FD*hey! This is going to be a great chapter!
YF*you are just saying that because you just got a matchmaking plan!
FD* of course! What else?
YF* sigh* is there going to be a lot of me in it? *Looked hopeful*
FD* some, but I really need to focus on the hikari and Yaminess
YF* pout*
FD* please do the disclaimer.
YF* all right, Disclaimer: we don't own Yu-gi-oh,
Chapter four
"Ha, Ha, I haven't had so much fun since the battle city tournament!" Mai laughed
after Tea ran away.
"Great, maybe we can do it again sometimes!" FD laughed.
"Oh the cat fight is alright, but to really make your opponents suffer is pranks. And
I'm the king of the pranks!" YF smirked with a devious glint in his eyes. In his mind,
thousands of pranks are displayed.
"Mhahahahahahahaha!" YF laughed insanely.
"Ooooookay! That's enough," FD said seeing her yami's state.
"Alright," YF quickly go into his normal state.
"Whoa! That was some change," Ryou commented, surprise at the changed face.
//aibou, let's invite them to the game shop, so we can discus about the light magic
with the others. // Yami said to Yugi.
/okay. Err, Yami, is it me, or is that FD's smile seem really sly. /Yugi answered back.
// What? // Yami looked toward FD, only to found her smiling innocently at him.
// I don't think so, //
/ It must be my imagination then, /
Little do Yugi know, FD was planning an ultimate matchmaking plan when he looked
/ That was a close one, I thought Yugi might notice, should be more careful now. /
//you know, that innocent face is really good; you learn fast, aibou. // YF said with
"Guys, come to the game shop, Yami have something to tell us." Yugi said.
Bakura and Marik looked understandingly at Yami. They both know what he wished
to discuss about. They felt a tough of light magic too.
(Skip the part of walk. Its just boring stuff. Jump to the place where they are almost at
thee game shop.)
"Yaaaaaaami!' a disgusting face cut through their happy walk.
Yami felt his skin crawled; there is only one person in the world that would say his
name like that. And he hoped he should never see that person again.
"Hey, sweetie, and my friends." the bitch skipped toward the group.
The gang shuddered at her words.
"What are you doing here?" Joey said.
"Is it so wrong for me to meet my friends here!" Tea tried to pout, but only manage to
look more ugly, which is almost impossible.
"For the last time, we are not your friends, we don't like you, so leave us alone!"
Tristan finally burst.
Tea turned red, 'don't get mad, Tea, they are just jealous because they are not popular,
smart, and beautiful like you. You don't have to care what the freak Tristan thinks.
Your purpose here is to get Yami.'
After the train of thought (FD* I'm surprised she even have a brain.) Tea resumed her
posture, and smiled disgustingly sweet at Yami.
"Oh, Yami, you know there is a really good dance club at Springvale Ave. how about
you and I take a look at it?" Tea flattered her eyelashes, and tries to lock seductive.
However, being a disgusting bitch, she only managed to look like she has eye diseases,
and very ugly too.
"Ewwwwww! Leave me alone! Why can you get in your twisted little brain, if you
have any brain at all, I don't want go out with you! So buzz off or I'll send you to the
shadow realm!" Yami said, "hey, not a bad idea!"
Yami's third eye start glowing.
Tea, finally get in her little brain that Yami is serious. Like a rat chased by a cat, she
ran away.
"Hey, I was hoping she would stay long enough too let me send her to the shadow
realm. For once I want her to stay, and the bitch is gone." Yami pouted.
Everyone laughed at the ex-pharaoh's antics.
'Yami is so cute,' Yugi thought dreamily as he stared at Yami.
Everyone went in the game shop with a light mood.
"Alright, Yami, what would you wish to tell us?" Seto asked.
"What made you think I want to ell you something?" Yami said dryly. Even through
they are no longer enemies, they are still rivals. Yami doesn't like being easily looked
"That serious look you give you away." Seto smirked.
" Alright, what I wished to discuss with you guys is that I felt a light magic during the
um 'catfight' in the cafeteria." Yami looked at them seriously.
"Ha, ha, ha!" a laugher erupted, completely destroy the serious atmosphere.
"Khelid? I think you should take this seriously. It might be a danger for us." Yami
frowned at his little brother.
"Sorry! It just. Ha, ha ha!" unable to finish his sentence, Khelid erupt to laughter
"Would you shut up already! For once the baka pharaoh might be right." Bakura
"I'm not sure whether to take it as a compliment or not," Yami said dryly, slight taken
back by Bakura's action.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I think I can explain why my yami is laughing," FD smiled sheepishly.
"You see, I was the one cause the light magic.
"What!" Yami, Bakura, Marik exclaimed simultaneously.
"Eh, guys, little confused here, might explain what's going on?" Joey asked.
"You see, magic has two type, dark and light. For the yamis, our magic is dark based.
Duel monsters have magic types too."
"The Hikaris are light based." FD finished off.
"You mean, we have magic too!" Yugi, Ryou and Malik exclaimed.
"Yup!" FD smiled.
"Way cool!" Malik smiled.
"But how come we never used it before," Ryou asked.
"Well, I discovered my magic just last week. If you want I can help you to discover
your magic." FD explained.
"Alright!" Yugi smiled.
"I would like to learn magic." Ryou nodded.
"Hey, learn magic is cool!" Malik smirked.
"Then it's settled!" FD smiled.
"Okay, with all these magic business," Joey stretched.
"Hey, how would you guys like to stay for dinner, grandpa is on a trip, so the house is
ours." Yugi suggested.
"Okay!" agreements roses.
They ordered 10 pizzas to eat.
While they eat, no one noticed FD poured a red substance into Joey, Yami, Bakura,
and Marik's drinks.
// What did you poured in their drinks, aibou? // YF asked FD.
/ Oh, love potion, /
// *Smirk deviously* how does it work? //
/ Just make the drinker obsessed with their loved ones. After tonight, he, he, he! / FD
sends a mental image of her smirking.
(So, skip the night. Everyone just goof around, watching movie)
The hikaris and yamis secretly steal glance of their other half. Mai and Joey had been
making out since the movie started. Serenity and Tristan keep trying to get closer to
each other while hoping Joey wouldn't notice. Not like Joey could notice anything
with Mai making out with him. FD and YF both smirked slyly, and planned the
details for their matchmaking. Seto and Mokuba (oh yeah he's invited) are the only
ones who actually watch the movie.
Every one left after the movie.
'Tomorrow the love potion will have effect' that thought passed through FD YF.
(A/N) FD* hi! What do you people think!
YF* alright,
FD* pout* can't you be more enthusiastic!
YF* sigh*
FD* anyway, please send me review! I think I need Seto to paired up with someone, if
you have any ideas, send it!
YF* and don't FLAME her!