creamy thighs clamp tightly around his hairy legs.

Her back went rigid and her breathing increased, as he began to work her body back up to a fervent hunger. Sputtering nonsensical things, she tried to wiggle away from the intense pleasure.

Clicking his tongue, he inserted another finger; increasing the friction, and growled. "Let go, Penelope. It's okay…come for me, Baby Girl."

She shook her head, flicking water off her soaked tendrils, even as her body quaked, and then shook violently in his arms.

"O-Oh, my Goood!" came her high-pitched whine, as she rocked against him and finally lost control.

"You're so fuckin' perfect," nipping at her soft, beautifully flushed skin.

Relentlessly continuing the rough pressure over her clit, he positioned his throbbing member at her entrance, and slowly began sliding himself inside.

"Oh…fuck yes!" she husked, sharp nails raking down his broad, wet shoulders, when the mushroomed flared head of his cock pushed through the fluttering inner muscles of her sopping core. "Morgan," she moaned, lowering her forehead to rest on his, only to gently nip at his full bottom lip.

She started to take over, erotically undulating her hips above him. Slowly sliding him in-and-out, with long, grasping strokes, until he was buried deep within her, and his heavy balls brushed against the fleshy cheeks of her ass.

"Holy shit!" she stuttered, stilling her movements, as she enjoyed the complete fullness that stretched and throbbed within her.

"Damn, Garcia," he rasped, blunt nails of one hand digging into the flare of her hip, the other shooting up to cup and palm her breast, as she engulfed him inside her slick heat. "Fuck, you feel good, Baby Girl. So, wet and tight for me."

"Yes," came her breathless moan.

Their lips were barely touching, and the dizzying effects of breathing in the hot, swirling breath of each others air, sent them into a complete frenzy. She forced her tongue inside, and desperately caressed the velvety cavern of his mouth.

Their teeth harshly clicked, lips becoming bruised, but neither broke away for air. She latched her tongue around his much larger one, where they massaged together, dueling for dominance.

He growled, and thrust his hips upwards, making her gasp, and allowing him the opportunity to sneak his tongue into her mouth. He stroked, tasting every crevice, only to wrap his tongue around hers and suckle – mimicking the carnal action he wanted to do on her swollen clit.

She squealed, grinding her hips over his groin, in a perfect titillating motion, that had him plunging his tongue between her lips – imitating fucking her, as they began to roll their hips in tandem.

She slid him almost all the way out, only to slam back down. Soon finding a perfect rhythm that splashed water all around them in violent waves, adding to the sensual possession of their intimacy.

Swiveling her hips, rutting against him, she dragged her nail down the strong muscles of his pecs, and then teasingly flicked his flat nipple. He hissed, and then retaliated by tugging and rolling her hard nipple between his own fingers. Her eyes narrowed, giving him a challenging smirk, as breathy, feminine moans filled the space.

Though he was intent on making her scream his name. His hand snaked back down, and roughly circled the protruding nub between her thighs. She fumbled, knees slipping across wet porcelain, and dropping all her weight onto his rigid length.

A guttural, nearly animalistic scream flew past her kissed-bruised lips, as her eyes shot open, only for him to wrap his arm tightly around her lower back and hold her in place. She squirmed, making jerky little movements, that only incited him to thrust upwards.

Her body was now plastered indecently to his front, as they switched to a more tantalizing pace; a rocking motion, that was slow and searing. Her full heavy breasts slid across his chest, and it wasn't long until her legs began to shake.

He trailed his hand further down, and teased her puckered entrance. Eyes cinched shut, mouth open and soundless, she froze, and then shattered. Convulsing, inner muscles fluttering tightly around him, as rippling waves of pleasure shot through her.

Loosening his rough hold on her body, she arched her back, and he held onto her hips, as he desperately searched for his own release.

"Don't you…" she panted, through little shuddering breaths. "Ever fuckin'…stop!" suddenly vocal and demanding, tits bouncing enticingly in front of his face, as she rode him through her orgasm. "Fuck…Derek, it feels so fuckin' good!"

He grunted, the only coherent sound he could make out over the loud ringing in his ears.

"Harder," she pleaded, urging him to change angles. "Oh, fuck, right there!" she rasped, when he hit that bumpy patch of sensitive nerves deep within her. "Oh-shiiit!" she suddenly screeched.

Spastically jerking, she clawed her way off him. Derek stopped his movements, having felt pressure build around his cock, letting him slip out of her, only to feel a harsh gush of sticky arousal cover his waist.

"Did you just…" he choked out, eyes dark and dangerous. "Squirt?"

She couldn't even answer him, as she babbled complete nonsense, while leaning against the side of the tub – quaking uncontrollably with pleasure.

"I can't…stop coming," she mewled, dropping her head to rest on her arm.

Derek swallowed, clenching his body, as his own sticky essence leaked from the tip of his aching dick

"Holy shit," he smirked, waggling his brows suggestively.

"I need…" licking her lips; expression glazed over and searching.

Watching her body gasp for air, trailing his heated gaze down the curve of her spine and over the round swells of her ass, only to spot the creamy, slick desire dripping out of her slit and down her thighs.

Gritting his teeth, he surged forward, swiftly getting to his knees and without any warning, buried his rigid girth deep within her.

She grunted, something loud and unladylike, and pressed back against him.

"One more time, Garcia," growling into the crook of her neck, as he trailed sloppy open-mouthed kisses across her damp shoulders, before thrusting with slow precision.

"O-Oh, no…no…too much!" she squirmed, seeking purchase on the smooth granite that surrounded the indoor Jacuzzi, only to slip, making the palms of her hands smack the soaked tiled floor, splashing water into her face.

Derek grinned, for she was now dangling over the side of the tub, with no leverage and deliciously open for him. Holding her waist, he controlled her body, as he rolled her back onto his throbbing cock.

Her thighs spread farther apart, accepting even more of him with each thrust, as she dug her red painted toes into the slippery wall behind him. Though her legs were weak and still trembling with exhaustion, all she could do was grunt and pant for breath, as he fucked her from behind with that domineering precision.

"M-Morgan," she stuttered, voice now enticingly hoarse. "Please…I can't…" gasping, when her ribs dug into the cold porcelain.

"Yes, you can," he snarled, roughly grabbing a fistful of her partially dried hair, as he slammed into her.

She whimpered, mouth hanging open, releasing feminine cries, that twitched his dick and spurred him on. Looking up, her eyes spotted the large mirror over the sink, and caught his arrogant grin and narrowed obsidians staring right back at her.

Her inner muscles clamped down on his thick member, and he hissed in response.

Smiling, feeling the painful sensitivity slowly melt its way into fierce need, she reached a hand behind her and blindly hit the switches. Hot water blasted from the Jacuzzi jets, and the one right beneath her belly hit her swollen center.

She shrieked, and folded in on herself.

Derek chuckled. "Where do you think you're going?" pushing her back down, pressing her clit directly into the powerful pulsing stream.

"Oh, my fuckin' God!" she wailed, as her eyes rolled back.

He slowed his movement, barely rocking into her, as he held her place – forcing her to feel every sensation that wracked her body. A litany of expletives flew out of her mouth, as her inner muscles clamped around his heavy cock and she gushed once more.

She keened, mewling loudly, desperate for relief, as tears glistened in her eyes.

"Stay with me, Garcia," he commanded, reaching down to slap her ass, only to twist her dark, golden locks around his fist and yank her head all the way back. "Keep your eyes open."

He watched through the mirror, as she lazily blinked and licked her lips, only to look back at him with a heavy-lidded gaze.

"Please," she cried, grinding her hips against him, only for him to thrust fully into her. "I need…" she moaned, jolting from the pleasure.

"Your pussy feels so fuckin' good, Baby Girl," he cooed into her ear. "So swollen and hot. Your soaking wet for me, Garcia," gripping her hips, feeling his balls tighten, he began to pump into her with abandon. "You gonna come for, Daddy?"

The dark, naughty words, had a gush of heat dripping out of her, and her body quaking with fervor. "Fuck, yes!" came her rough growl, as her sharp nails scratched, trying to hold on. "Make me come, Baby," finding the last of her strength to rut against him.

He had challenged her, and Penelope, like she did in all aspects of their life, pushed right back. A few more deep thrusts, was all it took for her to shatter in his arms and tremble with another intense orgasm, as white-hot light flashed behind his own eyes. He hit that peak and tumbled headfirst over the edge. Roaring, head thrown back, fingers digging cruelly into her flesh, as he finally found his release.

"Hot Stuff," her sweet, throaty voice called out to him, but he was stiff with pleasure.

"Hmm?" he moaned.

"Morgan!" she shouted.

Startled, he opened his eyes and frowned.

_ End of Flashback _

Penelope sat before him, frantically waving a fluffy orange and green, feathered pen in front of him.

"Are you okay?" resting the back of her hand against his forehead in concern, as she flashed a squishy pig flashlight into his eyes.

"Hmm?" he husked; squinting, as he swallowed his parched tongue, only to frown when he felt stiff, swollen flesh dig into his belt.

"You started moaning, and got all sweaty, and googly eyed," she rambled, peering over her frames to examine him closer. "And now you're smiling at me with that goofy grin you only get when you think about sex…and…" she gasped, and scooched back in her chair. "I was thanking you for this pretty, oh-so-thoughtful present," throwing her hand into the air, letting the charms flash under the warm fluorescent lights. "And you're daydreaming about…about…" sputtering, eyes darting around her lair, like his filthy thoughts would be caught on camera.

"The Jacuzzi," his voice was low and suggestive.

She froze, and an appealing blush bloomed across her cheeks. "Oh," looking away, as she fiddled with the empty gift box.

"I was thinking how I want a repeat performance," he growled, reaching out to grab her wrist, he licked the spongy flesh between her index finger and thumb.

Her eyes drifted closed, and then she squealed and wiggled her hand away. "We're at work!"

Arching an expressive brow, he snorted. "That hasn't stopped us before."

"Well, Reid almost caught us last time," she huffed, looking down her button nose. "Imagine my poor, lithe Boy Wonder trying to read one of his encyclopedias, only to catch us frolicking naked in the bullpen, with your gorgeous, bald head between my legs."

A shit-eating grin flashed across his face, as he nodded in excitement. "Damn Mama, I almost forgot 'bout that one," giving her a low whistle. "I need to put that flexibility of yours to work."

She threw a rainbow Hacky Sack at his head. "Focus."

He was just about to make a witty comeback, when both of their cellphones vibrated and chimed.

"Time to go to Smitty's," he frowned, getting up out of his chair, while giving her lush body a heated perusal.

She pouted. "Do we have to?" dramatically batting her eyes.

"Well it was your bright idea," sternly crossing his arms. "I had all these plans for that hot, little body of yours when we got home."

She whimpered, nearly dropping the empty box from her nimble fingers.

"You had plans?" she squeaked.

"Mmhmm," he shrugged with feign indifference.

"And I got stubborn, and all panicky, and did that hardheaded thing I do and…ruined them?" she breathed out, looking everywhere but at him.


"Ah, fiddlesticks!" she whined.

"Though if you hurry that sweet tush of yours up," glancing down at his watch. "We can leave the team early and still make good use of tonight."

Throwing the empty box in the trash, she shut off her computers, and quickly began tossing things inside her shiny gold triceratops purse.

"Oh, my Chocolate Knight," she cooed, shoving her arms into her burnt orange Peacoat. "The night is young, and I too have a little something special for you at home."

Canting his head, eyes lighting up in surprise.

"Mmhmm," she smiled, and then sidled up against him, tenderly kissing over his bruised shoulder, and whispered in his ear. "And all I'm gonna say is…leather and spikes."

His nostrils flared, and he stumbled forward, as she giggled and teetered her way swiftly around him and out the door.


Shaking his head, he watched the alluring sway of her hips and those bouncing platinum blonde curls, as she disappeared down the hallway.

Oh, was he a lucky, lucky man.

Tendrils of excitement snaked down his spine, coiling in his gut, and he nearly tripped over his boots trying to run after her. And there was no doubt that he would be chasing her, for the rest of their lives.

:-*-: Fin :-*-: