Video games; they are my only passion outside of becoming a ninja. You see video games allow you to escape your life, especially RPGs. You see I'm an orphan and I have only one friend. His name is Naruto, he's a bit goofy, but he is a really good guy. Though for some reason most people don't like him, I mean they really hate him. I don't understand why, sure he pulls pranks a lot, but like I said he's a good guy. So I used to play games to help forget about my depressing existence. Why am I telling you about my former gaming habit? Well it's for the same reason it's a former habit; I recently gained an ability called The Gamer. I don't play games anymore because my life became one.

Seeing the time I head to the academy, so as not to incur the wrath of Iruka-Sensei. I arrive to see the class full, looks like I'm the last one here, and head over to where Naruto is sitting. To day we get our team assignments. After a few minutes Iruka quiets the room down and starts talking.

"Today is the first step in your journey as a Shinobi; you will be assigned to a team of three lead by a Jonin. Now let's get started." As he rattles off team groupings I start to half listen. "Team 8 will consist of Kiba, Hinata, and Keita. Meet you Jonin-Sensei outside."

This gets my attention Kiba and Hinata make a good tracking duo, but I don't fit into that category. Unless I was put on the team as a fighter, Kiba has above average Taijutsu, combine that with my Nintaijutsu and Ninjutsu skills and you have a defense for the team. So I'm there for when the team is in direct combat.

Through rational thought your Wisdom is increased by 1

Thinking things through increases your Intelligence by 1

Nice a bump in skill; that is always welcome. My sensei is a woman with wild black hair, red eyes, and red eyes. I use Observe on her to gain more information.

Kurenai Yuhi

Level- 46

Title- Genjutsu Mistress

Kurenai Yuhi is Konoha's premiere Genjutsu specialist, though the rest of her skills are average her Genjutsu is the best seen since Itachi Uchiha.

Not much information, I need to level up Observe some more. In fact there is a lot I need to level up. That can wait for later though; right now I need to introduce myself to my new team.

"Keita Typhon is my name, I like training, and I'm not sure what my goal is yet." I say with enthusiasm. " I will do my best to protect my team and help them grow as shinobi."

"Very good; I'm sure you will find a worthy goal on day." Kurenai-Sensei says to me. "Now then, we are going to head to training ground 13 for a little spar so I can get a gage of each of your skills. Meet me there in one hour and bring anything you need with you."

With that she Body Flickers away, leaving each of us to take our leave. I sprint towards the house I share with Naruto to gather supplies. I put on the outfit I chose to be my standard uniform, it's rather plain. A dark blue tank top, black pants, and black boots; I also wrap my hands and biceps in bandages. I wear my headband as a belt. I strap leg holsters full of kunai and shuriken to each leg and a wakizashi to the back of my waist. On either side of my waist I strapped a pouch, one with regular smoke bombs and the other with poison smoke bombs. On either ankle I strap a dagger and I head out. As I leave I notice Naruto has his door shut, he must have gone to bed early. Heading towards the training ground I realize that this isn't a regular spar but a test. She is going to see if we are really ready to be ninja; the exam must have been to weed out the ones who weren't cut out. Now they're checking to see who is truly prepared.

Rational thought increases your Intelligence by 1

Reaching the training ground I see Hinata and Kiba are already here. Joining them I decide to meditate until Kurenai-Sensei gets here. Once I center myself I start to think through a technique I'm trying to create, after a few minutes Kurenai-Sensei reaches the training grounds and greets us. I stand up as she begins to talk. She explains that the spar will be to test our abilities, so she can figure out our strengths and weaknesses. First up is Hinata, I've watched her throughout our time in the academy. She could be a powerful shinobi if she gained some confidence. Her skills are below what they should be, but her knowledge is well above average. If she could get over her timid nature and devote more of herself to training she will still be able to realize her potential. The fight goes as expected; she didn't do all that good. She put up more of a fight than I thought she would, which was a nice surprise. Up next was Kiba, likewise I kept an eye on him. He is interesting; his Taijutsu is above average on his own, add in his dog Akamaru and he is far above almost everyone our age. The only people who can beat that duo is Sasuke and myself. Other that that his tracking skills are topnotch, no one in our class can come close; but that's all he has. He was close to Naruto in the academic rankings and Naruto was dead last. His intelligence is just barely average and his Ninjutsu and Genjutsu are subpar. Though like Hinata if he puts in the work he'll be a formidable ninja. His fight also goes as I expected, he put up a lot more of a fight than Hinata; but in the end his inability to notice and subsequently escape them was his downfall. He got caught in an illusion that made him thin Akamaru was Kurenai-Sensei. Now it's my turn and I won't hold back; but I'll only use techniques and jutsus that I've already mastered.

New Quest

Fight Kurenai

Objective: Fight with your Sensei to show your skills

Success: 1,000Xp

Failure: None

Bonus Objectives:



I take my stance and watch Kurenai-Sensei carefully; I avoid her eyes, I can't afford to get trapped in a Genjutsu. I may be good with escaping them but with her skill in them is far above anything I'm capable of breaking. We stand there for a few minutes, evaluating each other. She is the first to make a move she runs at me and throws a punch that I easily dodge. I retaliate with a side thrust kick to her stomach; it connects and sends her skidding back. Capitalizing on this I rush forward and throw a series of punches and kicks, keeping her on the defense while I try to push her into a corner. Try being the operative word, as she starts to slowly move from defense to offence. She begins to put me on the defensive, so I'm forced to resort to using my Nintaijutsu. Jumping back I activate the culmination of all my training and hard work. As Kurenai-Sensei comes at me again I react as normal until I see an opening then I use my new speed to take her by surprise and dash around her. As my kick is about to land, she throws an arm up and catches it. Whipping her arm back around and sends me crashing into a tree. As I start to get up she I feel a foot press into my chest, I look up and see Kurenai-Sensei standing above me. She smiles and I return it, putting her hand out she helps me to my feet. I head back over to Kiba and Hinata.

Quest Complete

Reward 1,000Xp

Bonus Objectives

Surprise Kurenai- 300Xp

Unveil your secret technique- 200Xp

Level up:

Lvl 13

6 Points

"You all did very well. Hinata you need to be more confident, you would do so much better if you believed in yourself more. Kiba your Taijutsu is spot-on, but you lack other skills, expand your horizons and you'll be a force to be reckoned with. Keita, you did phenomenal, your Taijutsu is fantastic and your planning is perfect. Trying to push me into a corner was a smart move. Now then we will go and get some food, my treat, but first; Keita I want to know what that sudden boost in speed was." She says looking at me. I see no reason not to tell her. She is my Sensei after all.

"It's a technique I came up with called Water Release: Blood of Suijin. The technique pumps blood through the body at a hyper accelerated rate, increasing the amount of blood the muscles in my body receive; thus increasing their capabilities. The technique makes me faster and stronger, by as much as 35%." I inform them. What I don't tell them is that as I use the technique more I'll be able to level it up increasing its effectiveness. As we walk to the restaurant I spend my points. As we eat we talk about all kinds of things and just get to know one another better. After dinner we all head back to our respective homes. When I get home I head to my room and look in the mirror and use Observe on myself.

Keita Typhon

Level- 13

Strength (STR) 25

Vitality (VIT) 20

Dexterity (DEX) 31

Intelligence (INT) 30

Wisdom (WIS) 21

Luck (LUK) 14

HP- 1577


Keita Typhon, a Genin of Konoha. Specializing in Nintaijutsu he is deadly up close and having above average Ninjutsu skill he is also a threat at mid to long range. A rue package deal, he also has above average skill in Genjutsu. With his gamer ability he has the potential to become an exceptional shinobi.

Please Review

With laughs,
